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制造业越来越重视"通过服务创新竞争",营销科学学会也把识别出服务创新对企业价值的影响作为研究的优先内容,服务创新是制造业价值获取的重要来源。服务创新是制造业价值获取的重要来源。服务创新创造价值应从改变业务流程、改善顾客价值、提高顾客满意度、增强竞争力等四方面进行。  相似文献   


This editorial discusses a number of trends affecting the pricing of generic medicines in Europe. With respect to pricing, recent evidence has emerged that European generic medicine manufacturers face competition from Indian manufacturers; that the price level of generic medicines varies substantially between European countries; and that generic medicine manufacturers engage in competition by discount rather than price competition in France, The Netherlands and the UK. These trends suggest that there may be scope for further reducing the prices of generic medicines in several countries.

In relation to reference pricing, most European countries have incorporated market incentives within reference pricing systems with a view to promoting price competition. The European experience indicates that the generic medicines industry delivers competitive prices under a reference pricing system if demand-side policies are in place that stimulate physicians, pharmacists and patients to use generic medicines.

Finally, caution needs to be exercised when focusing on the drivers of generic medicine pricing as these drivers not only vary between countries, but may also vary within a country. Manufacturers of originator and generic medicines do not take a single pricing approach following patent expiry, but vary their pricing strategy from molecule to molecule.  相似文献   

供应链企业技术嵌入式协同机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
协同已经成为打造供应链企业长期竞争优势的关键途径。从技术嵌入的新视角研究供应链企业间协同,首先明确了技术嵌入式协同的概念,分析了技术嵌入式协同的几种类型;然后对其协同动机以及协同实现过程进行了阐述;通过分析技术嵌入式协同的主要影响因素,提出了构建和运行这种协同方式的机制。  相似文献   

We study competition between political parties in repeated elections with probabilistic voting. This model entails multiple equilibria, and we focus on cases where political collusion occurs. When parties hold different opinions on some policy, they may take different policy positions that do not coincide with the median voter's preferred policy platform. In contrast, when parties have a mutual understanding on a particular policy, their policy positions may converge (on some dimension) but not to the median voter's preferred policy. That is to say, parties can tacitly collude with one another, despite political competition. Collusion may collapse, for instance, after the entry of a new political party. This model rationalizes patterns in survey data from Sweden, where politicians on different sides of the political spectrum take different positions on economic policy but similar positions on refugee intake—diverging from the average voter's position, but only until the entry of a populist party.  相似文献   


The amalgamation of machine learning and big data has led to a revolution in data science with several influencing applications to various domains. To gain insights on the current research trends on machine learning for big data analytics, this study follows a bibliometric analysis methodology of citation data to review and quantitatively assess the explosion and impact of literature and research performance in this vibrant research area, which has witnessed rapid changes and rising interest in business, industry and academia. Using a variety of bibliometric measures and visualisation techniques, the paper examines and identifies several related issues including research productivity and directions, major contributors, publication trends and growth rates, citation and collaboration analysis, and others. The relevant bibliographic units for the study were collected from the Core Collection of the Web of Science bibliographic database. Nearly all the relevant publications prior to February 2018 were included in the analysis. The overwhelming productivity and wide-spread applications in several multidisciplinary domains have been revealed, with one-to-two ratio of journal to conference publications. Three countries (USA, China, India) are dominating the research output with more than two-thirds of the total productivity.  相似文献   

在以国际生产分割为特征的全球价值链分工格局下,中国高技术产业发展过程中的价值链低端锁定趋势不断凸显,由此引致的产业升级阻滞问题日益复杂化。为准确识别多重阻滞因素及其内在影响机理,运用组态思维和QCA方法,从创新投入、制度环境和国际知识溢出3个条件维度出发,对中国19个高技术行业进行差别化升级组态分析,探索不同前因条件与产业升级的一致性联系,并提出相应政策建议,以期为破解新时期中国高技术产业“升级之困”提供理论借鉴和决策参考。  相似文献   

