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This paper analyzes the impact of intraday trading activity on option prices in the Volatility Index (VIX) options market. Our results show that there is a temporal relationship between net buying pressure (NBP) and changes in implied volatility of VIX options. Moreover, an increase in NBPs lowers the next-day delta-hedged option returns. Using several measures proxying for limits to arbitrage, the average levels of the implied volatility curve rise when limits to arbitrage are severe. A trading strategy in the VIX futures market constructed by using the NBP generates an average annualized return of 10.09%.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of funding liquidity changes on futures market liquidity, depending on economic sentiment. Futures market liquidity improves following negative funding liquidity shocks, and economic sentiment is an important determinant explaining this relationship. While individuals' trading is most significantly affected by sentiment, its response to funding liquidity shocks remains independent of sentiment effects. Domestic institutions' reactions depend on the sentiment regime; they trade futures contracts more actively as funding liquidity becomes more abundant (scarcer) when sentiment is more pessimistic (optimistic). Foreigners, following negative funding liquidity shocks, generally increase their futures trading, whereas their trading decreases under the extremely pessimistic sentiment. Domestic banks and pension funds provide liquidity to the futures market even when sentiment is pessimistic.  相似文献   

A hidden martingale restriction is developed for option pricing models based on Gram–Charlier expansions of the normal density function. The restriction is hidden behind a reduction in parameter space for the Gram–Charlier expansion coefficients. The resulting restriction is invisible in the option price. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27: 517–534, 2007  相似文献   

This study examines whether the demand for options, as measured by the net buying pressure of index options, explains the implied volatility structure created by options prices. We decompose the buying pressure into the direction‐motivated (i.e., delta‐informed) and the volatility‐motivated (i.e., vega‐informed) demand for options. After controlling for options traders' hedging demand, we find that both delta‐ and vega‐informed trading play significant roles in explaining changes in implied volatility. Foreign institutions are more directionally informed in index options trading than their domestic counterparts are. Domestic investors effectively implement volatility trading using put options.  相似文献   

Using the Black-Scholes option pricing model, this study simultaneously estimates stock return variances and interest rates implied in market option prices. Results show that the shorter term options exhibit greater implied stock variances than do longer term options. Implied interest rates, however, appear to be constant over the different expirations. Overall, the implied interest rates exhibited higher correlations with Treasury bill rates than with other money market rates, but they were consistently about one-fourth higher than the Treasury bill rates.  相似文献   

Given a finite set of European call option prices on a single underlying, we want to know when there is a market model that is consistent with these prices. In contrast to previous studies, we allow models where the underlying trades at a bid–ask spread. The main question then is how large (in terms of a deterministic bound) this spread must be to explain the given prices. We fully solve this problem in the case of a single maturity, and give several partial results for multiple maturities. For the latter, our main mathematical tool is a recent result on approximation by peacocks.  相似文献   

Previous research in the price-quality area has largely limited its focus to the normal price range and has concentrated on physical goods almost entirely. This study examines the effect of offering a service for free and at an exaggerated price on the perception of its quality. Consistent with the theory developed in this paper, the experimental results suggest that when the tested services are offered for free and for exaggerated prices, they are perceived as lower in quality than when they are offered in a normal price range.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的持续蔓延给全球粮食的供给和需求造成巨大冲击.采用DCC-MGARCH模型研究后发现:第一,三大主粮的国内日价格在疫情冲击下较为稳定.第二,三大主粮的国内日价格会受到国际粮价的传导作用,并通过国际疫情恶化-国际粮食价格波动-国内粮食价格波动的传导机制产生影响.第三,不同种类的粮食应对疫情冲击时存在一定差异.  相似文献   

The overly accommodating monetary policy is often accused of creating surplus liquidity and bubbles on the asset markets. In particular, it could have contributed to strong capital inflows in emerging countries, which may have had a significant impact on financial stability in these countries, affecting domestic financing conditions and creating a risk of upward pressures on asset prices. We focus in this paper on the impact of global excess liquidity on goods and asset prices for a set of emerging market countries by estimating a panel VAR model. We define first global liquidity and highlight situations of excess liquidity. We then find that excess liquidity at global level has spillover effects on output and price levels in emerging countries. The impact on real estate, commodity and share prices in emerging countries is less clear.  相似文献   

