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新疆农民工基本现状调查报告指出了农民工对城市生活适应能力强、生活节俭、法律意识日渐增强等优点。报告也指出了农民工在基本合法权益、职业技能培训、社会保障等方面遇到的问题,以期国家和社会对其予以关注。  相似文献   

张准 《生产力研究》2011,(1):148-150
"镀金时代"是美国经济崛起的关键阶段。这一时期,美国产业工人队伍快速膨胀,极大地推动了工业化进程。他们的劳动和生活状况,一方面从总体上看是糟糕乃至凄惨的;另一方面,通过长期不懈的斗争,也以缓慢的速度趋于改善。从镀金时代的美国的经验来看,工业化及由此所推动的经济高速增长与产业工人的劳动、生活条件的改善之间并无直接的必然联系。因而在一国经济崛起的关键阶段,政府应该更加重视社会公平,加大劳动保护和收入调节的力度。  相似文献   

This paper empirically explores whether trade preferences can be used as a substitute for industrial policy and help countries achieve their industrialization objectives at the expense of other regional members. Results show that Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) preferences obtained by Brazilian exporters have led to an increase in exports of relatively sophisticated products in which Brazil does not enjoy a global comparative advantage. On the contrary, smaller members of MERCOSUR export to the region products in which they have strong comparative advantages and with relatively low levels of sophistication. This suggests that MERCOSUR has helped Brazil achieve its industrialization objectives, but has not contributed to the industrialization of its smaller members.  相似文献   

This tribute to the late James Buchanan is an elaboration of themes he developed on the importance of processes in real, experienced time, especially for individual choice. The conventional way of modeling choice is to think of it as the solution to a constrained maximization problem. If, however, we look at choice as a process in time it is inseparable from the evolution and self-development of the individual. Preferences emerge in the process of their becoming. The fundamental characteristic of choice is thus the expression of autonomy and not the satisfaction of given preferences. The implications of this for normative economics are explored.  相似文献   

Abstract .  In the Dixit-Stiglitz model of monopolistic competition, entry of firms is socially too small. Other authors have shown that excess entry is also a possibility with other preferences for diversity. We show that workers' rents also contribute to explain excess entry through a general equilibrium mechanism. Larger wages indeed raises the aggregate earnings and firms sales and profits, which entices too many firms to enter. We discuss the possibility of over-provision of varieties by comparing the equilibrium to unconstrained and constrained social optima and to other regulatory frameworks where wages are not controlled.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2020,74(3):233-249
We use a dynamic international trade model to analyse the implications of international trade for agents’ preferences and economic growth. This model is based on the home market effect with external habit formation (“catching up with the Joneses”) and “learning by doing” in production. We demonstrate the following: the historical composition of consumption in countries determines industrialization after trade; the preferences of agents converge after trade, independent of the economic results; and the welfare effects of trade may be positive or negative depending on trading partner characteristics. In some scenarios, autarky is strictly preferred to trade. Thus, international trade does not necessarily imply greater welfare, as is the typical result in a static context under CES preferences.  相似文献   

This paper presents a structuralist North–South model on structural change, industrialization and economic convergence. In a balance-of-payments-constrained macro-setting, we assume a cumulative process between industrialization and growth. Differently from the traditional post-Keynesian models, we endogenize the productive structure of developing countries. We enquire how industrialization affects uneven development and convergence processes. Multiple growth paths and a long-run path-dependent equilibrium emerge. Industrialization proves to be a necessary but not sufficient condition for catching-up. Good management by the domestic institutions of domestic industrialization is a complementary requirement.  相似文献   

江西省工业化进程综合评价和加速工业化进程的对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年江西省全省整体处于工业化中期水平,和全国工业化所处阶段相一致,但地区发展不平衡,发展最快和最慢的地区工业化综合指数相差56.71;1995-2005年江西省大部分地区工业化都在加速推进,"十一五"期间的前半段,工业化发展较平缓,各地区综合指数都在提升,但没有地区工业化阶段发生变化。预计在"十一五"后半段,全省大部分地市将进入工业化中期以上阶段。到2010年,南昌将有望在全省率先进入后工业化阶段。刚刚步入工业化中期的江西,应从产业结构优化、城镇化建设、提升技术创新能力等多方面采取措施,努力缩小与其他地区工业化发展的差距。  相似文献   

The literature argues that the benefits of an independent central bank accrue at no cost to the real side. In this paper, we argue that the lack of correlation between monetary autonomy and output variability is due to the proactive role of fiscal policy when faced with rigid monetary objectives. Few of the attempts to measure these correlations actually allow for a changing fiscal role. Yet, when an independent authority handles monetary policy, fiscal and wage/social protection policies remain instruments in the hands of elected governments. We find that, so long as the two authorities pursue their goals independently of each other, a conflict arises that becomes stronger as preferences diverge. We also find that the establishment of a conservative central bank encourages more divergent preferences among the public (as reflected in the government that is elected). The election of more interventionist governments then makes it harder for either authority to reach its own preferred objectives, unless cooperation is possible.  相似文献   

We show that the effects of taxes on labor supply are shaped by interactions between adjustment costs for workers and hours constraints set by firms. We develop a model in which firms post job offers characterized by an hours requirement and workers pay search costs to find jobs. We present evidence supporting three predictions of this model by analyzing bunching at kinks using Danish tax records. First, larger kinks generate larger taxable income elasticities. Second, kinks that apply to a larger group of workers generate larger elasticities. Third, the distribution of job offers is tailored to match workers' aggregate tax preferences in equilibrium. Our results suggest that macro elasticities may be substantially larger than the estimates obtained using standard microeconometric methods.  相似文献   

