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股指期货即将推出,本文从套利的基本概念和特点出发,研究了股指期货的期现套利策略、构建及风险,并对股指期货的跨期套利策略、到期日套利策略进行了分析.  相似文献   

股指期货合约间套利研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据市场和中国证监会的消息,我国将会在2007年初推出股指期货。作为股指期货三大交易策略的股指期货套利正受到广泛关注。套利是指最初投资为零时,在购买某项资产的同时,卖出相同或者相对应的资产,以从价格扭曲中获得利润。股指期货的套利可以分为两大类型:1、股指期货合约之间的套利;股指期货合约之间的套利又可以分为三种:(1)股指期货合约的跨期套利;(2)股指期货合约的跨品种套利;(3)股指期货合约的跨市场套利。2、股指期货与指数现货之间的套利。股指期货合约间的套利是建立在对不同合约价格走势的预测基础之上的,因此它不是一种无风险套…  相似文献   

股指期货是一种重要的金融衍生产品,其具有价格发现、套期保值的基本功能,同时还具有投机、套利等资产配置功能。其中,利用股指期货进行套利交易不仅有利于股指期货功能的发挥,也是投资者运用股指期货进行套期保值、规避风险的前提条件。作为股指期货最重要的运用方式之一的期现货套利方法成为投资者极为关注的热点。实现套利对股指期货的定价就显得尤为重要,分析无套利条件下股指期货的定价,提出股指期货套利交易的策略。  相似文献   

中国股市的指数套利策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然股指期货迟迟没有推出,但是金融工具的多样化是金融市场发展的必然趋势,在中国资本市场推出股指期货也只是一个时间的问题。因此,本文对推出股指期货后机构投资者如何利用这一金融工具进行指数套利展开研究。本文将从中国股市无做空机制这一特有现象入手,提出在中国股市进行指数套利的策略。  相似文献   

运用沪深300股指期货进行期现套利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就股票市场与股指期货市场之间的套利机会与套利利润进行了研究,运用持有成本模型对股指期货进行定价,根据股指期货合约的理论价值与市场交易成本,测算无套利区间。本文完整地展现和实证了利用沪深300股指期货和ETF组合进行期现套利的全过程,发现目前模拟的股指期货合约走势基本运行在无套利区间之外,套利利润空间巨大。  相似文献   

张敏  黄冠钥 《当代经济》2006,(23):84-85
据市场和中国证监会的消息,我国将会在2007年初推出股指期货.作为股指期货三大交易策略的股指期货套利正受到广泛关注.套利是指最初投资为零时,在购买某项资产的同时,卖出相同或者相对应的资产,以从价格扭曲中获得利润.  相似文献   

关于股指期货定价及套利区间的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高能斌 《当代经济》2008,(1):132-133
随着股指期货的即将推出,作为股指期货最重要的运用方式之一的期现货套利方法成为投资者极为关注的热点;而在期现货套利中,确定套利区间成为其中的关键。本文通过对股指期货定价的研究,在考虑到现实交易中的交易成本、冲击成本等基础上提出了确定套利区间的方法。  相似文献   

依据持有成本法和高频数据研究发现,沪深300股指期货上市后,期现货价格偏差度和期货定价偏离度越来越小,正向套利机会和反向套利机会从初期频繁出现演变为偶然出现。单次套利平均收益越来越小,套利持续时间也越来越短。沪深300股指期货逐渐进入成熟期,为推出上证50指数期货、股指期权等其它衍生品奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

基于拓展股指期货无套利区间定价模型对沪深300股指期货仿真交易定价进行的实证检验,以及对两岸三地同品种、同时段的股指期货进行的比较分析,发现沪深300股指期货仿真交易存在较严重的实际价格与无套利价格背离现象.虚拟资金、无风险套利机制缺失和股票现货大牛市等,是价格背离的重要原因.  相似文献   

朱淑珍  刘颖月 《广东经济》2016,(12):167-168
本文基于高频量化交易模式,分析中国沪深300股指期货真实的1分钟高频交易数据,并利用AR-EGARCH模型构筑跨期套利交易模型、设计交易策略,最后验证模型与策略的有效性并得出结论.结果表明:本文建立的跨期套利模型能够较好的反映股指期货合约对数价差波动的时变性特征,交易成功率较高,为实际交易操作提供了一个合理的参考.  相似文献   

股指期货套利是现货价格与期货合约价格走势趋于一致并在到期日合而为一的重要因素,是股指期货功能得以有效发挥的一个基本条件.文章主要探讨了股指期货正向套利下的沪深300指数优化复制方法问题,并在基于Matlab7.0优化工具箱的编程环境下,将绝对偏差平均值作为目标函数的优化值,以二次序贯规划法(SQP)进行优化求解,对影响套利的主要成本以及研究所使用的主要性能评测指标--超额累积收益率BHAR和跟踪误差从实际操作角度进行了研究论证,并在此基础上,提出了一些相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

本文以香港恒生股票指数及其期货为样本,研究了股指波动性与指数期货交易量之间的单向因果关系。研究表明:股指现货市场的日间价格波动并没有明显增加股指期货的交易;但股指期货交易量的显著变化会导致未来一周后股票市场波动性的增加。这从一定程度上反映了香港市场股指期货主要被投资者用于套利而不是风险对冲的工具。  相似文献   

