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随着市场经营机制的建立健全,煤矿企业职工工资收入分配以岗位定工资、以盈亏定效益,是实施按劳分配,实现企业发展、职工富裕的新型分配方法,也是市场经济条件下,企业职工爱岗敬业、保质保量完成本职工作的激励手段.  相似文献   

<正> 长期以来,商业一直是实行“统包统配”的用工制度,即:企业包职工家属、包上级统一分配的人员。这种制度,助长了企业职工一次分配定终身的“铁饭碗”思想。使企业职工能进不能出、人材不能合理流动、人浮于事。同时,也使企业职工素质下降、劳动效率低,严重影响企业的生机和活力。为了扭转这种被动局面,  相似文献   

以企业职工法律地位的理论基础为切入点,从宪法层面、劳动法层面、公司法层面进行了具体考察。然后,从改革企业产权结构,实行企业产权民主化;重置企业治理结构,促进经营管理科学化;确认和保护职工劳动力产权,促进分配多元化等三个方面对企业职工法律地位的制度安排作了详细论证。  相似文献   

企业职工基本养老制度是我国重要的社会保障制度之一,收入再分配功能是养老保险制度最基本的功能之一,为此,本文基于我国基本养老保险制度改革的实际情况,分析其产生的收入再分配效应,并采用统计模拟和精算方法,分别从利率、缴费年限和参保者寿命对我国三种养老保险制度改革的收入再分配效应进行评估,结果表明,改革前的养老保险制度存在逆向收入转移效应,1997年改革方案具有较强的代内再分配效应,2005年的改革方案普遍提高了各收入群体的养老保险待遇,但可能加重下一代养老负担。最后对进一步完善我国企业职工基本养老保险制度,使其更好地发挥收入再分配功能提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

随着近年来铁路运输生产发展对职工素质和技能要求的不断提高,以及职工维权意识、民主参与意识的不断加强,对当前的工资分配工作提出了新的要求。本文分析了当前铁路运输企业职工工资分配工作存在的主要问题,提出对策以利于做好新形势下职工工资分配工作。  相似文献   

企业职工档案是对职工个人经历、政治思想、业务水平、工作表现以及工作变动等情况的文件材料历史,是全面、正确地考察职工的一个重要依据,在人力资源开发、人才预测和人才政策制订等方面具有十分重要的地位作用。在新形势下,企业劳动职工、工资分配、社会保障制度等各项改革措施也在不断深入,企业职工档案管理如何跟随企业发展的步伐,更好地服务于企业,已成为当前企业面临的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

<正> 对员工收入分配体制的研究与管理是在任何社会制度下、任何社会阶段企业所关注的问题。我国在计划经济时代,由于受社会供给不足以及意识形态的影响,国家依靠行政手段一统企业职工的收入分配,造成职工收入分配上的严重平均主义,从而影响了企业的活力。随着我国市场经济体制的建立,国家放松了对职工收入分配体制的管制,1999年江总书记强调指出:  相似文献   

为加强企业职工福利费财务管理,维护正常的收入分配秩序,保护国家、股东、企业和职工的合法权益,根据《公司法》、《企业财务通则》(财政部令第41号)等有关精神,现通知如下:  相似文献   

为加强企业职工福利费财务管理,维护正常的收入分配秩序,保护国家、股东、企业和职工的合法权益,根据<公司法>、<企业财务通则>(财政部令第41号)等有关精神,现通知如下:  相似文献   

简述住房公积金的帐务处理何平随着城市住房制度改革的不断深化,企业职工住房从单纯的实物福利分配的方式逐步向住房含量纳入工资分配,并从市场购房的方式过渡,随之配套的住房公积金制度也推广实施。住房公积金是指企业按规定为职工交纳的和职工个人交纳的,专门为职工...  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of the labour market with a contract and a spot market sector. Contracts are binding and enforceable, but unemployed contract workers are free to work in the spot market. The contracting wage is shown to be constant across states. A non‐trivial result shows that the spot market wage is increasing with product price. An increase in product price has an ambiguous effect on contract employment. An increase in unemployment benefits increases the contracting sector wage whilst stabilizing the spot market wage, and may have ambiguous effects on unemployment.  相似文献   

“Make work pay” strategies are an integral part of labour market policy instruments in developed countries. There are two considerations behind these measures. Firstly, subsidizing employment at the bottom of the income distribution should motivate the unemployed to accept jobs with lower market wages. Secondly, the wage supplement should increase the living standards of the recipients and reduce the risk of poverty. The U.S. EITC and the German UB II based on these two goals. Our paper begins with an overview of these two wage top-up schemes. This is followed by an empirical evaluation of the two instruments regarding their capacity to prevent in-work poverty and to strengthen labour market participation. The EITC obtains better results compared to UB II in both regards.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship between relative price changes and the allocation of labor between households and the formal wage labor market in the context of Vietnam's liberalization of its rice trade in the 1990s. Many individuals in poor economies work within their own household rather than in formal labor markets. We find that larger rice price increases in a community are associated with declines in hours adults devote to work within the household and increases in time spent in the wage labor market. We also observe increased specialization in household economic activities accompanying these shifts in hours towards wage work. Our results are consistent with the idea that a growth in the extent of the market shifts production and labor from households to markets during development, thereby inducing gains from specialization. Thus, the reallocation of labor between households and markets in response to a trade liberalization might be an important component in understanding the link between trade and growth in very poor economies, currently the focus of the Doha WTO negotiation round.  相似文献   

