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<税法>是目前大多数专科院校经济和贸易类专业的一门重要课程.面对当前我国税制不断改革的形势,同时结合该课程的性质和特点,提出目前<税法>深程在教学过程中存在的问题,探讨了工学结合下<税法>课程改革的创新思路,旨在提高<税法>课程的教学质量.从教学过程中积极引导学生创新思维,到重视培养学生实践能力.  相似文献   

<西方经济学>课程是我院经济管理类专业基础课之一.通过课程组老师多年的探索和积累,尤其是近年来在<西方经济学>课程教研组老师的认真总结,同时结合该课程的性质和特点,探讨了该课程改革的创新思路,旨在提高<西方经济学>课程的教学质量,从教学过程中积极引导学生创新思维.  相似文献   

<西方经济学>课程是我院经济管理类专业基础课之一.通过课程组老师多年的探索和积累,尤其是近年来在<西方经济学>课程教研组老师的认真总结,同时结合该课程的性质和特点,探讨了该课程改革的创新思路,旨在提高<西方经济学>课程的教学质量,从教学过程中积极引导学生创新思维.  相似文献   

课程是计算机专业学生的必修专业课,是一门操作性和实践性很强的课程.目前课程在教学过程中存在的问题,本文探讨了工学结合下课程改革的创新思路,旨在提高课程的教学质量,从教学过程培养学生动画设计和创新思维的能力,实现大专院校专门培养一线应用型设计人才的目标.  相似文献   

<税法>课程是一门关联性很强的综合型课程,也是实践性很强的应用型课程,与经济生活联系紧密,本文就<税法>课程的教学提出了关于教材选择、师资培养、教学方法改革等几点建议,旨在提高<税法>课程的教学质量.  相似文献   

试论《企业管理》课程中传统教学方法存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使教育教学更加具有针对性和实效性,只有解决在传统教学方法中存在的管理水平低下、教师创新能力差、学生知识视野狭窄以及缺乏学习兴趣等问题,才能推动<企业管理>课程改革的发展.应借鉴国外教学改革经验.深化<企业管理>课程考试评价制度的改革;鼓励教师创新教学方法,不断增强创新能力;采用项目教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生真正成为企业管理工作中的"实用"人才.  相似文献   

<高频电子线路>一课对于高职学生来说有较大的难度,本文结合高职教育的特殊性和高职学生的特点,以及结本校<高频电子电路>的教学现状和自身教学的经验与体会,介绍了本课程在理论和实验的教学形式、内容、方法e进行的改革,提出了新的教学模式.  相似文献   

依照高职高专院校新的课程改革理念,<旅游市场营销>课程设计要从毕业生主要就业岗位要求入手,进行典型工作任务分析,从而确定与<旅游市场营销>课程相关的学习情景和学习内容,使旅游市场营销职业活动过程在教学中体现.文章从项目化课程目标设计、项目化教学设计的思路和内容以及考核评价进行了<旅游市场营销>课程项目化教学设计的探索.  相似文献   

针对目前<数字电路>课程教学的现状,提出了课程教学改革的基本思路:利用web技术、虚拟实验、电子设计自动化等信息技术,推进数字电路理论教学、课程实验和课程设计等环节的改革,从而提高数字电路的教学质量,多渠道培养学生的实践和创新能力.  相似文献   

本文以漯河职业技术学院<前厅客房服务与管理>课程改革为例,探讨课程改革的方案,重点阐述课程以酒店前厅客房服务工作内容和工作过程设计教学内容,任务驱动学生的教学方法及校企结合的多元化考核方式.  相似文献   

RFID在供应链物流管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张和平 《中国市场》2007,(41):102-103
供应链物流管理对提高物流效率和核心竞争力具有重要作用,而物流信息技术是供应链管理运作的支撑平台和基础。RFID可以很好解决供应链物流管理中的底层数据采集的"瓶颈"难题。  相似文献   

