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Mark Rogers 《Empirica》2010,37(3):329-359
The UK’s business R&D (BERD) to GDP ratio is low compared to other leading economies, and the ratio has declined over the 1990s. This paper uses data on 719 large UK firms to analyse the link between R&D and productivity during 1989–2000. The results indicate that UK returns to R&D are similar to returns in other leading economies and have been relatively stable over the 1990s. The analysis suggests that the low BERD to GDP ratio in the UK is unlikely to be due to direct financial or human capital constraints (as these imply finding relatively high rates of return).  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate scale economies in Norwegian electricity distribution companies using a quantile regression approach. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply this estimation technique when analysing scale economies. We estimate the cost elasticities of the two output components: network length and number of customers, to calculate returns to scale. Our results show large potential of scale economies, particularly for the smallest companies. We also find that returns to scale is increasing over time. These findings have important implications for policymakers when they are deciding the structure of the industry in the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explain the sources of energy system lock-in. It presents a comparative analysis of the respective contributions of some features of increasing returns to adoption factors, i.e. learning-by-doing, learning-by-searching and returns to scale effects in explaining the technological change dynamics in the energy system. The paper is technically based on a critical analysis of the learning curve approach. Econometric estimation of learning and scale effects inherent to seven energy technologies were performed by the use of several learning curve specifications. These specifications permit to deal with some crucial issues related to the learning curve estimation which are associated with the problem of omitted variable bias, the endogeneity effects and the choice of learning indicators. Results show that dynamic economies from learning effects coupled with static economies from scale effects are responsible for the lock-in phenomena of the energy system. They also show that the magnitude of such effects is correlated with the technology life cycle (maturity). In particular, results point out that, 1) the emerging technologies exhibit low learning rates associated with diseconomies of scale which are argued to be symptomatic of the outset of the deployment of new technologies characterized by diffusion barriers and high level of uncertainty, 2) the evolving technologies present rather high learning rates meaning that they respond quickly to capacity expansion and R&D activities development, 3) conventional mature technologies display low learning rates but increasing returns to scale implying that they are characterized by a limited additional diffusion prospects.  相似文献   

The paper by Ghosh and Saha (Econ Theory 30:575–586, 2007) shows that entry can be socially excessive even if there are no scale economies. We show that exogenous cost asymmetry is responsible for this result. In a simple model with R&D investment by the more cost efficient firm, thus creating endogenous cost asymmetry, we show that entry is socially insufficient instead of excessive if the slope of the marginal cost of R&D is not very high.  相似文献   

Governments in modern economies devote much policy attention to enhancing productivity and continue to emphasize its drivers such as investment in R&D. This paper analyzes the relationship between productivity growth and levels of R&D investments. The econometric analysis shows that more than 65 per cent of productivity growth variance is due to its dependence on gross domestic expenditure on R&D expressed as percentage of GDP (GERD). Economic analysis shows that productivity growth = f(GERD) is a concave function downwards due to diminishing returns to research investments. In addition, the research shows that the range of GERD between 2.3 per cent and 2.6 per cent maximizes the long-run impact on productivity growth and it is the key to sustained productivity and technology improvements that are becoming more and more necessary to modern economic growth.  相似文献   

We examine the connection between Walrasian equilibria of a limit economy (with infinitesimal firms) and the noncooperative (Cournot) equilibria of approximating finite economies (with significant firms). Following earlier work of Novshek and Sonnenschein we allow for set-up cost and permit a minimal form of mixed strategies. We depart from them by requiring that the aggregate production set exhibits some degree (however small) of decreasing returns. Contrasting with their results, it is shown that a (regular) Walrasian equilibrium of a limit economy can always be approximated by a sequence of noncooperative equilibria for the tail of the approximating (finite) economies. Thus, there is a surprising qualitative discontinuity when one passes from the Novshek-Sonnenschein case of aggregate constant returns to scale of the decreasing returns case of this paper.  相似文献   

Considered are economies with a single output (a single consumption good) which is produced from l inputs by means of an increasing returns to scale production function f. We show that for quasi-concave and homogeneous functions f of degree r ? 1, the Aumann-Shapley prices constitute a simple Scarf Social Equilibrium. Put differently, Shapley value of the associated atomless game is in the core of that game. Such is not the situation, however, in the more general case when f exhibits increasing returns to scale (but in homogeneous).  相似文献   

