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对利用外资,引进技术存在着两种认识:一种是把利用外资,引进技术当成一回事。第二种是没有把二者较好地结合起来。弄清楚利用外资对引进技术的作用,对做好利用外资工作和技术引进工作都有利。  相似文献   

‘Seeing War’     

Many of the Palestinian artists who began to direct films in the 1990s, had grown up under Israeli occupation, mainly in the West Bank, in refugee camps, in Gaza, and matured or worked in this decade of increasing national tension during and between the two intifadas. These filmmakers have found it difficult to create the spaces that previous cinema succeeded in creating in their films. They also found it difficult to deconstruct this space as did previous directors (Michel Khleifi, Elia Suleiman or Rashid Masharawi). As the intifada strengthened and the Israeli occupation became more deeply felt, the entire space seemed to be threatened, narrowed or reduced, and the films found it difficult to encompass the wholeness and unity of the home and the outside, to describe the mundane life within them, and to connect them to past times. Many of them also failed to preserve the ambivalence and heterogeneity that made it possible, in previous films, to create the national story from – and through – individual stories, and to connect the private place to the public one. Since the end of the 1990's, and now, at the beginning of the present decade, it has become difficult for the Palestinian cinema both to create and to deconstruct a whole imaginary map – and to produce from this map a heterogeneous, multi-cultural space. In the films made in the 1990s and 2000s the public space is blocked, the private space is missing or destroyed, and the only place left intact is the border.

In this case, however, the border is not the defining line that might divide, as Tuathail and Dalby phrase it, us from them. It does not part any longer the world into good and evil i Tuathail & Dalby (note 25) p.1. and does not leave the demonic effects out. On the other hand, the border is not a threshold linking between cultural identities.

The article traces the difficulty the Palestinian films of the 90s face in presenting “visual order of space”, in mapping the Palestinian territory with the aid of the camera or by editing, in clearly distinguishing between the inside and the outside. On the other hand the article analyzes the impossibility, in this situation of an insecure territory, to describe “plurality of space and the multiplicity of possible political constructions of space”, to create maps that put the dispersed pieces together to form a “larger picture and to draw out connections and causalities between them”.

The article also summarizes the strategies recent Palestinian cinema uses in order to overcome these impasses.  相似文献   

发展外向型经济,就是要多出口创汇,为此要用好三字经,即产品要新,质量要高,价格要低。一、推陈出新。萍乡市上栗焰花厂生产的“穿云火箭”在国际市场上曾畅销了一阵子,后因不少国家对焰花的欣赏已从空中转入地面,这样一来,畅销品变成滞销品,压库量增大。  相似文献   

Summary. We ask whether communication can directly substitute for memory in dynastic repeated games in which short lived individuals care about the utility of their offspring who replace them in an infinitely repeated game. Each individual is unable to observe what happens before his entry in the game. Past information is therefore conveyed from one cohort to the next by means of communication.When communication is costless and messages are sent simultaneously, communication mechanisms or protocols exist that sustain the same set of equilibrium payoffs as in the standard repeated game. When communication is costless but sequential, the incentives to whitewash the unobservable past history of play become pervasive. These incentives to whitewash can only be countered if some player serves as a neutral historian who verifies the truthfulness of others reports while remaining indifferent in the process. By contrast, when communication is sequential and (lexicographically) costly, all protocols admit only equilibria that sustain stage Nash equilibrium payoffs.We also analyze a centralized communication protocol in which history leaves a footprint that can only hidden by the current cohort by a unanimous coverup. We show that in this case the set of payoffs that are sustainable in equilibrium coincides with the weakly renegotiation proof payoffs of the standard repeated game.Received: 30 September 2002, Revised: 5 August 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: C72, C73, D82.We wish to thank an Associate Editor and Dino Gerardi as well as seminar participants at Arizona State, Columbia, Duke, Georgetown, Indiana, Montreal, Princeton, Rochester, Vanderbilt, VPI, the 2001 NSF/NBER Decentralization Conference, the Summer 2001 North American Econometric Society Meetings, and the Midwest Theory Conference, 2000, for useful comments and suggestions. All errors are our own.  相似文献   

<正> 吸引外商前来我国投资办企业,是利用外资的重要途径,从“三资”企业的发展又可以看出一个地区利用外资发展地方经济的情况,汕头市(含汕头经济特区)已有外商投资企业594家,还有“三来一补”企业4637家,协议外资额近6亿美元,实际利用外资3.2亿美元。外商前来汕头投资合作经营和开发的项目主要  相似文献   

