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地方政府举债是工业化、城市化的必然选择,合理举债有利于地方财政的高效运转,但若监管错位、过度举债则有可能引发债务危机。自2014年起,我国赋予地方政府发债权,随着近年来收益类专项债的扩容,地方政府债务规模不断扩大,同时融资平台、政府引导基金等各种形式的隐性债务风险依然突出。当前地方政府债务风险被视为“灰犀牛”,亟需引起重视和关注。本文通过梳理美国、日本、巴西地方政府债务危机产生的原因和处置方式,总结国外地方政府债务管理和危机处置的有效经验,并结合现阶段我国地方政府债务管理中存在的预算软约束、发行主体单一、债务透明度差、评级和监管缺位、预警和处置机制不完善等主要问题,提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a global health and economic crisis to which governments responded with massive policy interventions. Using Brazil as a testing ground, we investigate the influence of the pandemic and ensuing policy interventions on local credit markets. First, we find that the pandemic has a significantly negative impact on local credit. Second, using a novel manually collected database on the staggered municipal government policy interventions, we show heterogenous effects of interventions: positive effects of soft interventions (e.g., social distancing and mass gathering restrictions) and late reopening, and negative effects of hard interventions (e.g., closure of non-essential services) and early reopening. Third, we find that state-owned banks grant more local credit than privately owned banks during the COVID-19 crisis but this difference is less pronounced than it was in the 2008 Financial Crisis. We confirm our results using pre-pandemic local political preference as instrument for policy interventions and orthogonalized policy intervention indicators, and in placebo tests.  相似文献   

主权信用违约互换的运作及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲各国主权债务危机的频发,使得主权CDS在全球范围内备受瞩目。本文分析了主权CDS的市场发展状况、运作及定价机制;考察欧洲主权债务危机中主权CDS的行为;提出对我国地方政府债务问题的启示。研究发现:(1)主权CDS息差变化受到了欧元区因素、本国因素、投机和代理对冲的影响;(2)短期主权CDS供不应求;(3)禁止主权CDS的裸卖空交易存在不合理性;(4)西欧主权风险外溢使得东欧及新兴市场国家的主权CDS市场波动加剧。  相似文献   

This paper examines how countries managed their foreign currency reserves during the global financial crisis. Evidence based on changes in reserve stocks suggests that many governments, even those with high levels of pre-crisis reserves, were reluctant to use them during the crisis. As a consequence, a number of recent studies of cross-country experiences during the crisis find little evidence of a positive role for reserves in macroeconomic crisis-management. This paper examines whether this assessment of the non-role of reserves during the crisis is justified. While the reserve stock data indicates stable reserve levels for many countries during the crisis, distinguishing between reserve changes that occurred due to interest income and valuation changes on existing assets and asset purchases and sales, indicates that many emerging economies actively depleted reserves. Further, the data indicate that countries whose pre-crisis reserve levels were in excess of what can be explained by standard models of reserve accumulation were the most likely to sell reserve assets during the crisis.  相似文献   

英国地方政府多年来没有发生过债务危机.该国在地方政府举债制度设立、债务问责管理等方面积累了大量经验,"透明度要求""审慎性制度"等监管安排在地方政府债务风控方面发挥着积极作用.为满足市场融资多元化需求,英国多种新的融资方式与平台得以被陆续引入,针对违约风险控制而推出的"贷款集中度限制""连带担保制度"也很具有借鉴意义.现阶段英国地方政府债务规模及结构呈现出新的特征:债务余额占GDP比重已经连续多年高悬在警戒线之上,过于集中的融资格局成为英国地方经济持续发展的隐患,而脱欧事件的震荡、新冠肺炎疫情的肆虐更是使英国地方政府潜在的偿债压力凸显.英国政府将如何去摆脱这一困境值得关注.  相似文献   

对于商业银行来说,尽管其风险因素众多,但首当其冲的是要预防可能导致银行危机的战略性风险。基于世界经济论坛对未来10年全球重大风险的分析,本文认为,未来10年影响我国商业银行的战略性风险主要有:证券市场或地产市场的暴跌、中央政府和地方政府的财政危机、中国实体经济的衰退、危害社会就业群体的慢性病和银行治理缺口。由于突发事件的影响和风险之间的连锁反应,发达国家对中国企业所采取的市场或技术封锁、食品价格波动和关键信息设施瘫痪也可能演化成为我国银行的战略性风险。  相似文献   

