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目前,零售外资加快了在华扩张速度。同时,随着跨国零售企业在我国经营环境的知识和经验积累的不断丰富。其经营策略也发生了变化。本文研究了零售业跨国公司在我国的经营策略特点和发展趋势,借鉴它们的经验教训,以期对我国零售企业更好地制定应对措施、加强自身的国际化发展有所启示。 相似文献
上海市外商投资零售企业区位选择研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
外商投资零售企业是上海市零售市场的主要角逐者之一。他们往往具有先导作用。迄今 ,进入过上海市场的外商投资的零售业态有百货店、大型综合超市、仓储商店、超级市场、便利店、大型专业店、无店铺零售等。从空间分布看 ,这些门店主要分布在边缘圈层。除了百货店和少数便利店外 ,其他都不在商业中心 (指区级商业中心以上 ) ,表现出一种分散的趋势。不同业态的零售商有不同的选址偏好 ,合在一起表现出一些共同的区位特征和规律。目前外商投资零售企业和内资与港澳台零售商之间 ,以及外商投资零售企业之间已经表现出激烈的市场竞争。 相似文献
本文以沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙、欧尚、易初莲花、乐购六大跨国零售企业作为分析样本,对中国市场上零售业外商直接投资的区位选择问题进行了实证研究,认为跨国零售企业在中国市场的区位选择受地区商业整体发达程度与经济发展水平的影响显著,受当地消费能力的影响具有不确定性,而根本不受当地商业竞争程度的影响。文章提出,整体经济环境好、商业较为发达、消费潜力大且零售竞争相对不太激烈的中西部地区将成为中国本土零售企业跨区域发展的重要目标市场,而只有对目标市场整体经济环境及商业发达程度、消费潜力及零售市场竞争状况作出科学的评价,才能为成功的跨区域发展奠定基础。 相似文献
跨国公司在华投资已成为了改革开放以来越来越明显的趋势。但由于中国东西部地区发展的不平衡,导致了FDI在华投资区位的不平衡发展,例如东部地区以自身所占据的优势吸引了将近90%的FDI。为此,本文采用多元回归分析法,利用1983—2010年的数据对于影响在华投资区位选择的因素进行了实证分析,验证了多个变量的影响水平,并提出了相应的结论和建议。 相似文献
外资银行在华区位选择行为及实证分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,外资银行在我国加速发展,区位布局显示出新的特点。本文以外资银行在华区位选择行为作为研究对象,分析了外资银行在华区位选择行为的基本特征、影响区位选择行为的因素及其作用机制,并运用Panel-data技术的模型进行实证检验,得出如下结论:样本城市的对外贸易额、人均可支配收入和信贷总量是影响外资银行区位选择行为的重要因素。 相似文献
外资零售企业的进入 ,是影响我国零售业未来发展态势和我国本土零售企业未来经营状况的一个关键因子。对外资零售企业进入中国市场后在中国市场的经营战略体系进行了较为全面和深入研究的基础上 ,剖析了外资零售企业经营战略的组成特点。 相似文献
我国企业对外直接投资区位选择研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对外直接投资区位的选择问题既关系到投资企业的微观经济利益,也关系到我国对外经济活动的宏观经济效益,因而具有重要意义。在综合分析我国对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素——区位因素与企业因素的基础上,构建我国对外直接投资区位选择的分析框架,由此清晰地展示影响我国企业对外直接投资区位选择的主要影响因素。 相似文献
裴敏莉 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2012,(3Z):198-199
我国投资规模与经济增长之间的关系说明了投资的波动与经济增长波动之间的关系,并且适当的投资是实现经济发展的重要条件,目前的研究主要在于国家应该充分的发挥投资对经济的拉动作用和优化作用,制定适宜的投资政策,促进投资结构的不断优化和升级,以带动经济的良性增长。但是学术界忽视了企业内在特性因素对区位选择的重要作用。本文结合东道国区位与企业内在特性两大变量因素,综合分析我国企业在FDI的区位选择决策中的考虑因素,并由此得到政策启示。 相似文献
目前学术界主要从东道国的区位因素来解释企业对外直接投资区位选择问题,忽视了企业内在特性因素对区位选择的重要作用。本文结合东道国区位与企业内在特性两大变量因素,综合分析我国企业在FDI的区位选择决策中的考虑因素,并由此得到政策启示。 相似文献
本文立足于我国特殊的资本市场和转轨经济背景,从金融发展这一角度出发来研究企业过度投资行为.以我国 2003-2008 年的上市公司为样本,利用 Richardson 模型来识别企业过度投资行为,研究最终发现金融发展水平与企业的过度投资程度成负相关,金融发展水平的提高会制约企业的过度投资行为. 相似文献
王语谦 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(14)
1.1 商业银行的自有资本比较少,财务杠杆比较高
按照巴塞尔协议的要求,商业银行要求达到8%的资本充足率,意即商业银行的负债率高达90%.因此,商业银行的财务杠杆比一般工商企业高得多,过高的负债率意味着更大的财务风险. 相似文献
Marta Frasquet John Dawson Haydeé Calderón Teresa Fayos 《International Business Review》2018,27(4):904-914
The paper presents an integration of the theoretical approaches of embeddedness and dynamic capabilities. Based on in-depth interviews with key informants of international fashion retail companies we show that dynamic capabilities enhance different types of embeddedness at different levels. Generic dynamic capabilities of adaptability and knowledge management play a role as they affect retailer-specific capabilities and societal, network and territorial forms of embeddedness. Integrating the two theoretical approaches provides new and deeper understanding of the nature of retail internationalization. 相似文献
本文利用2013年6月23日至2019年12月31日的日度数据,通过构建人民币离岸和在岸货币市场利率的VAR模型,通过Granger因果关系检验、脉冲响应函数、方差分解等手段,研究了人民币离岸和在岸货币市场利率的价格引导关系。研究发现,人民币离岸和在岸货币市场利率之间存在长期稳定的关系,但不存在显著的引导关系,主要是由于离岸和在岸市场割裂所致。由此,本文提出了发展离岸货币市场、增强在岸货币市场定价权的政策建议。 相似文献
Recent academic studies have reexamined the link between satisfaction and loyalty by introducing actual loyalty behavior. Results of these rare studies are still inconclusive and point out the weakness of the link between satisfaction and behavioral loyalty. This work extends these previous studies by investigating the links between perceived value, satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty and behavorial loyalty. It highlights that perceived value is a better predictor of attitudinal loyalty and behavorial loyalty (number of visits and total sales) than satisfaction. Individual moderating influences are also discussed. 相似文献
零售商的崛起,打破了品牌供应商和零售商之间潜在的平衡关系.零售商凭借渠道优势和规模优势,牢牢掌握着谈判与定价的主动权,并在商品流通过程中向供应商征收名目繁多的费用,引发了广泛的争论.本文从价值链共享视角揭示了这种现象产生的根本原因,给出了较为鲜明的价值判断,并分别从供应商、零售商和政府的角度提出了改善供需关系的措施. 相似文献
