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This qualitative (phenomenological) study explored the perceptions of a quality of work-life (QWL) survey from the perspective of 10 employees from a variety of departments in a Canadian cancer centre. Data were collected through one-on-one interviews at the workplace. The interviews were conducted several months after the survey had been completed and the findings presented to staff. The following themes emerged from the analysis: (1) talking about the survey triggered discussions of QWL issues most of which were not captured in the survey; (2) the impact of the survey was more important than the survey itself; and (3) participants were concerned that departments or groups of employees were labelled based on the survey results. Implications for researchers who wish to use surveys and standardized scales in health care settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Lynn  Peter 《Quality and Quantity》2003,37(3):239-261
The effects of unit non-response on survey errors are of great concern to researchers.However, direct assessment of non-response bias in survey estimates is rarely possible.Attempts are often made to adjust for the effects of non-response by weighting, but thisusually relies on the use of frame data or external population data, which are at bestmodestly correlated with the survey variables. This paper reports the development ofa method to collect limited survey data from non-respondents to personal interviewsurveys and a large-scale field test of the method on the British Crime Survey (BCS).The method is shown to be acceptable and low cost, to provide valid data, and to haveno detrimental effect on the main survey. The use of the resultant data to estimatenon-response bias is illustrated and some substantive conclusions are drawn for the BCS.  相似文献   

With the growing acceptance of the Web (Internet) and electronic mail, it is no surprise that researchers are using an increasingly diverse set of survey technologies to gather data from managers. However, the effectiveness of these electronic technologies has not been rigorously assessed, especially for gathering data from establishment-level surveys (i.e. firm- or plant-level). To that end, a stratified sample of large and small, service and manufacturing firms was constructed, followed by random assignment to one of four survey technologies: mail, fax, PC disk-by-mail and Web-page survey (combined with e-mail notification). For each treatment, managers are queried about their use of forecasting characteristics, yielding a sample of 118 firms. Unfortunately, only a low percentage (34%) of firms and managers assigned to the Web technology treatment both reported access to e-mail and were willing provide their e-mail addresses; they tended to be large firms and from the service sector. Moreover, those that did offer e-mail addresses were only about half as likely to respond to the Web-based survey as those targeted by other survey technologies. However, Web, fax and disk-by-mail technologies yielded higher item completion rates than mail. Limited statistical evidence indicated that respondents using computer-based survey technologies (i.e. Web or disk-by-mail) generally reported forecasting characteristics that are associated with firms exhibiting best practices. Thus, a multi-technology survey approach using the Web and fax can yield a strong combination of benefits over a traditional mail survey.  相似文献   

The National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (NMCUES), which has a complex survey design, was further complicated by combining two independently drawn national samples of households from the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). It is assumed that because the structures of both national area samples are similar, they are thereby compatible and allow for the derivation of unbiased national estimates of relevant health parameters. However, even though the two survey organizations operate under a common set of survey conditions with comparable samples, the actual data generated may differ across them, over and above differences due to pure sampling error. The NORC sample had a higher representation of individuals living in non-SMSA urban areas, of individuals with fair or poor health status, and of individuals incapable of performing usual activity. In addition, significantly higher mean estimates of the number of restricted activity days, of total charges for dental visits, for non-doctor visits and for hospital stays, and of overall total charges, characterized the NORC sample. The consistent directional difference in these health care estimates indicated a data collection organization effect was operational in the NMCUES. A comparison of item nonresponse rates, however, indicated the level of data quality on this dimension was generally equivalent across survey organizations. Further, the observed survey design differentials across organizations did not significantly differ in their impact on the precision in survey estimates. When a data collection organization effect is operational for a set of related survey statistics, as in the National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey, the use of more than one survey organization should be seriously considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines empirically the relationship between measures of forecast dispersion and forecast uncertainty from data on inflation expectations from the Livingston survey series and the Survey Research Center (SRC) survey series. Because the survey series do not provide probabilistic forecasts of inflation, we derive measures of inflation uncertainty by modelling the conditional variance of the inflation forecast errors from the survey series as an autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) process. The analysis is complicated by the fact that the overlap of forecast horizons for the survey series does not preclude the model's disturbance terms from displaying autocorrelation, and also places a restriction on the specification for the ARCH measures of inflation uncertainty. We estimate the model using Hansen's (1982) generalized method of moments (GMM) procedure to account for the presence of serial correlation and conditional heteroscedasticity in the disturbance terms. The results generally support the hypothesis that the measures of forecast dispersion across survey respondents are positively and statistically significantly associated with the measures of inflation uncertainty. However, the appropriateness of using forecast dispersion measures as proxies for inflation uncertainty is sensitive to the choice of the survey series.  相似文献   