An important question concerning integration of global financial markets is whether local investors in an equity market react differently from international investors, particularly during periods of financial crisis. Considering local investors are closer to information, they might turn pessimistic before foreign investors before a crisis. We examine whether local investors in each of the six Asian stock markets—Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand—reacted differently from international investors during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Our empirical results indicate that, in general, closed‐end country fund share prices (mainly driven by foreign investors) Granger‐cause the respective net asset values (NAVs, mainly driven by local investors). Moreover, this one‐way Granger‐causality effect from share prices to NAVs becomes much stronger during the crisis period after controlling for U.S. stock returns. Our results suggest international investors turned pessimistic before local investors. JEL classification: G15  相似文献   

There were three periods in the development of China’s inter-governmental fiscal system. In the first period (1950s to 1979), local governments collected tax revenues and remitted upward to the central government. Reforms during the next two periods made revolutionary changes to the system. The tax-sharing system (established in 1994) provides for revenue centralization, spending decentralization, and large central transfers to local governments. This system remains largely in force.  相似文献   

本文以金融危机后农民工返乡就业政策成效较为显著的河南信阳市为例,结合笔者在河南、江西、湖北、安徽、四川等省的实地调研,归纳了返乡农民工的普遍问题及其原因,总结了信阳市当前主要的相关政策,分析了农民工返乡就业政策尚存的问题并提出了针对性的对策与建议。  相似文献   

刘晓蕾  吕元稹  余凡 《金融研究》2021,498(12):170-188
由于1994年《预算法》限制了中国地方政府凭借自身信用发行政府债券的能力,地方政府通过设立融资平台的方式发行了大量城投债券。虽然城投债被普遍认为是含有政府隐性担保的,但隐性担保主体认定尚未有共识。本文通过加总地方政府下属融资平台有息债务总额的方法,构建地方政府隐性债务负担率指标,并通过分析地方政府隐性债务负担率对城投债一二级市场信用利差的影响,进一步探索市场对城投债隐性担保责任主体的认定。研究发现,政府隐性债务负担率高的地方城投债信用利差偏高,并且这种影响随政策以及宏观形势而变化。自滇公路违约函事件后,投资者在城投债定价中开始普遍关注地方政府隐性债务负担率的信息;而在43号文明确了地方政府债务置换措施后,省级政府的隐性债务负担率开始成为城投债定价的重要影响因素。这说明投资者认可的地方隐性担保的责任主体是随时间变动的。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic properties of intergovernmental financing during a fiscal reconstruction process by analyzing the dynamic game among local governments, which operates with soft budget constraints because of concessionary region-specific transfers from a central government. The existence of intergovernmental transfers induces the free-riding behavior of local governments, thereby bringing considerable deficits to the central government. Raising local and/or national taxes is desirable for fiscal reconstruction, but is unable to attain the Pareto-efficient fiscal reconstruction. Taxes on lobbying activities, combined with uniform transfers, induce earlier concession and can attain the Pareto-efficient outcome in the long run.  相似文献   

Conflicts of interest between local governments and the central administration in China have yielded many local policies that only serve the interests of local governments. The policy of first levying and then rebating taxes is an example of how local governments eschew the national tax regulations to boost local economies rather than national interests. In 2001, the Chinese government announced the termination of local tax rebates, which had some expected outcomes. We find that local governments complied with the new tax policy even though it no longer allowed local governments to grant tax incentives. However, some companies found ways to avoid the greater tax burdens by moving their business registration locations to tax havens. We also find that firms controlled by local governments were less likely to change registration locations. Our study examines the national tax regulation in China and explores how tax rules influence company decisions. In addition, we show that non-tax incentives, such as local economic development, may also influence company decisions.  相似文献   

