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世界百货零售业的新变化与发展态势分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
关于大型百货零售业的出路和发展战略的研究,是当前理论界和实践领域都非常关心的课题。要寻求百货零售业的发展出路,必须对我国百货业的发展态势作出科学的分析。作者希望通过对西方百货零售业的新变化和发展态势的研究,能对我国百货零售企业的发展战略选择有所启示。  相似文献   

胡德华 《商业时代》2006,(11):22-24
大中型百货连锁企业构建物流战略联盟,是提升企业竞争优势,实现规模经济的一种有效的组织方式。本文作者就物流战略联盟作为我国大中型百货连锁企业获得规模经济的途径,从其带来的范围规模经济和运作规模经济两方面进行了分析,同时也对我国大中型百货连锁企业构建物流战略联盟的模式选择、联盟发展过程中可能导致的负效应及其动态的运行机制的确立着重进行了研究,以便作为大中型百货连锁企业构建物流战略联盟时的参考。  相似文献   

在新的时期我国大型百货商场要重振雄风、走出低谷、获得更快的发展就必须从根本上改变发展战略,实现传统百货向现代百货的转变。本文探讨了我国大型百货商场的发展历程、现状及存在问题,并在此基础上提出了新时期大型百货商场发展战略及其保障措施。  相似文献   

人才是企业最重要的资产,是企业可持续发展的源泉和基石.上海九百集团作为国有资产授权经营的企业,从传统百货企业逐步转型为今天以现代百货、特色食品、商业地产为主业的现代商业集团,在如今激烈的市场竞争中能否立于不败之地,从根本上说在于企业自身的竞争能力.人才是企业竞争发展中的关键,人才素质高低决定着企业的兴衰成败,残酷的竞争迫使我们必须将人才问题提到战略的高度去把握.  相似文献   

霍焱 《江苏商论》2010,(9):14-16
改革开放三十年以来,我国传统百货店的商业主导地位已经被改写。虽然近年来百货业在新的商业格局竞争中有了新的市场地位,但行业发展中仍存在着经营方式、盈利模式、营销手段等深层次的矛盾和问题。在日新月异的市场环境中要求得生存发展,早日实现向现代百货成功转型是很多处于转型中的传统百货必须面对的课题。本文探讨了传统百货在转型中面临的问题和障碍,在此基础上提出了传统百货向现代百货转型的几点战略。  相似文献   

随着经济一体化发展趋势的快速推进,国内百货业得到了前所未有的发展,进而带动了零售行业的繁荣。现阶段,百货行业在国内市场中迅猛发展,市场需求快速扩大,中国已逐步发展成为世界百货产品的第二大市场。巨大的市场需求带动了企业市场规模的快速扩张,产品类别呈多样化发展走势,企业的发展速度加快,但随之而来的是企业之间不断抢夺市场地位以及瓜分市场份额。传统百货公司是百货行业中的佼佼者,传统百货产品凭借着自身雄厚的背景以及先进的技术支撑,经过短时间的发展,在零售行业中已经占有一席之地,位居行业发展前列。那么,在这类行业的市场环境中,采取何种发展战略以及在该发展战略引领下采取怎样的营销方案,是本研究探讨的主要核心与问题所在。  相似文献   

差异化行为是百货企业高速成长的必要条件.百货企业要实现高速成长,必须实施差异化战略,包括差异化定位以及在定位基础上的零售经营要素差异化;必须至少在某一经营要素上为顾客带来竞争对手不能提供或提供较少的突出利益,且这些利益也为顾客所关注和接受;必须注重有效了解顾客需求、制定正确的战略、提高企业的执行力等.但是,差异化并不必然带来企业的高速成长.  相似文献   

本文针对百货企业基于资源和能力的相关多元化连锁扩张战略,运用平衡计分卡方法,构建了一套战略绩效衡量体系,分别从财务方面、客户方面、内部经营方面、学习和成长能力方面设计了综合评价指标,以便对百货企业的相关多元化战略的实施进行有效控制和系统评估。  相似文献   

创新是企业活的灵魂,企业创新战略的实施,就是要在高目标的前提下,有计划和有系统地对过去进行改造。中国传统百货的创新是一种扬弃,只有系统地对传统百货进行创新,才能释放蕴藏在传统百货中各种有效资源的巨大能量,并且充分集聚和最大限度地发挥综合优势。  相似文献   

百货连锁发展必须实现管理现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理现代化是百货连锁经营的重要前提条件。必须确立科学的管理模式 ,建立科学的集权、分权管理方式 ,实行集中采购、购销分离 ,完善物流管理、集中配送 ,形成人才培养、激励机制 ,实现规模经营 ,保证企业的成本优势和战略整合 ,保证连锁经营成功 ,促进百货业的发展  相似文献   

基于业态变异视角的我国百货业盈利模式思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国百货业经营模式从传统的自营模式逐渐转为联营模式,百货店对商品的进、销、存管理功能弱化,百货业的盈利模式随之也发生根本性的变化,出现靠收取专柜佣金或租金盈利的"通道费盈利模式"。这种盈利模式使我国百货业发展出现诸多弊端,并造成我国百货业态属性的变异,不利于我国百货业的持续发展。文章主要运用百货业上市公司数据,分析联营模式下我国百货业业务结构、利润来源、盈利能力和盈利潜力的变化,探讨了这种盈利模式对百货业核心技术、服务特征、盈利空间和风险形态的影响,并指出我国百货业盈利模式向"价值链盈利模式"转变所需要的条件和路径,据此提出相应转变的对策思路。  相似文献   