While the growing importance of off-farm earnings suggests large benefits accrue to farmers from efforts to expand off-farm income opportunities, economic well being also depends on greater efficiency. To comprehensively gauge the economic health of farm operator households' off-farm income is interpreted as an output along with corn, soybeans, livestock and other crops. To accomplish this task two related methodologies were used. First, using 2000 data, a multi-activity cost function was set up to analyse labour allocation decisions within the farm operator household and also to estimate returns to scale and scope. Second, using 1996–2000 data, an input distance function approach was followed to estimate returns to scale, cost economies and technical efficiency – and the relative performance of farm operator households with and without off-farm wages and salaries compared. The cost function and input distance function results both suggest that off-farm outputs and inputs can be modelled in a multi-activity framework and involve significant economies of scope.  相似文献   

This paper departs from earlier work on location theory by introducing external economies of scale into the Weber–Moses location model. It is shown that under Cournot–Nash competition, when external economies prevail, constant returns to scale at the firm level is not a sufficient condition for ensuring the invariance of the firm's optimal location with respect to a change in market demand, regardless of whether or not free entry is allowed. Moreover, when free entry is allowed and the production function exhibits decreasing returns to scale, but with very strong external economies, the optimal location moves towards or away from the market as demand increases according to whether the demand function is convex or concave. These results are different significantly from the conventional wisdom.  相似文献   

This article estimates economies of scale for a sample of five cellular telephony firms in the United States. We reject constant returns to scale for all but the smallest firm studied; the remaining firms exhibit decreasing returns to scale. This finding suggests that scale economies cannot be used to justify the current regulated duopoly structure of United States cellular markets.  相似文献   

By analyzing the dynamic conditional correlations (DCC) of the daily stock returns of 10 emerging economies in comparison with those of the US for the period of 2006–2010, we find different patterns of crisis spillover among 10 emerging economies. While a group of countries has three distinctive phases of crisis spillover (contagion, herding, and post-crisis adjustment), other groups show different phases of crisis spillover. It is also shown that increases in CDS spread and TED spread decrease conditional correlations while increases in foreign institutional investment, exchange market volatility, and the VIX index of the S&P 500 increase conditional correlations.  相似文献   

In this paper we study an industry in which there is an ongoing sequence of R&D races between two firms. Firms are engaged in product innovation. Products are horizontally and vertically differentiated. There are two key characteristics/dimensions to products, and the level at which these are embodied in products can be increased by R&D. At each time firms can spend R&D on improving their product in one or both dimensions. We allow the possibility of economies scope — so R&D undertaken in one dimension can spillover to the other. The question we are interested in is whether a firm that is ahead in a single dimension but behind in another will focus all its R&D effort in the area in which it is ahead (product specialisation), or whether it will try to do R&D in both dimensions in the hope that it might get ahead in both and end up with a superproduct that dominates in both characteristics. The outcome of this R&D competition determines a Markov transition probability matrix determining the evolution of the industry. We show that when the R&D technology is characterized by constant returns then the only steady-state outcome is one in which the economy stays forever in a position in which one firm produces a super-product and the other gives up doing R&D altogether. This outcome is unaffected by the degree of economies of scope. When the R&D technology is characterised by decreasing returns, then the industry will visit all states and so will exhibit both product specialisation and superproduct dominance at various times. Now the extent of economies of scope matters and we show that the greater the extent of economies of scope, the less likely is the industry to exhibit product dominance, and the more likely it is to exhibit product specialisation.  相似文献   


Using firm-level data, we estimate the returns to R&D investments for a sample of European manufacturing firms over the period 2007–2009. Results confirm that R&D efforts are positively related to productivity regardless of firm type (family or nonfamily firms). Additionally, we find that family firms invested more in R&D than nonfamily firms, but the returns to their R&D investments are low, emphasizing that they have a lower capacity to translate R&D investments into economic gains.  相似文献   

