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This paper analyzes children's well-being using the capability approach, with a special focus on gender differences. The two areas analyzed are the capability of senses, imagination, and thought; and the capability of play. Using data from the 2008 Multipurpose Survey on Daily Life released by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, a structural equation model is estimated in which the capabilities are defined as latent variables that are intrinsically interrelated. For each capability, a set of indicators of functionings is utilized and the effects of individual and social conversion factors – including parents’ unpaid work, their level of education, and employment status – are analyzed. The model is applied to Italian girls and boys ages 6–10 in 2008. The analysis confirms that the two capabilities are interrelated. Policies aimed at improving children's achievements in education also improve the capability of play and vice versa. Differences by gender occur in the factors’ effects.  相似文献   

在动荡变化的环境中,企业仅仅拥有"VRIN"属性的资源与能力将难以维持竞争优势,只有不断提升组织能力才是企业基业长青的惟一出路。动态能力在组织能力提升中起重要作用,但动态能力的定义自提出至今仍然模糊不清。本文澄清了动态能力的概念内涵,深入分析了企业高层管理者作为动态能力微观能动主体的角色,并在动态能力及其微观能动主体的基础上构建了一个颇具解释力的组织能力提升框架。  相似文献   

The paper draws on a specification by Sen to model consumer capabilities and welfare, and extends this to modelling capabilities of producers and other agents. ‘Dynamic interactive capabilities’ are the outcome of successful interaction between evolving consumer and/or supplier capabilities and evolving producer capabilities, all occurring in ‘real time’ to meet the needs of dynamic competition in Schumpeter's sense. This involves learning on each side, as well as interactive learning between them. The paper then investigates the direction of both product and process changes in producers, driven by demand as well as supply factors through historical time and during structural change. Some consideration is given as to why orthodox production theory should have failed to broach so many of the issues which appear to be driving dynamic capabilities and productivity change in historical practice. Paths for further development of the capabilities approach are suggested.  相似文献   

Sen’s capability approach emphasises the importance of freedom and choice in leading the life that one values. This paper seeks to argue that, nonetheless, the capability approach is fully cognisant of the constraints that restrict individuals from achieving capabilities. Since the achievement of capabilities is set within a social context, and also because the constraints to capability-achievement are often of a social nature, it is useful to keep in mind the social context. An account of the capability approach that places adequate stress on the constraints that confront individuals and the institutional context will describe their situation more accurately; it will also be of more use for policy purposes.  相似文献   

Sen’s capability approach emphasises the importance of freedom and choice in leading the life that one values. This paper seeks to argue that, nonetheless, the capability approach is fully cognisant of the constraints that restrict individuals from achieving capabilities. Since the achievement of capabilities is set within a social context, and also because the constraints to capability-achievement are often of a social nature, it is useful to keep in mind the social context. An account of the capability approach that places adequate stress on the constraints that confront individuals and the institutional context will describe their situation more accurately; it will also be of more use for policy purposes.  相似文献   

This paper advances a capabilities conception of the individual, and considers some of the problems involved in developing such a conception. It also makes claims about the nature of the capability space as a whole, frames personal development in terms of the idea of moving though the capability space, and argues that people are alike in being increasingly heterogeneous. A key problem for a capabilities conception of the individual is that some capabilities, such as belonging to social groups and having social identities, can undermine individuality. The paper discusses an example in which people can have social identities but can nonetheless be relatively independent when seen as self-organizing. Brief comments on one goal of social economic policy as being identity-promoting conclude the paper.  相似文献   

