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子女教育是影响农村家庭贫困变动的一个重要因素.通过对14省区609户农村家庭调查结果的分析,子女接受教育程度越高,自身一代家庭摆脱贫困的比例越高,并且能传承下代家庭使其免受贫困;家庭贫困代际变动的断裂点为15年(大专教育).  相似文献   

子女教育、代际支持与家庭贫困的变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
子女教育是影响农村家庭贫困变动的一个重要因素。通过对14省区609户农村家庭调查结果的分析,子女接受教育程度越高,自身一代家庭摆脱贫困的比例越高,并且能传承下代家庭使其免受贫困;家庭贫困代际变动的断裂点为15年(大专教育)。  相似文献   

基于家庭生命历程理论视角,运用CFPS2010-2020数据分析了代际支持、居住模式对子代离婚风险的影响效应及其作用机制。研究发现:代际关系随世代变化逐渐趋强,代际反馈模式表现出文化韧性;父代对子代的经济支持和日常照料、子代对父代的日常照料都会显著提升子代离婚风险,但子代对父代的经济支持不会影响子代离婚风险,且都表现出明显的世代、城乡和性别差异性;代际同居会显著增加子代离婚风险,降低子代婚姻稳定性,且在不同世代、性别和城乡之间表现出相似性;代际关系对子代离婚风险的影响同时表现出传承性与现代性、工具性而非情感性的特点。  相似文献   

利用2003年上海市老年人口状况与意愿跟踪调查数据,选取上海市城市老人作为研究对象,利用多元线性回归分析方法,考察养老金与代际经济支持之间的关系以及隐藏在代际经济支持背后的动机.代际经济支持的方向不仅从子女向父母,还从父母向子女;代际经济支持会被养老金挤出,但不会被全部挤出;利他主义和交换是隐藏在代际经济支持背后的动机;挤出效应得到验证.  相似文献   

利用2003年上海市老年人口状况与意愿跟踪调查数据,选取上海市城市老人作为研究对象,利用多元线性回归分析方法,考察养老金与代际经济支持之间的关系以及隐藏在代际经济支持背后的动机。代际经济支持的方向不仅从子女向父母,还从父母向子女;代际经济支持会被养老金挤出,但不会被全部挤出;利他主义和交换是隐藏在代际经济支持背后的动机;挤出效应得到验证。  相似文献   

在理论上分析了农民工返乡的原因以及返乡农民工家庭代际支持与老年人健康水平之间的关系,并使用中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)2014、2016、2018三期调查数据在实证上予以检验,就完善农村养老的社会保障体系、改善农村老年人健康状况提出政策建议。研究发现,家庭决策下,留守老人健康水平下降是导致农民工返乡的重要原因,且返乡农民工可提高对父代的家务支持和精神支持,经济支持的变化则不明显。进一步分析表明,代际间经济支持、家务支持和精神支持对改善老年人身心健康具有正向作用,农民工返乡可以显著改善农村老年人的身心健康,且高龄老年人改善程度更加明显,但主要依靠家务支持和精神支持。研究结论表明,完善农村社会养老体系的重点是增强社会对农村老年人的经济支持,减少农民工被动返乡,缓解农村家庭收入和留守老人养老问题矛盾。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化速度不断加快以及城市化进程的全面深入,现阶段无论是城市居民家庭还是农村家庭,其结构都发生了很大变动,这对于我国以家庭养老为主的养老保障制度来说,影响是极为深远的。为确保我国养老保障制度的完善及老年人的生活质量,我们有必要对这些影响展开深入探讨。基于此,本文在我国人口转变背景下,结合笔者相关工作经验,主要对家庭结构变化对老年人代际支持的主要影响展开探讨。  相似文献   