海南岛地处我国南海北部,面积3.4万平方公里,人口605万。目前它已成为海内外关注的热点。我们也同那些随着热潮问“特”的记者们一样,竞相启程。  相似文献   

近年来,广州大力实施森林围城、森林进城生态战略,森林总量不断增加,森林布局渐趋合理,生态环境明显改善。2006年末,全市林木绿化率  相似文献   

This article studies the use and impact of a (‘Employability-miles’) voucher scheme. These vouchers could be used for participation in a restricted number of training courses, which all aim to stimulate employees to develop a more active attitude towards their own employability. Using data from two surveys of one firm’s workforce, we find that voucher use is related to various personality traits and personal characteristics. In particular, a worker’s ambition, goal setting and education level are positively related to voucher use. In addition, workers with longer tenure spend their vouchers more often. Conversely, workers with a more positive self-image as well as those who are negatively reciprocal spend their vouchers less often. The negative relation between voucher use and negative reciprocity suggests that workers who are more negatively reciprocal perceive the voucher as an HR tool for outplacement. Further, we find that voucher use positively affects worker employability awareness and willingness to train. Remarkably, participation in non voucher training shows little relation to personality traits. From a human resources (HR) perspective, this finding suggests that by employing a voucher scheme, the firm makes training participation more dependent on employee personality and individual characteristics instead of the HR development strategy of the firm.  相似文献   

这些年,因工作需要,我到过10多个第三世界国家,到处都可听到用不同语言表达的一句话:“中国,我们信赖您。”我亲身经历的几件小事,感受很深,难以忘怀。  相似文献   

This article aims at analysing how the September 11 terrorist attacks have caused the formation of a new geopolitical vision of an area called the ‘Greater Middle East’ and how this formation has led to changes in US foreign policy towards this region. To do that, the article first presents a theoretical background against which the modern geopolitical imagination of the USA is formulated. It considers the links between national traumas/myths, geopolitical codes and visions, and foreign policy actions. The article then applies this analysis to the case of the Greater Middle East with respect to how this imagined geography shapes the foreign and security policy of the USA. It concludes that even though this imagined region has been presented in texts as justifying US-led policies with liberal underpinnings, it has in reality laid the ground for and been used for justifying US extra-territorial intervention in the region.  相似文献   

This article investigates the variegated model of capitalism emerging in China through a comparative analysis of two contrasting local government approaches developed in Chongqing and Guangdong. From 2007 to 2012, elite politicians and intellectuals articulated the Chongqing and Guangdong models as contradictory visions for China. Drawing on a three-pronged conceptual framework developed by Bob Jessop, the article de- and reconstructs this dichotomy which has been embraced by some Western scholars. It is argued, first, that the two models involve complimentary accumulation strategies: as Guangdong moves up global value chains, Chongqing takes over many of its low-wage jobs in manufacturing sectors. Second, however, the two models do entail contrasting state projects. Guangdong's local government opened up more space for civil society organisations than normally allowed, whereas Chongqing's administrators reinforced China's state-led development path. Finally, it is highlighted how this difference between state projects is reflected in two antagonistic hegemonic visions for China's national development, illustrated by the populism of former Chongqing Party Chief Bo Xilai vs. the pro-business stance of his Guangdong counterpart Wang Yang. Future studies should expand upon the key theoretical insight of the paper: that the emergent variegated capitalism approach to political–economic analysis needs a stronger ideational component.  相似文献   

In many countries, the process of obtaining government approval for different projects involves interaction with multiple government agencies at various levels. This often makes the approval process inefficient by unnecessary lengthening it. In this paper we study the effect of a re-organization of the approval process towards making it a single window clearance system, on the efficiency of the entire process. We have used the expected queue length and the expected waiting time in the system at the stochastic steady state as measures of inefficiency of an approval system.  相似文献   

最近,中外舆论都有“中国经济将实现‘软着陆’”的议论。笔者觉得这种议论目前有点不着边际。笔者曾在1997年《论“软着陆”》一文中说:“‘软着陆’的经济含义是:国民经济的运行  相似文献   

<正> 农业银行“超负荷”经营是指农业银行贷款总量超过了信贷资金来源(各项存款+信贷基金);短期资金来源被长期贷款占用;各项存款支付保证不了;资金自给能力低下,盈利减少、经营困难的状况。农业银行长期“超负荷”势必给银行企业化经营以及整个国民经济的发展带来严重危害。农业银行“超负荷”形成的原因,表面上看是自身经营问题,深入分析有政策和信贷体制的原因,也有经济过热和金融秩序混乱等方面原因,试列举于下: 1、农业银行承担政策性放款过多,扩大了贷款的投放。如目前农业银行承担的农副产品收购、农业生产资料储备、农业生产费用等  相似文献   

According to popular and academic understandings of political economy, the United States is characterised by the most open forms of free market production. From Marxist to institutionalist to liberal analyses, the US is said to exhibits a governance model in which state structures are minimally intrusive to capitalist civil society. There is a need for political economy that re-positions the US state as more than just a willing facilitator, lender-of-last-resort or minimal regulator of capitalist dynamics. This paper argues that ‘adaptive accumulation’ has normalised in the US context, wherein capital actively allies itself with public state objectives (and mechanisms) to seek new or enhanced profit streams, by transforming or rerouting public revenues, such that they afford private accumulation. The robust entry of capital in areas such as health, education and incarceration are highly notable, inasmuch as they harness public objectives for private but not-so-competitive ends. By shedding light on such domains, the paper contributes to our understanding of capital and its ongoing efforts to stay ahead of investment crises by actively shaping its operative environment – in this case, maintaining both the credibility and regularity of publicly inspired (and often financed) revenue streams while, ultimately, transforming their utilisation and purpose.  相似文献   

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