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Farmers are those who daily supervise and manage rural areas, but still their collaborations with those institutions entitled to decide the transformation of these territories are not managed properly. The experiences of participatory processes with the involvement of farmers are analyzed in many agricultural studies. A systematic review has allowed us to analyse experiences related to 35 participation paths aimed at rural regions’ development. The analysis has been made on the basis of 14 variables describing the path followed and its purpose, the agricultural holding involved and the areas surveyed.The work has the objectives to identify some strengths and weaknesses in the involvement of farmers in decision-making and the strengths and weaknesses of the processes themselves. The review has shown that too often in participatory processes farmers are considered only as a source of information to be used by researchers rather than as active participants in the choices for the protection, management and transformation of the rural territory. An effective participatory rural appraisal requires greater empowerment of farmers. In general, compared to the methods and tools used, farmers are wary of paths that are too complex and prefer the use of low-tech tools. This result can be attributed to the farmers’ demand of direct contact with the researchers to build trust and also to the average age of European farmers, which is pretty high.In participation contexts, it is not possible to establish standardized methods and tools, because each process should be tailored for the community that expresses it. Nevertheless, the work has highlighted the need to establish some minimum principles to avoid considering unsuccessful some participation paths which, in reality, have been only scarcely participated. In the work, these principles have been presented through the development of key questions, to which those who design the path for an effective engagement of agricultural stakeholder must respond: representativeness, empowerment, empirical knowledge, relationships, group type, numerosity and involvement stage.  相似文献   

国土空间生态保护和修复研究路径:科学到决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:探索走向可持续生态系统综合管理的国土空间生态保护和修复的研究路径与应用实践。研究方法:综合分析法,案例分析法等。研究结果:(1)以生态系统管理等理论为支撑,基于国土空间生态安全格局整体保护理念,关注中观—宏观尺度的国土空间生态保护和修复关键区域识别与诊断,从生态系统和社会系统维度提出国土空间生态保护和修复科学认知、价值重塑与政策引导的研究路径,构建 “本底调查测度—多维认知—科学识别—价值重塑—规划调控—政策引导—技术支撑”从科学到决策的国土空间生态保护和修复研究路径;(2)以山东省烟台市为例,围绕重焕蓝色海洋、连通生态廊道、牢筑生态屏障、优化生态格局和彰显绿色宜居策略,探索国土空间生态保护和修复应用实践。研究结论:生态文明背景下国土空间生态保护和修复走向可持续生态系统综合管理成为必然,所提出的研究路径和应用实践为国土空间生态保护和修复研究提供了新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

黑龙江省国土资源与持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对持续发展理论的理解阐述,根据黑龙江省国土资源开发的自然和经济状况,以持续发展的思想,提出了国土资源开发对策 。  相似文献   

Doing practical biodiversity and natural resources management research that is socially and gender sensitive remains a challenge. Most of the relevant literature is primarily at the conceptual level. There are few learning programmes that focus on systematic capacity development for gender and social analysis in applied research in this field. Efforts that systematically document and analyse this kind of capacity development process are also hard to find. This paper summarizes the main research and capacity development achievements and challenges of a novel, Asian-regional initiative that aimed to address these gaps. It is suggested that the success of capacity-building strategies for the integration of social and gender analysis can be enhanced by combining a mix of elements, including a ‘learning by doing’ approach, participatory (action) research methodologies, a diverse group of participants, regular peer review, flexible networking and strong personal and organizational commitment. These kinds of strategies will require a long(er) time horizon and sufficient resources.  相似文献   

System models in agriculture and natural resource management are usually developed by researchers to advise policy makers on the likely outcomes of alternative scenarios. Except for data collection, stakeholders—like farm households—are rarely involved in the research process. Companion modeling (ComMod) has been developed as a modeling approach to include various stakeholders in a continuous feedback loop between researchers and stakeholders. Whereas other ComMod approaches have used role playing games as an interface between researchers and stakeholders—assuming that stakeholders have difficulties understanding a computer model—this paper explores the potential of a participatory modeling approach in which stakeholders are directly confronted with the model by assessing its assumptions, interpreting simulation results, and suggesting scenarios.The approach is applied to two villages in a watershed in northern Thailand. One lowland village, populated by farmers of mostly Thai ethnic origin, depends partially on an upland village inhabited by farmers of Hmong ethnic origin for its water supply. Water scarcity has led to conflicts between these two villages in the past.In three rounds of participatory simulation sessions the potential of the ComMod model was tested. Our findings confirm that researchers face particular challenges in making local stakeholders understand the model as a reproduction of reality and not as reality itself. The idea of a scenario as a hypothetical situation was also difficult to convey. An ex-post analysis among participants showed that farmers who attended several sessions had a clear understanding of the model and one-third of the participants thought it useful to exchange points of view with the other community and to define new collective rules for water sharing. Applying ComMod in a context that is characterized by social tensions and power differentials, however, needs careful consideration of the potential implications on less powerful actors.  相似文献   

