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In this paper, we consider trading with proportional transaction costs as in Schachermayer’s paper (Schachermayer in Math. Finance 14:19–48, 2004). We give a necessary and sufficient condition for , the cone of claims attainable from zero endowment, to be closed. Then we show how to define a revised set of trading prices in such a way that, firstly, the corresponding cone of claims attainable for zero endowment, , does obey the fundamental theorem of asset pricing and, secondly, if is arbitrage-free then it is the closure of . We then conclude by showing how to represent claims.   相似文献   

We prove a general version of the super-replication theorem, which applies to Kabanov’s model of foreign exchange markets under proportional transaction costs. The market is described by a matrix-valued càdlàg bid-ask process evolving in continuous time. We propose a new definition of admissible portfolio processes as predictable (not necessarily right- or left- continuous) processes of finite variation related to the bid-ask process by economically meaningful relations. Under the assumption of existence of a strictly consistent price system (SCPS), we prove a closedness property for the set of attainable vector-valued contingent claims. We then obtain the super-replication theorem as a consequence of that property, thus generalizing to possibly discontinuous bid-ask processes analogous results obtained by Kabanov (Financ. Stoch. 3, 237–248, 1999), Kabanov and Last (Math. Financ. 12, 63–70, 2002) and Kabanov and Stricker (Advances in Finance and Stochastics: Essays in Honour of Dieter Sondermann, pp 125–136, 2002). Rásonyi’s counter-example (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1832, 394–398, 2003) served as an important motivation for our approach.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal control problem for a linear stochastic integro-differential equation with conic constraints on the phase variable and with the control of singular–regular type. Our setting includes consumption-investment problems for models of financial markets in the presence of proportional transaction costs, where the prices of the assets are given by a geometric Lévy process, and the investor is allowed to take short positions. We prove that the Bellman function of the problem is a viscosity solution of an HJB equation. A uniqueness theorem for the solution of the latter is established. Special attention is paid to the dynamic programming principle.  相似文献   

In contrast with the classical models of frictionless financial markets, market models with proportional transaction costs, even satisfying usual no-arbitrage properties, may admit arbitrage opportunities of the second kind. This means that there are self-financing portfolios with initial endowments lying outside the solvency region but ending inside. Such a phenomenon was discovered by M. Rásonyi in the discrete-time framework. In this note, we consider a rather abstract continuous-time setting and prove necessary and sufficient conditions for a property which we call no free lunch of the second kind, NFL2. We provide a number of equivalent conditions elucidating, in particular, the financial meaning of the property B which appeared as an indispensable “technical” hypothesis in previous papers on hedging (superreplication) of contingent claims under transaction costs. We show that it is equivalent to another condition on the “richness” of the set of consistent price systems, close to the condition PCE introduced by Rásonyi. In the last section, we deduce the Rásonyi theorem from our general result by using specific features of discrete-time models.  相似文献   

We use daily data on bank reserves and overnight interest rates to document a striking pattern in the high-frequency behavior of the US market for federal funds: depository institutions tend to hold more reserves during the last few days of each “reserve maintenance period”, when the opportunity cost of holding reserves is typically highest. We then propose and analyze a model of the federal funds market where uncertain liquidity flows and transaction costs induce banks to delay trading and to bid up interest rates at the end of each maintenance period. In this context, the central bank’s interest-rate-smoothing policy causes a high supply of liquid funds to be associated with high interest rates around reserve-settlement days.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of official rumor clarification on Chinese stock returns under different market conditions. The results show that the average cumulative abnormal return after the clarification event is significantly positive in a bull market, and significantly negative in a bear market. The results are robust across various types of rumors, including rumors of mergers and acquisitions, asset restructuring, and positive changes in a firm's operations. Moreover, in both bull and bear markets, investors are unable to distinguish between rumors that prove true and those that prove false, or between strong and weak rumor denial. Furthermore, investors are also unable to adjust their strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of a monopolistically competitive industry with extensive and intensive investment and shows how these margins respond to changes in average and marginal corporate tax rates. Intensive investment refers to the size of a firm’s capital stock. Extensive investment refers to the firm’s production location and reflects the trade-off between exports and foreign direct investment as alternative modes of foreign market access. The paper derives comparative static effects of the corporate tax and shows how the cost of public funds depends on the measures of effective marginal and average tax rates and on the elasticities of extensive and intensive investment. The paper was presented in 2006 at the German public finance meeting in Giessen; the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna; the ESF/CEPR Workshop on Outsourcing, Migration and the European Economy in Rome; the University of St. Gallen; the Graduate Institute for International Studies in Geneva, and in 2007 at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC, the CESifo Area Conference in Public Sector Economics in Munich and the 63rd IIPF Congress in Warwick. I appreciate stimulating comments by Michael Devereux and seminar participants and, in particular, by the discussants Andreas Haufler and Nadine Riedl, an anonymous referee and the editor Richard Cornes.  相似文献   

Daily returns of stock markets in emerging markets in Asia, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe from the early 1990s through 2006 are analyzed for the possible presence of nonlinear speculative bubbles. The absence of these is tested for by studying residuals of vector autoregressive-based fundamentals, using the Hamilton regimeswitching model and the rescaled range analysis of Hurst. For the first test, absence of bubbles is rejected for twenty-four countries (except Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan); for the second test, it is rejected for twenty-six countries (except Malaysia). BDS testing on these residuals after autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) effects are removed fails to reject further nonlinearity (except for Israel). Policy issues are discussed, noting that what is appropriate varies from country to country and time period to time period.  相似文献   

