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陈莹 《现代管理科学》2002,(5):21-23,27
在日趋激烈的市场竞争压力下,市场营销理念逐步被引入银行业,由于银行业既是服务行业又是风险行业,因此,在这一过程中,金融营销与风险控制发生了巨大的“冲突”,我们认为,商业银行的金融营销和风险控制对立统一于资产负债组织管理这一整体综合经营战略之中,在当前经济发展状况及其演变趋势下,三者之间关系协调与否,直接决定银行经营的规模和水平,基于以上观点,本文重点阐述了金融营销,风险管理和资产负债组合管理的关系,金融营销的展开线索与营销管理流程,及其对我国商业银行经营管理的启示。  相似文献   

一、引言 随着房地产业的蓬勃发展,中国的房地产营销业迅速走完了由兴起到初步成熟的发展道路.其重要性也不断加大,时至今日,我们已耳熟能详了"地产的营销时代"这一说法.中国房地产业的辉煌,托起了一个房地产营销业的黄金时代.随着我国消费者消费心理的逐渐成熟和房地产开发商在楼盘供应商的不断推陈出新,导致房地产开发微利时代的来临,开发商开始用理性的眼光评估营销的价值,激烈的竞争在所难免.  相似文献   

通过对广钢院这种中小设计院情况的分析,结合市场营销的知识,提出了当前情况下广钢院如何应对劣势,并从"价格营销"策略、"缝隙营销"策略、"寄生营销"策略、"关系营销"策略、"拾遗补缺营销"策略、"辅助配套营销"策略等方面提出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

当前我国出现了"营销热"的大潮,我国中小企业面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,它们既有自身的优势,同时又面临营销方法、营销创新、营销战略、营销人才等相对落后和不足的现状,论文从我国中小企业所处的环境和自身特点出发,论述了中小企业营销创新的必要性和可行性,以及中小企业只有制定适合自身条件的营销创新策略,才能够在激烈的竞争中生存和领先对手。  相似文献   

当前我国出现了"营销热"的大潮,我国中小企业面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,它们既有自身的优势,同时又面临营销方法、营销创新、营销战略、营销人才等相对落后和不足的现状,论文从我国中小企业所处的环境和自身特点出发,论述了中小企业营销创新的必要性和可行性,以及中小企业只有制定适合自身条件的营销创新策略,才能够在激烈的竞争中生存和领先对手.  相似文献   

后现代主义是对现代主义的质疑和反思.我国的教育管理研究是在现代主义的"科学理性"和"工具理性"观念的影响下发展起来的,并继续受其影响。试图从后现代主义的视野下来审视当前我国教育管理研究中的缺失,并以此对我国的教育管理研究进行展望。  相似文献   

关于做好煤炭营销工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为巩固加强当前的煤炭营销工作,结合七台河分公司的特点,根据自己所学到的营销知识,进行了一些理性地研究和思考。  相似文献   

驾驭市场是任何营销活动的最高目标,其基础在于认识市场、把握市场脉搏和制定推行与之相适应的正确的营销管理策略.当前,房地产市场已逐步走向成熟,国家也加大了对房地产市场的宏观调控力度,银根、土地不断紧缩,房地产市场的过热势头得以有效控制,消费的购房心理也日趋理性,买方市场粗具规模.因此,怎样在新形势下做好房地产市场营销直接关系到房地产开发企业在市场经济体制下的兴衰存亡.近几年来不断涌现出一些新兴的营销策略,极大地丰富了房地产营销的手段和方式,也为房地产发展拓展了市场空间.  相似文献   

在我国市场机制不断完善和买方市场形成的环境下,越来越多的中国企业家认识到顾客关系的重要性,尽管有些企业尝试运用顾客关系营销理论指导营销实践获得成功,但顾客关系营销的现实应用还存在很多问题。文章分析顾客关系营销当前应用的现状,指出现实应用中存在的问题并提出应对策略。  相似文献   

一段时间以来,学术界运用"人口红利"理论和"刘易斯拐点"理论进行学术探讨,其观点被社会大众通俗地用来解释我国当前就业现象和未来就业趋势,因此产生了一些似是而非的观点,影响了我们对现阶段就业形势的准确判断和把握,需要对理  相似文献   

旅游目的地营销是当前营销实践和理论研究的热点领域,而旅游目的地营销中政府的功能是该领域理论研究中争论的焦点。以博弈论为基础,分析了旅游目的地营销过程中经常出现的问题,并结合实例研究得出了政府在不同类型旅游目的地的营销中应发挥的功能。  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical foundation for marketing based on the ideas of the Austrian school of economists. After a discussion of the methodological foundations of Austrian economics, which reject the statistical and experimental methods of the physical sciences as the means to verify theory in the social sciences, the article presents the Austrians' principle of methodological individualism, which provides the basis for a theory of entrepreneurship and marketing.  相似文献   

