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Self-organizing cities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Self-organization, that is to say, the phenomena by which a system self-organizes its internal structure independent of external causes, is a fundamental property of open and complex systems. Such systems also exhibit phenomena of nonlinearity, instability, fractal structures and chaos — phenomena which are intimately related to the general sensation of life and urbanism at the end of the 20th century. On the other hand, self-organization is a formal theory. It is, in fact, a general umbrella for several theoretical approaches which, while they agree on general principles, differ in their treatment of such systems, in the emphasis they give to the various processes and properties and in the subject matter they refer to. In this paper I discuss some of those theories and methodologies of self-organization which were applied to the domain of cities and urbanism. The discussion proceeds under the title of seven categories of cities which are related to general theories or specific methodologies: dissipative cities, synergetic cities, chaotic cities, fractal cities, cellular automata cities, sandpile cities, and FACS and IRN cities. The discussion of each category of cities starts with a short introduction to the general principles of the approach and then elaborates on its self-organizing city.  相似文献   

刘斯斯 《中国传媒科技》2012,(10):100-101,9
每天穿梭于城市之间,人们一方面享受城市生活所带来的繁华与便利,同时又应对着交通拥挤、生态环境恶化等问题。全球化与城镇化的脚步从未停歇,使所有城市越发拥有相似的外观,也面临同样的难题。回顾历史,自人类开始思考如何掌控城市的发展之道,这座巨大的钢铁水泥森林已经向着不可知的方向脱缰而去。时至今日,对于"城市"这一人们无比熟知的名词,仍无统一定义。城市是什么?它如何开始,未来又将走向何方?为探讨这些问题,本刊特开辟"城市方圆"栏目,冀图通过一系列类型多样的文章,梳理城市及其规划等相关发展历程。希望能够借助先人的智慧以及历史的厚度,丰富读者对于城市的认知,并由此做出思考。  相似文献   

根据中国31个省会及直辖市2013年和2014年的人均 GDP 与空气质量综合指数数据,考量各城市经济发展水平。结果发现:主要城市人均 GDP 与空气质量具有一定的负相关性,表明以经济为主导的发展模式可能会带来一定的环境问题。  相似文献   

世界城市理论在西方学术界经过几十年的发展和演变,产生了许多研究成果,从早期的根据全球性特征和跨国经济状况界定世界城市,到侧重于经济全球化背景下城市之间的联系,揭示城市之间的竞争和合作中世界城市的主导地位,以及分析世界城市发展中出现的共性和个性问题等,目前已经形成了丰富的世界城市理论。这些理论对于我国的大城市特别是北京的发展以及提升其国际竞争力具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

基于中国城市之间的关联特征和溢出效应,将人力资本变量纳入引力模型,运用社会网络分析和机器学习方法并依据主要节点城市的有向数据,考量城市网络结构及其关联性.结果显示:新引力模型可有效衡量样本城市的网络关联效应,金融状况、港口距离和高等教育资源丰裕度是决定城市引力流量重要原因,政府干预对城市引力流作用不明显;城市空间分布呈现明显的四级分层特征,但从人力资本对城市引力流影响看,作为中心城市的广州和深圳在网络拓扑中心的稳定性相对较弱.  相似文献   

城市规模扩大有利于企业创新水平的提高,处于较高金融地位城市的企业、技术密集型企业以及民营企业的创新水平受城市规模影响更显著.大城市形成的良好金融环境是影响企业创新水平的重要因素,信贷融资在城市规模与企业创新之间起着重要的中介作用.为实现创新驱动发展战略,各城市需要根据自身特点实施金融差异化发展,构建多层次金融中心,改善...  相似文献   

High-tech zones (HTZs) are an important place-based policy of China, established for promoting urban innovation. Since 2007, the Chinese central government has successfully upgraded many provincial HTZs to national HTZs. Based on panel data from 251 cities from 2004 to 2016, we study the impact of China's HTZ upgrading policy on urban innovation and the mechanism underlying this effect. We find that the place-based upgrading policy significantly improves the innovation level of cities; this is facilitated by improvement to the urban business environment in terms of financing channels, infrastructure, and industrial agglomeration. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the improvements resulting from HTZ upgrading are prominent in cities located in the eastern regions of China, in cities adjacent to provincial capitals, and cities with convenient transportation or a high degree of marketization.  相似文献   

