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进入21世纪后,国内公共图书馆事业发展中的人文问题日益凸显.2002年在图书馆法与知识产权研究专业委员会的策划和推动,图书馆精神、图书馆道德、图书馆权利等基本理念在中国得到迅速传播,公共图书馆界近年更提出:保障读者权利,实现快乐阅读.要实现阅读快乐的目标,仅从保障读者的权利保障出发,片面强调读者权利的保障而忽视了读者义务的履行,所获得的阅读快乐不可能是完整的、全面的.公共图书馆有保障读者权利的义务,同时也有积极培育并监督读者自觉履行义务的义务.读者的权利与义务只有在得到同样重视的前提下,才能保证读者利用公共图书馆的整个过程是快乐的,阅读是快乐的.  相似文献   

尊重读者权利是图书馆人文关怀的重要内容,保障图书馆员权益是图书馆人文关怀的基础。要使读者在接收服务的过程中感受到人文关怀,图书馆就要尊重读者的阅读权利,构筑以读者为中心的藏为所用的组织模式和现代图书馆的服务模式;要使图书馆员权益受到保障,图书馆就要满足图书馆员的受尊重需求,为图书馆员提供价值提升的机会,营造图书馆员价值实现的良好环境。  相似文献   

该文阐述了县级公共图书馆开展少儿读者服务的重要性,通过分析我国县级公共图书馆少儿读者服务的现状,提出如何提升少儿读者服务工作的思考。少年儿童是图书馆的重要服务对象,尤其是现在全面宣传阅读,人人重视阅读的环境下,图书馆无疑成了少年儿童的“第二课堂”。公共图书馆开展少儿阅读服务工作,是利在当下,功在千秋的伟大事业。《公共图书馆宣言》中提出:“公共图书馆要帮助少年儿童从小培养并加强阅读习惯,激发其想象力和创造力,促进他们对文化遗产和艺术、科学成就和发明创造的认识和了解。”  相似文献   

杨晓春 《中国报业》2023,(10):156-157
新媒体时代,新媒体技术凭借多元化优势在各行各业得到了广泛应用,为我国文化输出和文化传承提供了源源不断的动力支持。因此,对公共图书馆阅读推广工作的发展趋势进行详细分析,公共图书馆应始终将读者作为核心,积极扩大图书馆服务范围,建立健全长效阅读推广机制,进一步提高阅读推广质量。  相似文献   

儿童作为特殊的用户群体一直备受国外公共图书馆的重视。历年IFLA图书馆营销奖获奖不乏面向儿童的图书馆营销的成功案例。我国图书馆面向儿童读者的服务仍以传统的进馆阅读为主,与国外相比还有较大差距。文章分析我国11个省市公共图书馆对于儿童读者的营销策略所存在的问题,结合国外优秀的图书馆获奖案例给出改进建议,以便全方位地提升我国图书馆儿童读者服务能力和服务水平。  相似文献   

图书馆被称为“无围墙的大学”,图书馆宪章明确指出:“人人都有读书的权利,社会有义务保证每个人都享有看书的机会”。联合国教科文组织也于1995年发布“公共图书馆宣言”,宣告图书馆在平等  相似文献   

学校图书馆因其独特的教育体制与教学任务,图书馆工作者与读者间存在着诸多关系,正确树立和有效把握图书馆工作者与读者的主客关系、互为教育关系以及真正建立起图书馆工作者与读者间的和谐平等关系,这有利于学校图书馆作用的积极发挥与学生读者的全面阅读工作.  相似文献   

信息服务是图书馆的核心业务之一.随着计算机和互联网技术的广泛应用,读者的阅读方式和阅读手段正在发生变革,对传统图书馆的信息服务带来挑战.尽管近年来图书馆投入大量资金,努力实现向数字图书馆转型,但在信息服务观念、人力资源、信息开发等方面仍存在许多不足.因此,首先必须更新观念,创新信息服务模式,建立网络化信息服务体系,将图书馆打造成地区的信息服务中心,才是图书馆的应变之道.  相似文献   

冀振武 《北方经贸》2000,(4):146-147
一、充分认识高校图书馆与读者心理需求的必要性 在高等院校图书馆这个特定的环境中,读者心理学是研究广大科教人员、当代大学生在广泛利用图书馆过程中的心理现象、心理需求规律的科学,是图书馆工作者研究广大读者对图书文献信息资源需求的心理过程、心理状态、个性特征.在高校图书馆众多读者群中,高、中、低职称不等,层次参差不齐,有针对性地对广大读者进行阅读指导,使他们对文献信息资源产生兴趣,进而针对性满足其需求是图书馆工作者的根本出发点和归宿.只有这样,才能不断满足广大读者对日益增长的图书文献信息资源的需求,并让"读者第一,服务至上"从口号变为真正的行动.  相似文献   

读者服务工作是图书馆的重要工作.它是满足读者要求的服务活动.中专学习图书馆的读者主体是学生,他们正处于学习掌握知识的关键期,如何吸引他们利用好图书馆资源,是做好图书馆读者工作的重要课题.首先要做到了解读者的类型,研究读者心理,掌握学生的阅读倾向.其次以读者需要为导向展开多层次的服务,激发他们读书的热情,使学生在博览群书中增长了知识,开阔眼界,树立正确的人生观.培养出高素质的中专生当然要完成上述工作还要有好服务平台完善的借阅制度.  相似文献   