研究目的:阐释中国式现代化语境下国土空间治理的新要求及理论逻辑,为助推中国式国土空间治理现代化提供路径支撑。研究方法:理论分析法、归纳演绎法和逻辑推理法。研究结果:(1)依据中国式现代化的核心要义,国土空间治理有必要在人地协调、公平均衡、特色鲜明、绿色高效、稳定安全等方面发挥更大的价值和作用。(2)归纳阐释了中国式现代化与国土空间治理之间所存在的系统协调、协同共生、演绎交互、调适匹配、包容共区5大理论逻辑。(3)由于区域间和城乡间差距(宏观)、产业间和地类间竞争(中观)、部门间和主体间博弈(微观),国土空间治理落实中国式现代化要求仍有较大差距。(4)从规划引导、用途管制和实践行动出发,提出区域协调与城乡融合、调适匹配与差别管控、精细治理与共治共享的中国式国土空间治理现代化路径。研究结论:国土空间治理将始终贯穿于中国式现代化的各个方面和各个环节,从中国式现代化的时代特征和整体逻辑去反思治理路径,可为拓展具有中国特色的国土空间治理内涵外延和理论实践提供有效参考。  相似文献   

研究目的:深入探讨从土地利用规划到国土空间规划的重大变革,明晰国土空间规划的观念、体系、任务、方法和实施要求,以期对正在开展的国土空间规划编制工作提供参考。研究方法:文献研究法和比较分析法。研究结果:国土空间规划要着力强化可持续发展、高质量发展、以人民为中心的发展观念,在规划体系建设中处理好空间规划与发展规划,国家规划与地方规划,总体规划与专项规划、详细规划之间的关系,把重塑国土空间开发保护格局和推动自然资源节约集约利用和自然资源资产保值增值同时作为新时代规划的主要任务,全面推进空间规划基本理论、基础性方法和前沿性方法研究,创新规划实施的行政、法治、经济、社会和技术机制。研究结论:国土空间规划作为空间规划体制改革的产物,既要继承包括土地利用规划在内的原有空间规划的优点,也要注意克服其不足,根据国土空间治理现代化的战略需要,在规划观念、规划体系、规划实施等方面进行全方位、重构性变革,发展具有中国特色的空间规划理论和方法。  相似文献   

The main effects of existing socioeconomic arrangements for agricultural land development in the Eastern Caribbean are discussed and changes aimed at improving both the efficiency and equity of the land development process are identified. The author argues that the existing ‘plantations-small holders’ structure is incapable of providing an efficient way of developing the available land resources and of improving the standard of living for the vast rural population. A new set of export oriented agricultural enterprises is pinpointed as a requirement in any viable solution aimed at taking land away from its present role as a resource for survival for the many and an economic benefit for the few and to reinstate agricultural lands as one of the key resources for more egalitarian, environmentally sound and efficient socioeconomic development.  相似文献   

法国的国土开发与整治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合法国朗格多克 -鲁西荣大区实例 ,对法国的国土开发整治与管理工作进行了综述 ,并指出了该国国土开发整治管理工作中的几点特色。  相似文献   

The continuity of farming in traditional sloping and mountainous olive production systems (SMOPS) is at risk, especially in marginally productive areas. The abandonment of olive production on sloping lands would have adverse economic, social, environmental and cultural effects. To tackle this risk of abandonment and to improve the sustainability of traditional SMOPS, we propose the Territorial management contracts (TMC) of rural areas. The potential of this instrument to be specifically applied to organic olive production systems on sloping lands is assessed. The paper then summarises the results of a survey of Andalusian farmers in sloping and mountainous areas aimed at identifying key characteristics of the TMC with the potential to enhance its uptake in target farming communities. Results show that farmers are well-disposed towards TMC, and that issues such as flexibility and external advice need to be considered for its successful implementation. From a policy perspective, the instrument is well aligned with the objectives of the last reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).  相似文献   

