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进入二十一世纪以来,特别是中国加入WTO之后,中国的汽车工业得到了迅速发展,国内外汽车巨头纷纷进入我国的汽车市场,市场竞争愈演愈烈,群雄逐鹿的局面已经形成。经过2002、2003年的“井喷”.之后,中国的汽车市场发展逐渐趋于成熟,消费者的购买行为也趋于理性,导致汽车生产企业产能相对严重过剩,一些传统的营销手段失灵,汽车行业的营销陷入困境。 相似文献
营销者说每个品牌的规划与塑造,具有自己的个性与标准,它不会只追求短时间的关注度和知名度,因而奥迪更为长远品牌发展。2012年汽车市场竞争非常激烈,奥迪在市场当中表现还是不错的,到2012年前十个月的销量已经完成33万,超过去年全年销量两万辆以上,用四个字表达奥迪在中国市场的表现,就是始终如一,包括产品引进方面,还有价格体系方面始终如 相似文献
第十二届上海车展的一大显著特色是,结合本届车展"人·车·自然的完美和谐"这一主题,各大厂商纷纷打出环保牌,众多混合动力车、新能源车型争相亮相.事实上,伴随着汽车市场的不断发展壮大,汽车消费日益蓬勃兴盛,有车一族队伍不断壮大. 相似文献
随着生活水平的日益提高和生活质量的不断改善,汽车作为一种代步工具,正愈来愈受到人们的青睐。与房地产一样,汽车消费也是拉动内需的一个重要引擎,上可带动钢铁、有色金属、石油、橡胶等生产材料的增长,下可推动配件、电子、金融、保险、纺织、维修等多个行业发展,增加无数就业岗位。据统计资料显示,中国私人汽车每增加1万辆, 相似文献
广告能否精准、有效地呈现在潜在消费群体眼前是影响广告效果的重要因素,对于区域性广告而言,投放区域和受众群体的精准性就成了关键性的因素。提起中国汽车市场,很多人都会把目光投向华北、华东、华南、东北等经济较发达地区。而随着中国西部大开发战略的实施,以成都为代表的西南部城市正日益成为国内车市新的增长 相似文献
Stefanella Stranieri 《食品市场学杂志》2017,23(8):939-954
ABSTRACTDuring the past decades, various technological applications relating to an extension of the shelf life of food products have been introduced. The adoption of such technologies in the fresh-cut salad sector is a key issue for the sustainable management of the supply chain. The aim of the study is to analyse consumers’ attitude towards fresh-cut salad with an extended shelf life date. The analysis was based on face-to-face interviews with 351 consumers living in Lombardy, one of the Italian provinces where the consumption of fresh-cut salad is high and characterized by good margins of development. Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation was used as preliminary data preparation for market segmentation. Cluster analysis revealed the presence of three different consumers groups. Only the cluster of ‘favorable’ shows a positive attitude towards the extended shelf life date. Consumers grouped in the cluster of ‘skeptical’ associate such innovation to a low level of product freshness. The cluster of ‘mistrust’ reveals the presence of consumers with safety concerns towards the prolongation of the shelf life date. Such consumers do not reveal a high level of trust in processing firms and their related brands. 相似文献
"生活方式"研究综述:一个消费者行为学的视角 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
“生活方式”自19世纪60年代被引入消费者行为学研究领域以来,已取代人口统计学方法,成为最重要的市场细分工具之一。本文首先回顾了生活方式市场细分研究的历史,然后针对中国市场的特殊情况,着重介绍了AIO方法的理论和应用,并指出对消费者生活方式的深入研究,是现阶段中国营销人在市场竞争中取胜的关键。 相似文献
A Regret Theory Approach to Assessing Consumer Satisfaction 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Because consumer satisfaction is an important determinant of brandloyalty and word-of-mouth communications, it has been widely studied inthe marketing literature. Much of this literature follows theexpectancy-disconfirmation paradigm, which posits satisfaction to be afunction of the positive or negative disconfirmation of one'sexpectations about the chosen brand. This article proposes a richermodel of consumer satisfaction that incorporates effects ofexpectations about the options not ultimately chosen from theconsideration set. Specifically, we posit that the expectations aboutthe unchosen alternatives affect satisfaction with one's choice whenthat choice does not meet the expectations but will have little effectwhen the choice meets expectations. A series of experimental studiesprovide support for this approach. 相似文献
ALAN R. ANDREASEN 《The Journal of consumer affairs》1977,11(2):11-24
Government and business have become more concerned with measuring market performance in terms of consumer satisfactions and dissatisfactions (CS/D). This article is concerned with the question of how one ought to measure CS/D. It offers a taxonomy of alternative CS/D measures and presents data from a national urban study of consumer complaints to evaluate four of the proposed categories. Biases in several scales are identified and recommendations are offered for needed improvements in these measures for future CS/D research. Measures of initial non-price problems and unsatisfied non-price voiced complaints appear to be the preferred measures given our present state of knowledge. 相似文献
This study reports on Canadian consumer satisfaction with six government services in two time periods, 1983 and 1988. A taxonomy of government services is developed based on heterogeneity of consumer needs and extent of consumer experience with government services. This framework is used to organise the analysis of regional and demographic differences between satisfied and dissatisfied individuals. Results of the study indicate the majority of people are very satisfied with all six government services in both time-periods. Variation does exist across types of services and several regional and demographic variables are found to be significantly different across satisfied and dissatisfied respondents within each service. 相似文献
<正>企业的经营环境受到不同层次的控制。市场分析的目标是预测到那些无法控制的事件,并影响那些能够控制的事情,使其向对你有利的方向发展。要达到这个目标,需要不断地对市场环境进行分析。 相似文献
从"非典"流行看消费者教育 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
一、引言面对“非典”肆虐的严峻现实,一个问题引起了人们的思考:什么原因使得SARS在全国范围内快速蔓延并影响整个社会的政治经济生活?原因肯定是多方面的,但缺乏成为“自觉的消费者”应具备的素质,包括大众公共卫生意识和良好的卫生习惯以及环保意识等,无疑起到了推波助澜的作用,甚至我们为之自豪的饮食文明也到了需要反省的时候。“非典”唤醒了一些人久已淡漠的公共卫生和环保意识,为了预防“非典”,越来越多的人开始反省并改正自己的不良卫生习惯,经常洗手、开窗通风、定期消毒、晾晒被褥已经成为公民的自觉行为。随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾… 相似文献
RONALD W. STAMPFL 《The Journal of consumer affairs》1978,12(2):209-219
The field of consumer education needs conceptual frameworks to organize the growing body of existing knowledge and to point to needed research. The use of the familiar life cycle variable for this purpose is proposed. Generalizations, based upon a review of the literature, are offered about the characteristics, typical product and service purchases, marketplace concepts and knowledge, marketplace skills, typical marketplace problems and level of resources of different life cycle stage categories. 相似文献
Rachael L. Dettmann 《食品市场学杂志》2013,19(1):79-91
The organic food market is currently the fastest growing food sector in the United States, with growth rates in organic food sales averaging 17% per year between 1998 and 2006. The largest segment within the organic market is fresh produce, comprising 34% percent of retail sales in 2006. This analysis focuses on identifying the demographic characteristics of households buying organic vegetables (in total) along with prepackaged organic salads and organic carrots, by examining the factors that influence the probability that a consumer will buy organic vegetables, and which factors influence the household share of organic vegetables purchased. We use Nielsen Homescan data for the year 2004. Households with high levels of education are more likely to purchase organic vegetables, while the probability of purchasing organic vegetables is lower for African Americans and for older households. 相似文献