将竞争态模型引入FDI研究,并以2000--2009年中国外资利用情况进行实证。结果显示:①竞争态是分析外资引进变化趋势和特征的有效方法,能深人把握外资引进目标地的时空结构特征,有利于政府决策;②长期以来,中国外资引进竞争态格局结构基本健全,类型分布虽不理想但日趋合理,外资引进重心稳定于亚太地区和美国等;③未来中国外资引进目标地分为三级,第一级定位于亚太地区的香港、韩国、日本、新加坡、台湾和俄罗斯等,应将收获性和开拓性战略并举;第二级定位于美国和加拿大等发达北美洲国家,应实施扩张性战略;第三级定位于英、法、德、意、瑞士、瑞典、丹麦和荷兰等欧洲发达国家,应实施选择性战略;关于非洲国家外资引入,除政治因素外应采取撤退性战略。  相似文献   

数据要素的流动反映了市场供需信号的传递,流量竞争的本质是交易机会的争夺。数字平台的核心功能是流通,其以提高信息撮合效率为抓手进行注意力竞争,这决定了撮合对象的范围可以无限广阔,关注生产的相关市场界定则会因撮合市场跨多个生产领域而难以界定“基准产品”,因此流量代表的注意力相关市场难以测定。基于“联系一结构”视角,本文认为数字生态中存在中心、次中心和外围这三种角色,并从“平台-数据-算法”(PDA范式)三个维度进一步固化中心独占流量入口的格局,形成了中心对次中心,次中心对外围成本依次转移的“中心一外围”依附剥削体系。针对以控制交易机会分配为目的的流量垄断,本文提出三条规制路径:第一,在反垄断分析框架中突出相关时间市场;第二,拓展反垄断法中交易相对人的内涵,实现结构性平台对联系性平台跨生态开放为目标的互联互通;第三,导入开放平台原则,对结构性平台划定必需设施,构建数字平台的寡头竞争规则。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effective timing of economic policies actions in the tourism industry of a small open economy such as Singapore. The effective timing of policy actions is an open challenge issue to researchers and also a much needed rule of thumb to policy makers and private agents. This paper aims to (a) derive the influencing factors of a tourism demand function and (b) identify the time impact of these factors, thus, allowing the formulations of effective policy actions, by both, governmental tourism authorities and private tourism agents in Singapore. Our findings suggest that tourism government authorities and private tourism agents in Singapore should choose the timing of their actions depending upon the anticipated factor changes and their estimated impact. That is, if exchange rate variability is anticipated then policy actions should start at least twelve months prior to the start of the tourist period. If, a keen price competition is expected to prevail then the best timing of policy actions is nine months ahead the tourism period. If income improvements in origin countries could be expected, then a rather shorter timing action of six months would be available to tourism authorities and private agents in Singapore.  相似文献   

现有研究大多基于平台搭建者视角探索工业互联网的优势,对参与企业在嵌入工业互联网平台生态后为何能够提升创新绩效的原因探讨不足。基于资源编排理论,探讨平台生态嵌入对参与企业探索式创新绩效的作用机制,结果发现,嵌入工业互联网平台生态有助于参与企业探索式创新绩效提升。其中,异质性资源获取和能力重构在两者间均发挥中介作用,且异质性资源获取和能力重构具有链式中介效应。结论有助于打开工业互联网平台生态嵌入行为对参与企业探索式创新绩效的作用机制“黑箱”,不仅能丰富平台生态嵌入相关研究,而且可为参与企业嵌入平台生态进行创新实践活动提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Objective: To provide updated evidence on US trends in: market exclusivity periods (MEPs, time between brand-name drug launch and first generic competitors) for new molecular entities (NMEs); likelihood, timing and number of Hatch-Waxman Act Paragraph IV patent challenges; and generic drug penetration.

Methods: This study used IMS Health National Sales PerspectivesTM US data to calculate MEPs for the 288 NMEs experiencing initial generic entry between January 1995 and December 2014, the number of generic competitors for 12 months afterward (by level of annual sales prior to generic entry), and generic penetration rates. The likelihood, timing and number of Paragraph IV challengers were calculated using data from Abbreviated New Drug Approval (ANDA) letters, the FDA website, public information searches, and ParagraphFour.com.

