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截止2011年,汽车厂商也并未实现50万辆新能源汽车年产能的目标,当年仅生产了约6000辆纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车.电动汽车行业面临的成本高、基础设施不完善、车型少、技术还远未成熟等问题都制约了其发展.虽然发展初期存在着诸多挑战和困难,中国仍应坚持长期发展电动汽车产业.  相似文献   

随着环保的压力、技术的突破,电动汽车被社会各界提上日程,电力行业与汽车行业出现了交集的可能性.电网企业如何看待电动汽车?如何在电动汽车发展进程中找到适合自身的角色定位?  相似文献   

电动汽车发展现状与商业化前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在能源与环境问题备受关注的国际环境下,电动汽车迎来了又一个发展热潮。中国电动汽车研发起步较晚,但在政府的大力支持下发展迅速。2009年以来,中国政府密集出台了鼓励电动汽车及相关行业发展的政策措施,企业对电动汽车的研发和产业化投入显著增强。尽管电动汽车发展前景广阔,但目前电源技术无法满足电动汽车商业化发展的性能与成本要求,大规模配套基础设施需要系统筹划和巨额投资,而中国以煤炭为主的电力供应结构也决定了电动汽车的节能环保效益并不明显。电动汽车的发展前景主要取决于电池技术的突破,然而技术发明是不能被规划、计划的,电动汽车的产业化、商业化也要由市场需求推动,必须依靠技术进步和降低成本。从中长期看,即使电池技术进一步成熟,燃油汽车和电动汽车两条技术路线仍将并行,只是适用于不同的环境。电动汽车只有在其动力完全来自清洁能源时,其节能和环保优势才能得到充分体现。  相似文献   

当前,汽车产业正在发生电动化、智能化、网联化、共享化变革,这些变革将给电动汽车产业发展带来深远影响.然而,近期电动汽车发生电池起火、异常加速等事件屡见报端,给电动汽车的推广应用蒙上了一层阴影.新四化下,如何促进电动汽车安全健康发展值得深思.  相似文献   

采用中国石油经济技术研究院开发车用能源结构优化模型对2020-2050年中国车用能源结构进行优化,分析中国清洁能源汽车的发展路线.短期内天然气汽车、纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车等技术成熟度高、经济性好的车型易被市场接受;中期来看,纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的比例逐渐扩大,燃料电池汽车开始规模化推广,替代燃料汽车的比例开始下降;长期来看,纯电动汽车和燃料电池汽车将在清洁能源汽车中占有绝对优势,其他车型将逐渐萎缩.清洁能源汽车将对中国油气行业的发展产生深远影响,传统油气公司应密切跟踪清洁能源汽车的发展态势,加强“能源与汽车”的对话;借助“一带一路”发展契机,促进国内外相关区域清洁能源供应网络的建设与完善;加强技术研发,探索石油利用的新途径.  相似文献   

能源危机和环境污染问题日益严峻, 所以对推广纯电动汽车的要求越来越迫切。为了对纯电动汽车的可持续性发展水平进行评估, 找出纯电动汽车的优势和不足, 本文使用生命周期可持续性评价方法对纯电动汽车和燃油汽车在环境、经济和社会维度的表现进行评估, 通过证据推理方法对这 3 个维度的数据进行融合以得到综合的评估结果。结果表明纯电动汽车在环境影响方面有较大优势, 燃油汽车在生命周期成本和社会影响方面略有优势, 综合来看纯电动汽车的生命周期可持续性评价结果更好。此外还分析了行驶里程和电力结构变化、电池技术发展及政府节能减排政策变化对纯电动汽车可持续性发展的影响。最后提出促进纯电动汽车可持续发展的建议, 如提高可再生能源发电比重、鼓励驱动电池技术的发展等。  相似文献   

基于对BYD e6和BYD秦两款电动车的驾驶体验,比较分析电动车与燃油车在动力性能、能耗特点和安全性等方面的差异,认为电动汽车的驾驶性能比燃油车更符合驾驶需要,在安全性、环保性和使用经济性方面更有优势.续航里程和充电便捷性仍是制约电动汽车发展的最大短板,储能技术亟待突破.“十三五”末期,预计我国电动汽车年销量将达到130万辆,占同期汽车总销量的4%.2020年以后由于产业政策和技术发展不确定性较大,按照低情景、基准情景、高情景分别进行预判.在基准情景下,预计2025年电动汽车销量将达到约300万辆,占汽车总销量的10%左右.预计2020年电动汽车替代汽柴油的规模占当年汽柴油消费量的3%左右,2025年将提高至5%~10%.建议国家根据燃油动力、燃气动力、电动力各自的适用范围进行宏观调控,重视发展混合动力车型,并进一步加大我国汽柴油资源的出口规模,以维持国内成品油市场的稳定.  相似文献   