The Capability Approach (CA) as developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, has in part been a response to the problem of adaptive preferences. Their argument says that people might adapt to certain unfavorable circumstances and any self-evaluation in terms of satisfaction or happiness will in this case necessarily be distorted. To evaluate people's well-being in terms of functionings and capabilities guarantees a more objective picture of people's life. Next to this strong criticism on subjective measurements of well-being, we observe an increasing interest in Subjective Well-Being (SWB) or Happiness studies that are included in the broader field of Hedonic Psychology. In this paper, we thus revise the original critique of adaptive preferences and compare it with a more detailed analysis of adaptation as it is presented in hedonic psychology. It becomes clear that adaptation can be a positive as well as a negative phenomenon and that the adaptive preference critique had a particular narrow view on adaptation. However, this does not mean SWB-research is not any longer susceptible to this critique. An alternative way to assess people's subjective well-being, but which could be considered to be more in line with the CA, is proposed by Daniel Kahneman's Objective Happiness. These are all relatively new considerations, especially in economics. Therefore much more research needs to be done on the positive and negative aspects of adaptation to understand its consequences on well-being – especially when evaluated within the capability-space.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of social capital, entrepreneurs' capabilities and entrepreneurial strategies on the performance of technology-based new ventures. Using concepts derived from the entrepreneurship and strategy management literatures, we identify three categories of factors and develop corresponding hypotheses. Using a sample of 125 Taiwanese high-tech new ventures to test these hypotheses, we find that entrepreneurs' management experience may not be an advantage for high-tech new ventures. The six Stevenson entrepreneurial strategies can have different effects on the performance of new ventures, whereas social capital actually moderates the effects of entrepreneurial strategies and resources on the performance. High-tech entrepreneurship is a complex phenomenon with a wide range of factors, including societal contexts, entrepreneurial strategies and entrepreneurs' capabilities; and these factors interact with each other. There is no single route to entrepreneurial success or failure: successful entrepreneurs are those who can adjust their entrepreneurial strategies according to their social capital and capabilities.  相似文献   

环境的动态性和不确定性,可能给企业带来更大的机遇,也可能威胁到企业的生存.企业需要在既定约束条件下进行维持性创新活动,而为了追逐持续竞争优势,又必须进行破坏性创新,这两种创新不同的路径和能力要求,使企业易陷入创新窘境.而动态能力理论强调以开拓性动力克服企业的刚性,促进创新并创造新的规则与能力,为企业的竞争优势提供持续发展的基础.回顾了动态能力的现有研究,提出了基于动态能力的二元创新的研究框架.  相似文献   

在技术快速变化的开放经济环境下,装备制造企业如何强化组织和战略管理能力以获取竞争优势是当前的一项艰巨任务。结合动态能力理论,依据装备制造产业的特征和企业的特点,提出了应从战略能力、适应能力和创新能力着重培育装备制造企业的动态能力体系。通过学习、协调整合和重构实现装备制造企业动态能力形成的核心流程;并进一步指出企业知识的链接、管理技能和简单化原则是发展和部署装备制造企业动态能力的主要驱动因素。对于在全球化开放的市场环境下,装备制造企业如何发展并获取持续的竞争优势具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

面临经济贸易全球化,创业企业如何协奏组织行为与组织能力、成功实现转型以应对剧烈变化的环境,已经成为战略理论研究的核心问题。选取蒙草生态为案例研究对象,通过探讨企业战略转型过程中资源配置模式与动态能力的相互作用,揭示资源配置模式与动态能力的演化进阶机制,剖析企业战略转型的内在机理过程。研究发现,①企业利用动态能力捕捉转型动因、促进企业形成与动因适配的资源配置模式,进而保证转型成功;②与各阶段动态能力适配的资源配置模式经历了资源转移内化-资源修补拓展-资源传衍共享的演化过程;③资源配置模式演进促进动态能力向感知能力-整合能力-学习能力-创新能力不断进阶,确保企业维持动态、可持续竞争优势。  相似文献   

本文将新经济地理学中的资本创造模型(CC模型)和社会资本理论相结合,构建了社会资本与区域产业集聚理论模型,考察了社会资本促进区域产业集聚的微观机制。理论分析表明,社会资本越丰富的地区产业集聚程度越高。在此基础上,笔者运用2004年30个省(市)26个制造业行业的数据进行了经验研究。在控制了区位、经济功能、市场潜力、人力资本、政策等因素和异方差的影响后,社会资本对产业集聚有显著影响,并且在使用工具变量克服变量内生性后,以上结论依然稳健。因而,通过提升中西部地区社会资本,有助于建立中西部地区自我发展能力,缩小区域差距。  相似文献   