This article implements a currency option pricing model for the general case of stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rates, and jumps in an attempt to reconcile levels of risk‐neutral skewness and kurtosis with observed option prices on the Japanese yen and to analyze the information content of the cross section of option prices by investigating the hedging and pricing performance of various currency option pricing models. The study makes use of both a method of moments and a more traditional generalized‐least‐squares (GLS) estimation technique, taking advantage of the fact that methods of moments do not specifically require the use of cross‐sectional option prices, whereas GLS does. Results centered around the Asia economic crisis of 1997 and 1998 indicate that the cross section of option prices surprisingly does not appear to contain superior information as the two estimation techniques yield relatively similar results once idiosyncratic differences between them are acknowledged. Extensions of the G. Bakshi, C. Cao, and Z. Chen (1997) results to currencies are also provided. © 2006Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:33–59, 2006  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of broker anonymity on bid-ask spreads in order driven markets. Previous theoretical research predicts that limit order anonymity results in deeper and more liquid markets. This paper examines this proposition using three natural experiments provided by Euronext Paris, the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Korea Stock Exchange. Euronext Paris and the Tokyo Stock Exchange removed broker identifiers from limit orders on April 23, 2001 and June 30, 2003, respectively. In contrast, the Korea Stock Exchange introduced broker identifiers for limit order books on October 25, 1999. The results provide evidence that altering limit order anonymity has an impact on liquidity. Consistent with expectations, liquidity is enhanced by increased anonymity and adversely affected by decreased anonymity.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first comparison of the accuracy of density forecasts for stock prices. Six sets of forecasts are evaluated for DJIA stocks, across four forecast horizons. Two forecasts are risk‐neutral densities implied by the Black–Scholes and Heston models. The third set are historical lognormal densities with dispersion determined by forecasts of realized variances obtained from 5‐min returns. Three further sets are defined by transforming risk‐neutral and historical densities into real‐world densities. The most accurate method applies the risk transformation to the Black–Scholes densities. This method outperforms all others for 87% of the comparisons made using the likelihood criterion.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of arbitrage in put–call futures parity (PCFP) violations on option market liquidity and explores the liquidity provision process by trader type during periods of arbitrage exploitation. Using a unique data set comprising the complete history of transactions, we find that PCFP violations contain toxic arbitrage opportunities. Hence, more frequent toxic arbitrage opportunities can cause liquidity to deteriorate because arbitrageurs create adverse selection costs and order imbalances in the option market. In addition, when the law of one price breaks down, market makers dominate by providing liquidity compared with individual, domestic, and foreign institutional traders.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of weekly crude oil storage announcements on oil futures and options prices. We document evidence of a strong announcement day effect on both markets, and find prices to move in anticipation of the inventory surprise. Futures returns significantly decrease with positive surprises and increase with negative surprises. There is no evidence of an asymmetric impact on futures prices. Near‐the‐money options exhibit the greatest price sensitivity, and the magnitude of the price response of both futures and options declines with maturity. The results remain robust even after controlling for various macroeconomic and other storage‐related news variables.  相似文献   

2020年二季度,中国与澳大利亚的贸易关系出现恶化。将中国对澳大利亚进口煤炭的制裁政策作为一次准自然实验,将2018—2020年的进口煤炭、国内煤炭价格作为研究对象,利用双重差分与三重差分回归模型,着重研究了制裁政策对相关进口煤炭的价格效应。结果发现:进口制裁政策对澳大利亚5500大卡煤炭价格产生了负向价格效应,负向价格效应在制裁政策发布当期最显著,随后影响逐渐消退;制裁政策不会对澳大利亚出口其他国家的煤炭价格产生影响;在控制了煤炭消费、汇率等因素的影响后,新冠肺炎疫情对国内外煤炭价格产生的冲击并无显著差异。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of introducing a pure pro‐rata algorithm on the liquidity of the market for Euribor futures contracts on NYSE LIFFE. Results indicate that the Euribor market experiences deterioration in liquidity: (1) both best and total depth fall and (2) quoted spreads widen after the structural change. Results also reveal that the Euribor market becomes more active after the event; both trading volume and trade frequency increase substantially after the event. Finally, after the transition, liquidity demanders are more likely to submit smaller market orders. The reduction in depth and increase in quoted spreads suggest that liquidity demanders incur higher trade execution costs after the transition. In contrast, the transition is beneficial for the exchange since trading volume is higher under the new regime. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 32:660–682, 2012  相似文献   

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