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钢琴即兴伴奏在音乐领域显示了其强大的实用价值,本文志在通过对钢琴即兴伴奏特点研究的基础上,从而得出提高钢琴即兴伴奏能力的一些途径,即要增强钢琴基础能力弹奏的水平、和声的合理配置、织体恰当的选择和旋律分析等综合能力,在最短的时间内掌握好钢琴即兴伴奏这一技能. 相似文献
钢琴即兴伴奏课程是高等音乐教育专业的必修课,是十分重要、实用性很强的一门课程。高师的学生毕业后大部分从事中小学教育工作,即兴伴奏是中小学教学与实践中不可缺少的教学技能。无论钢琴基础高低,要想掌握这门知识,并在实践运用中游刃有余,却不是一件容易的事。就着重对钢琴即兴伴奏教学进行阐述,从而给高师学生如何在有限的大学期间提高钢琴即兴伴奏能力提出建议供学生借鉴。 相似文献
培养听和说的口语技能,是培养学生用外语进行思维,全面提高外语学习水平的重要手段。因此,外语教学中的口语教学也应被视为最重要的部分。本文试图探讨英语口语的特点及如何培养和形成大学生的英语口语技能。 相似文献
莫扎特是著名的音乐家,其创作了大量的钢琴曲。本文对莫扎特的钢琴曲的伴奏进行了研究。伴奏要注意演奏的力度和速度,使钢琴曲达到更好的艺术效果。另外,伴奏者还需要注意指尖的控制力度,保证手指的各关节支撑到位。最后,伴奏组在演奏的时候要注意音色,使其到达清脆、明快、透明、纯净艺术效果。 相似文献
近年来社会对技能人才的要求越来越高,特别是随着电子商务的飞速发展,对电子商务人才的技能要求也越来越高。本人在职业学校电子商务教学中,重视对学生技能的培养,探寻出几点有效的教学方法。 相似文献
职业院校的目标是培养技能型人才,尤其计算机行业对学生的动手能力要求很高,因此搞好教学改革,促进教育质量提高,对于提升学生职业技能不可或缺. 相似文献
通过对《黄河钢琴协奏曲》的分析及对双排键电子琴的音色制作及演奏方法的探讨,使我们更加正确的理解和掌握双排键电子琴的音色功能及演奏。这对双排键电子琴的教学和演奏是非常重要的。只有仔细认真的对作品本身进行分析和研究,才能使乐曲的演奏及编配做到规范、完美。 相似文献
姜瑾文 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(19)
音乐是听觉的艺术,人们通过听觉器官来接受、欣赏和鉴别音乐.在钢琴教学中,要从最初就培养学生对钢琴的声音有敏锐的听觉,训练出一双有着高度审美力和鉴赏力的敏锐的"耳朵"是至关重要的.听觉训练是一个逐步深入的过程.旋律的听觉、和声的听觉、音色的听觉、乐曲层次的听觉步步深入,只有这样逐步的训练和分析才能使自己的听觉集中到听乐曲整体的演奏上,以此来鉴别演奏音乐作品对作品内涵的把握是否到位,而这种敏锐的听觉不是天生的,而是长期训练的结果.本文特提出--钢琴教学中应重视音乐听觉的训练. 相似文献
介绍了企业职工技能培训的意义,具体方法和存在的一些问题,并分析了其形成的原因,介绍了发展职工技能培训的思想创新化,方法多样化的发展趋势. 相似文献
Nigel Meager 《International Journal of Training and Development》2009,13(1):1-18
There is persistent evidence over several decades that the UK lags behind its international competitors in terms of the skills and qualifications of its workforce, with a detrimental impact on overall economic performance. The most recent attempt by the UK government to address this includes a new strategy aimed at increasing the degree of integration between skills policy and employment policy in the UK. In light of this development, this review paper considers the extensive international evidence on the role and effectiveness of training and skills interventions, as part of a broader portfolio of active labour market policies. The review concludes that while large‐scale, ‘broad brush’ schemes have little impact as part of such a portfolio, more targeted programmes addressing specific skill needs may have some impact on employment chances of workless groups. 相似文献
李军 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(22)
在现如今形式下,学历教育和技能培训是技工学校承担的双重任务.本文根据实践经验,整理出搞好技能培训的规律,包括:认识到位,技能培训才能摆上位;措施得力,技能培训才能快速发展;开放办学、技能培训才能搞活;统筹安排,技能培训才能健康发展. 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):223-232
High-reliability organizations operate in highly regulated sectors in which the main concern is ensuring the safety of people and goods. Despite high levels of formalization, organizations have to be sensitive to contingent situations and ready to face the unexpected, so the role of the people in command remains crucial. When unanticipated events and contingencies arise, organizational improvisation comes into its own. Improvisation is the deliberate fusion of design and execution in a novel production entailing the cognitive, rational, and event intuitive interpretation of prescribed rules and standards of conduct at various levels of aggregation. Standardization and improvisation are often represented as two conflicting demands rather than as necessarily interdependent; hence, the possible presence of improvisation in high-reliability organizations has been left underexplored. While most of the extant studies on improvisation have stressed the wisdom of improvised choices, not all improvisations are so successful. In this article we illuminate the dark side of organizational improvisation by analyzing the notorious case of the sinking of the Costa Concordia. The case shows how conformity to the formal adoption of standards and compliance to them can provide a shelter under which impromptu adaptation can be pursued, expressing the negative side of improvisation. 相似文献
This paper explores the importance of cross-cultural skills needed by Vietnamese SMEs (current and potential) exporters across Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The findings suggest that training needs vary by regions, stage of SME development and cultural context of the region. The study has both theoretical and practical implications. The paper suggests that prior to designing and implementing training, the identification process must involve systematic conceptualization of key export stimuli and be informed by best practice and empirical knowledge. The study endeavours to develop a conceptual framework and propositions for future research. 相似文献
A central issue marketing educators and trainers need to address concerns the appropriateness of their courses and whether they develop the skills that prospective employers value. This paper reports on an attempt to document those skills and to examine the extent to which they are unique to the field of marketing. Four strands of research are reported on: a literature search based on the Social Science Citation Index; a review of advertisements for marketing personnel; a content analysis of a publication containing commentaries from graduates on their experiences in marketing posts; and a survey of employers. In carrying out this research, it became clear that there was a dearth of well articulated and considered thought on the issue of marketing skills. Behind a rhetoric that depicts employers as knowing and discriminating, the emergent reality was of a group which had no clear idea of the particular skills which they needed in marketing personnel. Perhaps even more worrying is the extent to which employers cannot distinguish between the performance of marketing and non‐marketing trained entrants to their companies either at the stage of recruitment or when they are in post. Academics and employers are involved in an exchange but the success of that exchange is in some doubt. In conclusion we seek a more active dialogue between the two parties to ensure improvement in the relationship which can only lead to more efficient and effective education and training. 相似文献