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我公司是郑州市唯一一家专业装订公司,主要设备有全张覆膜机,大对开折页机,模切机,大对开烫金机,铁环装订机,另具备3条木艺盒生产线。可对同行业提供如下服务:完成精装、胶装、覆膜、烫金等工艺;制作铁环挂历、台历、手提袋、菜单、菜谱、精品书盒、木艺礼品盒、高档酒盒、茶叶盒等。httP刀www.hnweiya.eomE一Mail:inl议尽hnweiya.eom公司:河南伟亚彩色印刷有限公司联系人:李博地址:郑州市郑花路8号安华大厦21楼邮编:450()08电话:0371一5745600 5748059 5748052传真:0371一5745162[合作]寻求合作伙伴…  相似文献   

杰尼亚(Ermenegildo Zegna)集团在沈阳举办一场盛大的开幕仪式,以庆贺其在中国市场的第四家全国旗舰店隆重开业。杰尼亚沈阳全国旗舰店位于繁华的沈阳市中心商圈——万象城购物中心,零售面积为506平方米。  相似文献   

小型堆是核电的新兴产业。目前,世界各国都在紧锣密鼓地开展小型堆的研发工作。因此,我们要在技术上立足自主创新,并以战略的眼光寻求小型堆在国际上的合作,有针对性地选择合作对象,以请进来、走出去的方式掌握核心技术。参考、分析、掌握并运用小堆国际规范标准,为我国小堆规范标准制定提出科学依据。  相似文献   

从1910年创立至今,意大利顶级精品男装品牌ErmenegildoZegna始终秉承家族优良质量的传统,无论在面料的开发、设计的创新以及科技的运用上,早已成为完美男装的典范,品牌所强调的低调奢华质感,让许多企业名人及各界菁英人士成为ErmenegildoZegna的忠实拥护者。  相似文献   

近日笔者与荷兰的资深纺织专业人士Craamer先生进行交流,获知Craamer先生愿在中国寻找合作伙伴,将其喷射染色和连续后整理纺织技术引入中国,帮助中国纺织企业实现技术升级。这项数码印染、连续高速喷墨技术处理涂层和后整理项目,可大大提高纺织后整理行业的可持续发展能力、灵活性和经济性能。在这个项目中,数码后整理技术处理纺织用基材的运转速度大约为20米/分钟。这个项目在提升后整理质量的基础上,会大大节约水、能量、化学品的使用量。Craamer先生是一个资深纺织专业人士,自1963年加入拜尔纺织品实验室工作以来,在纺织行业已经工作了…  相似文献   

随着“全球化”的来临,传统领域里的交流与合作面临的障碍明显缩小。同时高度发展的国家和行业取得主导地位,从而对欠发达和较落后国家和行业造成威胁。包装行业也在经历着这种“全球化”带来的影响,并感受着由这种现实带来的阵痛。发展的生产力和高效率的生产设备带来的生产过剩也给这种现实带来压力。持续不断的行业重整和企业兼并又导致制造业工厂倒闭和失业。已经有迹象表明实力较强的国家和地区已经开始行动,寻找与发展中经济体合作的现实机遇并致力于实现互惠互利。当然包装行业也能在这一行动中求得发展机会。1.国际包装行业世界上很…  相似文献   

图1位于北京东方新天地的杰尼亚店是该品牌在中国开设的第一家专卖店。经过多年的发展,凭借卓越的品质和讲究的店面陈列,杰尼亚受到国内消费者的青睐。2009年早春,杰尼亚的店内陈列依然是以黑、白、灰为主色调。优雅的色调贯穿店面陈列的始终。店门入口处,没有设置多余的陈列作品。透明的玻璃大门,直接敞开,欢迎顾客的到来。图2陈列讲究曲径通幽,用道具等隔开以制造效果。杰尼亚店铺中采用展示台巧妙地隔开了卖场与休息区,并很好加强了店铺的层次感。舒适性、美观性是陈列的原则。利用各种隔断效果,顾客不会感到视觉疲劳。展示台、沙发、茶几、花瓶是营造隔断效果的经典道具。图3衣柜式的陈列,是杰尼亚常用的手法。目的就是让顾客感觉像在家里挑选自己的衣服,同时也方便展示杰尼亚考究的细节。杰尼亚的西服体现意大利裁剪风格,尽显男士风采。高雅的色彩、精致的原料,再辅以出色的饰品,让顾客酣畅淋漓地感受杰尼亚的优雅大餐。  相似文献   

1985年,杰尼亚成功推出了High Performance成衣系列,由此掀起了一场划时代的男装革命,从根本上改变了全球男士对于商务西装的认知——时刻需要应对挑战的都市精英们渴望纯天然却又快速完美的穿着方案,而High Performance系列则满足了他们这一高要求,带来前所未有的羊毛穿着方式。High Performance羊毛采用纯正的高捻度超细澳大利亚美利奴羊毛纱线,令西装拥有超强的防皱功能以及极佳的弹  相似文献   

杰尼亚男人翩翩而至。一贯繁忙的他选择小憩片刻,放下了手中的黑莓,暂时抛开了他时常关注的金融走向。提着者华的行李箱,他开始了一段旅程。他的旅行绝不是将自己关在滑詈场的小屋中与世隔绝.旅行箱里满是他为不同场合准备的华服:不论是在智坡之上还是在私人会所.他的社交还将继续,这是他的乐趣,是他生命不可或缺的一部分。打开他的衣橱,你会发现他为旅行准备的一整套行头整齐地排列着,既有运动风格又不失得体庄重。从中可以看出他对精制衣料及完美剪裁细节的不懈追求。  相似文献   