Derivatives are an essential part of risk management by all economic agents (financial or non financial). They contribute, with other financial innovations, to the allocative efficiency. Under certain circumstances they could also generate systemic risks. The purpose of this article is to underline the dramatic growth of derivatives instruments and the articulation between OTC and exchange-traded markets. The current debate about the regulatory framework applied to derivatives instruments and the implementation of internal control procedures (leading to more appropriate disclosure and reporting standards) is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the normative problem of redistribution between agents who can influence their survival probability through private health spending, but who differ in their attitude towards the risks involved in the lotteries of life to be chosen. For that purpose, a two-period model is developed, where agents’ preferences on lotteries of life can be represented by a mean and variance utility function allowing, unlike the expected utility form, some sensitivity to what Allais (Econometrica 21(4), 503–546, 1953) calls the ‘dispersion of psychological values’. It is shown that if agents ignore the impact of health spending on the return of their savings, the decentralization of the first-best utilitarian optimum requires intergroup lump sum transfers and group-specific positive taxes on health spending. Under asymmetric information, a differentiated taxation across agents is still required, but subsidizing health spending may be optimal as a way to solve the incentive problem.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study, equity market performance is assessed in a multidimensional risk-adjusted return framework using a nonparametric procedure known as data envelopment analysis. Employing a censored regression procedure, the association between equity market performance and a set of variables that proxy market characteristics and the political and business environment in which the market operates is investigated. The paper contributes to the literature on the association between environmental factors and equity market performance by using a methodology not previously employed in such investigations. The results reveal that equity market performance may be positively related to the size of the market and friendliness of the business environment. Friendliness of the business environment is an objective measure of regulations conducive to business and their enforcement.  相似文献   

We investigate US households’ direct investment in stocks, bonds and liquid accounts and their foreign counterparts, in order to identify the different participation hurdles affecting asset investment domestically and overseas. To this end, we estimate a trivariate probit model with three further selection equations that allows correlations among unobservables of all possible asset choices. Our results point to the existence of a second hurdle that stock owners need to overcome in order to invest in foreign stocks. On the other hand, we find little evidence for additional pecuniary or informational costs associated with investment in foreign bonds and liquid accounts.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a two-component volatility model based on first moments of both components to describe the dynamics of speculative return volatility. The two components capture the volatile and the persistent part of volatility, respectively. The model is applied to 10 Asia-Pacific stock markets. Their in-mean effects on returns are tested. The empirical results show that the persistent component is much more important for the volatility dynamic process than is the volatile component. However, the volatile component is found to be a significant pricing factor of asset returns for most markets. A positive or risk-premium effect exists between the return and the volatile component, yet the persistent component is not significantly priced for the return dynamic process.
Jie ZhuEmail:

This paper investigates Euler equations involving security prices and household-level consumption data. It provides a useful complement to many existing studies of consumption-based asset pricing models that use a representative-agent framework, because the Euler equations under investigation hold even if markets are incomplete. It also provides a useful complement to simulation-based studies of market incompleteness. The empirical evidence indicates that the theory is rejected by the data along several dimensions. The results therefore indicate that some well-documented asset-pricing puzzles do not result from aggregation problems for the preferences under investigation.  相似文献   

Solvency II is a complex project which will be introduced in different stages for entry into force on 1 January 2013. The economic risk based approach followed in Solvency II will provide the insurance industry with a modern solvency regime that corresponds more closely with the way the industry manages its business. The implementing measures which are to be adopted in the course of 2011 will take account of the results of QIS 5, the last major quantitative impact study. They will be incorporated into a Commission regulation that will be adopted following the new procedure introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. The adoption in 2010 of the new EU supervisory architecture will reinforce the objective of a single EU rulebook for insurance supervision with the creation of EIOPA, a new authority that replaces CEIOPS and that will have important powers, thereby reinforcing the EU component in insurance supervision. Solvency II will have a major impact on insurance products and markets. It is therefore important that insurance and reinsurance undertakings start their preparations now.  相似文献   

This paper experimentally investigates how leaders and followers in a duopoly set prices for two product markets that have different overhead costs. In a fully crossed two-by-two design, we manipulate the participants' private cost report quality as either low or high, representing the extent to which these reports reveal that product markets have different overhead costs. We show that when only the leader is given a high-quality cost report, private cost information of higher quality is better incorporated into market prices (that are observable to participants). Both the leader and follower improve in profits and their prices better reflect the differences in overhead costs because the follower infers information from the leader's prices (information leakage). In contrast, when only the follower receives a high-quality cost report, the leader's profits and prices do not improve. This occurs because the follower conceals cost information when the leader has a low-quality cost report.  相似文献   

We prove a sharp upper bound for the error $\mathbb {E}|g(X)-g(\hat{X})|^{p}We prove a sharp upper bound for the error in terms of moments of , where X and are random variables and the function g is a function of bounded variation. We apply the results to the approximation of a solution to a stochastic differential equation at time T by the Euler scheme, and show that the approximation of the payoff of the binary option has asymptotically sharp strong convergence rate 1/2. This has consequences for multilevel Monte Carlo methods. The author was supported by the Finnish Graduate School in Stochastics and Statistics, the Ellen and Artturi Nyyss?nen Foundation, and the Academy of Finland, project #110599.  相似文献   

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