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The direct flight was opened At 12:20 pm by South Africa time on Tuesday January 31,2012,a "dragon"jumped into the twilight sky of Johannesburg and fled to the east.After 15 hours,at 8:50 pm by China time on February 1,2012,the flight SA288 landed at Beijing Capital Airport with all sectors of government,businesspeople and internationd media.When interviewing Mr.Miller Matola he vividly described how meaningful the flight is to South Africa and China.He also compared the different concepts of dragons as they are evil in the west but in China the dragon is the symbol of wealth,prosperity,luck and power.The dragon also represents success,perfection,bright and an indomitable spirit.He expressed that this special time of the start of the Year of the Dragon was selected by South Africa Airways after elaborate consideration.  相似文献   

杜鹃 《国际市场》2003,(10):50-52
9月2日、台风“杜鹃”先后在广东惠东、深圳和中山3次登陆,晚7时50分在广东省惠东县港口镇登陆后,登陆时中心  相似文献   

In this paper an assessment will be made of the state of Business Ethics as an academic discipline as well as on the extent to which theory on Business Ethics has been translated into practice within the South African society. First the way in which Business Ethics is defined will be examined. Then the issues within the field of Business Ethics that is considered to be most important will be addressed, as well as the reasons why it is believed to be important to address them. From there the attention will be shifted to the way in which Business Ethics has been institutionalised at tertiary education level. An overview of important initiatives taken by the business sector themselves will also be reviewed. Then co-operation between business and academia on Business Ethics will be discussed. Finally an assessment will be made of what can be learned from Business Ethics elsewhere in the world and what can be offered in this regard. Also some future prospects of Business Ethics in South Africa will be explored.  相似文献   

陈竹 《中国市场》2011,(4):62-65
<正>约翰内斯堡市中心向北15公里,17层高的中钢大厦显得突兀而豪气。这座大楼颇为冷清——中钢集团派驻非洲的中方员工仅有19人,一些楼层已对外出租。对中钢集团来说,这栋楼的象征  相似文献   

<正>投资贸易政策进口管制在一般情况下,南非进口大多数商品不受任何限制,但有些商品进口必须经相关部门的批准,或必须申领进口许可证。发证单位是南非贸易工业部的进出口管理局。  相似文献   

伴随着世界经济和科技全球化进程的加快,近年来尤其是步入新世纪后,在我国政策的大力吸引和跨国公司自身全球经营战略的推动下,跨国公司在华R&D投入规模不断扩大、层次不断提高,现已成为我国研发体系中的重要组成部分,为我国经济发展带来了众多机遇,但同时挑战亦重重.  相似文献   

伴随着世界经济和科技全球化进程的加快,近年来尤其是步入新世纪后,在我国政策的大力吸引和跨国公司自身全球经营战略的推动下,跨国公司在华R&D投入规模不断扩大、层次不断提高,现已成为我国研发体系中的重要组成部分,为我国经济发展带来了众多机遇,但同时挑战亦重重.  相似文献   

China and South Africa will soon celebrate the 10th anniversary of their formal diplomatic relations establishment. On this special occasion, China's Foreign Trade conducted an interview with Mr. Alex Khumalo, the General Manager of Asia Pacific South Africa Chamber of Commerce (APSACC) Secretariat. Both countries have witnessed the growing friendship of two sides in the past decade, and more fruits are expected in the coming future.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable pressure on corporations doing business in South Africa to divest and withdraw from that country. While this moral view espouses withdrawal, this article seeks to provide insight into the practical consequences of divestment. One of the questions addressed is how does foreign divestment affect Black South Africans, those who are supposed to benefit from a divestment policy. Paul Lansing is Associate Professor of Business Law. Previous articles have appeared in the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Harvard International Law Journal, The International Lawyer, The Journal of Corporation Law and others Sarosh Kuruvilla is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

Economic profits differ from accounting profits. Accounting profits are usually defined as revenues minus costs, and those costs as fixed and variable. Economic profits enlist a third cost, opportunity costs. While these costs are difficult to determine with mathematical precision, they are nonetheless significant, especially for decision making in business. They reflect social costs and benefits, tensions between individual and corporate interests, and all internal and external considerations which enter into decision making in business. It is precisely within opportunity cost decision making that Primeaux and Stieber situate business ethics.  相似文献   