正相比传统汽车工业,我国的电动汽车产业在技术研发和产品制造方面更具竞争力,特别是在电池、电机等核心技术方面与国外企业不相伯仲。大规模发展电动汽车可有力带动我国电池、电机、电控等先进制造业的发展,加速汽车工业转型,提升汽车产业国际竞争力。同时,电动汽车的普及也将有效推动充电基础设施、车联网、无人驾驶等关联配套产业布局及运营模式创新,从而在推动我国能源互联网建设的同时,加快经济增长和产业结构升级。  相似文献   

近二十多年来,由于石油危机与环境污染相继发生,促进和加快了电动汽车技术的发展,世界各国对电动汽车技术进行开发研究的竞争,有以下的发展趋势和特点:1.各国政府积极参与,加快了发展的速度西方工业发达国家对电动汽车的研究开发,把社会效益放在第一位。首先着眼于解决环境问题和能源问题,把电动汽车的研究开发当成国家事业和政府行为,在经济上给予大力支持。美国政府拨巨资投入电动汽车开发研究、技术攻关和推广应用,美国总统克林顿亲自督促和协调通用、福特、克莱斯勒三大汽车公司发展电动汽车的计划。法国政府和国会也积极支…  相似文献   

建立分工协作的推进体系 强化政府对电动汽车发展的战略引导和组织推动作用。建议在中央政府层面设立电动汽车领导小组,并设立日常工作协调机构和机制,研究和推进重大规划、重大投资、技术攻关、示范项目、市场推广等重要事项,妥善协调好中央与地方和各地区之间的关系,充分调动、发挥地方的积极性、主动性和能动性,形成电动汽车发展的良性分工合作和联动发展的格局。  相似文献   

Conductive (wired) charging, where the user has to plug or unplug a cable, dominates the concepts discussed for electric vehicles up to now. Apart from the reduced range of the electric vehicle, frequent charging and especially short charging times make this plugging and unplugging appear impractical. In contrast, inductive (wireless) energy transfer makes it possible to charge without user intervention. This article attempts to answer questions on whether inductive energy transfer can already be used to charge electric vehicles and where this represents an economically attractive solution for users. To do so, first the charging technologies are presented and contrasted. It is also possible to compare the two charging technologies economically based on a cost analysis. It can be shown that no widespread use of the inductive technology is to be expected for the time being from an economic point of view due to its significant extra costs. Under certain conditions, however, there is a limited field of application as a niche technology in certain commercial areas, such as taxis, for example.  相似文献   

我国发展电动汽车充电基础设施若干问题分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
理清充电设施的本质、属性及其与电网的关系,对电网企业有序开展相关工作具有重要意义。充电设施建设任务的本质是满足一种新型用电需求,而网络化是充电基础设施的基本属性;充电网络对配电网具有依附性并需要与智能电网紧密结合才得以发挥最大效益,电网公司在开展充电网络建设与运营方面具有多项优势;分析了技术路线以及运营模式发展等方面的不确定性风险,提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

With the numbers of electric vehicles on the increase, their additional electricity demand can no longer be neglected. From a power systems’ perspective, it is the time dependent electricity consumption that matters. In particular, the peak demand is increased in the case of uncontrolled charging, imposing additional stress on the system. Unfortunately, since there is an absence of representative electric vehicle driving patterns, a quantification of such temporal charging requirements is challenging. To overcome this problem, we developed a detailed model, which maps combustion engine vehicles onto electric vehicle equivalents. The model’s main strengths are the consideration of the diversity within the vehicle fleet as well as the differentiation into the boundary cases of pure battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Applied to a German traffic study, load curves for these two cases were generated. In addition, the existing uncertainty in between was quantified using Monte Carlo method. We show that the peak energy demand through electric vehicles is much greater on working days than on weekend days. Moreover, we find that the distinction between pure and plug-in-hybrid electric vehicles matters, at least for the time being. Apart from the numerical results, the model is well suited to generate input for more sophisticated investigations of charging strategies within energy system simulations.  相似文献   

The German Federal Government wants to establish Germany as a leading market for electric mobility. Potential environmental benefits and changes in the economic framework conditions of the energy sector are described in this paper. In order to quantify the electricity split which is actually used for charging electric vehicles, two economic models for the energy sector, a model for the market penetration of electric vehicles, a vehicle model and an LCA model are brought together. Based on an assumed dynamic increase of electric vehicles to 12 million in 2030, an additional electricity demand of about 18 TWh is calculated. If the vehicles are charged directly after their last daily trip, the peak load increases by 12%—despite the small increase in electricity demand. First model calculations for the development of the European power generation system show that the direct impact on the construction of new power plants remains low even until 2030. An impact of electric mobility on CO2 certificate prices can only be seen from 2025 onwards and is limited to an increase in certificate prices by a maximum of 8 % in 2030. An optimisation is possible with intelligent charging strategies: The peak load without demand side management can be reduced by 5 GW and about 600 GWh of additional wind energy can used which would otherwise have been throttled due to feed-in management—about 3.5 % of the total electricity demand of electric vehicles. On the other hand, demand side management leads to more coal power plants instead of gas power plants being used to meet the additional electricity demand. If additional renewable sources are installed along with demand side management, the electricity for electric vehicles is almost carbon free. This is also reflected in the life cycle balance of electric vehicles which also includes vehicle and battery production: With today’s average electricity split in Germany, the greenhouse gas emissions of electric vehicles are about comparable to vehicles with conventional combustion engines. However, the electricity split in 2030 or the use of additional renewable energy sources lead to a significant advantage in the greenhouse gas balance.  相似文献   