A bstract This paper presents the results of a recently conducted survey of 1500 professional economists living in the United States and Canada. The study was undertaken in an attempt to ascertain professional economists'views of the worth and usefulness of their own scientific research . The response rate of the survey was 49 percent (734 respondents) yielding statistical results which suggest that economists do believe their research has some social value . Economists in this survey believe, however, that the spillover benefits from that research are not substantial and are probably limited to certain groups.  相似文献   

Presently a survey document is used in New York State to enforce Federal and State regulatory standards for long term care facilities (skilled nursing facilities and health related facilities). This document is used to establish Medicare and Medicaid certification for these facilities.

This study describes the creation of a new survey process—a first stage consisting of a screening survey followed, if necessary, by an intensive survey. A priority assignment model which utilizes the judgements of experts from the New York State Office of Health Systems Management (OHSM) has been developed. This model is employed to develop ranks, priority weights and classifications for the various standards and the Federal conditions which the standards comprise (as well as equivalent State regulations).

Saaty's Analytical Hierarchy Process is used to obtain the ranks and priority weights. The consistency of the experts' judgements is measured using Kendall's coefficient of agreement. An optimal split algorithm is used to subdivide the standards and conditions according to impact (high, moderate or low) on patient care, health and safety.

The results are to be used as a management tool in developing decision rules for defining the scope of the intensive survey on the basis of screening survey results.  相似文献   

As widely recognized during the golden age of survey research thanks to the work of the Columbia school, the use of mixed strategies allows survey research to overcome its limitations by incorporating the advantages of qualitative approaches rather than seeking alternative methods. The need to re-think survey research before embarking on this course impelled the author to undertake a critical analysis of one of the survey’s most important assumptions, proposing a shift from standardization of stimulus to standardization of meanings in order to anchor the requirement of answer comparability on a more solid basis. This proposal for rapprochement with qualitative research is followed by a more detailed section in which the author distinguishes four different types of mixed survey strategies, combining two criteria (time order and function of qualitative procedures). The most significant parts of the constructed typology are then brought together in a model called the multilevel integrated survey approach. This methodological model is concretely illustrated in an empirical study of homophobic prejudice among teenagers. The example shows how in research practice analytical mixed strategies can be creatively combined in the same survey research design, contributing to improvements in data quality and the relevance of research findings.  相似文献   

于新彦 《价值工程》2011,30(5):216-217
通过对西安体育学院二本专业部分学生运动损伤情况的抽样调查与分析研究,发现学生运动损伤率比较高,应值得重视,并查出损伤的原因,常发部位规律,提出防伤的措施,在教学训练过程中,贯彻此原则,取得了良好的效果。本文对西安体育学院非体育专业学生在校期间体育课运动损伤进行了调查和研究,探讨其运动性损伤发生的原因和一般规律,这对最大限度地避免或减少运动损伤的发生,增进学生的身体健康,增强学生体质,减少学生的心理压力,提高体育教学质量等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对石长铁路鱼形山大桥施工测量的实践,阐述了大桥因不可抗力丢失一部分控制桩后测量方案的制定、测量精度分析与控制、施工测量。  相似文献   

Survey topic as a factor influencing participation rates is becoming increasingly important, as there is a growing trend in social science research for surveying specific populations about specific topics. Previous research has shown that respondents with high topic interest (often referred to as salience) are more likely to participate in surveys. However, the identification of mechanisms that affect respondents’ interest in a survey topic has been largely neglected in research literature. We present an explanatory model of participation that conceptualizes topic interest as a function of an actor’s relational position in a particular social setting. To illustrate the relationship between survey topic and participation behavior, we use an online survey on mating conducted on the user population of an online dating site. For our nonresponse analysis we use web-generated process data, consisting of profile and interaction data, which describe all units of the sample frame. Thus, comprehensive information is available for both participants and non-participants of the online survey on an individual level, enabling a particularly accurate analysis of nonresponse. Results show that the probability of participation varies according to a user’s chances of success on the mating market. Users who can be described as less attractive (e.g. older people, less educated men, overweight women) show a higher probability of participation, which we explain with the mechanism of topic salience. We conclude with general implications regarding (1) the relationship between survey topic and survey participation and (2) the potential of web-generated process data for (online) survey research.  相似文献   

Business survey data have recently been used in several studies to shed light on the formation of firms' plans and expectations. The main tool for analysis has been the multivariate conditional log-linear model. The trichotomous answers in a typical business survey have an ordering. This makes it possible to analyse firms' production decisions with a categorized version of Cox's proportional hazards model. In this paper the production decisions of Finnish firms are investigated using data from the Finnish business survey. The results obtained are largely in accord with the implications of the production smoothing model of Blinder (1982).  相似文献   

