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overthepastyeaps,theso-calledsupethighwayhasbecomethehottesttopic.Butwhatistheinformationsu-pethighway?AndwhatwillitmeanforpeoplewhousePcs?Theanswerstothesequestionsareasvariedasthewould-beplayers.Dependingonwhomyoutalkto,thehighwaycouldbethebiggestleaPinhumanconunnicahonssinceSPunik-Intheory,theinformaionsupethighwaywillbeahigh-sPeeddatanetwork,linkingvirtuallyeveryoneinthecountrytoevery-oneelse.ButwhenyougetdowntosPecilics--howthehighwaywillbebuilt,whatserviceswillbeonit,andhowpeoplewilla…  相似文献   

Boardrooms are filled with entrepreneurs who pitch their ideas as a new para digm or a paradigm shifter.After three decades in private equity, it's not hard to feel skeptical. But this hot button word may actually fit the current environment for private equity and venture investing in China. Why?  相似文献   

In the beginning of 2007, ReneSola was named "IPO of the Year" at Growth Company Investor's Quoted Company Awards 2007. The shortlisted for the IPO of The Year Company were Carluccio's, May Gurney Integrated Services, Worthington Nicholls, Morson, and Scott Wilson, ReneSola was the winner.  相似文献   

U.S.Treasury Secretary Herry M.Pauison said on Decerrber 11,2006 that U.S.-China economic relationship is vital to U.S.future prosperity.  相似文献   

Many commentators have suggested that economists in general and financial economists in particular have some responsibility for the recent global financial crisis. They were blinded by an irrational faith in a discredited Efficient Markets Hypothesis and failed to see the bubble in asset prices and to give due warning of its collapse. There is considerable confusion as to what this hypothesis is and what it says. The irony is that the strong implication of this hypothesis is that nobody, no practitioner, no academic and no regulator had the ability to foresee the collapse of this most recent bubble. While few economists believe it is literally true, this hypothesis is considered a useful benchmark with some important practical implications. Indeed, a case can be made that it was the failure to believe in the essential truth of this idea, which was a leading factor responsible for the global financial crisis .  相似文献   

转型期的中国金融业的伟大实践是一所大学校。中国的金融从业人士每天可能碰到中国过去的实践或国外教科书所没有的事情,需要动用所有的智慧和才干。在金融实践中,有的成功,有的失败,结果并不重要,重要的是对过去的经验教训进行总结。银行家是实干家,也是银行理论家,善于对实践进行总结、归纳并上升到理论高度。撰写金融案例,对于银行家来说自然如烹小鲜,  相似文献   

There are various opinions as to the origin of Valentine’s Day. Some experts state that it originated from Saint Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devote…  相似文献   

As of 3Q 2006, there are 6 energy deals happened in China, 3 of them occurred in the third quarter. In addition, there are lots of other outstanding performance occurred in China venture capital market.  相似文献   

This paper is the first in the literature to examine the determinants of US credit card penalty fees. Many critics of credit card fees – including a number of US Senators – have argued that credit card penalty fees reflect banks’ market share. Using a unique data set we find that fees are increasing in customer risk which supports the position of defenders of penalty fees, such as banks. However, our finding that fees are increasing in a bank's market share is consistent with the concerns expressed by politicians and regulators. We also find card penalty fees are direct substitutes for card interest rates.  相似文献   

The importance of birth control in an overcrowded planet needs no emphasis. Yet often research in this field has not been characterized by success. This article describes three of the more modern approaches to contraception and also discusses the value of breast feeding at the global level.  相似文献   

In accounting history, authors who have adopted a ‘Foucauldian’ approach have recently debated with those representing the ‘Neoclassical’ school of thought the relative sophistication and significance of cost accounting developments in the UK and US respectively during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This paper argues that the differences between the two schools' understandings are important for comprehending the genesis and scope of modern cost and management accounting systems. It re-examines the historical case of Boulton & Watt, an engineering firm believed to have been in the vanguard of British Industrial Revolution accounting practice (Roll, 1930; Pollard, 1965 and 1990; Fleischman and Parker, 1991), in an attempt to clarify some of the key points of difference in the debate. It proposes that the historical crux for deciding where a modern managerial approach to accounting began lies in distinguishing between the development of engineering standards for materials and machine efficiency and the transfer of such performance measurements to human behaviour. A pressing task for historians is to establish when, where, how and why ‘labour standards’ were first articulated on the grounds that such forms of human accounting, by constructing norms of managerial performance, form the basis for modern management control. The paper reviews the primary sources on the history of cost accounting at Boulton & Watt, including the previously-acclaimed development of labour and engine standards. Its findings are that, while the latter were highly sophisticated as measures of engineering performance, they were less so on the economic dimension of cost measurement. Meanwhile, the evidence for labour standards is unconvincing; there was, around 1800, an intense period of investigating labour time and cost, but no subsequent long-term systematic control exercised over them analogous to the modern managerial approach found slightly later in US contexts. The paper suggests that one priority for further research is the detailed examination of early industrial enterprises on both sides of the Atlantic, in order to establish more definitively when, where, how and why this crucial development occurred.  相似文献   

Recently, global investment hotspot focuses on four economic areas-China, India, Russia and Brazil which is called BRICs. Being the most shining star among those four countries in recent 5 years, China holds the biggest consumption market. The Chinese IT and electronics manufacturing industry has became the biggest industry, ranked third in world market. Where will be the next hot field for investment, China, India, Russia or any other region?  相似文献   

On March 19, 2006, Haruhiko Kuroda, the President of Asian Development Bank addressed at the China Development Forum on the topic of the prospects and challenges of Chinese Economic Development. He said China has made great progress over the past 25 years…  相似文献   

Although the relationship between bank ownership and performance is the current focus of much research, this paper investigates the relationship between ownership and the prudential behavior of banks. Using Chinese data, I show that lending by state-owned banks has been less prudent than lending by joint-equity banks, but has improved over time. This is consistent with the hypothesis that accountability to shareholders and depositors gives joint-equity banks a better incentive than state-owned banks to engage in prudent lending, and with the hypothesis that the reform of the banking system has improved the incentive for state-owned banks to behave more prudently in their lending.  相似文献   

80 times, 44 times, 87 times, 72 times, 352 times, all of these are mouthwatering numbers to every investor. If any investor grasped any one of these numbers, they could draw a successful mark on her/his investment history. However, John Doerr just pocketed these numbers silently, so he is called "the father of venture capital".Actually, it is not over to describe him by using "father" or Wall Street's "prospector".[第一段]  相似文献   

The hedge fund is a fund that can take both long and short positions, use arbitrage, buy and sell undervalued securities, trade options or bonds, and invest in almost any opportunity in any market where it foresees impressive gains at reduced risk. The st…  相似文献   

The story started like this: in the afternoon of a summer day, Robert Zulkoski, Chairman and CEO of Pangaea Capital Management met President Bruce Karsh of Oaktree Capital. His original intention was to promote Pangaea Capital's new private equity fund. After having lunch in Los Angeles, Zulkoski was invited to meet the other senior management board of Oaktree.[第一段]  相似文献   

While the ECB helped mitigate the euro crisis in the aftermath of Lehman, it has stretched its monetary mandate and moved into fiscal territory. This text describes and summarizes the crucial role played by the ECB in the intervention spiral resulting from its bid to manage the crisis. It also outlines ongoing competitiveness problems in southern Europe, discusses the so-called austerity policy of the Troika, comments on QE and presents two alternative paths for the future development of Europe.  相似文献   

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