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何玉长 《财经研究》2004,30(8):134-144
1990年代以来,西方激进经济学家坚持现实批判主义,对资本主义制度体系进行了全面的批判.激进经济学对资本主义的批判,对我们认识当代资本主义有积极意义,对社会主义市场经济体制改革也有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The interlocking board directorships among corporations. as well as between corporations and social organizations, is important for defining the modern political economy. This article finds the networks of those interlocks for Koch Industries Inc. and TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation. Moreover, the article extends the networks to describe and analyze the accompanying political network of contributions to Nebraska political campaigns. For corporate and social networks, we utilize conventional theoretical structures to find the new database of those networks for Koch Industries and TD Ameritrade. The new theoretical structure and database concern the campaign contributions of the board of directors in the corporate and social networks, as we trace them to campaigns for federal offices. The new political campaign finance structure we uncover here includes thousands of interconnected campaign finance conduits, through which money flows to political campaigns.  相似文献   

The article calls attention to gender as a dimension of the expansion of U. S. consumer borrowing. The first section emphasizes that gender is not a dummy variable, but an evolution of habits of thought. The second section discusses how changing gender relations are connected to gendered product differentiation and market expansion. The final section connects gendered market expansion and changing gender habits of thought to the expansion of consumer borrowing. We argue that, in addition to the acknowledged role of credit, gender relations also mask the structural financial fragility of households.  相似文献   

韦森 《经济学》2007,6(3):945-968
基于对经济思想史上一些相关文献的理论回顾,本文认为,在中国经济与中国经济学理论互动演变的当下格局中,是对经济学的性质、意义、任务以及它到底是一门什么样的学问这样一些元经济学问题进行理论反思和讨论的时候了。第二小节的文献追溯发现,在经济学说史上,伴随着由“政治经济学”向“经济学”的转变,经济学家们对经济学的本质和任务的理解也发生了很大变化。第三小节讨论了经济学能否成为一门价值中立的科学问题。研究发现,任何经济学派的理论观点都会潜含着某些价值判断和伦理原则在其中,经济学家作为一个“学术人”所面临的问题,首先是如何透过自己的文化信念和价值观,去发现人类社会中的某些“自然秩序”。第四小节讨论了经济学能否成为像物理学、化学等自然科学那样一种高度形式化的“精密科学”这一问题,并对目前主流经济学中流行的唯科学主义的研究偏向做了一些反思性的评论。本文最后所得出的结论是:为了中国的理论经济学在未来的健康成长,应该鼓励不同经济学流派和研究路径之间的竞争、对话和多元化发展。  相似文献   

本文从需求和供给两方面分析了独立审计市场中的审计质量均衡状况及其成因,研究发现:一方面,由我国公司治理不完善而引发的对独立审计的代理需求不足,以及特定融资制度下对低质量审计的融资需求强劲,使得我国独立审计的自愿性需求严重匮乏,从而审计师缺乏提高审计质量的内在经济动机;另一方面,现有法规对审计师的激励不足、约束不够,因此目前审计师提供的审计服务质量难于达到社会公众的期望-《独立审计准则》的要求.最后,笔者针对出现的问题提出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

经济的不断发展,社会的持续变迁,要求税务稽查机关的工作方式和工作理念能够与时俱进。稽查约谈正是稽查机关为了提高行政效率,最大化地利用行政资源而推出的一种制度。行为经济学中的启发式认知偏差和期望理论有助于全面和深入地理解稽查约谈,有助于合理和有效地设计稽查约谈制度。  相似文献   

This paper offers a critique of the critical realist (CR) interpretation of Friedrich Hayek's famous essay Scientism and the Study of Society presented in Tony Lawson's recent Economics and Reality. It is argued, contrary to Lawson's reading, that Hayek's social structures (1) do have an existence over and above the conceptions of the individual actors and (2) serve as a precondition for human action on the lines proposed by CR. Some links are made between Hayek's essay and the theory of social reality recently proposed by John Searle, and some comparisons drawn with CR.  相似文献   

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are spreading all over theworld. It may be quite plausible that they were initially startedmainly as an attempt to evade expenditure controls and hidepublic budget deficits. But if they are properly designed andtransparently reported, PPPs can play a useful role in enhancingthe efficiency of the provision of services that were suppliedbefore solely by the public sector. This article provides apublic economics perspective on PPPs. (JEL codes: H54, L33)  相似文献   

