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通过对我国农民组织现状的分析,提出提高农民组织化程度的必要性;结合我国农村目前的现状,提出具体对策建议.  相似文献   

季永伟 《中国市场》2008,(45):61-62
提高农民的组织化程度是实现农产品增值的重要途径,是应对农村经济战略转型和国际市场竞争的需要,是农业现代化的必然要求,是农民实现和保护自身利益的根本途径。提高中国农民的组织化程度要加快立法研究、制定和落实各项扶持政策、加大引导、监督、规范力度,使农民组织规范运作。  相似文献   

基于对河北省838个农户的调研数据,本文从农民视角对农民组织化的制约因素进行分析.研究表明,农民主体作用弱化、政府主导力量不足、农村精英缺失等因素制约着农民合作组织的创建、运行及可持续发展.基于上述结果,文章提出应从政府适度参与、加强农民合作文化建设、培育农村精英等方面着力突破农民组织化的瓶颈.  相似文献   

闫凤 《现代商业》2011,(30):153-154
目前农村分散的小生产、小经营模式因信息不灵、势单力薄而缺乏市场竞争,无力应对千变万化的大市场,新的形势要求农民必须要有自己的经济组织,以此来增强驾驭市场能力。  相似文献   

农民专业合作社:农民组织化提升的新基地   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民组织化是发展乡村政治、构建乡村秩序的根本路径。农民专业合作社是提升农民组织化程度的新载体、新基地。农民通过参与合作社组织生活,可以激发合作意识,培育一致行动能力,提升组织生活绩效,最终提升农民群体的对话能力,保障农民群体的利益,实现乡村社会秩序的重构。  相似文献   

农民增收困难是我国当前农业和农村工作面临的最突出问题,而影响农民收入增长的重要原因之一就是农民的组织化程度低。本文先从微观角度说明加强农民组织化程度的必要性,再在成本收益分析的基础上证明农民组织起来的有效性,随后笔者对农民组织化的形式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

农民组织起来的目的在于拓展生产经营空间、组织有效营运、协调成员间的决策、行为和运作方式,谋求更大的组织化利益。目前,我国农民组织化主要有"企业+农户"、"政府+农户"、"农村合作经济组织+农户"和"农村专业批发市场+农户"四种组织模式可供选择,并且有各自的实现途径。  相似文献   

近年来文昌市冬季辣椒种植业蓬勃发展,2012年冬季全市辣椒种植面积达13.5万亩,约占全省椒类种植总面积的22%.笔者在实地调查中发现由于土地分散于千家万户的农民手中,因此在辣椒种植中存在着随意性和盲目性.同时在要素投入、技术推广、销售等方面存在不少的问题和矛盾.究其根源,很多都可归结到农民缺乏有效的组织这样一个关键的结点上.因此笔者基于目前文昌市辣椒种植业的实际以及借鉴台湾辣椒种植业发展的实践,提出文昌市辣椒种植业发展的新出路——走农民组织化道路.  相似文献   

在新一轮城镇化的过程中,现有法律框架下可以借助农民合作社这一合法形式来提高农民的组织化程度,建立与政府的对话、协商机制,妥善解决征地纠纷,有效降低各种社会成本。  相似文献   

土地流转中,只有农民组织化才能保护土地流转中农民的权益,进而确保土地流转得到更好地发展。本文笔者结合多年工作经验,就土地流转中农民组织化对其权益的保护作用展开研究,并就如何构建规范化的农民土地流转合作社提出了几点建议,以促进农民组织程度的提升和土地流转中农民权益的切实保障。  相似文献   

This empirical study investigated the impact of organizational training on employee commitment focusing on employees' emotional and affective responses towards their organization. Organizational training is conceptualized within a multidimensional framework consisting of motivation for training, access to training, benefits from training and support for training. The hypothesis of this study has been built on a resource‐based view, social exchange theory and psychological contract theory. Field research was conducted through surveys with 298 participants of four‐ and five‐star hotels operating in Izmir, Turkey. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to analyse the quality of the training scales and multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses of the study. The results revealed that all dimensions of training positively affected employee commitment. Implications have been presented for both researchers and human resource practitioners as to how to utilize organizational training factors to increase employee commitment.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a special topic section of five papers on organization control. Organizational control is conceived of in a broad sense to include such factors as leadership, formalization, reward systems and the like. In this paper, it is proposed that the control structure varies by type of organization, and that the control structure has differential effects on (1) predictability and (2) organization effectiveness.  相似文献   

浅析当前增加农民收入的主要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增加农民收入途径:一是坚定不移地推进农业和农村经济结构的战略性调整,提高农业产业化程度;二是创造条件,加快农村富余劳动力的转移;三是把提高农民的素质作为农业增收的支撑点;四是减轻农民负担是增加农民收入的有效保障.  相似文献   

The institutionalization of organizational ethics   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The institutionalization of ethics is an important task for today's organizations if they are to effectively counteract the increasingly frequent occurrences of blatantly unethical and often illegal behavior within large and often highly respected organizations. This article discusses the importance of institutionalizing organizational ethics and emphasizes the importance of several variables (psychological contract, organizational commitment, and an ethically-oriented culture) to the institutionalization of ethics within any organization.... institutionalizing ethics may sound ponderous, but its meaning is straightforward. It means getting ethics formally and explicitly into daily business life. It means getting ethics into company policy formation at the board and top management levels and through a formal code, getting ethics into all daily decision making and work practices down the line, at all levels of employment. It means grafting a new branch on the corporate decision tree — a branch that reads right/wrong (Purcell and Weber, 1979, p. 6). Ronald R. Sims has been an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the College of William and Mary since 1986. He is the author of more than fifty scholarly papers and chapters and these books: An Experiential Learning Approach to Employee Training Systems, and co-author of Readings in Organizational Behavior, and Managing Institutions of Higher Education into the 21st Century: Issues and Implications, both forthcoming.  相似文献   

农民专业合作社从根本上说是市场经济的产物.现阶段农业基础组织要素的缺陷.使农业持续发展的组织非常脆弱.在社会主义市场经济条件下发展现代农业,发展农民专业合作组织,提高哈尔滨市农业组织化程度,有着深远的意义.本文针对哈市农民专业合作社的发展现状,提出其问题与对策.  相似文献   

The international transfer of organizational structures and processes—that is, of organizational technologies—is assuming increasing importance both in business and in public policy arenas. This study assessed the applicability to organizational technologies of some of the insights into international technology transfer processes developed through the analysis of the transfer of physical technologies and draws on organization theory to suggest some additional areas for investigation. The article draws extensively on the historical experience of Japan, a society that has been noted for its experience in transferring and adapting foreign organizational technologies, to address these issues.  相似文献   

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