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This article examines the determinants of the job accommodations made by employers using data from the Survey of Ontario Workers with Permanent Impairments. I use a censored bivariate probit model, which allows for the selection of return-to-work decisions to obtain my estimates. The most important findings of this article suggest that workers who received vocational training prior to their accident and returned to work with the time-of-accident employer are more likely to receive an accommodation.  相似文献   

This study examines the underlying relationships that exist among import competition, employment risk, and worker earnings. In addition, we consider how such competitiveness and risk experienced on a prior job will affect, under both equilibrium and disequilibrium interpretations of the labor market, alternative postdisplacement job-search outcomes. Econometric models of predisplacement earnings and postdisplacement outcomes (jobless duration, reemployment, and earnings) provide insights on these relationships and in turn on the comparative job-search success of trade-displaced and other displaced workers.  相似文献   

This paper studies temporary help service (THS) workers, a growing component of the secondary labor market. It analyzes two samples of workers in the same four clerical occupations-bookkeepers, typists, key-punch operators, and clerks. The two samples-one for workers employed via a large THS firm in Israel, the other for full-time, non-THS workers drawn from the 1983 Israeli Census-are compared for demographic and human capital characteristics, wage levels, and wage regressions. The results lead us to conclude that viewing THS workers as a homogeneous group of "secondary" workers is not warranted.  相似文献   

This paper addresses: (1) the extent to which changes appear to have occurred in managerial strategies and labour and employment relations in Canadian firms, and (2) the role of the state relative to anonymous economic forces in accounting for Canadian developments. The general findings are that, while there have been a number of significant changes, these have been more moderate than expected by 'transformation' theory; furthermore, the Canadian case is consistent with the argument that state actions play a major role relative to more anonymous economic 'forces' in accounting for developments in labour and employment relations. It also suggests an alternative model to that typically assumed by transformation theory, one in which state policies and economic conditions are considered to be important not only for their direct effects on employer policies, but also for their indirect effects, through their implications for worker expectations and union militancy. Although these conclusions are tentative and call for more systematic, comparative research, they are consistent with arguments by Burawoy and others that state actions can serve as an important source of labour regulation at the level of the firm.  相似文献   

This paper examined the relevance of 14 demographic, cognitive, and affective factors in individuals' intentions to voluntarily retire early and to secure bridge employment after retirement. Results based on a sample of 361 respondents aged between 40 and 59 suggested that marital status, perceived negative age-health relationship, gender psychological readiness for retirement, and family orientation were related to early retirement intentions. Work centrality, perceived organisational attitude towards older employees, and psychological readiness for early retirement were related to bridge employment intentions. Implications for research were discussed.  相似文献   

由于深受金融危机的影响,返乡农民工处于家庭生活贫困化、社会保障权益缺失、就业状况边缘化的境地。要改变其这种受排斥、受剥夺的现状,重获职业地位,应该构建一个为返乡农民工提供物质、行为、精神等支持的就业保障网,包括正式就业保障网(政府主导失业预防、失业补救和失业保险政策、社会保障制度健全)和非正式就业保障网(社会团体合作参与、社会工作者提供专业化服务及关系网资源有效利用)。  相似文献   

农民工为我国的社会主义建设做出了巨大的贡献,但农民工的权利和利益长期被忽视,产生了一系列社会问题。尤其是2008年全球金融危机的爆发,大量农民工返乡,出现了大规模的农民工就业难题。为此,本文结合保定市农民工就业的具体情况,探讨政府促进农民工就业的长效机制。  相似文献   

I use a multinomial logit model to estimate the probability of the type of adaptation or employment response individuals make after the onset of disability, using the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey from Canada. I consider three types of adaptations: no change in jobs, changing jobs, and leaving employment. I also examine worker desires for employer accommodations, which are arrangements employers make for disabled persons after the onset of a disability.  相似文献   

Between 1986 and 1998, six of the ten Canadian provinces abolished their lower minimum wage rates for younger teenage workers. Using data from the Canadian Labour Force Survey, this paper evaluates the effects of abolition on the employment and weekly hours worked of 15‐ to 16‐year‐olds using teenagers in provinces where there is no legislative change and young people above the age to which youth rates applied as control groups. The results provide some evidence that abolishing these youth rates significantly lowered employment and work hours of 15‐ to 16‐year‐olds, but the lack of evidence for some jurisdictions and patterns of effects using age controls do raise some questions regarding the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

This article describes developments in employment regulation in 2005 and assesses how far these measures fulfilled the Government’s pledges to the union movement made in the Warwick Agreement. It also examines the Government’s behaviour as an employer, and the interplay between public and private sector employment practice. It concludes that there was limited evidence of Government commitment to the traditional conception of the good employer. There was also little sign of the public sector being used to promote a coherent model of employment practice to private sector employers in 2005. Direct regulation of the employment relationship was more in evidence.  相似文献   

This comparative paper examines the relationship between equity markets and corporate governance on one hand, and job tenure, training, and pay on the other. Two dimensions of equity markets and corporate governance are used: share trading activity and mergers and acquisitions. There is support for the posited links between these measures and job tenure, employee stock ownership plans, pay dispersion, and collective bargaining arrangements. Evidence on the relationship with training is more mixed.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach to discrete choice demand for differentiated products, using copulas to separate the marginal distribution of consumer values for product varieties from their dependence relationship, and apply it to the issue of how preference dependence affects market outcomes in symmetric multiproduct industries. We show that greater dependence lowers prices and profits under certain conditions, suggesting that preference dependence is a distinct indicator of product differentiation. We also find new sufficient conditions for the symmetric multiproduct monopoly and the symmetric single‐product oligopoly prices to be above or below the single‐product monopoly price.  相似文献   

This article uses the British Workplace Employee Relations Survey 1998 dataset to evaluate the importance of firm‐level factors in determining weekly hours of work in Britain, to analyse the amount of variation of hours within firms, and to assess whether workers are sorted into firms on the basis of hours. Nearly a third of the explained variation in weekly hours of work can be ascribed to firm‐level differences, which are unrelated to any observed worker characteristics. Firm‐level ‘policies’ are especially important in the private‐services sector. A further 40 per cent of variance can be attributed to the effect within firms of different occupation, skills and family characteristics. Finally, about a quarter of the explained variation in working hours is due to a sorting process of workers to firms, especially on the basis of skill and occupation.  相似文献   

This paper takes a simple model of the diffusion process and analyses the employment implications. Two factors tending to make employment fall to a low point at some intermediate position along the diffusion path are identified. It is argued that the path of industry employment during diffusion will in general not be monotomic.  相似文献   

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