Results: For drugs experiencing initial generic entry in 2013–2014, the MEP was 12.5 years for drugs with sales greater than $250 million (in 2008 dollars) in the year prior to generic entry ($250 million?+?NMEs), 13.6 years overall. After generic entry, brands rapidly lost sales, with their average unit share being 7% at 1 year for $250 million?+?NMEs, 12% overall. Ninety-four percent of $250 million?+?NMEs experiencing initial generic entry in 2013–2014 had faced at least one Paragraph IV challenge, an average of 5.2 years after brand launch (76% and 5.9 years for all NMEs). NMEs faced an average of 5.1 and 6.2 Paragraph IV challenges per NME, for all and $250 million?+?NMEs, respectively.

Limitations: Analyses, including Paragraph IV calculations, were restricted to NMEs where generic entry had occurred.

Conclusion: The average 2013–2014 MEP of 12.5 years for $250 million?+?NMEs, 13.6 overall remains consistent with prior research. MEPs are lower, and Paragraph IV challenges are more frequent and occur earlier for $250 million?+?drugs. Generic share erosion is also greater, and continues to intensify for both NME types.  相似文献   


German fertility trends show that the average age at which women have their first child has increased in recent decades. Moreover, researchers have argued that delayed maternity is an important factor in reduced fertility. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), this paper contributes to the debate about maternity timing and reduced fertility in Germany by analyzing some of the factors determining the delay of motherhood. The results suggest that German women who have accumulated more years of education and longer work experience at the time of marriage delay motherhood more. On the other hand, women with higher labor income and a higher contribution to household income delay motherhood less. The results confirm that women consolidate their careers before motherhood in order to reduce career costs. Therefore, if fertility rates are to be increased in Germany further policies that aim to combine women's careers and motherhood need to be developed.  相似文献   

知识经济时代人才竞争日趋激烈,如何吸引并留住人才对任何城市都至关重要。通过知乎、微信社交平台和地方城市生活网络平台,收集40个城市1 787名人才关于城市居留意愿与行为原因叙述的记录,运用扎根理论方法分析发现:①影响人才城市居留意愿与行为的因素包括个体城市情感/契合、生存、亲友、政府、城市、个体能力与机缘七大类,不同区域城市类型的关键影响因素存在一定差异;②人才城市居留意愿是直接影响居留行为产生的重要前因,但居留意愿并不必然产生居留行为,个体情感/契合因素、机缘因素仅影响居留意愿或居留行为;③居留行为可以通过个体情感/契合因素进一步影响人才城市居留意愿。该研究从人力资源与人才需求角度丰富了人口迁移理论,可为现代城市解决人才吸引留用问题、获取人才竞争优势提供理论指导。  相似文献   


Conventional histories of women's labor force participation in Europe conceptualize the trends in terms of a U-shaped pattern. This contribution draws on historical research to challenge such an account. First, it demonstrates that the trough in participation is in part statistically manufactured by uncritical reliance on official sources that systematically undercount women workers. Second, it exploits nonstandard sources to construct alternative estimates of women's participation. Third, it analyzes the reconstructed rates to determine their congruence with neoclassical economics and modern empirical studies. Not all posited relationships time travel. Supply-side factors such as marital status and number and age of children are major determinants of modern women's decision to enter the labor force, yet appear less prominent in historical contexts. Instead, the demand for labor seems decisive. Finally, the U-shaped curve is not entirely a statistical artifact, but appears to evolve at higher levels of participation than usually suggested.  相似文献   

儿童的成长和全面发展离不开其社会性发展和教育,首先介绍了儿童社会性发展的内涵,并分析了影响因素。其中,儿童社会性发展的影响因素研究主要集中于:家庭、学校和同伴关系这三个方面。在已有相关研究的基础上,分析了儿童社会性发展的研究趋势,如研究观念转变,注重认知因素,研究方法多样化等,并对以往的研究进行了评述。  相似文献   