王萍  李树茁 《人口与发展》2012,18(2):61-71,47
利用相关跟踪调查数据,采用个体增长模型,结合农村实际状况,考察代际支持对农村老人生理健康的纵向影响。获得经济支持和日常照料对老人生理健康的发展有显著影响,提供经济支持和日常照料对老人生理健康的发展也有一定的显著影响,体现了代际支持对健康的选择效应和用进废退理论。在经济和健康的允许下,利他行为有利于老人生理健康的发展。"享清福"的观念有待思考。生活满意度和抑郁能够直接或通过代际支持间接地影响老人生理健康的发展。  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论,利用2010年中国妇女社会地位调查老年人专项数据,通过Logistic回归模型,分析代际支持对老年人自评健康的影响.结果显示,62.98%的老年人与成年子女之间的代际支持不均衡.模型一显示,与完全没有给予代际支持的老年人相比,给予1项、2项、3项代际支持的老年人的自评健康不好的发生比较低;与完全没有接受支持的老年人相比,接受2项代际支持的老年人的自评健康不好的发生比更高;与代际支持均衡的老年人相比,代际支持不均衡的老年人的自评健康不好的发生比较高;代际支持的均衡性与代际交换强度每增加一个单位,老年人自评健康不好的发生比就分别下降8%和9%.给予代际支持、代际支持均衡性与代际交换强度对健康均有显著的影响,未来的老龄政策应大力鼓励向下的代际支持、提升代际支持的均衡性、增加代际支持的交换强度.  相似文献   

近年来,“二代”现象愈演愈烈,反映了我国社会各阶层日趋固化的现实.而刻画社会固化的重要工具就是代际收入流动性及其传递机制.研究结果发现,虽然城镇居民代际收入流动性并不高,且存在明显性别差异,但工作传递在收入代际传递中作用非常明显.性别差异主要表现为两点:其一,父母向子女传递收入的程度不同;其二,父母向子女传递收入的方式存在细节上的差异.实证检验证实了代际收入传递的三种机制:直接传递,即父母将收入直接向子女转移;通过人力资本传递,即父母通过对子女进行教育等人力资本投资,提高子女能力,从而提高子女收入;通过工作选择传递,即父母通过影响子女工作选择影响子女收入.  相似文献   

We draw on cross-cultural theory and the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness project to develop a model for the transmission of entrepreneurial intentions within families in different cultures. Using data on more than 40,000 individuals from 15 countries, we show that beyond the transmission of entrepreneurial intentions from parents to children, grandparents – either directly or “indirectly” via the parents – impact the offspring's intentions. Moreover, we find that parents' and grandparents' influences partly substitute for one another. The strength of these effects varies across cultures. Our results provide a more detailed picture of the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2012,28(17-18):1600-1623

This study explores the lived dimensions of musical taste emerging from interactions over the life-course within the nuclear family. We address this subject using intergenerational transmission as a conceptual frame of reference simultaneously highlighting the dynamic and situated nature of musical taste, thus promoting a pragmatic approach. Our aim is to identify the moments, the contents, the goals and the processes linked to intergenerational transmissions. Interpreting the data from 18 parent-young adult dyads reveals: a parental mark imprinted mainly through impregnation; age and generation structuring musical taste (more at the level of listening devices); a low level of parental malleability; heterogeneous intergenerational interactions within the nuclear family, and the transmission of ‘old devices’. Finally, in line with practice theory, we show that the processes of intergenerational transmission with different agents involved can only happen with the support of objects, ‘doings’ performed with objects, and meanings associated with objects.  相似文献   


As the third largest democracy in the world, Indonesia’s relatively peaceful transition from authoritarian rule to democracy deserves academic attention. This study explored the notion of trust and how it could influence electoral behaviour. An intergenerational perspective was used to compare the differences between parents who were familiar with the previous political system and their children who have only been exposed to a new democratic system. Through the extension of the Dermody and Hanmer-Lloyd model of electoral behaviour, this study identifies the antecedents of trust/distrust in a transitional democracy and shows how these are different when citizens’ consider the political system and the political candidate. The work can benefit policy makers and political candidates who can develop political marketing strategies to engage citizens in the electoral process.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the crucial role of demographic assumptions in models of the intergenerational transmission of wealth inequality. Specifically, we show that Alan Blinder's surprising predictions that bequest and mating practices can sustain but cannot cause wealth inequality are extremely fragile. We show that these predictions depend on a common and apparently minor demographic assumption: fixed sex ratios in family composition. We implement the Blinder model as an agent‐based simulation and show that without this demographic assumption such familial institutions are causative for wealth inequality, even in the long run.  相似文献   

Although there has been ample research on the correlates of consumer deal proneness, there has been little research on how deal proneness develops. In two studies of parent/adult–child dyads, considerable parent–child similarity both in overall deal proneness and in the pattern of preferences for particular types of sales promotions was found. Further, the second of these two studies indicates that parent–child similarity is mediated by communication between parents and their children and tends to be stronger among parents with a permissive parenting style. These results provide evidence that consumer enthusiasm for sales promotions is, to at least some extent, transmitted from parents to their children.  相似文献   

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