与环境权利对应的是国家环境义务,环境权益的公众性、环境保护的复杂性要求国家须有所作为,而传统的给付义务无法对环境保护问题作出全面适当的回应。无疑,从一种更广义的给付义务出发,阐述国家环境给付义务的理论基础和现实必要性,具体论述国家环境给付义务的类型、范围以及国家违反环境给付义务的责任形式问题,构建新时期国家环境给付义务体系,在当前有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国加入世界贸易组织的十年间,根据TRIPS协定的要求和应对经济全球一体化的挑战所需,进一步推进知识产权制度变革,体现了三个特点,即将履行国际义务与本国国情相结合、知识产权权利人利益与公众利益的平衡、面向新世界的战略性导向发展。本文建议根据当今国际上加强知识产权实施机制和各国知识产权制度趋同的新形势,中国应继续推进知识产权制度朝着纵深方向变革,大力提升知识产权国际竞争力。  相似文献   

我国台湾正在试行的"人民观审试行条例(草案)"对民众参与审判的方式、权利与义务等作出了比较完善的规定。这些规定对于大陆的人民陪审员的选任、权利与义务的明确以及相关配套措施的完善可资借鉴。  相似文献   

Following the situation of poverty in the rights paradigm, this paper explores the links between the rights-based and corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches to the realization of socioeconomic rights in the broader context of an emerging recognition of CSR as private regulation of business behaviour. It examines complex theoretical and practical dimensions of responsibility and potential contributions of businesses to poverty alleviation and clarifies the apparent paradox of legal compulsion of essentially voluntary CSR activities. Rather than treat rights and CSR as parallel approaches to protecting socioeconomic rights, it is argued that CSR can be part of a coherent framework of laws and policies for legally translating broad human rights commitments to poverty reduction into concrete programmes. The paper demonstrates how legally propped CSR arrangements can support poverty reduction and appropriate task-specific contextualised definitions and boundaries of CSR that complement the rights-based approach. It is argued that human rights principles have normative dimensions to guide and help formulate policies, programmes and practices, which in turn allow for a creative use of and legal prop to CSR. The conceptualization of human rights is not restricted to one implementation method, and CSR can partly satisfy states’ human rights obligations and transcend the narrow conventional human rights discourse on obligations of non-state actors.  相似文献   

本文从公共品理论范畴定位义务教育,从财政角度将义务教育纳入公共服务均等化建设目标,构造适应公共服务要求的义务教育均衡机制.  相似文献   

The legal relationship of medical insurance refers to relationship of rights and obligations among subjects of medical insurance, namely relation- ship of rights and obligations formed among the insurer, the applicant, the insured and the beneficiary of medical insurance due to payment of medical insurance premiums and management and supervision of medical in- surance fund. Only if the range of the insured serving as the subject of rights in such legal relationship, namely the insurant enjoying basic medical insurance, is defined can the legal relationship of basic medical insurance be better adapted to and values and goals of legal system of basic medical insurance be realized.  相似文献   

The 1960 Civil Code of Ethiopia and other laws have been providing a certain level of protection to consumers until the enactment of laws – in 2010 and 2014 – that expressly deal with consumer protection. This article examines consumer protection in Ethiopia with prime attention to the Trade Competition and Consumer Protection Proclamation No. 813/2013 (enacted in 2014). The social context which prompted the enactment of specific consumer laws in Ethiopia, sources that have influenced Ethiopia’s consumer law regime, rights of consumers, obligations of business persons, regulatory enforcement schemes and some features of consumer protection in digitalized services are highlighted. Moreover, the article briefly deals with the way forward regarding consumer enablement as a path to the effective implementation of consumer rights to choice, safety, information and redress. It is argued that the articulation of specific consumer laws can hardly be implemented unless consumers are adequately empowered to secure their rights and entitlements through effective redress which should include public interest litigation, class action and enhanced civil society engagement.  相似文献   

在有关TRIPS的谈判中,发达国家未能实现其所有目的,虽屡次试图加强TRIPS的保护水平,却总是成效甚微。鉴于此,双边自由贸易协定,而非多边条约,成为了他们新一轮努力的重点。在这方面,美国无愧于其中"翘楚",其近年所为,对"超TRIPS条款"的扩张起了推波助澜作用。这使发达国家得以规避TRIPS中有利于较不发达国家的规定,并为进一步制定不平等国际规范奠定了基础。本文主要分析了美式FTA中与公共健康有关的超TRIPS条款,以证明上述观点,并提请发展中国家注意国际知识产权立法中的这一双边趋势及其潜在的不利影响。  相似文献   

The WTO agreements comprise a system of obligations and rights for member governments. None of these apply directly to individual actors. Nevertheless, the WTO does reach into the nation-state to guarantee rights to individuals. The following article explores this little-noted dimension of international economic law and proposes ways that a new WTO trade round could build on developments so far in order to strengthen private rights. The views expressed are those of the author.  相似文献   

In this paper I address the issue of how far libertarianism can serve as the theoretical framework for a political morality excluding serious obligations to the needy. This issue has been raised recently by Gillian Brock who argues that even those adopting a thoroughgoing libertarianism, such as that of Robert Nozick, must recognise significant obligations to the needy as a condition of claiming exclusive property rights. I argue that Brock fails to demonstrate this. After briefly describing Brock's main argument I discuss the acquisition of libertarian property rights, and try to show there are sufficient resources in Nozick's account for him to accept her main conclusion in principle without recognising significant obligations. Then, after some supplementary discussion, I sketch two different lines of argument. One uses the issue of corporate liability. The other focusses on problems with Nozick's "entitlement" principle of rectification. I try to show that even if the libertarian entitlement theory of property rights, their acquisition and transfer, is accepted, this gives no grounds for resisting claims for redistribution based on others' needs.  相似文献   

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