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The paper describes and discusses the current state of science studies research and its linkages to other fields, such as applied policy and management. It is argued that science studies is differentiated into science and technology studies, and science and technology policy research; and that these are twin interdisciplinary area of research in which a whole range of social scientists, as well as historians and philosophers are involved. The high degree of interdisciplinarity makes the field peculiarly difficult to categorize simply. Nevertheless, it is suufficiently mature and focused to be an established academic field in its own right; it possesses its own journal structure, specialized institutions, national and international professional associations, and teaching programmes. Research in science studies is potentially applicable-especially in the longer term-for policy-makers in the public and private sectors, as well as for public interest groups. However, the need to bridge a perched gap between acadmic studies and the needs of policy-makers is highlighted. Finally, a listing of emerging issues in the field is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new framework that generates a list of strategic actions to support successful management of the innovation process as new technologies are taken to market. The framework links different stakeholders inside and outside the organisation to obtain an holistic view of the requirements necessary to develop the new technology. It integrates and synthesises existing frameworks into an inclusive set of guidelines. The framework is then tested in a case study located in a mid-size semiconductor organisation currently seeking new business opportunities in the emerging photovoltaic market. We conclude by reflecting on the usefulness of the model. Theoretically, the paper contributes to the literature on the management of the introduction of new technologies; practically, the framework provides a normative tool for practising managers.  相似文献   

Innovation has becomes the basis for creating and sustaining competitiveness. While planning strategy, it is necessary to have an excellant fit between globalization, alliances, diversification and innovation in a firm. Only such a process can help the firm to obtain synergy. The case study of Hitachi Ltd illustrates the strategic management process through which Hitachi Ltd has been able to generate and commercially exploit innovation.  相似文献   

La prospective recognizes that the future is the raison d'être of the present, that it is multiple and uncertain, and that it is a way for everyone to take control of their own future. This article looks at the role of such qualitative prospective analysis in the business planning and forecasting context, and, from the experience of application of this analysis over a decade or more, draws ten golden rules for effective strategic management.  相似文献   

Theoretical perspectives on strategic environmental management   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Strategic Environmental Management (SEM) incorporates into firms' core strategies the transformation of products and processes that they believe an environmentally concerned society will increasingly demand. Significant threads have to do with the discovery of cost savings and market opportunities from reducing environmental impacts. SEM, like the environmental regulation hypothesis associated with Michael Porter, implies that society's efforts to reduce external environmental costs often lead to identification of hitherto-ignored or undeveloped profit possibilities. This would be surprising from the standpoint of neoclassical economic theory, to the extent that SEM utilizes available information about the potential costs and benefits of projects. Within the framework of evolutionary, capabilities-based theories of the firm, however, this discovery and its exploitation in SEM make perfect sense. Capabilities theory would imply that firms' intrinsic path dependence may previously have obscured such opportunities. This paper examines the theory of SEM, its implications for neoclassical and capabilities theories of the firm, and survey results drawn from the author's work with member companies in a regional pollution prevention roundtable. RID="*" IDI have enjoyed the able and insightful research assistance of Justin Vernon. Cooperation from the companies that participated in the survey, and financial support from Allegheny College and its Center for Economic and Environmental Development, are gratefully acknowledged. Reviewers for this journal provided numerous, valuable suggestions. Responsibility for the material herein remains mine alone.  相似文献   

Analysis of the present situation and future predictions leaves no doubt of the inevitability of progressive degradation of the ecosytem. A worst scenatio is an option which has to be considered in any strategic planning. Mistaken assessment, focussing on modern technology as teh cause rather than the agent porducing the current devastation, has called for its drastic curtailment. This would not help matters—in fact, technology may yet save the situation: by building refuges, in attempting to reverse the processes which undermine it, and in helping adaptations to present conditions, not only throuht mechanical devices but also through bioengineering. concurrently the main reasons for the plight of the planet—over-population, overkill and waste—have to be tackled. This can only be accomplished by a complete change in ethical standards—the taming of the ’genetic ethics‘ of growth and dominance and the institution of a new mnorality.  相似文献   

Analysis of the present situation and future predictions leaves no doubt of the inevitability of progressive degradation of the ecosytem. A worst scenatio is an option which has to be considered in any strategic planning. Mistaken assessment, focussing on modern technology as teh cause rather than the agent porducing the current devastation, has called for its drastic curtailment. This would not help matters—in fact, technology may yet save the situation: by building refuges, in attempting to reverse the processes which undermine it, and in helping adaptations to present conditions, not only throuht mechanical devices but also through bioengineering. concurrently the main reasons for the plight of the planet—over-population, overkill and waste—have to be tackled. This can only be accomplished by a complete change in ethical standards—the taming of the 'genetic ethics' of growth and dominance and the institution of a new mnorality.  相似文献   

Scenarios are claimed to support strategic decision makers. They are especially effective in dealing with uncertainties. This paper addresses some drawbacks of the conventional scenario method, which is especially directed at handling these uncertainties, and indicates possible avenues for methodological adaptations. We take the approach, which rests in the Shell tradition, as exemplary for our discussion on the mainstream scenario methodology. This approach has some limitations when it comes to dealing with simultaneous trends and countertrends, and trends or clusters of trends that are not thought of beforehand, especially the methodological requirements of causality and consistency, which might be limiting factors in this respect. This paper indicates alternative ways for scenario construction. It discusses the use of either recombinant scenarios, context scenarios, or inconsistent scenarios and/or combinations of these scenarios. These options explicitly incorporate the notion of ‘paradoxical trend’ as the codriver of future developments into the methodology.  相似文献   