The author argues that Sen's capability approach is primarilya philosophical under-labouring exercise aimed at elaboratingcertain central economic categories, and that the philosophicaland methodological underpinnings of Sen's approach are radicallydifferent from those of contemporary welfare economics and mainstreameconomic practice. Sen's notion of ‘capabilities’as the potential functionings to achieve well-being is interpretedhere as a specification of the ontological category of ‘causalpower’, presupposing an open system conception of realitythat contrasts with much of contemporary economic practice.  相似文献   

动态能力的研究已经成为战略管理研究领域的热点之一。本文对国外学者从事动态能力研究的相关文献进行初步梳理,概述了动态能力的研究背景、概念界定和发展机制,总结了国外学者们在动态能力概念上的四个能力观、组织绩效影响上的三个论点和能力结构中的两个决策支持观,指出现有的动态能力研究体系中存在概念上的不统一、能力同质性和异质性的不明确以及作用机制不清楚等需要进一步探明的系列问题,以期能有助于未来的研究发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses two progressive schools of thought that have evolved in response to international neoliberalism and the consequent competitive pressures in global markets emanating from the low-cost conditions obtained in many less developed countries. The paper identifies these as the ‘competitiveness-enhancing’ and the ‘competition-reducing’ approaches. The former is shown to be ill-suited to present circumstances of the global economy and, in any event, nationalist. The latter seeks to minimize the adverse consequences of international neoliberalism, and comprises proposals for expansive social charters and social tariffs. The paper provides a theoretical basis for this approach, and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each of these proposals. The paper then develops and defends a new multilateral, rule-based trade proposal, called the ‘social index tariff structure’ (SITS), which would reward nations for high levels of development achieved relative to their economic means. Drawing on human development data from the Human Development Report (1993), a SITS-based trading scheme is developed for 77 countries. It is argued that a SITS regime would serve to protect the quality of life in developed countries while promoting human development in the less developed countries. The SITS proposal is assessed against Amartya Sen's ‘capabilities to achieve functionings’ approach to human development.  相似文献   

动态能力与联盟绩效:理论与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先对于动态能力与联盟绩效进行了文献研究和问卷设计,然后构建了关于企业动态能力与联盟绩效关系的多元回归分析模型。实证研究发现,国内汽车产业供应链联盟企业动态能力对于联盟绩效具有正向影响作用,但是只有组织学习能力维度显著正向影响联盟绩效,而整合能力以及重构与转变能力维度则对于联盟绩效不具有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

“服务中介-企业”互动与科技型小企业知识吸收能力演化的动态关系需要深入洞察,以便为企业提升知识吸收能力提供指导。因此,提出“服务中介-企业”互动对企业知识吸收能力演化影响的理论框架,建立反映二者关系的系统动力学模型,并运用Venism PLE工具进行模拟仿真。分析结果发现,小企业知识吸收能力演化呈指数型增长特征;“服务中介-企业”互动对科技型小企业知识吸收能力具有促进作用,且有递增的边际贡献。随着互动层次和水平的提高,“服务中介-企业”互动对企业知识吸收能力的提升作用显著增大。“服务中介-企业”互动对企业知识吸收能力演化的作用存在“临界规模”效应。  相似文献   

一个地区的工业集聚与城市化水平是影响区域创新能力的两个重要因子。本文利用1999—2005年中国省级面板数据进行两阶段最小二乘回归,研究结果表明:技术密集型行业集聚水平与城市化程度对区域创新能力有显著促进作用,但非技术密集型行业集聚水平对区域创新能力的促进作用不显著。回归结果还表明:人力资本、研发存量与FDI对区域创新能力均具有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

网络嵌入、动态能力与企业创新绩效间关系一直是战略管理领域研究的热点话题,但以往研究忽视了网络嵌入与动态能力各构成维度间不同组合对创新绩效的复杂性影响。因此,基于组态视角和集合论思想,采用模糊集定性比较分析法,以220家中国企业为样本,从企业外部网络嵌入和内部动态能力培育两个层面,探讨网络嵌入和动态能力的不同维度影响企业创新绩效的多重组合路径。研究结果表明:企业创新绩效提升路径包括网络嵌入—能力促进型、双元能力推动型、网络嵌入—能力冲突型和创新能力缺失弥补型4种构型,且网络嵌入三维度间存在一定的替代性。  相似文献   

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