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Does WTO accession matter for the Chinese textile and clothing industry?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on field surveys conducted in Guangdong, Zhejiang andBeijing in 2000 and 2001, this paper argues that accession tothe World Trade Organisation (WTO) by China will create a newcompetitive arena for different categories of textile and clothingfirms located in that country, partly dependent on the sizeand ownership of the firm. From the perspectives of reducingimport tariffs, eliminating export quotas and the regulationson trade disputes, WTO accession does matter for the majorityof Chinese firms in this ‘win–lose’ game.From the perspective of compliance with international standards,this paper argues that accession to the WTO does not reallymatter for some Chinese firms, as they may not survive the intensecompetition prior to 2005, when the effects of the Agreementon Textiles and Clothing materialise.  相似文献   

While financial development and corruption control have been studied extensively, their interaction has not. We develop a simple model in which low corruption and financial development both facilitate the undertaking of productive projects, but act as substitutes in doing so. The substitutability arises because corruption raises the need for liquidity and thus makes financial improvements more potent; conversely, financial underdevelopment makes corruption more onerous and thus raises the gains from reducing it. We test this substitutability by predicting growth, of countries and industries, using measures of financial development, lack of corruption, and a key interaction term. Both approaches point to positive effects from improving either factor, as well as to a substitutability between them. The growth gain associated with moving from the 25th to the 75th percentile in one factor is 0.63–1.68 percentage points higher if the second factor is at the 25th percentile rather than the 75th. The results show robustness to different measures of corruption and financial development and do not appear to be driven by outliers, omitted variables, or other theories of growth and convergence.  相似文献   

This article analyses the links between international financial and trade integration and financial development in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. It is based on a panel data set using methods that tackle slope heterogeneity, cross-sectional dependence and nonstationarity. The results do not point to a general direct robust link between trade and financial integration and financial development in SSA, once we control for other factors such as GDP per capita and inflation. The findings may be due to a number of factors including distortions in domestic financial markets, relatively weak institutions and/or poor financial sector supervision. We find some indication that financial integration is more important for financial development in countries with better institutional quality. Stronger scores in some measures of the quality of banking regulation and supervision are also linked to a positive association between integration and financial development in some of our results. Thus, African policy-makers should be cautious about expectations regarding immediate gains for financial development from greater international integration. Such gains are more likely to occur slowly and through indirect channels.  相似文献   

The innocent Tuwa people live in Kanas Lake, a world famous national reserve in northern Xinjiang. With therapid development of tourism today, Tuwa people are finally involved in tourism industry. The development of tourismis a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it boosts the revival of Tuwa culture, provides a large number of employmentopportunities and cross-cultural exchanges, and improves material welfare for Tuwa people. On the other hand, somedisadvantages have also resulted from tourism development, such as the unauthentic exhibition of Tuwa culture, limitedtourists, Tuwa group interaction, and limited material improvement for the Tuwa, etc. This paper takes Tuwa people asa case, illustrates the types, characteristics and the conditions for the development of Tuwa culture, explores the advan-tages and disadvantages resulting from the development of folk-custom tourism industry and then puts forwardsrecommendations on the protection for local cultures as follows: (1) attach great importance to Tuwa culture in thetourism development of Kanas Lake Visitor Attraction; (2) construct the aboriginal village with the consciousness ofprotection; (3) remove the Tuwa village; (4) consummate the management mode and let Tuwa people really benefit fromtourism; (5) restrict the grazing in the scenic spots and protect natural grassland; (6) promote Tuwa people’s ability ofself-supervision and self-management; (7) exhibit Tuwa culture authentically.  相似文献   

Does the effect of fuel taxes on clean innovations (e.g. hybrid technology) depend on the legal system’s rigidity? Using 1986–2005 data from more than 1900 firms, evidence suggests that auto-industry firms located in civil law (with more rigid laws) countries increase clean technology patenting more than common law (with more flexible laws) firms when the tax-inclusive fuel price rises. A rigid legal system appears to raise clean technology innovation.  相似文献   