国土空间生态保护修复范式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:基于"山水林田湖草"生命共同体理念,分析国土空间生态保护修复"尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然"的实现途径,为国土空间生态保护修复的"整体保护、系统修复、综合治理"提供理论与方法指导。研究方法:采用文献资料综述、案例研究等质性分析方法,从自然定位、修复途径、预期功能三个角度对已有观点进行比较研究。研究结果:(1)自然途径有6种不同范式:自然范式、本土范式、过程范式、文化范式、实验范式、绿色范式。(2)不同范式各有优劣,需要根据社会需求情况、自然重要性、自然破坏程度的高低进行综合选择,才能实现生态保护修复国际最优。研究结论:国土空间生态保护修复要充分认识自然定位和价值认知的多元性,充分发挥自然途径6种范式的优势,探索生态保护修复的组合方案,促进国土空间生态保护修复高质量发展。  相似文献   

A framework for comprehensive integrated assessment of environmental projects is developed and applied in partnership with a regional environmental body. The framework combines theory with practice, bringing a pragmatic and efficient approach to the rigorous assessment of projects for a large number of environmental assets in the north central region of the state of Victoria, Australia. The approach is codified as the Investment Framework for Environmental Resources (INFFER). The analysis assisted the environmental body to make strong business cases for a number of environmental projects, resulting in funding for those projects. Key features of the study include extensive participation of decision makers and stakeholders, integration of a comprehensive set of information about projects, explicit assessment of uncertainties and information gaps, and analysis of the most appropriate policy mechanism for each project. The process of applying the framework involved four steps: identification of around 300 important environmental assets in the region, filtering the list of assets to remove those that are less likely to provide opportunities for cost-effective public investment, development and detailed assessment of projects for a subset of assets, and negotiation of funding for projects. Implications for land-use policy include that environmental projects vary widely in their cost-effectiveness, requiring careful targeting of funds if environmental benefits are to be maximised. Many existing environmental programs use simplistic analyses to support decision making, resulting in missed opportunities for substantially greater environmental benefits. Promoting adoption of improved analytical methods is very challenging, requiring changes in mind-set and culture in environmental organisations. Widespread adoption is unlikely unless funders create incentives by rewarding those project proponents who undertake rigorous and comprehensive project assessments that focus on achievement of environmental outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper applies Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard theory to propose a tool to compare twin local development projects implemented under international cooperation schemes. This tool, called the Territory Balanced Scorecard (TBSc), allows the competitive potential of the territorial system to be measured by means of a rating. Consequently, using the TBSc, it is possible to interpret the characteristics of the supply territory and, by an ad-hoc approach, plan the required increase in headquarters functions and the competences linked thereto. This paper follows a rationale grounded on the territorial setting and offers a methodological decision support tool that enhances the ability of decision makers acting at Local Authority level. A feature of the TBSc model is the fact that, although it is designed for the public sector (mission-oriented), it does enable us to obtain profit-driven indicators that are designed to highlight the economic and territorial strategic ancillary benefits in terms of competitiveness. The TBSc can be considered a valuable strategic tool in management and local development systems and the result also implicitly contains the plan for creating a potential network (in this case among islands in the Mediterranean) in order to delineate a set of principles and analytical and programming devices that would assist in reshaping local economic systems.  相似文献   