营销能力是战略营销理论研究中的一个重要方面,对转型期的中国制造业企业营销能力的研究具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文通过对河北BS新型建材有限责任公司的个案研究,认为在不确定环境下,创业导向是营销能力的关键驱动因素,组织只有通过创新才能够促使营销能力不断演化。在营销能力演化的过程中,组织必须不断地投资,不断地为组织输送新鲜血液,并通过营造组织的学习气氛,从而达到优秀和卓越。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which the academic literature underpinning marketing communications appears in the practice of charities' marketing. The first part of the paper investigates the theoretical background surrounding the marketing communications of nonprofit-making organisations drawing from the main academic papers written since the subject was opened in 1969. This theory is then compared and contrasted with the results of a case study concerning a major campaign by Barnardo's, one of the United Kingdom's largest charities. Resultsindicatethatsomeofthepoints highlighted by the academic literature are found in the marketing communications strategy of Barnardo's. Nevertheless, a range of areas is ripe for improvement, including improved systems for obtaining feedback from the target audience on the message that they received. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

随着国际市场动荡性的不断增强,国际化企业如何在持续变化的外部环境下获取和维持竞争优势成为战略营销研究的关注焦点;国际营销动态能力概念为企业应对激烈国际市场竞争提供了新的指导工具。本研究基于制度理论的视角,从管制、规范和文化认知三大系统中识别出若干制度因素;通过对四川长虹国际化进程的案例分析,考察了企业在不同国际化阶段驱动国际营销动态能力的关键因素及实现机制;最后对研究所提供的理论和实践启示进行讨论。  相似文献   

  • Inculcating entrepreneurial behaviour is beneficial to both individuals and the society at large. The Theory of Planned Behaviour has been generally applied to understand and examine entrepreneurial behaviour. However, as the underpinnings of this theory are not adequate for understanding the entire process of the development of entrepreneurial behaviour, a more comprehensive theoretical framework is required. Combining the Theory of Planned Behaviour with the Stages of Change Theory provides such a comprehensive theoretical framework. The Stages of Change Theory is used in the social marketing field to facilitate behavioural change, which has also been recently applied in organizational‐related studies, such as change management. A methodological and analytical approach is also suggested for empirically validating the framework developed in this study. The implications of this framework for theory and practice are discussed, as are directions for future research, which would be of use to researchers and practitioners in the social marketing field.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most green marketing literature is strongly based on the assumption that a consumer's environmental awareness is a pre‐condition for green purchasing. While following such a ‘behaviouristic’ green marketing both scholars and companies seem to have neglected that green products are bought only if customers perceive the products as superior to competitors’ offerings. This paper argues that economic theory can give additional valuable input to green marketing. A first important step for marketing according to the economic approach is to identify how consumers perceive the products' cost and benefits. In this paper, cost and benefits are differentiated into different categories, which may help companies in finding their products' value added. In a second phase, companies can focus on stressing product advantages rather than on overcoming barriers. Using the example of green clothes this contribution shows what such a marketing strategy can look like. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

李娟 《价值工程》2012,31(34):165-166
随着房地产业的迅速发展,房地产全程营销策划也随之快速发展起来,被越来越多的策划人所认同,本文首先介绍了商业房地产营销策划理论模式的发展历程,然后运用"全程为提高楼盘的顾客让渡价值服务"的策划思路,阐述了商业房地产全程营销增值策划模式(以下简称增值策划模式)的理论核心与增值途径,并提出了应用模式的注意事项,具有较强的可操作性和实战意义。  相似文献   

For new companies in general, marketing is a critical issue. However, many high tech start ups face particular problems associated with marketing. They may have a product, rather than a customer focus; they may lack marketing experience and may even neglect marketing to focus on developing a better product. They also work in an ambiguous environment; a new, or yet to be established market, unclear application and often a need to internationalise rapidly. The purpose of this paper is thus to try to capture what experienced experts have found to work best in these difficult conditions. The study is based in Israel, but may have lessons for many other small countries. A multiple stage methodology, seeking expert views; analysing, consolidating and then refining them was adopted, based on the condensed wisdom of some 80 of the key players in new Israeli high tech firms. The paper shows how some aspects are vital for success, but also explores the roles played by the various aspects of marketing.  相似文献   

许立青 《企业经济》2003,(7):105-106
近年来,在市场营销理论研究中,有两支起决定性作用的力量:分别兴起于80年代的关系营销和90年代的互联网。本文旨在总结相关研究的基础上,探讨这两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

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