We show that information exposure through international business networks enables firms to take proactive measures that benefit employees and potentially the local community. Specifically, in the early days of COVID-19, firms that have business networks with China and Italy are more likely to be aware of the severity of the disease, and proactively implement work-from-home (“WFH”) policies that can protect their employees. Using Safegraph foot traffic data, we find a higher stay-at-home ratio before local governments impose lockdowns in zip codes where firms have a larger information exposure. These areas are also associated with a lower spread of COVID-19. Our main findings are more pronounced when local governments face constraints in quickly responding to COVID-19 and when firms have a higher WFH capability or have more investors with socially responsible preferences. Collectively, we present evidence on the role of private corporations in mitigating the negative effects of a public health crisis before government intervention.  相似文献   

为应对席卷全球的国际金融危机,各国政府纷纷采取经济刺激措施,代替民间企业和金融机构承担危机成本,这不可避免带来一定的政府债务问题。随着时间的推移,部分政府债务问题逐步凸显,成为全球经济走出危机阴影的障碍。文章分析认为,当前国际上政府债务问题呈现脆弱性、复杂性、集中性和长期性特征,成为全球经济复苏的绊脚石,甚至会给世界各国经济带来灾难性影响。文章同时总结了国际政府债务问题带给我国的启示。  相似文献   

Using a large firm-level dataset, this paper studies multinational firms׳ performance during the Great Recession. Foreign multinationals grew faster than local firms outside of the crisis, but slower during the crisis. Industry and size differences between domestic and foreign-owned firms account for much of this slowdown. However, multinationals from different countries performed differently during the crisis. The paper then assesses the role of multinationals in the global recession using a quantitative model. Had multinationals׳ relative performance remained unchanged during the crisis, the median country׳s aggregate growth would have been 0.12% higher, with a range of −0.13 to 0.5% across countries.  相似文献   

State owned banking has staged a major comeback. Finding a place among the top 25 banks in the world in terms of market cap and assets apart, state owned banks have emerged as hot stocks for domestic and international investors. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, privatization of the financial sector, which has been the major policy thrust evident in numerous countries, took a backseat with governments taking over banking institutions and providing various forms of support ranging from capital injections to outright nationalization of the global banks adversely affected by the crisis. The current crisis also may encourage governments to keep their stakeholding in the public banks in view of the need to support the vital sectors of the economy and also pursue financial inclusion that emerged as a major policy priority. This article presents a brief perspective on the comeback of the state owned banking, and also its own transformation that led to its growing acceptance and endorsements from policymakers investors and customers.  相似文献   

自2008年全球金融危机以来,面对严峻的形势,世界各主要经济体纷纷采取了应对危机的政策.然而,各国在总需求下降这个一致现象的背后,明显存在着重要的差别.例如,美国的经济危机首先从金融体系开始,而中国的危机是从出口下降开始.所以我国用和世界基本完全保持一致的扩张性财政政策和货币政策来应对危机,使后来的经济发展出现了一系列的问题.论文运用宏观经济学的基本理论,对金融危机中我国采取政策进行分析,从而说明在此后经济发展过程中出现问题的原因.  相似文献   

从“太大而不能倒”和“联系太紧而不能倒”两个维度,分别运用因子分析和转移熵网络分析测度地方政府的个体风险与信息传染风险,综合识别我国系统重要性地方政府。结果表明:两个维度综合确定的我国系统重要性地方政府名单更为符合系统重要性之要义;根据个体风险指数和传染风险指数的排名组合情况,可将31个地方政府归为四类;针对不同类型的系统重要性地方政府,监管部门应采取针对性的监管措施;传染风险对系统重要性的贡献更大,处于风险传染网络中心的地方政府需要实行更加严格的管控。  相似文献   

现有研究文献对地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中的地位和作用的研究少之又少,而社会各界对地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中的地位和作用的认识普遍存在职责定位不清或者干脆认为职责可有可无的现象,导致地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中行为不力.本文基于社会稳定、经济发展的视角,提出地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中的地位和作用宜定位为“领导”、“管理”、“协调”、“监督”、“执法”十个字,以促进地方政府担负起保护金融消费者权益的任务.  相似文献   

Taking the role of a facilitator, the EU has published recommendations to steer sustainability policies in local governments. The authors analysed strategic plans published by Italian local governments and found that the EU’s recommendations had zero effect. The way forward is for local governments to be required to produce sustainability policies.  相似文献   

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