基于STC89LE516AD的智能充电电路设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以STC89LE516AD和UC3842为核心,实现蓄电池可接受充电电流曲线跟踪技术的智能充电电路设计。该电路可根据蓄电池端电压自动改变充电电流大小,并通过全程窄脉冲放电消除了充电过程中的极化现象,缩短了充电时间,提高了充电效率。  相似文献   

近年来,电动汽车商业化发展强劲提速。在分析了我国电动汽车市场发展现状及制约因素的基础上,重点对政府、电力公司、电动汽车生产商、第三方组织及消费者等重要市场主体在推动电动汽车商业化进程中的角色定位进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

基于PLC自动配料控制系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
设计了一个骨料、粉料配料系统,系统采用DCS结构,可动态移动配料称量车,计量精度较高,定位准确.对带有公共料仓的双通道取料控制,建立了一个基于计数器的控制模型,较好地解决了公共料仓的取料冲突及称量车的等待问题,采用循环优先级使整个系统的设备利用率较高,整个设计可根据生产工艺要求在较宽的范围内调整.  相似文献   

为实现电动汽车快速补能,面向电池交换的充电方式,研究了城市路网上电动汽车换电站的选址问题。首先研究了电动汽车用户的路径选择,基于交通网络均衡状态和换电站选址方案的相互影响,建立站点建设成本和出行成本之和最小为目标的换电站选址优化模型。然后预测不同方案下的交通网络均衡状态,并依据预测结果评价选址方案的优劣,最后设计求解算法,利用襄阳东津新区的路网及居民出行数据进行算例分析,验证模型及算法的可靠性,求得换电站的最优选址及换电需求。研究表明,建立的电池交换式电动汽车换电站优化模型可以获得路网路段流量及换电站处的换电需求量,给出最优的选址方案及换电站建设时序;电动汽车混入率对换电站布设、交通网络均衡状态有较复杂的影响;交换站数量的增加能减少出行成本,但边际作用递减。研究结果可为城市换电站的规划提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Electric mobility will play a key role for the transformation of the energy supply in Germany [the “Energiewende”]. A successful market development of plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles and a full fleet penetration in the long-term are the most efficient and effective measure for integrating large amounts of renewable energy into the transport sector and for reaching the efficiency targets. These new electricity consumers in the supply system will cause additional electricity loads strongly dependent on the mobility needs of the vehicle users. A controlled battery charging is able to avoid new peak demands and to increase the efficiency of the power generation system by using excess power. By scenario analysis, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and the Institute for High Voltage Technology of the RWTH Aachen investigated a possible successful development path of electric mobility in Germany and its integration into and interaction with the future power supply system. From both perspectives—the one of the total supply system as well as the other of local distribution grids—the results show promising potentials but also limits.  相似文献   

Electric mobility is supposed to contribute to climate policy targets by reducing CO2-emissions in the transportation sector. Increasing penetration rates of electric vehicles (EV) can lead to new challenges in the electricity sector, especially with regard to local distribution networks. Thus the management of charging loads is discussed as a key issue in energy economics. Due to their long parking times, high electricity and power demand, EV seem to be predestined for load management. Monetary incentives as dynamic pricing can be suitable for that: They reflect the current supply situation, pass the information to the consumers and can thus lead to a corresponding charging behaviour. In this article we analyse this interaction between dynamic pricing and charging loads. For this reason we have developed the optimization model DS-Opt+. It models a total number of 4,000 households in two residential areas of a major city with regard to its electricity demand, its mobility behaviour and its equipment of photovoltaic systems. Four different pricing models are tested for their effects on charging behaviour and thus the total load of the residential area. The results illustrate that only fairly high penetration rates of EV lead to remarkably higher electricity demand and require some load management. The tested dynamic pricing models are suitable for influencing charging loads; load-based tariffs are best in achieving a balanced load curve. In our analysis uncontrolled charging strategies are superior regarding a balanced load curve than controlled strategies by time-varying tariffs. Our results lead to several implications relevant for the energy industry and further research.  相似文献   

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