Land management is inevitably linked to the regulation of activities of its proprietor or operator stipulated by legislation and documents of territorial planning. In Lithuania, as in many European countries, territorial planning is a key measure for the formation of landscape and the alteration of its elements. With the help of territorial planning documents, governing authorities has the opportunity to orderly regulate the layout of long-term stable elements of landscape and the sustainable territorial development. However, in comparison with other European Union (hereinafter – EU) countries, territorial planning system valid in Lithuania until January 1, 2014 is still “young” and having specific features with former countries of the Soviet bloc legal regulation. The system did not provided a consistent and sustainable territorial development mechanism: there was the lack of measures allowing to manage the development processes of residential areas and implementation of territorial planning documents (especially the municipal master plans) solutions for the creation of a harmonious functional spatial system. The aim of the present paper is to assess the regulation of legal relations of territorial planning in Lithuania and the EU member states. The assessment summarizes processes of the formation of a landscape during the territorial planning, introduces new opportunities to more accurately predict the results of the current process of landscape planning, and highlights legal and sustainable elements of territorial planning system optimization. As can be seen from the assessment carried out, one of the most important territorial planning objectives was and still remains the balance of mutual relations (hierarchy of plans) of territorial planning documents in shaping the cultural landscape to ensure the rational distribution of the land fund, combining a variety of activities as well as often different land users’ and public interests. Therefore, the implementation of the territorial planning reform of Lithuania capacitates for the transition to an integrated territorial planning, ensuring sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper offers some reflections regarding the application of regional and provincial laws concerning major industrial risks and urban and land use planning, and focuses on their application problems and capabilities with reference to some practical cases. The European Directive “Seveso 2” was implemented in Italy with two national laws, and in Piedmont they were enforced with the “Guidelines for the assessment of industrial risk in land use planning”. According to the Guidelines, the municipalities had to introduce into their urban and land use planning instruments new criteria for the areas around Seveso plants. The application of the Guidelines requires a multidisciplinary approach but local authorities are often not sufficiently prepared for this kind of multilevel analysis, because they do not have the human or economic resources or even the technical abilities necessary to conduct it. As a result, they can underestimate the importance of a correct urban and land planning in the areas around major risk installations.  相似文献   

研究型大学的特色发展,需要认真分析并积极应对时代以及行业结构的变化,面对新的机遇和挑战,及时制定科学的发展规划,以促进教学质量的提高和学生结构的合理性。通过加强质量监督体制、培养教师队伍、促进学生就业等有力措施,突出特色学科,并与其他学科协调发展,进一步促进特色发展。  相似文献   

蚂蚁的药用价值及资源开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蚂蚁是一类重要的药用昆虫,体内含有多种蛋白质、27种氨基酸、28种微量元素及多种重要的化学成分;从其对人体中枢神经系统、免疫系统、内分泌系统、呼吸消化系统的影响等方面阐明了蚂蚁的药理与临床研究现状;提出了合理开发和利用药用蚂蚁资源的途径:加强基础科学研究;开展蚂蚁的人工驯化养殖;加强管理,使蚁制品的开发和应用市场规范化。  相似文献   

We analyse food demand patterns of Indonesian households from a resource intensity perspective and quantify the impact of changed demand patterns on the use of three major resource inputs: fossil fuel; land; and water in agricultural production. Using Indonesian Family Life Survey data, 13 major food items (which constitute 70 per cent of food expenditure) are categorised into low, moderate and high resource intensity, and income elasticity and Engel curves are estimated for the period from 1997 to 2007. Our results show that income growth in Indonesia is associated with demand patterns that are more resource intensive. By 2007, per capita requirements of fossil fuel, land and water increased by 42.7 per cent (3.13 MJ), 44.9 per cent (1.24 m2) and 50.4 per cent (2.1 kL), respectively, relative to 1997. The results imply that, at least for Indonesia, changed food demand patterns resulting from economic development will increase the demand for natural resources substantially.  相似文献   

研究目的:以土地资源配置方式遵从优势区开发原则到服从主体功能区分工协作规则演进规律,解释现行中国治理模式下国土空间管理逻辑。研究方法:文献分析法和理论分析法。研究结果:传统优势区开发理念为早期区域发展带来了集聚与规模经济效益,但其内部仍存在生产、生活、生态空间结构失衡等问题,降低了土地资源空间配置效率。主体功能区战略是传统优势区土地资源空间配置理念转型,是中国特定时期具有国家特色的经济发展模式,关键在于明确地方土地资源空间配置核心定位,应以法律规范"央地"土地关系、差别化实施政策制度安排、引导公众参与规划决策、创新生态(经济)补偿机制。研究结论:不同分区土地资源空间配置关系协调是世界性问题,转型时期中国国土空间优化和规制治理重点在于厘清中央与地方事权关系,精准落地县域主体功能区建设,健全主体功能配套政策体系。  相似文献   

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