骆马,被誉为"安第斯山脉的黄金"。作为年产量仅为5000千克的"珍稀资源",骆马毛无疑成为奢华、尊贵与顶级品质的代名词。2011年圣诞节、新年前夕,杰尼亚推出限量的骆毛绒制品,包括大衣,夹克、围巾、针织衫,仅在大中华区的近十家店出售。这些织品的面料温暖舒厚,手感柔  相似文献   

EC Member States' national champion policies of the 1970s were not successful in developing firms that led in their home markets, and the corresponding EC policies of the 1980s (many of which encouraged inter-European strategic alliances) were not successful in developing firms that led in the European market. Using strategies that involve world-wide cooperation, European firms are beginning to carve out secure places for themselves in what is now a world market. Joint ventures have been critical in bringing European firms up to world performance levels, but extra-European as well as intra-European cooperation has been essential.  相似文献   

Douglas P. Hannah and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt were recognized as a runner up for the 2019 Ralph Gomory Best Industry Studies Paper Award.  相似文献   

This study examines how contract, cooperation, and performance are associated with one another within international joint ventures (IJVs). We argue that contract and cooperation are not substitutes but complements in relation to IJV performance. An IJV contract provides an institutional framework guiding the course of cooperation, while cooperation overcomes the adaptive limits of contracts. Our analysis of 293 IJVs in a dynamic market demonstrates that previous cooperation bolsters contractual adaptability, which in turn nurtures current cooperation between the same partners. We find that contract completeness and cooperation drive IJV performance both independently and interactively. When contracts are more complete, cooperation contributes more to performance. Contract and cooperation differ in their quadratic effects such that the contribution of contract completeness to performance declines as completeness increases but the contribution of cooperation remains linear. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1.发挥联合优势,举办了一些有影响的大型活动,增强了行业凝聚力和影响力。  相似文献   

Collectivism,individualism, and outgroup cooperation in a segmented China   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
A consistent theme in cross-cultural management research is that collectivists are more cooperative than individualists. We use Hofstede's measure for individualism–collectivism and combine it with an experimental measure of cooperation to test this relationship in China. In contrast to the established paradigm, we find that groups with higher individualistic scores are more cooperative than those groups with higher collectivistic scores. We attribute these results to groups being composed of outgroup members. In addition, we find that subjects from the more developed coastal area are more individualistic and cooperative than are subjects from inland China.
Bradley J. KochEmail:

Bradley J. Koch   , PhD, is a Teaching Fellow at Nanyang Technological University. His research is focused on China where he studies a variety of topics including cognitive institutional environments, foreign direct investment, social capital, gender, and Internet and society. Pamela Tremain Koch   , PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. Her current research is focused on organisational communication, conflict management, internet, work, and society as well as information communication technologies and development.  相似文献   

Khanna, Gulati, and Nohria (1998) examine the dynamics of alliance learning and develop a conceptual framework designed to capture the tension between cooperation and competition. Based on the concepts of private and common benefits and relative scope, the authors explore firms' learning behavior patterns. This note comments on the framework and suggests that although the framework introduces some interesting concepts, the reliance on simple models from economic theory leaves the framework somewhat disconnected from the process of alliance management. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We show how the tension between cooperation and competition affects the dynamics of learning alliances. ‘Private benefits’ and ‘common benefits’ differ in the incentives that they create for investment in learning. The competitive aspects of alliances are most severe when a firm's ratio of private to common benefits is high. We introduce a measure, ‘relative scope’ of a firm in an alliance, to show that the opportunity set of each firm outside an alliance crucially impacts its behavior within the alliance. Finally, we suggest why firms might deviate from the theoretically optimal behavior patterns. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

追求卓越 开创电力企业管理新篇章   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力行业企业管理创新的特点在过去的“十五”期间,伴随着电力行业的改革与发展,电力企业管理的基础不断加强,企业管理水平逐步提高。为推动电力企业管理创新,交流和推广电力企业管理创新成果,中国电力企业联合会从1993年开始组织进行全国电力行业企业管理创新成果的评审,到今年是第14届。在一千多项申报成果中,共评审出优秀成果986项,其中一等奖126项;二等奖268项;三等奖592项。这些历届评审出来的创新成果在一定程度上反映出当时电力行业的企业管理水平,也有力地说明电力企业管理实践是伴随着我国电力工业的发展而不断进步的。这些成果的…  相似文献   

2004年底中国空间技术研究院(CAST)启动了成本工程,将统一成本核算作为切入点。2005年初我们在统一型号项目任务核算代码和规范成本核算办法方面做了大量的细致工作,无形中带动了有关基础工作的进一步规范,为今后型号项目的精细化管理打下了基础。为了推动成本工程的进一步开展  相似文献   

中亚地区拥有丰富的能源资源,欧亚各国都加强了与该地区的能源合作.中、俄、美和欧洲国家与中亚国家开展能源合作具有各自的优势和劣势,目前在中亚地区已形成"四面竞争"的能源竞争格局.未来中、俄、美欧在中亚地区能源领域的合作与竞争将继续存在,但由于该地区不具备左右国际关系和国际格局的战略地位和能力,并不会影响大国间的友好关系.这种合作与竞争的局面也有助于中亚地区的能源开发,进而有助于中亚地区的稳定与发展.  相似文献   

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