国家统计局新疆调查总队通过对农民工就业的抽样调查分析,认为新疆农民工在就业费用、范围、稳定性等方面得到了较大改善,但农民工就业仍然存在劳动时间长,强度大,拖欠、克扣劳动报酬等问题。因此,各级党政机关和社会各界应高度重视农民工就业问题。  相似文献   

研究如何在新型工业化过程中扩大就业以缓解我国日益严重的就业压力具有重大现实意义。在阐明新型工业化的内涵和特点的基础上,结合对新型工业化过程中就业现状与趋势的分析,逐步展开对新型工业化与就业的关系和相互影响,就业扩大机理,反失业和促进就业等问题进行相关研究回顾,并提出解决就业难问题的对策,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

新型工业化:中国经济发展战略的创新   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
与发达国家的工业化道路以及中国传统的工业化道路相比较,新型工业化是中国工业化发展的新阶段。我国目前正处于工业化的中期阶段,加深工业化仍然是一项十分艰苦的历史性任务,走新型工业化道路体现了中国21世纪经济发展战略的新选择。在我国新型工业化的实现过程中,要实施以信息化带动工业化的战略创新、可持续发展的战略创新、科教兴国和以自主创新为主的科技战略创新,以及人力资源开发战略的创新。  相似文献   

文章在简要回顾巴西土地制度及城市化历史演进的基础上,着重分析了巴西如何处理土地制度与工业化、城市化的关系及由此带来的后果。研究发现,巴西在工业化、城市化进程中长期采取扶工抑农政策,结果造成工农发展失衡,城市化畸形发展等一系列严重社会问题。巴西的经验教训,对正处于工业化、城市化加速发展阶段的中国如何正确处理土地制度与工业化、城市化的相互关系,具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. The process of globalization has an important impact on national tax policies. Most of the literature does not focus directly on the political decision‐making process and assumes that the desired tax policy is responding to objective underlying tradeoffs. Based on an original survey of members of the German national parliament (Bundestag) in 2006/07, we document a strong ideological bias among policy‐makers with respect to the perceived mobility of international tax bases (real capital and paper profits). Ideology also influences, directly and indirectly, the perceived national autonomy in tax setting and preferences for a European Union minimum tax for companies. There seems little consensus as to what the efficiency costs of capital taxation in open economies are, even though our survey falls in a period of extensive debate about, and actual adoption of, a company tax reform bill in Germany.  相似文献   

中国的工业化进程:阶段、特征与前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国成为一个工业化国家,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求,是实现"中国梦"的一个重要经济内涵。经过改革开放30多年的快速发展,中国工业化已经进入到工业化后期。中国工业化进程的突出特征是,十几亿人口的大国工业化、快速推进的工业化、区域发展极不平衡的工业化、低成本的出口导向工业化,这在人类历史上是前所未有的。中国工业化前景是光明的,按照正常发展,中国最晚将在2025年到2030年实现工业化,但中国工业化进程未必会一帆风顺,金融危机后,世界工业化进程中出现的"第三次工业革命"和制造业服务化的重大趋势,加大了中国工业化进程顺利推进的难度,增加了中国工业化战略调整的必要性。  相似文献   

劳动契约是典型的不完全契约,一般认为自利的工人仅仅只会做出最低程度的努力水平,而近年来的实验与行为经济学发现工人的选择并不完全符合自利的假设,工人的努力程度还会受到其公平偏好的影响,由于工人的选择直接影响到企业的获利状况,故企业在制定工资水平时应该考虑工人对公平的诉求。  相似文献   

We develop a general stochastic model of directed search on the job. Directed search allows us to focus on a Block Recursive Equilibrium (BRE) where agents' value functions, policy functions and market tightness do not depend on the distribution of workers over wages and unemployment. We formally prove existence of a BRE under various specifications of workers' preferences and contractual environments, including dynamic contracts and fixed-wage contracts. Solving a BRE is as easy as solving a representative agent model, in contrast to the analytical and computational difficulties in models of random search on the job.  相似文献   

A macroeconomic model is developed in which the psychological concept of loss aversion is incorporated into workers' preferences. The impact of monetary policy in the presence of loss aversion depends on the specification of the reference wage. The plausible specification that a worker's reference wage is the real wage she was paid in the previous period is considered in detail. Specifying the reference wage in this way, we show that an unanticipated change in monetary policy has a permanent, real effect when short term labour contracts are written in nominal wages.  相似文献   


This article analyzes technology-related development in Latin America from a heterodox perspective based in Institutionalist and Structuralist Economics. Since the 1970s, the lack of systematic national projects designed to institutionalize endogenous innovation capabilities in the region has constituted a critical structural impediment to development. Eschewing the creation of public goods, most nations in Latin America abandoned important incipient efforts to develop technological autonomy as undertaken during the state-led industrialization period. This article highlights poorly understood but relatively successful aspects of the import substitution industrialization (ISI) strategy on technological advancement in the state-led era. Recently, neoliberalism's monolithic grip has been loosened. Brazil has undergone somewhat of a paradigmatic shift while advancing toward the creation of a national innovation system (NIS), thereby offering important lessons for other Latin American nations. Mexico, in contrast, shows no indication of attaining autonomous technological capabilities. The attainment of such capabilities in highly industrialized countries, and fast developing Asian nations, partially resulted from the construction of a NIS. The creation of a NIS embodies an interactive and interdependent process: it entails the joint and combined participation of scientists and others involved in research and development (R&D) activities in (1) the public and private sectors and (2) universities. These elements combine with agents of the state empowered to finance and coordinate the construction and maintenance of the NIS. The construction of a NIS has induced “increasing returns” in production processes. As Furtado emphasized, supply-enhancing technological capacity must be met by inclusive demand-enhancing policies that embed the vast underlying population in the growth process.  相似文献   

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