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英国海军“人鱼海神”号三体试验舰的建成,为多体船在军事上的应用开辟了一个新天地。正当世人的目光还集中在“人鱼海神”号三体试验舰上之时,多体舰船又有了最新进展。2001年6月在英国伦敦举行的国际舰船研讨会上,伦敦大学的一些研究人员在三体船(Trimaran)的基础上提出了小水线面中体三体船(TRISWACH)的最  相似文献   

多体船是指利用间隔一定距离的两个或两个以上的瘦形船体,通过上部的强力构架连成一体的船舶。目前世界上已有的主要是双体船、三体船和四体船。同单体船相比,多体船由于具有许多优良性能,在民用领域得到了广泛的应用。近年来,随着新技术、新材料的采用以及创新水平的不断提高,多体船也开始受到世界各国海军、特别是一些军事大国的青睐,出现了一些不同类型、不同用途的军用多体船。  相似文献   

在一次书法展览开幕式期间,与中宣部某领导同志交谈时,一位媒体老总这样简短地介绍我,说“张坤山五体兼擅,主打草书”。事后,我久久仔细琢磨品味这句话。所谓主打草书,是平时我的露面的多是草书作品,而五体兼擅则是我始料未及的。原因是,我从来没有向人表白过我在用心研习篆隶楷行草五种书体,亦从未刻意想在五种书体上弄出什么名堂,只是兴趣爱好使然,各种书体都想写写,这是我的日课。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种空间电子设备用的5公分15瓦脉冲体效应振荡器。这种振荡器采用E_(010)模式的圆柱腔,用简单的双金属结构和介质加载的“综合”补偿法解决了频率稳定度的问题。在-40~+70℃的温度范围内频漂小于±2MHz,频温系数达到3~6×10~(-6)/℃。  相似文献   

Borio  Claudio 《Business Economics》2020,55(4):181-190
Business Economics - The Covid-19 crisis is unique in several respects. This devastating recession does not have an economic origin, will dance largely to the tune of non-economic factors, and is...  相似文献   

继去年首次在沪成功举办之后,2008 SAP全球技术研发者大会(上海)(SAP全球技术研发者大会简称“SAP TechEd”)将于今年11月5日至6日再度登陆申城,在上海国际会议中心举行。据悉,SAP TechEd系SAP在全球范围内针对高端技术及业务流程培训举办的最大规模会议,本次会议则以“交流,协作,共同创新“为主题,主要面向SAP客户、合作伙伴、顾问及其他关注SAP解决方案和相关应用的人士,系列讲座将基于企业级SOA架构,围绕SAP NetWeaver、SAP商务智能、流程集成、SAP NetWeaver组合环境和应用等特色主题向与会者推出。  相似文献   

日本有其独特的文化,本文旨在通过分析一些扎根于日本人之间的具有典型特点的娱乐形式,嗜好品以及行动倾向,更好地理解日本文化以及日本民族.  相似文献   

一汽-大众的开迪终于正式宣布上市了,价格为14.99-16.77万元。开迪这个价格可能超出了人们的期待,但开迪使用了大众最新的PQ35平台,全车身激光焊接,采用电子助力转向等,所以成本自然不会很低。汽油版的开迪叫“Caddy Life”,这款车究竟如何?还是让我们体验一下吧!  相似文献   

Models with multiple equilibria are a popular way to explain currency attacks. Morris and Shin (1998) have shown that, in the context of those models, unique equilibria may prevail once noisy private information is introduced. In this paper, we apply the method of Morris and Shin to a broader class of probability distributions and show—using the technique of iterated elimination of dominated strategies—that their results continue to hold, even if we allow for sunspots and individual uncertainty about strategic behavior of other agents. We provide a clear exposition of the logic of this model and we analyze the impact of transparency on the probability of a speculative attack. For the case of uniform distribution of noisy signals, we show that increased transparency of government policy reduces the likelihood of attacks.  相似文献   

透过“新世纪新联想”的高调,深入探析流传之谓之的“煎熬”和杨元庆命名的“险峰”,我们发现联想收购IBMPC后,又面临一道“坎”。  相似文献   

In this article we examine individual differences in the desire for unique consumer products. We identify several of the antecedents and consequences of this variable and argue that a new scale to measure it is needed. Then we report the results of our efforts to develop and validate such a scale. The 8-item scale that emerged from these efforts is shown to be unidimensional, to have a factor structure that generalizes across student and nonstudent samples, and to have acceptable internal and test–retest reliabilities. The scale's validity is attested to by its theoretically intelligible relationships with other personality measures and by its ability to differentiate between the patrons of an artistic theater and a second-run theater. Finally, we discuss the potential uses of the scale in both basic and applied marketing research. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study explores and compares the separate contributions of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny in explaining women's response to modern and traditional sex-role portrayals in print advertisements. It also considers whether sex-role identity captures unique predictive information above and beyond specific demographic variables. This study consisted of a field experiment among 200 adult women; each respondent was exposed to several carefully prepared print ads. The findings suggest that sex-role identity is a useful predictor of women's response to advertisements. Moreover, masculinity is the driving force in explaining women's response to the tested ads. Androgyny, however, adds no incremental predictive ability. The findings indicate that sex-role identity does capture new information, unexplained by specific demographic variables. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

作为全球最知名的两个零售品牌,沃尔玛和家乐福几乎在各个国家都所向披靡,每到一处都成为当地居民最喜欢的购物场所,但是在这两大零售巨头之后,全球第三大零售商麦德龙在中国却显得没有什么名气,但这并不意味着麦德龙的业绩比其他两家公司逊色。由于它只针对专业客户,使得其脱离了大众的视线。这家全球批发市场的领头羊,不仅“现购自运”的商业模式独特,其采购体系也有着自己的独到之处。  相似文献   

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