This study represents one of the first papers in stock-index-futures arbitrage literature to investigate the effects of arbitrage threshold on stock index futures hedging effectiveness by using threshold vector error correction model (hereafter threshold VECM). Moreover, in contrast to prior studies focusing on examining case studies involving mature stock markets, this study not only adopts US S&P 500 stock market as the sample but also adds an analysis of one emerging stock market, Hungarian BSI and examines the differences between them. Finally, this investigation employs a rolling estimation process to examine the impact of arbitrage threshold behaviours on the setting of futures hedging ratio. The empirical findings of this study are consistent with the following notions. First, arbitrage behaviour reduces co-movement between futures and spot markets and increases the volatility of both futures and spot markets. Second, this article denotes the outer regime of futures-spot market for the case of Hungarian BSI (US S&P 500) as a crisis (an unusual) condition. Moreover, arbitrage threshold behaviours make remarkable (unremarkable) shift on optimal hedge ratio between two different market regimes for the case of Hungarian BSI (US S&P 500). Finally, the framework involving regime-varying hedge ratio designed in this study provides a more efficient futures hedge ratio design for Hungarian BSI stock market, but not for US S&P 500 stock market.  相似文献   

This study investigates the proposition that volatility of stock returns can be predicted from the volatility implied by options on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE), conditional on the ability to perform arbitrage. Insights into the relation between the informational content of implied volatility and arbitrage cost can be distilled from Oslo Stock Exchange data. For Norwegian firms, options and their underlying stock trade on the Oslo Stock Exchange and have an overlapping set of market makers thereby lowering the cost of arbitrage. Other components of arbitrage trading costs, liquidity and dispersion of stock return volatility, vary widely across Norwegian firms. Moreover, restriction on the short selling of stock in Oslo allows further insight into the role of arbitrage costs in determining the informational content of implied volatility. The results yield support for the arbitrage cost hypothesis: the lower the arbitrage cost between the stock and the option, the greater the informational content of implied volatility.  相似文献   

李庆峰 《财经研究》2011,(7):124-133
基于金融市场不完全的结构分解,文章构建了一个涵盖市场交易费用、套利定价机制不完备程度和行为金融学因素的封闭式基金折价机理模型,分阶段计量分析发现:(1)普通交易成本因素影响基金折价约6.1%;(2)2007年前股指期货缺位因素导致基金折价约25.6%,之后随着股指期货的正式推出该影响显著下降;(3)市场套利定价机制不完备程度测度表明,该因素影响基金平均折价三个阶段分别为8.26%、5.87%和7.91%;(4)时期固定效应表明,有5个季度因投资者情绪相对乐观而降低了基金的平均折价率。  相似文献   

基于上海股市的资本资产定价模型的实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于资本资产定价模型对资产评估和资本定价的作用,以上海股票市场为对象,选取上证180指数中178家股票的相关数据,运用计量经济学的方法进行相关的资本资产定价模型的实证检验。结果显示:上海股票市场存在较大的投机行为,资本资产定价模型在上海股票市场还不适用,对于上海股票市场股票的定价还存在一定的困难。并就结论出现的原因给予了相关的解释。  相似文献   

This article aims to study stock price adjustments towards fundamentals due to the existence of arbitrage costs defined as the sum of transaction costs and a risky arbitrage premium associated with the uncertainty characterizing the fundamentals. Accordingly, it is shown that a two regime Smooth Transition Error Correction Model (STECM) is appropriate to reproduce the dynamics of stock price deviations from fundamentals in the G7 countries during the period 1969 to 2005. This model takes into account the interdependences or contagion effects between stock markets. Deviations appear to follow a quasi random walk in the central regime when prices are near fundamentals (i.e. when arbitrage costs are greater than expected arbitrage profits, the mean reversion mechanism is inactive), while they approach a white noise in the outer regimes (i.e. when arbitrage costs are lower than expected arbitrage profits, the mean reversion is active). Interestingly, as expected when arbitrage costs are heterogeneous, the estimated STECM shows that stock price adjustments are smooth and that the convergence speed depends on the size of the deviation. Finally, using two appropriate indicators proposed by Peel and Taylor (2000), both the magnitudes of under and overvaluation of stock price and the adjustment speed are calculated per date in the G7 countries. These indicators show that the dynamics of stock price adjustment are strongly dependent on both the date and the country under consideration.  相似文献   

This paper responds to the unsatisfactory argument that there is no correspondence between co-integration and the efficient market hypothesis. A law of one co-integrating vector of prices is proposed for the exchange rate and domestic and overseas stock prices. Markets must therefore be efficient in long-run equilibrium because no arbitrage opportunities exist. However, arbitrage activity via the disequilibrium error correction allows above-average (risk-adjusted) returns to be earned in the short run. The elimination of these arbitrage opportunities means that stock market inefficiency in the short run ensures stock market efficiency in the long run.  相似文献   

We analyse the pricing and informational efficiency of the Italian market for options written on the most important stock index, the MIB30. We report that a striking percentage of the data consists of option prices violating basic no‐arbitrage conditions. This percentage declines when we relax the no‐arbitrage restrictions to accommodate the presence of bid/ask spreads and other frictions but never becomes negligible. We also investigate the informational efficiency of the MIBO and conclude that option prices are poor predictors of the volatility of MIB30 returns. This conclusion is robust to a number of statistical and sampling methods.
(J.E.L.: G13, G14).  相似文献   

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