This research presents itself as one of the earliest studies to consider economic factors that influence decision making in an international technology transfer while considering the perspectives of the transferor and transferee individually. Unlike previous studies, this study takes a multi-variable analysis approach in considering these factors through the development of a common analytical framework that can be applied to similar studies. The methodology used herein is quantitative and involves a multiple regression analysis, which combines variables examined unilaterally in earlier studies. The results show that economic factors that influence a transferor’s choice of a transferee include inflation rate, currency exchange rate, and foreign direct investment while in the converse relationship, the results prove that in addition to inflation rate, currency exchange rate, and foreign direct investment, official development assistance was also relevant.  相似文献   

鉴于专利诉讼数量显著增加,并超越单纯的法律案件性质,专利诉讼已成为企业动态竞争中的重要武器,进而成为企业专利战略管理的关键环节。从动态竞争角度看,专利诉讼的时间和地点选择对诉讼结果以及竞争的影响尤为关键。通过总结专利诉讼研究文献和动态竞争理论,从动态竞争视角构建专利诉讼时空选择机理、效应的理论框架模型,有助于进一步开展实证研究,也有助于企业把握专利诉讼的本质,在动态竞争中积累优势。  相似文献   

科技悬赏在国际科技领域是一种为解决特定问题而向目标群体设置悬赏目标,并以现金或非现金奖励为主要要素,激励悬赏参与者进行创新直至达到预设目标的奖励模式,该模式与我国目前探索实践的“揭榜挂帅”制度在本质上具有一致性。欧美国家的科技悬赏制度自18世纪正式诞生以来,经历了独具特色的发展历程。特别是近20年来,科技悬赏项目在国际范围内的应用热度逐步提升,并完成了多个极具国际影响力的重大科技创新项目。通过对典型项目进行比较分析,依据科技悬赏项目基本构成要素的特点,可以把国际科技悬赏项目分为重视悬赏坐标设计的科技悬赏项目、探索项目充分授权的科技悬赏项目和尝试分级激励的科技悬赏项目3种模式。高效的引导效应、明确的设计原则与复合影响要素是不同模式国际科技悬赏项目的共同特点。借鉴国际科技悬赏的成功经验,我国“揭榜挂帅”制度设计应该高度关注精准设榜、综合激励与制度保障等环节的创新和完善。  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on exploring the antecedent of industry platform emergence in order to clarify the appropriate timing of opening the platform to successfully architect innovation by external complementors. An industry platform is defined as a core component of a technological system, which facilitates firms in orchestrating complementary innovation leading to the creation of network effects. Literature on industry platforms has mainly paid attention to investigating strategies that firms can implement to foster platform ecosystems. Relatively little research has been done on analysing the suitable timing of increasing platform openness. This incomplete understanding may cause confusion in the use of the industry platform concept, when deciding on the timing of encouraging complementary innovation. To explore this issue, a case study approach was employed to collecting and analysing research data. A total of five case studies were conducted. The case study findings suggest that the appropriate user acceptance of a product platform can be regarded as the antecedent of platform emergence, and this can help firms decide on the timing of opening the platform for the purpose of successfully steering complementary innovation. The research findings have made theoretical contributions to knowledge and have provided firms with practical implications.  相似文献   

Why do some firms choose to be ‘born global’ and become early internationalizing firms (EIFs) while others choose to be ‘born-again global’ and develop into late internationalizing firms (LIFs)? What are the main factors impacting a firm’s decision on the timing of global diversification? Based on the theories of diversification, this study examines the role of peer influence and desire for growth on the timing of a firm’s globalization decision. We further study the idiosyncratic risk and the adoption of technological innovation hypotheses on global diversification. Our results document that innovation efficiency strongly enhances EIFs’ propensity to global diversification. On the other hand, peer pressure and idiosyncratic risk level significantly influence EIFs not to globalize. In contrast, LIFs are positively influenced by their industry peers, showing how young and mature companies respond to the market competition in a different manner.  相似文献   

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