周环宇  李亚明 《中国市场》2008,(49):100-101
近年来,随着我国民用航空事业的高速发展,各机场呈现快速增长态势,与此同时它们在发展的过程中也遇到了各种各样的瓶颈,其中市场问题是比较突出的一个问题。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):33-47
A feature of Britain's industrialisation during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was the persistence of small-scale production and producers. In a variety of contexts small businesspeople had a striking presence in the local economy and society. However, relatively little is known about this sector of the business community. This paper describes the economic characteristics of micro-scale and small craft businesses in one area of rural lowland Scotland between c.1830 and c.1900. Issues examined include firm size, capital investment, profits, multiple business strategies, persistence rates, the independence of producers, and formal organisation among these small businesspeople. The micro and small-scale business sector in this area is found to share many of the characteristics of such groups in other contexts. An internal diversity was also found, with producers merging with the world of wage labour at one end of the spectrum and the ranks of established enterprise at the other. This feature was reflected in the social standing of the small businesspeople.  相似文献   


This paper looks at the development of the two types of credit card systems in the UK, the bank credit cards and the retailer credit cards. The article seeks to address the issue of who will hold the balance of power at the introduction of an EFTPOS, or direct‐debit, system into the UK. The situation in 1988 appears to be that retailers are well up the “learning curve” as regards the management and marketing of credit and so are increasingly proving to be a threat to the banks not only in the provision of credit but also in offering a wide range of financial services.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):801-816

Industrial relations were reconstructed in the UK in the 1970s, but only in a limited way. This article examines how business preserved ultimate managerial prerogative in the organisation of the firm and the workplace by constraining the process of reconstruction. The analysis contributes to understanding of business in the 1970s and varieties of capitalism literature on comparative political economy by suggesting that changes in industrial relations were accepted by business only where congruent with corporate strategy. Evidence comes from industrial relations surveys and the Bullock Inquiry on board-level worker participation.  相似文献   

本文认为,深入研究和剖析经济转型时期的消费阶层,根据各阶层消费者的行为特点选择相关的政策和策略,已经成为保持国民经济持续、协调、健康发展的重要保障。文章提出,以马克思的阶层理论为指导,以居民的经济收入水平标准,可以把我国经济转型期的消费者划分为三种类型即低消费阶层、中消费阶层和高消费阶层;我国消费阶层结构具有鲜明特征:一是消费阶层结构的重叠性导致消费阶层新元素的出现;二是各消费阶层消费者的构成趋于多元化,各消费者之间的差异性显著增加;三是每个消费阶层都有了多种成分;四是各消费阶层消费者的数量分布呈现出不平衡性。  相似文献   

Risk Perception in the Short Run and in the Long Run   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is an ongoing controversy in financial economics regarding the role of time horizon in portfolio selection. This problem is relevant in a broader context, wherever consumers or managers make decisions that involve both time and risk. The purpose of this paper is to review recent findings from the decision making literature so as to shed new light on how the short run vs. long run contingency may determine risk taking and perception.  相似文献   

This article examines why the introduction of the National Minimum Wage has been less disruptive in hospitality than had been anticipated. It shows that in hospitality establishments pay rates are not the outcome of managerial decision making alone, but are influenced by broader economic and social processes. Furthermore, key aspects of the ‘total reward system’ held to exist in hospitality, the provision of live-in accommodation for workers and the practice of tipping, on which there are specific National Minimum Wage regulations, are generally not treated as remuneration. This highlights the need for a reconsideration of how remuneration practices in hospitality operate.  相似文献   

This article takes a step back from the debate on the precise causes of the crisis and the detailed steps needed to resolve it. It focuses on distributional issues and discusses the ways in which widening income inequality in most European countries has been linked to factors that lie behind the crisis. It then considers distributional effects of current efforts to resolve the crisis and explains why crisis-resolution policies need to address distributional concerns. Finally it proposes measures, many of which require coordination at least at the European level, to address the distributional crisis that otherwise awaits us in coming years and that will ultimately help to establish a new, more economically and socially balanced growth model.  相似文献   

In the last issue of Intereconomics, a first article by the present authors looked into the measures that central banks have taken in support of the financial sector in an effort to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis. This second article describes the measures taken by governments to contain the impact of the financial crisis and discusses potential exit strategies. Although the focus is on the measures implemented by euro area governments, the article also compares these measures with the ones taken in the United Kingdom and the United States.  相似文献   

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