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Cross-country differences in labor market participation are often larger than differences in unemployment rates. The same holds true across demographic groups within a given economy. We argue that the interaction between labor force participation decisions and labor market frictions can help us understand these patterns. This interaction highlights dynamic aspects of the participation decision, in contrast to standard textbook treatments that emphasize static costs and benefits of participation. We extend the standard labor market search problem to allow for a third state—non-participation—and assumes that stochastic participation costs precipitate flows into and out of non-participation. We fully characterize the worker's decision problem and use numerical simulations to demonstrate how participation patterns vary with individual characteristics and with labor market conditions.  相似文献   

We present a North-South model with labor market frictions and labor migration to study the dynamic implications of workers mobility on employment, capital accumulation and welfare. In the baseline model, the Northern country is able to control immigration flows by setting a cap on the number of foreign workers. We find that, despite an increase in migration displaces native employment in the short-run, a permanent raise of the migration cap stimulates capital accumulation, improves labor market conditions and increases social welfare in the long run. In an extension of the model, we also test the long-run effects of a pro-employment protectionist policy consisting in imposing a distortionary tax on immigrant employment. We find that the protectionist policy in North, while increasing national welfare, damages the macroeconomic performance of the domestic economy and is not effective in improving native employment.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies have shown that intangible capital plays an important role in explaining productivity gains that have occurred during the last two decades. By introducing intangible capital in an otherwise standard theoretical real business cycle model, this paper aims to provide a theoretical foundation of the empirical findings. Our results indicate that investment in intangible capital is pro-cyclical. Both transitory as well as permanent productivity shocks increase investment in intangible capital. However, in case of a permanent technology shock we learn that firms allocate more labor and physical capital to the creation of intangible capital which increases future profits at the cost of current profit. We also find that investment in intangible capital plays an important role in producing endogenous movements in productivity.  相似文献   

A two‐country real business cycle model with national endogenous borrowing constraints and working capital requirements can account for the high level of international co‐movements. The effects of technology shocks are transmitted internationally through the dynamics of the interest rate. Specifically, the borrowing mechanism brings about a wedge between the real interest rate and the expected marginal product of capital, such that interest rates fall following positive technology shocks. A lower interest rate induces more investment by Foreign firms, which in turn contribute to greater synchronization of economic activities across countries. Moreover, terms of trade amplify the effects of technology shocks.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of a worker's time at work goes to acquiring human capital. This paper explicitly considers on-the-job human capital accumulation from the perspective of time invested for acquiring skills and learning by doing in an RBC model and shows that the inability to account for human capital accumulation leads to a substantial bias in conventional estimates of intertemporal substitution elasticity.Our main results are based on the standard intuition that the opportunity cost of time invested in acquiring human capital moves procyclically, so that on-the-job time invested in acquiring human capital is “counter-cyclical.” Furthermore, the true wage rate becomes less procyclical, while production hours become more procyclical than total hours at work. The overall results can be viewed as providing a micro foundation for labor hoarding models without adjustment costs.  相似文献   

This paper embeds product market search in an Ak growth model to study the effects of search frictions on market structure, capital accumulation, and long-run growth. The basic hypothesis is that search frictions, in giving rise to market power, result in higher prices and lower output levels. The falling demand for capital stemming from firms cutting back output then lowers the interest rate, dampening capital accumulation and slowing down growth. A decline in search frictions sets the process in reverse, eventually speeding up growth through the change in market structure. In the meantime, the stock market values of firms could fall.  相似文献   

In a sticky-price model with labor market search and habit persistence, Walsh (2005) shows that inertia in the interest rate policy helps to reconcile the inflation and output persistence with empirical observations for the US economy. We show that this finding is sensitive with regard to the introduction of capital formation. While we are able to replicate the findings for the inflation inertia in a model with capital adjustment costs and variable capacity utilization, the output response to an interest shock is found to be too large and no longer hump-shaped in this case. In addition we find that the response of output to a technology shock can only be reconciled with empirical findings if either the adjustment of the utilization rate is very costly or there is only a modest amount of nominal rigidity in the economy.  相似文献   

By introducing search and matching frictions in both the labor and the credit markets into a cash in advance New Keynesian DSGE model, we provide a novel explanation of the incomplete pass-through from policy rates to loan rates. We show that this phenomenon is ineradicable if banks possess some power in the bargaining over the loan rate of interest, if the cost of posting job vacancies is positive and if firms and banks sustain costs when searching for lines of credit and when posting credit vacancies, respectively. We also show that the presence of credit market frictions moderates the reactions of employment and wages to a monetary shock. Finally, we confirm the finding that pass-through incompleteness has limited short-term impacts on the transmission of monetary policy shocks to output and inflation.  相似文献   

This paper analyses contract design in a decentralized market environment with frictions. While principals (e.g., firms) have all contractual power, their market power is constrained as agents (e.g., workers) can choose to wait and search for better offers. We find that results depend crucially on how market frictions affect agents’ utilities. With type-independent costs of search and waiting, equilibrium contracts are always first-best. If agents are impatient and discount future payoffs, however, distortions vanish only gradually. In the latter case, we also characterize equilibrium offers and show that the market exhibits two types of externalities, both of which are absent in the case of type-independent costs of search.  相似文献   