Ayyub Malik   《Futures》2001,33(10):873-882
Non-western cities have gone through an extraordinary period of growth and expansion during the last half century. The urban population in Asia and Africa increased from 17 to 37% between 1950 to 2000 and is expected to reach 55% by 2030. By then, according to current projections, most of the cities with a population of over twenty million will be located in the non-western world. Common characteristics of these cities are the massive social dislocation, polarizing inequality, uneven distribution of resources and congestion, pollution and environmental degradation. The disparities and injustices in the social structure are reflected in the structures of these cities: wasteful modern enclaves and affluent suburbs juxtaposed with crumbling historic centers and the ever increasing slums and shanty towns often constituting more than half of the city's population. The paper attempts to analyze some of the underlying reasons which have shaped these cities and explore how urban development can be related to the development of the society as a whole and what governments, architects, city planners and citizens can do to save their cities from a crisis.  相似文献   

我国中小城市经济结构战略性调整的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济结构调整是我国“十五”期间经济工作的一条主线。中小城市是我国整个城市化体系的基础,同时也是我国小农经济向现代工业经济发展的桥梁和纽带,中小城市要在现代社会和经济的发展大潮中发挥并保持其基础地位,就必须伴随宏观经济结构的新趋势进行相应的调整,以形成先进的生产力,推进跨越式发展。  相似文献   

In an era during which the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, high-speed railway (HSR), as one of the key influencers of urban green development, has a significant impact on urban green finance and green productivity. This paper uses HSR as a quasi-natural experiment to study the effect of HSR openings on green productivity in Chinese cities. The empirical results show that, first, the opening of HSR is conducive to the sustained improvement of green productivity in Chinese cities. Second, the opening of HSR makes a significant contribution to the improvement of green productivity in large-scale cities as well as cities in the east and central regions. Third, the opening of HSR can positively impact urban green productivity through the mechanism of green finance development. However, this positive impact tends to first increase and then decrease over time. As the relationship between “finance” and “environment,” green finance has an important impact on the green development of cities. These findings will provide positive and useful references for cities to formulate reasonable green development plans in the post-COVID-19 era.  相似文献   

采用Tapio方法和区位熵法,分别构建住宅用地供求的脱钩指数和空间供求结构指数,测度2009-2017年湖南省14个市州住宅用地供应与人口变化的时序协调性和空间协调性。结果发现:全省住宅用地供应与城镇人口增长存在时序不协调,除长沙市、邵阳市和岳阳市住宅用地供应与人口增速属于扩张性挂钩外,其它城市均表现为扩张相对负脱钩,甚至部分市州在2010年出现绝对负脱钩。不同市州的不同类型的住宅用地(普通商品房和安居工程用地)供应与人口变化存在不同程度的空间分配失调。  相似文献   

This article, using a panel dataset covering patents granted in 336 cities and the economic and employment data of 282 cities in China, presents an preliminary exploratory spatial data analysis by Gini coefficient and Moran’s I analysis, and a confirmatory spatial data analysis by spatial Durbin model. We first investigate China regional innovative activities by three different types of patents at metropolitan-level data and make several key findings. First, the spatial autocorrelation of invention patent is insignificant from 2001 to 2013, whereas the coefficients of spatial autocorrelation of utility patents and design patents are continuingly rising across years. Second, the innovation clusters are vanishing in China’s western and northeastern cities, whereas booming in the periphery cities of Shanghai and Guangzhou during 2000–2015. Third, the cities surrounded by high level of GDP output and R&D expenditure neighbors will more likely perform better in innovative activities. By employing smaller territorial units, we provide more specific details about the regional distribution and the dynamic interaction of innovative activities across cities in China.  相似文献   

自2000年以来,以广州、深圳为代表的珠三角各大城市先后出现了不同程度的金融服务业集群,本文利用区位熵、Moran's I等指数来考察该区域内各大城市之间的区域外溢性及存在的空间关联,以进一步揭示广州、深圳两大中心城市在金融服务业集群过程中基于空间自相关性的空间依赖和空间异质。结果表明:珠三角9大城市在集群过程中各自与周边地区的关联程度不一,存在着4种不同的情形,而广州、深圳的空间关联性则更多的体现为空间依赖上的异质性。  相似文献   

以是否获批创新型城市建设试点单位为基本条件,采用多期双重差分法和三重差分法进行“准自然实验”,研究创新型城市建设对企业创新的促进作用及其作用机理。结果发现:创新型城市作为创新型国家建设的一个重要组成部分,能积极推动辖区内的企业创新活动;并且其主要通过增强企业集聚度、提高金融中介机构服务强度与扩大对外开放引进外商投资等途径对企业创新活动起到激励与保障作用。非试点城市应该借鉴这些先行经验,并结合自身的经济发展状况,推出系列政策以促进企业创新。  相似文献   