This study aims to explain the mechanism by which user experience with retailer applications could lead to loyalty toward retailers. The data were collected through a survey in Indonesia (n = 717). The results support the positive impact of customer experience (i.e., sensorial experiential state, affective experiential state, interactivity, and relative advantage) on value in use. Value in use mediates the effects of customer experience on satisfaction and loyalty toward retailer application. In turn, these two constructs increase loyalty toward the retailer. These findings contribute to the theoretical and practical understanding of the impact of retailer applications on the customer-retailer relationship. 相似文献
Marta Frasquet María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina Alejandro Molla-Descals 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2015,25(5):490-502
Multichannel retailers offer shoppers the possibility to cross channels to complete their shopping process. Multichannel retailers, unlike pure online sellers, offer shoppers multiple contact points to experience the brand. Also, multichannel retailers can leverage the trust and attachment to their brands that has been built with their offline presence to drive customers to buy online. Our paper explores the role of the customer relationship with the brand, with variables such as brand trust, brand attachment and length of brand relationship, as drivers of loyal behaviours towards the online channel. We compare the impact of these variables with those of the technology acceptance model. Multiple linear regression analysis is applied to data collected through a survey answered by 1533 multichannel retail shoppers in two product categories (apparel and consumer electronics) in two countries (UK and Spain). Our findings show that both brand trust and brand attachment have a positive impact on loyal behaviours towards the online channel, and that different loyalty behaviours, i.e. purchase intentions, word of mouth and electronic word of mouth are explained by different variables. 相似文献
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(5):449-472
This study explores how recent developments in the retail sector affect trade in consumer goods. It focuses on three developments in the retail sector: (i) internationalization; (ii) market structure; and (iii) the growing market share of retailers' private labels. Using gravity model estimation techniques it is found that the foreign operations of a retailer are positively related to imports from the host to the home country of the retailer. Imports are negatively related to ownership concentration, while the market share of private labels is negatively related to imports of food and positively related to imports of non-food consumer goods. For both product categories private labels shift sourcing towards poor countries. The trade response to trade liberalization is higher both at the extensive and intensive margin in countries with lower retail concentration. 相似文献
Violation behavior in vertical restraint: Empirical analyses in the case of retail price maintenance
《International Journal of Research in Marketing》2021,38(4):953-973
An extensive body of work within the marketing and economics literature has been devoted to studying vertical restraints, yet only a few researchers have investigated the violation behavior of retailers. In this paper, we investigate violation behavior in the context of retailer price maintenance. We investigate this behavior using a unique data set from a subsidy program in China, which includes transaction-level information that shows retail price maintenance (RPM) practices in multiple product categories by multiple manufacturers across multiple markets. The results from our fixed effects regression show that retailer violations are more likely to occur when intra-product competition is high. However, how retailer violation likelihood varies with inter-product competition may depend on the product category. We find that inter-product competition, is negatively associated with the likelihood of violation, for “less popular” product categories in the program such as washing machines, air conditioners, etc., but is positively associated with the likelihood of violation for “popular” product categories such as refrigerators, televisions, and cell phones. Our research provides some of the first empirical evidence about retailer violation behavior under RPM in the world’s largest emerging market by focusing on the relationship between violation behavior and market structure. We discuss the implications for monitoring efforts of manufacturers and regulators. 相似文献