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制造业企业的机器设备数量较多,总价值也较高。而在采用资产基础法评估制造业企业的整体价值时,其机器设备评估侧重的是机器设备评估总值的准确性,而非每台设备评估值的准确性。那么,能否找到一种既保证机器设备评估总值准确度又高效合理的评估方式呢?  相似文献   

近几年,商业银行积极推进数字化转型战略,综合运用新技术改造银行系统,依据各大银行官方年报数据统计,从2017年末到2019年末,银行调整重心向营销、业务、风控、科技人才倾斜,不断缩减可替代性较强的部分运营岗位。转型布局增加了商业银行对金融与科技复合型人才的需求,也要求银行业务人员建立数字化思维,推动业务与技术有序融合,向客户传导银行品牌价值。银行业务人员如何转型,金融科技如何增强业务人员综合服务能力,激发服务智慧与价值创新,是数字化转型下技术换人、减负增效的实践方向之一。  相似文献   

无形资产评估的风险及控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
无形资产评估由于存在大量复杂的不确定因素,导致了评估风险的存在。本文就不同评估方法中存在的种种风险,进行了详细的分析研究,并就如何减少风险提出了一些建议。此外,本文还提出无形资产资本化途径是股权化和证券化,而这两者都需要定性和定量的确定其价值。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a questionnaire survey about share valuation practices among investors and their intermediaries in Saudi Arabia. The findings suggest that fundamental analysis is used most by investor respondents where a P/E multiple is applied to an earnings forecast to generate a prediction of future price. However, technical analysis is also used to a much greater extent than in developed markets. Finally, the results indicate that quarterly and annual reports as well as newspapers are widely consulted by investors when forming their expectations about share valuations.  相似文献   

张铭 《新理财》2010,(5):33-34
项目评价是跨国并购行为最基础的环节之一,在企业战略确定的大前提下这些基础环节决定了一次并购行为是否能够获得预期收益。  相似文献   

企业文化作为一个企业的灵魂和精神瑰宝.需要贯穿到企业的管理和员工的日常行为之中.所以它既要有雄心壮志、豪言壮语、海誓山盟、鼓舞士气、又要切贴实际、设身处地.善气迎人、望而可即,让员工时时刻刻都能体会到,而且明确自己能够从中受益。[编者按]  相似文献   

柜员现金循环机(Teller Cash Recycler,TCR)可用作柜员管理现金的辅助没备。TCR处理钞币的平均速度为每秒八张,是人工处理速度的两倍左右,使用TCR能提高柜员处理现金的速度;TCR在很大程度上隔离了柜员和现金的接触,可减少人为对现金处理不当导致的账务问题;TCR还提供了自动轧账功能,大大减少了人工轧账的工作量和轧账时间;TCR还可以替代柜员目前使用的钞箱和验钞机.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the dynamism of pre-decision controls in the appraisal of strategic investments, an area largely overlooked by the literature, even though it is of the utmost importance to understand the mechanisms companies use to ensure their optimal capital investments. More specifically, we investigate how changes in companies’ economic, strategic, and organisational conditions relate to an increased emphasis on pre-decision controls such as policies, procedures, and routines. The empirical data is based on 108 interviews from among the 150 largest Finnish manufacturing companies. The paper contributes to the scarce capital budgeting literature by extending the discussion of the adaptations of pre-decision controls to external and internal environmental changes. We add to the literature by showing that changes in management may play a decisive role in control adaptations. Furthermore, we provide strong support to maintain that increased financial pressure can be related to the tightened use of controls.  相似文献   

一、公允价值引入,相关者利益倍受关注历史成本会计强调数据的精确性和可验证性,记录的通常是资产的原始购买价格或其他形式的交易价格。过去人们一直认为,基于历史成本的财务会计足以向企业提供其所拥有的财产、所进行的交易及其损益方面的有关信息,也足以为经济往来中的各方提供债权、债务等方面的有关信息。20世纪30年代以后,随着企业所有权与经营权的分离以及资本市场的发展,股份公司逐渐成为企业的主要组织形式。而股份公司制的企业拥有更加分散化的产权主体,除了股东之外还有债权人、政府等多个产权主体。  相似文献   

Prestige distinctions are critical to any understanding of the US academic community. Past rankings of academic departments of accounting, based on a variety of factors including faculty publications, citations and external perceptions, fail to provide a means of assessing relative prestige. This paper proposes that an accounting department's ability to place its doctoral recipients should serve as the pivotal prestige measurement. As such, prestige becomes an ex anteattribute of the stratification system rather than an ex postproductivity metric. An empirical analysis of accounting faculty placements from graduate schools in the US was conducted as a means of ranking US departments of accounting that offer the doctoral degree. The resultant rankings, also evaluated over time and against programme size, provide a unique opportunity to observe a hierarchy of social judgment.  相似文献   

目前,各大银行的ATM日志管理均以纸质日志作为用户交易凭证。纸质日志存储有如下缺点:日志打印机相关耗材采购成本高;日志纸保管成本高;ATM查账、对账困难;日志打印机故障,影响设备开机率;造纸消耗大量的木材资源,不利于环保。  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study of budgeting at an Australian university to understand how accounting is involved in processes of legitimation. The university had been much enlarged and diversified in its educational offerings through a series of mergers. A response to the changes on the part of the vice-chancellor was to introduce a new budget system borrowed from the institutional environment. The intent was to convey to a key funding agency and to staff that the newly merged entity would be governed appropriately. We analyze a set of sequential and interlinked processes in which these aspirations were challenged repeatedly by senior academic and administrative staff. Finding the budget system to be inconsistent with their values and expectations for the university, staff undermined it through patterns of under- and over-spending. We show how these behaviors jeopardized the vice-chancellor’s efforts to legitimate the organization’s financial management practices for a key funding agency. A core contribution of our paper is to analyze empirically the importance of the institutional demands that an organization’s internal constituents may make of its accounting practices. We argue that managers, staff and other internal constituents should be seen as significant legitimating agents. We show how attention to their demands becomes all the more relevant when budget and accounting systems for internal use are loosely coupled from those used for external reporting. In such circumstances, conflicting demands by internal and external constituents may not be dealt with through the development of separate and compartmentalized systems. This makes it problematic to assume that adoption of accounting systems from an institutional field will result in a steady-state of organizational legitimacy.  相似文献   

Examining investment behavior related to the Euro introduction, we address the relevance of different investment determinants. With the advent of the currency union two potential sources of portfolio reallocation can be distinguished: First, the diminishment of exchange rate risk and transaction costs within the EMU. Second, the increase of correlation of EMU returns so that diversification benefits decreased. We test for structural breaks in the holdings of German investors and estimate a market model to account for the two effects. A significant decrease in national and an increase in EMU and rest-of-the-world investments can be observed. Comparing the observed holdings with benchmark portfolios, we find that investment home bias has diminished since the Euro introduction.  相似文献   

It has become standard practice in the cross-sectional asset pricing literature to evaluate models based on how well they explain average returns on size-B/M portfolios, something many models seem to do remarkably well. In this paper, we review and critique the empirical methods used in the literature. We argue that asset pricing tests are often highly misleading, in the sense that apparently strong explanatory power (high cross-sectional R2s and small pricing errors) can provide quite weak support for a model. We offer a number of suggestions for improving empirical tests and evidence that several proposed models do not work as well as originally advertised.  相似文献   

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