Global warming is now recognized as a significant threat to sustainable development on an international scale. One of the key challenges in mounting a global response to it is the seeming unwillingness of the fastest growing economies such as China and India to sign a treaty that limits their emissions. The aim of this paper is to examine the differential incentives of countries on different trajectories of capital growth. A benchmark dynamic game to study global warming, introduced in Dutta and Radner (J Econ Behav Organ, 2009), is generalized to allow for exogenous capital accumulation. It is shown that the presence of capital exacerbates the “tragedy of the common”. Furthermore, even with high discount factors, the threat of reverting to the inefficient “tragedy” equilibrium is not sufficient to deter the emissions growth of the fastest growing economies—in contrast to standard folk theorem like results. However, foreign aid can help. If the slower growth economies—like the United States and Western Europe—are willing to make transfers to China and India, then the latter can be incentivized to cut emissions. Such an outcome is Pareto improving for both slower and faster growth economies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of interpreting the growth of total factor productivity, directly linking the productivity growth to key parameters of a specific cost function. It shows that the productivity index can be decomposed into effects due to (a) technical change, (b) non-constant returns to scale, and (c) change in capital utilization. The decomposition framework was applied to data on South Korean manufacturing. During the 1961–1980 period in South Korean manufacturing, the total factor productivity was found to have grown at 3% per annum, scale economies contributed about 38% of the growth of TFP, the technical change 45%, and the change in the capital utilization rate 17%. The results of this study support of the view that for growing, less-developed economies, the growth in capital utilization rate is a source of growth in total productivity that is too significant to be ignored.  相似文献   

Jason Hecht 《Applied economics》2018,50(16):1790-1811
Employment and output in the advanced technology sectors have generally exhibited above-average growth for more than two decades. While this industry accounts for a relatively small share of total employment, the majority of private sector research and development (R&D) expenditures in the US is concentrated within seven sub-sectors. However, little attention has been paid as to whether high-tech productivity exhibits Hicksian capital or labour ‘savings’ bias or tendency to displace either factor input over time. Biased technical change can occur as economies transition between growth regimes. An augmented production function is employed to analyse the additional impact of R&D activity on firm-level labour productivity. A panel data set comprised of high-tech firms located across the advanced economies, China and India from 1990 to 2013 is used in the analysis. Labour-saving technical change was present across the advanced technology sectors and most countries. The expanded models of labour productivity that used fixed effects with lagged regressors confirmed the prior results as well as finding that R&D per employee, relative R&D intensity and firm market share contribute to firm-level labour productivity growth across countries and sectors. Additional support was found for diminishing returns to scale but not for R&D spillover effects.  相似文献   

Dirk Frantzen 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):3009-3027
A study of the relation between technology and manufacturing production specialization in a series of developed economies is performed by means of models relating indicators of revealed symmetric comparative advantage of value added and exports to similar measures of comparative performance of R&D expenditure, capital intensity, total factor productivity and wage costs. The production and R&D specialization are shown to be substantial and sticky. This contrasts with the evidence of a substantial degree of convergence in the patterns of the other variables. Regression estimates show that, although all variables play their part, the impact of comparative R&D efforts on production specialization is by far the strongest. This impact is found to be stronger in the smaller economies and it is especially important in research-intensive industries. The influence of comparative wages is, moreover, found to be positive here, suggesting the dominance of a labour skill and efficiency wage effect over a wage cost competitiveness effect. These findings are shown to conform quite well with the predictions of Schumpeterian theory and of certain contributions to ‘new trade theory’ that have stressed the importance of dynamic economies of scale.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper generalizes Segerstrom [5], a dynamic general equilibrium model of endogenous growth through quality improvements in which innovation and imitation are modeled as the outcomes of research and development (R&D) races. Specific factors introduced into the technologies of both R&D activities achieve diminishing returns to scale in R&D. The comparative-static results of subsidies to R&D activities depend on the degree of diminishing returns to scale in R&D. When there is (is not) a sufficient degree of diminishing returns to R&D, a subsidy to innovative activity increases (decreases) innovative activity. Received: July 8, 1994; revised version: June 9, 1997  相似文献   

Using panel data, we estimate measures of density, scale and scope economies in four countries that differ substantially in their levels of economic development and in their piped water and sewerage coverage: Brazil, Moldova, Romania and Vietnam. We find evidence of economies of scale in Moldova, Romania and Vietnam. In Brazil, we cannot reject the null hypothesis of constant returns to scale. The results of this study show that the cost structure of water and sewerage utilities varies significantly within and between countries and over time.   相似文献   


We employ 1440 stocks listed in the S&P Composite 1500 Index of the NYSE. Three benchmark GARCH models are estimated for the returns of each individual stock under three alternative distributions (Normal, t and GED). We provide summary statistics for all the GARCH coefficients derived from 11,520 regressions. The EGARCH model with GED errors emerges as the preferred choice for the individual stocks in the S&P 1500 universe when non-negativity and stationarity constraints in the conditional variance are imposed. 57% of the constraint’s violations are taking place in the S&P small cap stocks.  相似文献   

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