The World Wide Web (WWW) is increasingly being used as a tool and platform for survey research. Two types of electronic or online surveys available for data collection are the email and Web based survey, and they constitute the focus of this paper. We address a multitude of issues researchers should consider before and during the use of this method of data collection: advantages and liabilities with this form of survey research, sampling problems, questionnaire design considerations, suggestions in approaching potential respondents, response rates and aspects of data processing. Where relevant, the methodological issues involved are illustrated with examples from our own research practice. This methods review shows that most challenges are resolved when taking into account the principles that guide the conduct of conventional surveys.  相似文献   

$100 Bills on the Sidewalk: Suboptimal Investment in 401(k) Plans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We identify employees at seven companies whose 401(k) investment choices are dominated because they are contributing less than the employer matching contribution threshold despite being vested in their match and being able to make penalty-free 401(k) withdrawals for any reason because they are older than 59?. At the average firm, 36% of match-eligible employees over 59? forego arbitrage profits that average 1.6% of their annual pay, or $507. A survey educating employees about the free lunch they are foregoing raised contribution rates by a statistically insignificant 0.67 percent of income among those completing the survey.  相似文献   

张本平 《价值工程》2011,30(17):299-300
随着我国国民经济的快速发展,农村公路特别是山区公路建设进入了高潮时期。文章结合农村改建公路勘测设计项目,探讨了农村公路改建勘测工作内容和方法,介绍了GPS、全站仪和测绘软件在农村公路改建勘测的应用。  相似文献   

Little research exists that addresses the equivalence in collectivistic cultures of paper- versus Internet-based surveys. This study addressed this gap and examined the measurement equivalence of individual innovativeness scales between Internet surveys and paper-based surveys within a collectivistic culture (with China serving as our example). The study analyzed and compared survey data from both paper and web-based surveys using confirmatory factor analysis. The assessment of invariance included the levels of configural, metric, scalar, and covariance invariance. The means and variance of latent variables were also compared. The results show that measurements are invariant at the two levels (configural and metric), and the covariances between latent variables are also equivalent, but the mean and variance differences of latent variables are apparent. The results indicate that when conducting research in collectivistic cultures and collecting data from distinct survey modes, researchers should concern themselves with the potential of extreme response patterns and the inclination of social desirability responding, as well as considering the measurement invariance across survey modes.  相似文献   

Likert scales are widely used in survey studies for attitude measuring. In particular, the questionnaires propagated by the SERVQUAL approach are based on Likert scales. Though the problem of attitude suggests an ordinal interpretation of Likert scales, attitude survey data are often evaluated with techniques designed for cardinal measurements. The present paper discusses the interpretation of scales for attitude measuring and gives a survey of data analysis techniques under the proper ordinal understanding.  相似文献   

The survey classifies economic theories of the firm into four categories based on the level of aggregation in economic models: (1) neoclassical, (2) industrial organization, (3) contractual, and (4) organizational incentive. Economic theories of the firm are evaluated on the basis of their potential application to problems of management decision making. The survey suggests that a management perspective can be useful in developing an integrated theoretical analysis of the firm that addresses both competitive strategy and organizational design.  相似文献   

In supply chain management, survey research is one of the primary methodologies used by researchers to generate empirical data. Critical to its effectiveness is an acceptable response rate. Recently, concerns have been raised regarding perceived falling response rates. Using data taken from 464 survey-based studies, as drawn from five representative journals that publish survey-based supply chain studies, this study assesses whether these concerns are valid. Furthermore, it assesses whether the various tactics recommended for improving response rates have been successful. The findings indicate that (1) responses rates have been falling (with a significant decrease beginning in 2001); (2) it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the various techniques because of unevenness in reporting of techniques used; and, (3) response rates are significantly influenced by factors such as the number of questions, source of survey population, method of survey delivery, specific respondents targeted, and use of prequalification/pre-notification.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether superior accounting performance as reported in the annual ABA Banking Journal Top Performing Banks survey translates into higher investor returns. We observe that the announcement effect is more pronounced during the early years of the survey. For the entire survey period and for later sub-periods in which bank holding companies (BHCs) are ranked based on return on equity (ROE), we observe statistically-significant superior holding period returns against both the S&P 500 index and in some cases a matched sample. These results include raw and risk-adjusted returns as well as buy and hold abnormal returns (BHARs). We obtain similar results after controlling for the market return, size, book-to-market ratio, and momentum factors.  相似文献   

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