H. Igor Ansoff was the prominent reference in the corporate strategy field, especially during the 1960s and 1970s. His bestseller, Corporate Strategy, was the first to give a conceptual framework and a tool box to top managers, consultants and scholars. Recognized as the real pioneer of the field, he was seen by Henry Mintzberg as also the leader of the strategic planning school. The aim of this short article is to show that he was also the father of strategic management and a leader who gave an impressive set of concepts and ideas to promote an integrative and flexible view of strategic planning, strategic foresight, organizational structures and processes.  相似文献   

The world around us contains endless amounts of information. That information is mostly loose in our minds. Very often, it does not at first contact fit in with our conventional understanding, experience or any context we are used to. Hence, we may say that we are overwhelmed with constantly changing raw data, and strategic actors especially tend to be short of more rapid, up-to-date, valid and in-depth understanding of the transforming business landscape and social environment. Strategic intelligence is an emerging field of business consulting, which aims to undertake the task of revealing large, complex or complicated issues of transformation in a more understandable form. Pattern management, however, can be seen as one field or one approach of strategic intelligence. It is an approach that may, on one hand, be based more on empiric data and formal structures than other forms of strategic intelligence, but, on the other hand, it is a very heuristic approach to integrate quantitative data, reasoning and narratives. The main attempts of this article are, first, to show, what are in general the most commonly used ways of managing, finding, drawing, reasoning or anticipating patterns from our environment, and second, to locate how the concept of pattern can be understood in different ways. From the gathered knowledge, this article presents three main categories of reasoning patterns: empirical calculation (EC) is common especially in enterprise consulting. Theory proving with observations (TPO) is common especially in natural sciences, and real combining (RC) is common especially in qualitative research and in narrative.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the organisational study of the creativity applied to business innovation through the analysis of three propositions: (1) there are substantial differences between Creative Entrepreneurial Initiatives (CEIs) and non-CEIs, with regard to human capital factors, structural capital factors, intellectual property, and creative value chain; (2) there are institutional, financial, and educational barriers that limit the creation of CEIs in South Europe (Portugal, France, and Spain); and (3) the adaptation of organisational measures of stimulus to the specificity of CEIs through a flow diagram can reduce the limiting effect of the barriers detected by CEIs. From this approach, researchers and policy-makers can obtain a better understanding of the specificities of the CIEs from a sectoral, strategic, and organisational focus.  相似文献   

University business incubators (UBIs) are organizations designed to accelerate national economic development by assisting start-up firms, particularly new technology-based firms during their growth and development phase. The purposes of this study are to identify the enabling factors influencing the success of UBIs with respect to specific internal resources, and to explore the priority of these factors, using evidence from Thailand, an emerging market country. Two research questions were addressed: (i) whether resource-based enabling factors are applicable to Thai UBIs; and (ii) how varying the relative importance of these factors affects performance. A questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders were conducted to determine the applicability of these factors. Resource-based view was used to identify enabling factors in four categories: human, technological, financial, and organizational resources. Thereafter, fourteen applicable enabling factors were prioritized using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Finally, based on the findings, managerial and policy recommendations were provided to enable more effective strategic decision making for promoting UBIs.  相似文献   

For many firms collaborative R&D is an important component of their technology strategies. R&D collaboration can provide valuable supplementary technological knowledge for firms, building technological capacity. Due to the additional problems of managing R&D in collaboration, rather than entirely in-house, outcomes from it are often uncertain and benefits are hard-earned. This paper, based on a literature review, and on six case-studies of firms experienced in collaboration, examines some of these problems. Because of the high management costs of collaboration, the length of tme needed to build effective communications paths between different organisations, and the specific technological nature of these forms of inter-firm linkage R&D collaboration should be a strategic toncern. Partner selection should be made, and the collaboration conducted, on the basis of the expectation of a continuing relationship encouraging mutual learning and based on a high degree of trust.  相似文献   

B Burg 《Medical economics》1999,76(10):177, 184, 188-177, 184, 190

Many applied economists face problems in selecting an appropriate technique to estimate short and long-run relationships with the time series methods. This article reviews three alternative approaches viz., general to specific, vector autoregressions and the vector error correction models. As in other methodological controversies, definite answers are difficult. It is suggested that if these techniques are seen as tools to summarize data, as in Smith (2000 Smith, RP. 2000. “Unit Roots and all that: the impact of time-series methods on macroeconomics”. In Macroeconomics and the Real World, Edited by: Backhouse, RE. and Salanti, A. 199215. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  [Google Scholar]), often there maybe only minor differences in their estimates. Therefore a computationally attractive technique is likely to be popular.  相似文献   

This paper investigates communication between an informed expert and an uninformed principal via a strategic mediator. We demonstrate that, for any bias in the parties' preferences, there exists a strategic mediator that provides the highest expected payoff to the principal, as if the players had communicated through an optimal non-strategic mediator.  相似文献   

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