The differences of regional economic development between underdeveloped areas and developed areas are mainly embodied by different levels of private economic development. Since 20-year reform and opening-up to the outside world, the private industry of Zigong has developed gradually, become more and more economically competitive, and played a more and more important role in the economic structure of Zigong. This paper analyzes the problems of private economy and its countermeasures based on the research on its status quo.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interrelation between exporting and productivity performance by using a representative sample of Indian manufacturing firms over the period 1994–2006. Specifically, we attempt to test the empirical validity of the learning‐by‐exporting and the self‐selection hypotheses for our sample firms. In order to investigate the linkage, in the first step, we test for causality between TFP and export intensity of firms. Although overall results are rather mixed and provide some support for both hypotheses, still the empirical results are more favorable for the self‐selection behavior of firms. In the next stage, we attempt to provide evidence on export and productivity linkage that occurs during various phases of transition in the export market. Our results suggest that entering in the export market does not improve productivity performance. However, the decision to exit from the export market does have an adverse effect on the productivity. In addition, our results indicate the presence of a high sunk cost of exporting coupled with perhaps lesser information about foreign markets. Finally, our results also lend some support to the significant role of in‐house research activities and economies of scale in firms' productivity performance.  相似文献   

Portuguese Economic Journal - This study investigates the impact of financial development, economic growth, and foreign direct investment on enhancing industrial growth for a panel of selected...  相似文献   

From the view of system theory, modern agriculture in a region embodies elements conformity, structure optimization, multi-functionality and sustainable development. This paper first expounds on the relationship among agricultural elements, structure, function and development theoretically, compartmentalizes agriculture types based on human-land elements matching, and depicts the development path of agricultural multi-functionality. it shows that the matching of human-land elements is a key to agricultural types, and the multi-functionality is an indication of agricultural development stages. At last, as a case study of Suzhou in eastern coastal area, the paper analyzes the evolvement situation and developing mechanism and some typical models of modern agriculture which suit to agriculture system evolvement. The results .show that in Suzhou the agriculture productivity, has improved greatly; And along with the agriculture structure optimizing, agriculture function has translated from "production " to "non- production and production ". With simulation of agricultural trend in Suzhou, it is .found that Suzhou has a LP- dependence (labor productivity) on agricultural element, so Suzhou will has much more potential in land productivity. Based on the above analysis on agricultural system, some typical patterns on modern agriculture in Suzhou are brought up, such as export-oriented agriculture, enterprises-leading agriculture, science and technology, parks agriculture, stereoseopic agriculture, and tourism and sightseeing agriculture.  相似文献   

Two leading scholars of the 20th century – Hans Kelsen and James Buchanan – both suggested that belief in an objective morality entails a disparaging attitude towards political and individual freedom. The main point was similar: Why let people decide for themselves, whether in politics or ordinary life, if what is objectively right is known? This paper presents their arguments and evaluates them, both by specifying three conditions that need to be met for the arguments to hold (the objective morality must be believed to be known, a belief in a known morality must entail a motivation to see it followed and the content of the known morality must not block coercion) and by relating them to recent experimental research (which nevertheless provides some empirical support).  相似文献   

As Major League Soccer (MLS) continues to award expansion franchises throughout North America, the league must be considerate of how new clubs may impact attendance levels at nearby clubs. Regardless of whether new MLS clubs are awarded to cities with strong North American Soccer League histories, league officials must be mindful of the effect that geographically close competitors can have on attendance. Perhaps stemming from the limited number of clubs in competition, MLS teams currently appear to operate as strategic complements to one another, increasing season-long attendance as teams locate closer to one another.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the substitutability or complementarity possibilities between capital, labour and energy in the UK industrial sector, with particular attention to the captial-energy relationship. It is found, using the translog-cost-function approach, that capital and labour as well as energy and labour are substitutes. However, capital and energy are found to be complements.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), financial development, and economic growth in a panel of 95 developed and developing countries from 1983 to 2006. The study moves away from the traditional cross-sectional analysis, and focuses on more direct evidence of the channels via which FDI might help or retard economic growth. Using generalized method of moment (GMM) panel data analysis, we find strong evidence of a positive relationship between FDI inflows into a country and its economic performance. We also find evidence that domestic financial system is a significant prerequisite for FDI to have a positive effect on economic growth. Policy implications are clear. Effort should be made to reform and improve the development of domestic financial system in order to benefit more from the presence of FDI.  相似文献   