When“Made in China” products are going to the international market, “Made in India”products are coming to China. On 0ct.16, 2003, made in India “Made in India”Show was held in China International Exhibition Centre, Beijing, which lasted for four days.  相似文献   

如何认知老龄化社会的商业机遇?一些领先企业的实践为因应人口结构变化带来了怎样的启示?在为本期专栏的撰文中,英国克兰菲尔德大学DavidGrayson教授就此作出解读并指出,企业“如果能够实现卓有成效的应对,就可以增加其竞争优势和机遇”。David同时是克兰菲尔德大学Doughty企业责任中心主任、社会企业Housing21董事会主席。  相似文献   

(BEIJING) Dragonair was announced as winner of the Best China Airline category in the Business Traveller Asia-Pacific 2005 Annual Travel Awards today. The magazine asked subscribers who were frequent travellers to vote for an airline based on 17 criteria,including cabin staff, comfort, route network and scheduling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the changes to twentieth-century UK public houses which have encouraged women customers and wine sales and to consider how to encourage these trends. Secondary sources have been augmented by a case study that examines the wine provision in all of the public houses in one town. The old public house had a largely male, working-class beer-drinking clientele, but has become accessible to women and wine has become a common product. However, the wine is often of poor quality, or badly served, and many women still do not enjoy the pub experience. The work suggests that further women-friendly moves and an improved quality chain for wine could benefit trade in many outlets.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present article is to analyse South African listed companies’ public reporting in order to contribute to our understanding of how and why companies consider human rights. The empirical analysis is placed in the context of the increasing prominence of human rights as a business issue, premised in part on the activities of the United Nations (UN) Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on human rights and business. On the basis of a content analysis of the public reports of the top 100 companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), we test hypotheses focused on the antecedents of companies’ demonstrated human rights due diligence, with particular reference to assumptions or findings of the SRSG and institutional theory. Some of our results are unexpected: there is little influence exerted by the sector and size of companies in our sample, and there is also an unexpectedly insignificant impact of company participation in the UN Global Compact and the JSE Socially Responsible Investment Index. On the other hand, a key predictor of human rights due diligence is an explicit leadership commitment, and important roles are also played by government regulations and stock exchange listing rules.  相似文献   

Since the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held in November last year, Africa, this beautiful and amazing land has attracted more and more attention and interests from the Chinese people and enterprises.That vast and fertile continent does not only boast of breath-holding natural sightseeing, mysterious and historical ventures and legends, but also is a virgin land full of opportunities with investment and cooperation.  相似文献   

Gender is one of the most frequently studied variables within the ethics literature. In prior studies that find gender differences, females consistently report more ethical responses than males. However, prior research also indicates that females are more prone to responding in a socially desirable fashion. Consequently, it is uncertain whether gender differences in ethical decision-making exist because females are more ethical or perhaps because females are more prone to the social desirability response bias. Using a sample of 30 scenarios from prior studies that find gender differences, we examine whether these gender differences remain robust once social desirability is controlled for in the analysis. Our data suggest that the effect of gender on ethical decision-making is largely attenuated once social desirability is included in the analysis. In essence, the social desirability response bias appears to be driving a significant portion of the relationship between gender and ethical decision-making. We discuss several important research implications of this study.  相似文献   

There is a scanty pieces of information regarding business activities amongst people in Eastern and Southern Africa. The official records show that there is still a limited business activities undertaken by people in the region. The wind of change in the late 1980s necessitated the national states, institutions and people to seek for a closer co-operation in business and other activities. Ethical issues have been on top of the agenda of every nation because of the perceived development and improvement of business enterprises. Every national government in the region tries to accept such a challenge and device some measures to enhance regional and national ethics compatibility in business. Many institutions and various stakeholders in Eastern and Southern Africa are encouraged to participate and co-operate for the betterment of the region.  相似文献   

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