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With approval from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), student federal tax clinics may be operated by law schools or graduate accounting programs. Currently there are 17 student federal tax clinics approved by the IRS. The graduate accounting program at the University of North Texas (UNT) was the first graduate accounting program permitted to operate a clinic and is currently one of only three accounting programs in the nation that operate a clinic. The program allows graduate accounting students to represent taxpayers before the IRS at the audit and appeals conference. This article demonstrates how tax clinics provide an excellent means for interactive learning while helping students and professors keep abreast of practice issues. Information on establishing and operating an accounting student tax clinic is provided as well as a list of current tax clinic participants.  相似文献   

An important part of accounting curriculum reform is a movement away from traditional methods of organizing accounting courses toward improved organization schemes. Two basic approaches to organizing the content of tax courses are a transaction-based scheme and an entity-based scheme. This paper reports the results of an experiment that investigates which scheme is more consistent with how incoming masters in tax students organize tax knowledge and how different schemes affect the manner in which graduating students organize tax knowledge. Ninety students drawn from two full-time masters in taxation programs participated in the study. Subjects individually completed three separate tasks that measured how they organize tax knowledge at both the start of their degree program and three semesters later at or near the end of their program. The results for all three tasks indicate that incoming tax students organize tax knowledge around the type of transaction involved. The results for two of the three tasks indicate that the students' transaction focus did not change during their graduate tax program, whereas the results for the third task indicate that the students' transaction focus increased during their graduate tax experience. The implications of these findings for improving tax instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of computer-assisted tax research by students and faculty has begun to increase rapidly after being available for over 15 years. Factors contributing to this increased usage include accessibility to the data bases by microcomputers, transmission technology improvements, the emergence of new competitors, and the growth of specialized tax programs. The purpose of this research was to determine the nature and extent of the use of computer-assisted tax research in academic tax programs. A survey was conducted of all schools with American Taxation Association members, AACSB accreditation, and/or graduate tax programs. Current users project increased use while the 71% of respondents who are nonusers overwhelmingly cite cost constraints as the deterrent, with pessimism about the possibility of adopting CATR in the near future.  相似文献   

Governments and universities have trouble reconciling the goalof keeping higher education widely accessible with the needto retrieve some of its costs from students. Student loans offera plausible solution to the problem. But loan programs turnout in practice to have been a disappointing instrument of costrecovery: analysis of twenty-three programs found that studentsrepay only a small portion of the value of the original loan.Subsidies, high default rates, and high administrative costshave eroded the value of repayments. Sometimes loan programshave proved as expensive as outright grants. This article argues that most loan programs could be reformedto improve financial effectiveness—through targeting,charging positive real interest rates, designing repayment plansto take account of the likely pattern of graduate earnings,and ensuring that the oversight institutions can and will collect.Or governments could explore alternative devices for cost recovery,such as a graduate tax. This approach levies a higher incometax rate on beneficiaries of government-subsidized higher educationand thus preserves the idea, implicit in loan programs, of payingfor education with future earnings. As part of an effectivetax system, a graduate tax could bring in significantly morerevenue than traditional loan programs.   相似文献   

Since the 1959 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Council resolution on the standards of accounting education, a 5-year post-secondary educational requirement for CPA licensing has been deemed important. Twenty-three states have enacted legislation requiring 150 hours of education before a person may take the national CPA exam. Within these states, many colleges and universities have both graduate business administration or accounting programs to prepare their accounting students for the certification exam. The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) member schools in these 23 states were surveyed to determine the curriculum in their graduate business administration and accounting programs. A significant number (31%) of the schools have installed a 30semester-hour or more accounting post-baccalaureate program. The trends in state licensing and the academic responses have been: 1. An undergraduate concentration in accounting, 2. A graduate degree granted at the completion of the post-baccalaureate hours, 3. Most state legislatures select the state boards of accountancy to determine specific courses of advanced study, 4. Most state boards of accountancy specify broad areas of subject categories, 5. Most surveyed AACSB member schools with advanced accounting programs specify over 60% of their hours in accounting subjects, 6. A majority of surveyed MBA programs with an accounting concentration (72%) required less than 40% of their total graduate credit hours in accounting courses, and 7. A higher percentage of surveyed nonaccredited advanced accounting programs (72%) required 60% of their graduate requirements in accounting courses compared to advanced accounting degree programs with both business and accounting AACSB accreditation (58%).  相似文献   