本文以珠三角区域九大城市的产业结构演进与关联为背景,利用空间滞后模型SLM和地理加权回归模型GWR分全域和局域对珠三角九大城市产业结构变化的空间关系进行空间计量回归,在全域回归分析的结论基础上进一步验证广深两地局域存在的产业结构调整动态的空间关联性,结果显示:从全域空间计量的参数估计和分析结论来看,变量消费、产业结构初始值、人均GDP、技术进步率和政府干预显著,其余变量则不显著;进一步的GWR局域分析表明,产业结构初始值、外商直接投资和政府干预等因素,对区域内各城市之间的产业结构调整作用均显示出异质性。基于这两方面的分析,为珠三角区域产业结构调整,尤其是中心城市产业结构调整,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

A gigantic urban revolution is under way today: in 40 years, the equivalent of 1000 cities, each of three million inhabitants, will have to be built. In 2005, half of the world's population will live in cities. This growth will be concentrated in major cities, most of them in the South. This article reviews some fundamental trends, challenges and possible solutions in environment-related fields such as water, transports, energy. It argues for the emergence of a new urban culture based on the adoption of sustainable urban consumption patterns, new urban partnerships and the strengthening of urban solidarities. It gives examples of practical solutions within our reach for humanizing cities in the 21st century.  相似文献   

曹春方  马新啸 《金融研究》2022,508(10):135-152
中心城市引领城市群发展是当前中国区域协调发展战略的关键路径,如何实现城市群内部的产业分工完善和人才市场化配置是构建新发展格局的重要内容。本文以高铁开通为冲击,研究不同规模城市中新兴产业公司雇员流动的虹吸效应。研究发现:高铁开通之后,新兴产业公司的雇员流动因城市大小出现分化,新兴产业公司在大城市更容易获得雇员,而在小城市则更难,表明新兴产业的雇员流动在高铁开通后存在城市群内更为市场化配置的虹吸效应;进一步研究发现,小城市的雇员流出源自高铁开通后更容易获得大城市的就业机会和缓解其高房价压力,但并不受大城市高工资影响;虹吸效应存在空间限制,主要存在于距离大城市2小时高铁圈的小城市内。本文表明以高铁连通为典型的城市群一体化进程对不同规模城市的新兴产业成长具有差异化影响,这不仅对产业分工和劳动力流动的相关研究作出补充,也对因地制宜推进区域间协调发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

A gigantic urban revolution is under way today: in 40 years, the equivalent of 1000 cities, each of three million inhabitants, will have to be built. In 2005, half of the world's population will live in cities. This growth will be concentrated in major cities, most of them in the South. This article reviews some fundamental trends, challenges and possible solutions in environment-related fields such as water, transports, energy. It argues for the emergence of a new urban culture based on the adoption of sustainable urban consumption patterns, new urban partnerships and the strengthening of urban solidarities. It gives examples of practical solutions within our reach for humanizing cities in the 21st century.  相似文献   

通过计算城市技术复杂度指标,利用2003-2013年286个城市的面板数据,考量扩招带来的高校毕业生人数增长对当地产业结构升级影响,结果显示:扩招后高校毕业生人数增长对城市产业升级整体上有促进作用,这种促进作用在不同规模的城市具有显著差异。在中等规模城市的产业升级过程中,大学生吸收技术和创新能力需要通过更多的外商投资和更高的市场化程度实现。而对于大型城市,提高专业化程度是产业结构升级的核心,更有利于发挥大学生的专业技能优势。此外,居民的消费结构升级是城市产业结构升级的重要推力。地方政府应继续扩大开放,吸引外资,推动市场化和专业化分工,有效发挥大学生在推动城市产业升级方面作用。  相似文献   

We show that the migration of low-skilled, rural workers to urban centers has a negative causal effect on innovation of firms in such urban centers. Our tests exploit the staggered relaxation of city-level household registration system in China, which facilitates rural residents to migrate to cities. We find a significant decrease in innovation for firms headquartered in cities that have adopted such policies relative to firms headquartered in cities that have not. Overall, our results support the view that an abundant supply of low-skilled workers increases the benefit of using existing low-skilled technology and thus reduces firms’ incentive to innovate.  相似文献   

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