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最近,美国《福市斯》杂志评出当代最富有的10名富豪,美国人沃伦·巴菲特名列第二,再度引起人们的极大兴趣。目前,全球正掀起的“巴菲特热”,许多人都想知道有“股神”之称的巴菲特,是如何成为亿万富豪并怎样赚钱的? 相似文献
比尔·盖茨曾说自己是个"巴菲特迷".这个巴菲特,就是有"股神"美誉的投资家沃伦·巴菲特,目前他的财富为世界第二. 相似文献
当晚的宴会厅大约摆了六七桌,按照每桌8个人计算,企业家和家属合计约50~60人,其中企业家约50人.另据媒体报道,这些企业家中既有此前高调确认出席的王石、陈光标、余彭年、牛根生、冯仑、曹德旺,也有这前媒体猜测的柳传志、张朝阳、马云,还有壹基金创始人李连杰以及几位部委官员,如民政部部长李立国和央企领导人等. 相似文献
当晚的宴会厅大约摆了六七桌,按照每桌8人计算,企业家和家属合计约50~60人,其中企业家约50人。另据媒体报道,这些企业家中既有此前高调确认出席的王石、陈光标、余彭年、牛根生、冯仑、曹德旺,也有之前媒体猜测的柳传志、张朝阳、马云,还有壹基金创始人李连杰以及几位部委官员,如民政部部长李立国和央企领导人等。 相似文献
《Organizational Dynamics》2022,51(4):100898
Have you ever been micro-managed? Have you ever been told ‘to the letter’ what to do in a given situation? Or maybe as a leader you have also fallen into the trap of giving advice? We challenge the assumption that leaders should have the answer for everything. Occasionally, directing works, however, do it too often and at one point, it will turn out to be bad advice. The logical consequence is that leaders work on and increase the quality of the advice they give. We showcase that the alternative to leaders giving ‘bad’ advice is to not give advice at all. We shed light on the concept of leaders acting as coaches and how leaders can empower others to find their own answers. Specifically, we highlight four mind shifts in which leaders can engage if they want to use a coaching style: from ignoring emotions to empathy, from directing to empowering, from problem-focused to solution-focused and from weakness to strengths. 相似文献
Brinja Meiseberg Karim Mignonac Rozenn Perrigot Assâad El Akremi 《Managerial and Decision Economics》2017,38(8):1227-1236
Although the literature has provided ample evidence for the decisiveness of the franchisor–franchisee relationship in explaining organizational success or failure, performance effects of franchisee–franchisee relationships remain largely unexplored. Yet a growing body of research indicates that by building interfranchisee relationships, franchisees can form advice networks in the chain. Such networks offer privileged access to resources such as knowledge, information, and best practices that help individual franchisees to become more productive. In this context, we study linkages between a franchisee's centrality in franchisee relationships and various individual performance outcomes, using comprehensive data from franchisees in 3 different chains in the largest European franchise market, France. We find that conditional on the specific governance structure of each chain, the results document a strong impact of centrality in advice networks on franchisee performance. Accordingly, we offer theoretical contributions concerning knowledge‐sharing processes in franchise chains, and managerial implications as regards more effective cooperation management in practice, from the perspective of both a franchisee and a franchisor. 相似文献
随着国内物流市场的发展.一些商业银行如招商银行等积极推出适合于物流企业的支付结算手段.以不断提高物流企业的结算服务水平。但是.相对于国外物流业而言.我国物流业仍属于新兴行业.商业银行在参与物流企业支付结算服务中难免会遇到一些问题和障碍,本文拟在分析存在问题的基础上,提出商业银行提高物流企业支付结算服务水平的意见和建议。 相似文献
消费者网上购买行为分析及对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
网上购物作为一种新的购物模式受到了商家和消费者的关注。对于网上商店而言,要想在网上销售中盈利,把握消费者网上购物行为特征是很重要的。本文就消费者网上购物行为进行了一定的分析,并针对消费者在这种新的购物模式下的特点,提出了一定的对策。 相似文献
Quality & Quantity - Voting advice applications (VAAs) are online tools providing voting advice to their users. This voting advice is based on the match between the answers of the user and the... 相似文献
消费者网上购买行为分析及对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
网上购物作为一种新的购物模式受到了商家和消费者的关注.对于网上商店而言,要想在网上销售中盈利,把握消费者网上购物行为特征是很重要的.本文就消费者网上购物行为进行了一定的分析,并针对消费者在这种新的购物模式下的特点,提出了一定的对策. 相似文献
进入"十一五"以来,我国高技术产业规模继续保持较快的增长,但增速远低于工业发展水平,且高技术产业内部结构发生变化,出现了一些新情况、新问题,亟待加以解决. 相似文献