This study uses state tax amnesties to examine how firms respond to forgiveness—particularly repeated forgiveness—by a taxing authority. We posit that tax forgiveness programs alter taxpayer perceptions of the probability of detection by enforcers or the probability of future forgiveness programs, either of which could affect future tax aggressiveness. We find that firms headquartered in an amnesty-granting state increase state income tax aggressiveness following the first instance of tax amnesty, relative to control firms in other states. Moreover, we find evidence that tax aggressiveness incrementally increases with each additional repetition of a tax amnesty. Finally, we find that the effect of amnesties on tax aggressiveness is more prominent for small firms, which face less scrutiny and for which the tax aggressiveness measures are less confounded. Our findings suggest that repeated programs of tax forgiveness have increasingly negative implications for corporate tax collections.  相似文献   

This paper presents perspectives of accounting faculty members on the relative importance of topics that should be presented in a one-semester graduate level international taxation course. Understanding of international taxation has become an increasingly critical part of the tax and accounting practices of the big four and other major public accounting firms as well as to U.S. multinational business firms. Therefore, college and universities may find it useful to provide at least some coverage of international taxation topics in a separate course or as part of other courses in their tax and accounting programs. If a separate course is offered, an important consideration of which topics should be covered in the course, since there are more topics than can be reasonably covered in one course. This paper analyzes the responses of members of the American Accounting Association's International Accounting Section to a survey of which topics should be included in a one-semester international tax course. Results are compared with those of prior studies to determine whether and the extent to which perspectives have changed over time and based on the type of survey respondent. Findings of this paper will offer guidance regarding topic selection to the accounting faculty members who are charged with developing an international taxation course. The findings may also be of interest to anyone concerned with international business in general and taxation in particular.  相似文献   

Welfare programs are important in terms of reducing poverty, although they create incentives for recipients to maximize their income by either reducing their labor supply or manipulating their taxable income. In this paper, we quantify the extent of such behavioral responses for the earned income tax credit (EITC) in the USA. We exploit the fact that US states can set top-up rates, which means that at a given point in time, workers with the same income receive different tax refunds in different states. Using event studies as well as a border pair design, we document that raising the state EITC leads to more bunching of self-employed tax filers at the first kink point of the tax schedule. While we document a strong relationship up until 2007, we find no effect during the Great Recession. These findings point to important behavioral responses to the largest welfare program in the USA.  相似文献   

This article describes an instructional technique using a single current tax case to demonstrate the many facets of tax research methodology. The technique is just one resource used for teaching the graduate tax research course, and provides for a richer contextual environment in which to learn the tax research process. Using a single case based on actual events, the many sources of statutory and judicial tax authority were incrementally evaluated to solve the tax problem, and integrally analysed for the final conclusions. In addition, the case centred on a very public and political tax issue, which generated increased interest among students and illustrated the political process associated with tax law development. Application of the technique for desired learning outcomes and assessment objectives are also discussed.  相似文献   

The economic disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic prompted governments around the world to initiate an unprecedented number of temporary lending and tax deferment programs. Which firms will benefit from these programs? What are the implications for firm balance sheets and post-crisis survival? We provide some novel insights on these questions by studying one of the first government programs of this type, which Sweden launched at the height of the 2008–2009 financial crisis. The Swedish program allowed firms to temporarily suspend payment of all labor-related taxes and fees, treating these deferred amounts as a short-term loan from the government. Firms participating in the program are younger, less profitable, hold fewer cash reserves, are more leveraged, and have less unused slack in their credit lines when the crisis hits. Given the structure of the Swedish program, it provided more liquidity to firms with relatively larger ex ante wage bills. Exploiting this feature of the policy, we find that firms use the program to increase overall debt levels rather than to substitute for other borrowing. The leverage increase is due entirely to higher levels of non-bank debt. Firms use the funds to avoid making even deeper cuts to current assets. Despite the increase in leverage, access to the lending program is unrelated to the likelihood a firm files for bankruptcy and is negatively related to the likelihood a firm encounters severe financial distress in the years immediately following the crisis.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的逐步深化和我国改革开放的不断发展,我国正在更深层次地融入全球市场。顺应世界税制改革趋势,完善我国税收制度是大势所趋。本文在总结20世纪中后期以来世界税制改革趋势的基础上,提出了完善我国税制改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, educational theorists and accounting researchers alike have touted the potential benefits of experiential or “hands on” learning activities. This article examines a teaching methodology based on experiential learning theory that the authors believe facilitates student acquisition of a number of the prescribed accounting graduate capabilities outlined in the Appendix of the Accounting Education Change Commission's Position Statement No. 1. Specifically, we describe the structure, operations, and cost of the Applied Business Learning Experience/Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (ABLE/VITA program at Salisbury State University, and discuss how ABLE/VITA's classroom, client, and team experiences provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities which satisfy the thrust of the AECC's charges. We also discuss present and planned program evaluation methods as well as suggestions for implementing similar programs at other academic institutions.  相似文献   