Summary. We consider the nature of the relationship between the real exchange rate and capital formation. We present a model of a small open economy that produces and consumes two goods, one tradable and one not. Domestic residents can borrow and lend abroad, and costly state verification (CSV) is a source of frictions in domestic credit markets. The real exchange rate matters for capital accumulation because it affects the␣potential for investors to provide internal finance, which mitigates the CSV problem. We demonstrate that the real exchange rate must monotonically approach its steady state level. However, capital accumulation need not be monotonic and real exchange rate appreciation can be associated with either a rising or a falling capital stock. The relationship between world financial market conditions and the real exchange rate is also investigated. Received: October 3, 1997; revised version: October 23, 1997  相似文献   

This paper modifies the standard one-sector stochastic growth model in an effort to explain the observed low procyclicality of the aggregate real wage in the USA. The modifications include labor market matching with Nash-bargaining of wages and preferences as introduced in the literature by Rogerson and Wright [Journal of Monetary Economics 22 (3) (1988) 501–516]. These preferences are non-separable in consumption and leisure. They imply that in an equilibrium with efficient risk-sharing, the utility of employed agents exceeds that of unemployed agents. The simulation results suggest that our modified model overcomes one important weakness of the standard model, namely the predicted high contemporaneous correlation of the aggregate real wage with both output and labor input.  相似文献   

We build a model of the euro area incorporating financial market frictions at the level of firms and households. Entrepreneurs borrow from financial intermediaries in order to purchase business capital, in the spirit of the “financial accelerator” literature. We also introduce two types of households that differ in their degree of time preference. All households have preferences for housing services. The impatient households are faced with a collateral constraint that is a function of the value of their housing stock. Our aim is to provide a unified framework for policy analysis that emphasises financial market frictions alongside the more traditional model channels. The model is estimated by Bayesian methods using euro area aggregate data and model properties are illustrated with simulation and conditional variance and historical shock decomposition.  相似文献   

Huanan Xu 《Applied economics》2017,49(52):5370-5396
Using matched monthly CPS data, this article studies differences in labour force transitions across age groups focusing on periods prior to and after the start of the Great Recession. Monthly transitions between employment, unemployment, and nonparticipation of 25–55-year-old males are examined from 1996 through 2013. Prior to the Great Recession (1996–2007), younger groups of workers are more likely to move from employment to unemployment and face an increased risk beyond that of other workers of making this transition as the economy worsens; however, this differential responsiveness no longer appears after the start of the Great Recession. Before and after the start of the Great Recession, younger groups of workers are more likely to move from unemployment to employment; however, there is no extra responsiveness among younger workers to the business cycle. Transitions into and out of the labour force nuance these findings; however, there is no evidence of differential responsiveness among younger workers since the start of the Great Recession. These findings challenge interpretation of the movements of unemployment rates by age group over the business cycle as being driven by differential hiring and firing particularly since the start of the Great Recession.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modified version of the standard search and matching model of the labour market that includes a shirking mechanism. We show that our model delivers a close match to the simulated volatilities, correlations and autocorrelations of unemployment, vacancies, labour market tightness and the job finding rate with values observed in US data. In doing so, it outperforms prominent alternative models. Our model also has novel policy implications for the impact of income taxes, subsidies on hiring and employment taxes on unemployment and its volatility.  相似文献   

Over the last years, the business cycles of the Spanish economy have been analyzed from different points of view. Under the paradigm of the real business cycles, the standard model has been extended in several dimensions. However, none of them have taken into account the fact that in this economy the presence of non-tradable goods is one of the largest in the world. When this feature is properly taken into account, the modeled real business cycle small open economy, calibrated for Spanish data, is able to explain several distinct stylized facts for this economy. In particular, it explains the larger than standard volatility of private consumption, and the different cyclical properties of inflation for non-tradable and tradable goods. Furthermore, the theoretical model is able to adequately explain some other cyclical properties of Spanish macroeconomic variables, both at the aggregate and sectoral levels.  相似文献   

We investigate the welfare cost of business cycles implied by matching frictions. First, using the reduced form of the matching model, we show that job finding rate fluctuations generate intrinsically a non-linear effect on unemployment: positive shocks reduce unemployment less than negative shocks increase it. For the observed process of the job finding rate in the US economy, this intrinsic asymmetry increases average unemployment, which leads to substantial business cycles costs. Moreover, the structural matching model embeds other non-linearities, which alter the average job finding rate and consequently the welfare cost of business cycles. Our theory suggests to subsidizing employment in order to dampen the impact of the job finding rate fluctuations on welfare.  相似文献   

We study the cyclical dynamics of the value of a vacant position in labor markets characterized by search and matching frictions. We present a model of aggregate fluctuations in which firms face sunk costs to enter the production process. Our specification of sunk costs gives rise to a countercyclical value of a vacancy. We find that this overlooked object has important quantitative implications for the study of labor markets and business cycles. It affects the cyclical dynamics of the surplus division between workers and firms, and provides a better characterization of the movements in income shares over recessions and expansions. Understanding movements in the value of a vacant position helps to link the dynamics of income shares with recent volatility puzzles found in models of search and matching in labor markets.  相似文献   

Summary. We study pricing and product diffusion in a dynamic general equilibrium framework with product market frictions. Ongoing R&D activity leads, with an endogenously determined probability, to continual improvements in product quality. We characterize the steady-state equilibrium with endogenous product diffusion in which a number of different goods co-exist on the quality ladder. We show that the severity of the economy's market frictions is a crucial determinant of the pricing structure, the product diffusion pattern, the level of R&D investment, the rate of endogenous growth, the length of Schumpeterian product cycles and the possibility of multiple growth paths. Eliminating market frictions leads to a degenerate product ladder of precisely one step, containing only the most recent product, as in the monopolistic competition literature. Received: August 16, 1999; revised version: March 6, 2001  相似文献   

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