Internet Economics and Policy: An Australian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Publicly available information indicates that the demand and supply of Internet and Internet–related services are continuing to expand at a rapid pace. Since 1997 the number of Internet service providers (facilities–based and resellers) has increased by nearly 40 per cent; the number of points–of–presence per Internet service provider has increased by five times; the number of hosts connected to the Internet has more than quadrupled; and Internet traffic has increased from six to 10 times. The emergence of electronic commerce (e–commerce), driven by this rapid adoption of Internet services and continual technological innovation, is likely to have profound economic and social impacts on Australian society. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the impact of the Internet and e–commerce, ranging from the changes in the market structure of the telecommunications industry, its role in changing the organisation of traditional markets, the emergence of new markets, and the structural shifts to employment, productivity and trade. The paper also analyses contemporary Australian regulatory responses.  相似文献   

股市租金 股市腐败的根源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹中立 《资本市场》2004,(12):55-57
证监会发行部官员王小石因为腐败问题被拘禁的新闻,使股票市场在经历“德隆事件”之后又成为社会舆论的焦点。面对复杂的股票市场,有人认为应该“严刑峻法”,加强对资本市场的管制,但管制本身就可能产生腐败。比较分析后不难得出结论:我国股票市场产生严重腐败现象的根源就在于股市租金的存在,要想减少消除这类丑闻的发生,就必须逐渐减少或消除股市租金。  相似文献   

基于行为经济学视角的税收遵从问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为经济学以科学的方法研究非理性行为的行为模型取代了基于严格理性的简化模型,在解释异常现象和进行预测等方面更加具有可操作性。行为经济学的基本观点可以归纳为损失规避效应、确定性效应、心理账户效应、框架效应和羊群效应。本文以此分别对影响税收遵从的因素进行分析,并提出提高税收遵从度的建议,在税制制定中更多注重公平原则;税制要素的设计应达到"隐性增长"的目标;税收管理手段应更多采取预缴和源泉扣缴的方式;提高纳税服务水平,减少遵从成本;提高财政支出效益,充分发挥公民在公共产品供给决策中的作用。  相似文献   


In this response to Andrew Mearman I argue that his critique suffers from a series of misrepresentations of my paper. For example, Mearman generalizes my arguments about Keynes to be about Critical Realism (CR), and he challenges my criticism of Tony Lawson's arguments by claiming that I have misrepresented CR. In fact the text of my 1998 paper does not support Mearman's claims. Furthermore, since (i) the principal aim of my paper was to question the interpretation of Keynes as a realist, and (ii) Mearman does not present any arguments suggesting how CR in its current form would refute my conclusions, his criticism must be judged doubly misdirected.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代起,新制度经济学中的产权理论、委托-代理理论和交易费用理论等逐步运用到政府预算研究中.产权理论认为,为约束政府的预算行为,需要对产权进行清晰的界定.从委托-代理理论角度,政府预算体现为社会公众与政府所形成的一种委托-代理关系.由于预算协议和预算分配也是一种交易,在预算过程中充满了机会主义、不确定性和信息不对称等现象,交易费用理论非常易于引入到政府预算研究中.  相似文献   

政府采购的经济学透视   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
现代政府采购制度作为古代政府采凤制的变更或替代,是一种典型的诱致性制度变迁。它是由民主政体中政治家在巩固自身统治的过程中自发倡导、组织和实行的;在政府采购过程中一般会形成纳税人-政府-财政部门-专六政府采购机构-政府采购官员这样一条长长的委托代理链;市场经济条件下的现代政府采购由于实行了监督的有效性和决策的“白箱化”,采购官员与供应商之间的博弈由传统政府采下的合谋型的合作博弈变为“囚徒困境”型的非合作博弈。  相似文献   

Many economists adopt a critical stance on cooperatives. One example is the claim that larger membership in cooperative banks is detrimental to performance. We re-examine this earlier finding by drawing from a richer and broader conceptual framework than used previously and conclude that in recent years, the relationship between membership and performance may be positive. In our empirical analysis, we use new data for Finnish cooperative banks and, compared to earlier work, develop an alternative measure for membership and employ improved estimation methods. A positive relationship between membership and performance in financial cooperatives is consistently found. We discuss our findings in light of an emerging body of theoretical and empirical work on cooperatives, especially for financial cooperatives, and argue that a new view of cooperatives is warranted.  相似文献   

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