We assess the effects of changes in household size on the long‐run evolution of living standards and on cross‐country convergence. When the observed changes in average household size across countries are taken into consideration, growth in living standards is slower throughout the 20th century as compared to a measure based on per capita GDP. Furthermore, the speed of divergence between different countries before 1950 is faster and the speed of convergence after 1950 is slower after adjusting for the evolution in household size.  相似文献   

How are export propensity and intensity affected by gender? Data from the World Bank's Enterprise Surveys (waves 2006–07, 2009–10) are used in a cross-country analysis to investigate whether export propensity and intensity differ according to the gender of top managers and entrepreneurs. Exporting is riskier than selling domestically and women, on average, tend to be more risk averse than men. Exporting entails costs, and women may have reduced access to finance compared to men. Most firms managed or solely owned by women are young and small and may have more difficulty obtaining credit. Women may self-select into routine sectors with lower mean productivity. Unlike most previous research, here the gender effect only takes into account firms where women have decision-making power. Accounting for the endogeneity of firm productivity, firm self-selection into exporting, and several factors influencing export propensity and intensity, the gender effect operates indirectly via some of those factors.  相似文献   

Using a generalized gravity equation, this study tests for the Linder effect in differentiated agri-food product trade, i.e. as the demand structures of two countries become more similar, their trade intensity increases. Two proxies of demand structure, the Balassa index and the absolute value of the difference in per capita Gross Domestic Products (GDPs) of trading partners, are used to capture the Linder effect. In addition, two measures of bilateral trade, the Grubel and Lloyd (GL) index, and the value of bilateral trade are used as the dependent variable. This study investigates the role of the Linder effect in explaining the trade of 37 differentiated agri-food and beverage products categorized into eight product groups: cereals, fresh fish, frozen fish, vegetables, fresh fruit, processed fruit, tea and coffee and alcoholic beverages. The data covers trade across 52 developed and developing countries from 1990 to 2000. The type of proxy used for the Linder effect and the way in which bilateral trade is measured influence the outcome of the statistical tests for the Linder effect. The Linder effect for cereals, frozen fish, vegetables, processed fruits and tea and coffee, using the value of trade as the dependent variable, is often accepted, but it is generally rejected when the GL index is used as the measure of trade intensity. In brief, the results do not provide strong support for the Linder effect in the trade of differentiated agri-food products.  相似文献   

To analyze China industrial sustainable development featured with high energy consumption and high CO2 emission, this paper constructs the input and output panel data of China’s 38 sub-industries, estimates their productivity and carries out the green growth accounting based on translog production function. This paper concludes that, as a whole, China industry has achieved the transformation from extensive to intensive growth, with the productivity to be the first driving force, that is necessary to sustainable development in the long run. In addition to technical progress, energy and capital have also been driving the industrial growth during the sample period, while labor and emission made less even negative contribution to it. Some heavy industries, however, are still characterized by extensive growth and must improve their energy-save and emission-abate technology to favor the sustainable development of overall Chinese industry.  相似文献   

Taking a typical active export-oriented region Zhejiang as an example, this paper tries to evaluate its Coordinated Development Degree (CDD) form 1997, focusing on the characteristics of its export-oriented econom〉 and regional environment. The results show that Zhejiang 's CDD has kept increasing steadily after its slight drop in 1998. Finally, four measurements are proposed to promote sustainable development, including increasing and equalizing region's environmental investment, changing pollution-intensive export structure to avoid restricting the whole industrial structure, restricting simple spatial translocation of high-material consumption, high-energy consumption and high-pollution industries, etc.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study the impacts of World Trade Organization accession on the dynamics of foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade in Vietnam. In order to do this, we employ an augmented gravity model and use a panel data set covering bilateral trade and FDI between Vietnam and its 17 most important partner countries, over the period 1990–2008. Firstly, we find that WTO accession has a significantly positive effect both on Vietnam’s imports and on inward FDI. Secondly, even though we find no evidence to demonstrate convincingly that WTO accession influences Vietnam’s exports, this accession seems to indirectly encourage Vietnam’s exports through the FDI channel due to a strong connection between these two.  相似文献   

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