The concept of a dual labour market is analysed in a two-sector general equilibrium model. The primary sector pays efficiency wages, while there is no connection between efficiency and the relative wage level in the secondary sector. The two sectors produce different goods. Capital is assumed sector-specific. The results under different conditions in the labour market (market clearing, minimum wages and levelling of the wage distribution) are derived analytically. Comparative statics are discussed by applying a linearized version of the model. The outcomes may be used to explain observed differences in wage and employment distributions in the US and Europe.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether academic achievement is a significant determinant of employment status in the Italian labor market: are new entrepreneurs selected from the top or bottom end of the graduate ability distribution? Is the cream of the graduate crop pulled into self-employment by the higher expected earnings or are individuals with lower degree score pushed into entrepreneurship by poor alternatives? Our data show a strong negative relation between academic achievement and self-employment status, i.e., we find skimming of the best graduates into wage and salary work.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the role of new firms as an entry point to the labor market. Because the vast majority of new firms are short-lived, it is a risky decision to accept employment in a new venture. It can be argued that individuals with little (or no) labor market experience are more willing to accept the high risks associated with employment in new firms. Hence, new firms may work as an entry point to the labor market. Nevertheless, some research concludes that one disadvantage of employment in a new firm is that new firms pay less (Shane in Small Bus Econ 33:141–149, 2009). However, this empirical conclusion is primarily based on literature on the wage penalty of small firms. In this paper, we study whether the wage penalty of employment in a new firm persists if we focus solely on labor market entrants. In the empirical analysis, we employ an employer-employee matched dataset that covers the Swedish population during the period from 1998 to 2008. We use the propensity score matching method to study the wage differences between labor market entrants employed in new and incumbent firms. We find an average wage penalty of 2.9 % for labor market entrants employed in new firms over the studied period.  相似文献   

吴振球 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):18-24
菲利普斯曲线有其微观经济基础。菲利普斯曲线描述的货币工资变化率与失业率之间的关系取决于失业工人随机寻找工作的经济决策、在岗工人与公司之间的博弈行为、工会势力与公司讨价还价力量的均衡、公司调整产品价格和工人工资的决定、劳动供给曲线的斜率等。以此为理论基础,通过对工作报价、最低工资预期水平、搜寻工作的效率、工会势力和公司势力、辞职率与临时解雇率、生产技术效率、劳动周转率、劳动市场分隔及其不平衡等因素进行政策性调节,可以使菲利普斯曲线整体性向左下方移动,从而同时降低通货膨胀率与失业率。  相似文献   

作为政府规制劳动力市场工资收入分配的唯一法定收入标准,最低工资是保障劳动者特别是低收入劳动者取得劳动报酬合法权益的重要手段,也是国家“提低、扩中、控高”收入分配制度改革政策中“提低”的主要措施之一。本文以广州市低收入宏观数据及微观流动人口数据为例,立足于评估最低工资调整对劳动者“增收”和“保基本”的效果,旨在分析最低工资调整是否满足了劳动者最基本的生活需求及对低收入群体增收效应的异质性差异如何。研究结果表明,最低工资标准基本能保障最底层收入家庭基本生活,并且最低工资对低收入群体工资存在正向效应,且对于男性、30岁以下、最低工资标准附近收入等组别的收入效果更为显著,同时存在对收入的溢出效应。  相似文献   

The distributive consequences of monetary policy have been researched only recently and almost entirely in advanced economies. This paper sheds light on the effect of conventional monetary policy shocks on the wage distribution in South Africa, where inequality – mostly driven by the segmented labour market – remains a large issue. Impulse response functions estimated from local projections show that the wage distribution significantly worsens in response to monetary shocks. Wages in the top half of the distribution, that benefit from unanticipated expansions, are less responsive to surprise contractions, remaining protected by skill-biased technology and strong labour unions.  相似文献   

运用2008年第二次全国经济普查服务业企业数据,文章实证检验了外资进入对服务业企业劳动收入份额和技能工资溢价的影响。结果显示外资企业存在更高的劳动收入份额,且外资进入程度对当地企业的劳动收入份额存在正向的外溢效应。文章进一步将不同所有制类型与技能劳动力占比的交互项引入工资方程,发现外资企业存在更高的技能工资溢价。我们进一步验证了外资进入对当地劳动力市场技能工资溢价的影响。结果表明,在那些外资渗透率较高、市场竞争相对激烈的地区和行业,外资企业的技能工资溢价现象会产生溢出效应,促使当地企业提高对高技能员工的薪酬待遇。因此,在合理发挥服务业外资进入对收入分配优化效应的同时,也要采取相关措施防止其进一步拉大工资差距。  相似文献   

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