Case projects are valuable tools for teaching risk management and insurance (RMI). This article describes a flexible case study approach that can be used as a comprehensive capstone project for the RMI major or in modules for graduate and undergraduate RMI courses. The project incorporates both fundamental RMI concepts and emerging trends in the field. The use of the case project provides benefits to both students and the RMI program, especially given the increasing pressure for assessment in college curricula.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between manager education and mutual fund performance, following Chevalier and Ellison [Chevalier, Judith, Ellison, Glenn, 1999. Are some mutual fund managers better than others? Cross-sectional patterns in behavior and performance. Journal of Finance 54, 3, 875–899]. We refine their analysis by investigating if the quality of the MBA program, as measured by the mean GMAT score and Business Week ranking, has any effect on performance. We find that the mean GMAT score of the MBA program is positively and significantly related to fund performance. Managers who hold MBAs from schools ranked in the top 30 of the Business Week rankings of MBA programs exhibit performance superior to the performance of both managers without MBA degrees and managers holding MBAs from unranked programs. We also find that other education variables, such as whether the manager attained a CFA designation or holds either a non-MBA masters-level graduate degree or Ph.D., are generally unrelated to mutual fund performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this teaching note is to share with tax instructors several graphical organizers developed by the authors for use in teaching topics typically covered in undergraduate and graduate tax courses. Their use may be motivated by studies documenting improvements in student learning through improved text comprehension and memory when such displays are used, and also by studies concluding that students exhibit decreasing reliance upon textbook information and increasing reliance upon instructor provided communications in their learning and study processes. Additional motivation stems from the graphical organizers’ desirable attributes as instructional resources: ease of use, presentation efficiency and flexibility, and a facilitated ability to highlight cause-and-effect based conclusions inherent in tax law.  相似文献   

A substantial literature addresses the design of transfer programs and policies, including the negative income tax, other means-tested transfers, the earned income tax credit, categorical assistance, and work inducements. This work is largely independent of that on the optimal nonlinear income tax, yet formulations of such a tax necessarily address how low-income individuals should be treated. This paper draws on the optimal income taxation literature to illuminate the analysis of transfer programs, including the level and shape of marginal tax rates (including phase-outs), the structure of categorical assistance, and the role of work inducements in an optimal income transfer scheme. JEL Classification H21 · H53 · I38  相似文献   

We quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of a consumption tax and lump-sum transfer program as insurance against idiosyncratic earnings risk. We use a heterogeneous agent, incomplete markets model in which households adjust savings and employment in each period in the presence of idiosyncratic productivity risk and a borrowing constraint. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy. We find a weak insurance effect of the consumption tax and transfer program. Expanding the tax and transfer program from the current U.S. level increases the capital-output ratio and reduces the interest rate. Consumption inequality also decreases only slightly.  相似文献   

Using disaggregated data from the Brazilian stock market, we calculate default probabilities for 30 different economic sectors. Empirical results suggest that domestic macroeconomic factors can explain these default probabilities. In addition, we construct the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) and the ultrametric hierarchical tree with the MST based on default probabilities to disclose common trends, which reveals that some sectors form clusters. The results of this paper imply that macroeconomic variables have distinct effects on default probabilities, which is important to take into account in credit risk modeling and the generation of stress test scenarios.  相似文献   

The use of journal entries to teach partnership taxation concepts provides students with a visual tool that liberates them from the memorization of formulas that has long been a staple in partnership tax education. Employing journal entries as our pedagogy, we present a case designed to be a comprehensive project for a stand-alone graduate partnership taxation course. We also provide guidance for how individual components within the case can be assigned, which could be particularly useful to instructors of business entity tax courses. Our case provides a resource that will assist instructors in teaching and students in understanding (1) the book accounting requirements, and (2) the interrelationship between the tax and book reporting requirements. Graduate tax students who completed this case in its entirety agree that the case meets its stated learning objectives, and that journal entries are an effective tool for analyzing partnership tax transactions and make learning partnership taxation easier.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey of the administrators of graduate accounting programs in 186 accredited business schools on the incorporation of behavioral accounting materials in graduate accounting curricula. The majority of respondents (57.7%) reported that their accounting programs do incorporate behavioral accounting materials. A greater number of respondents (84.2%) favored inclusion of behavioral accounting in the future. Teaching behavioral accounting in a hybrid course is the most popular approach, and managerial accounting and auditing courses are most likely to include behavioral accounting materials.  相似文献   

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