大中型百货商场战略模型及其适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大中型百货商场如何应对全球经济一体化的竞争成为目前理论界关注的一个重要问题。本文试图构建一个大中型百货商场发展的战略模型,研究我国加入WTO后大中型百货商场的生存和发展的空间问题,寻求其合理的发展出路。  相似文献   

胡慧玲 《江苏商论》2020,(3):10-11,16
在竞争日益激烈,需求多元化的时代,以万达广场为代表的商业综合体的出现具有必然性。同时,万达广场的基业——万达百货开始出现大规模的收缩甚至被取消,可见,万达广场模式存在一定的短板。本文在规模经济的视野下,通过对万达广场模式进行剖析,明确万达百货的运营短板,提出百货业实现规模经济则可能解决这一难题,以期对百货业的持续发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A defining feature of large-scale retailing during the period 1950–1980 was the emergence and evolution of planned shopping centres. During the 1950s, department stores in the United States were in the vanguard of this phenomenon. In contrast, British department stores continued operating from traditional high street sites, and had limited opportunities for expansion within planned shopping centres until the 1970s. This paper addresses the connection between department store retailing and the development of the planned shopping centre in Britain from the perspective of one enterprise: the John Lewis Partnership. The article demonstrates that the Partnership was willing to operate department stores within centrally located shopping centres, but was circumspect about operating stores in non-centrally located shopping centres.  相似文献   

A model of consumer preferences of department stores is presented which links preferences to Weighted Differences between various components of Images of department stores and a consumer's self-image--the WDI model of preference. We provide a theoretical and empirical comparison of the WDI model with Moutinho's model that also incorporates the idea of self- and storeimages but does not permit differential weighing of image components. We show that theWDI model is parsimonious and empirically outperforms Moutinho's model of preference.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend a retail location evaluation model with the possibility to include the effect of department size adaptation at the store level. We relate department-level store sales to a store's competitive and demographic environment, thereby providing richer insights into the drivers of department sales than a model of just aggregate sales. Further, we accommodate heterogeneity in consumer characteristics over space by using zip code level data and unobserved spatial effects in department sales by including spatially autocorrelated error terms.Using spatial panel data for 30 clothing stores belonging to one Dutch retail chain, we demonstrate how to use the modeling approach to analyze and predict sales performance of new and existing stores. We show that the predictive performance of our model is superior to that of a benchmark model that does not include spatial autocorrelation.  相似文献   

This paper integrates the seller's characteristics and the consumer's individual characteristics in testing the person-to-person and person-to-firm effects of trust on loyalty in the department store. A multidimensional model of the behavioural components of trustworthiness is used to examine their differential effects on consumer trust. The results reveal that the effects of behavioural components of trustworthiness on trust in salespersons and trust in department stores are different. Trust in salespersons contributes to the trust in the department stores they work for. In addition, although both trust in department stores and trust in salespersons are expected to enhance customer loyalty, person-to-person trust has stronger influence on loyalty than does person-to-firm trust. The findings also suggest that customers' individual characteristics should be considered in assessing the role of trust in business relationships other than sellers' characteristics.  相似文献   

在这个年报集中发布的季节,一家家百货公司向市场交出了自己2011年的成绩单。在最牛百货公司光环的照耀下,我们也看到了百货业在中国发展的死角:百货业品牌同质化问题,已是业界公开的秘密。无论是大悦城的成长烦恼还是新华百货的零供矛盾,重压之下,百货业问题重重。  相似文献   

本文就联营模式产生的历史背景、联营模式存在的合理性及其弊端进行了说明,同时也描述了新形势下相关百货企业的应对之策,并且就百货企业采取自营模式所面临的问题进行了分析,指出了百货企业如欲采取自营模式需要注意的问题,认为百货企业在未来相当长时间内依然主要会采用联营模式,自营模式的时代还未到来。  相似文献   

The location of a store within a mall can affect the sales and profits of the store and its neighbors, and those of the mall׳s owner/developer. Because the interests of retail stores and the mall׳s owner/developer with respect to choice of location might not coincide, bargaining power might come into play. To assess empirically whether relative bargaining power as between a retail store and the mall owner/developer affects store location within a center, we focus on locations of stores near the department store tenants of malls. Department stores might have the bargaining power necessary to affect which tenants are chosen as neighbors of the department store.Using data collected from 148 regional shopping centers (malls) in 2007 in the five westernmost provinces of Canada, we examine the relationship between variables that reflect store location patterns near a department store׳s entrance, and variables associated with the bargaining power of developers. We find that the density of stores selling comparison shopping goods is larger near department stores within centers that are older or have a larger gross leasable area. In addition, such density is negatively related to the number of department stores contained in the center. Because a shopping center׳s age, gross leasable area, and the number of department stores in a center are expected to be associated with a developer׳s bargaining power, the above findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the store location patterns near department stores depend on the relative bargaining power of the developer and the department stores.  相似文献   

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