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易发生价格竞争的产业特征及企业策略   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
价格竞争已是我国企业惯常采用的策略行为。本文以彩电行业为例 ,从产品特征、产业生命周期等 6大方面揭示了易发生价格竞争的产业特征 ,提出产业内企业可行的价格战应对策略 ,其结论具有一般性 ,并为预测价格战的发生提供了微观基础。  相似文献   

The paper investigates price dynamics under market liberalization, with a focus on the effects of lowering price floors. We analyze price dynamics by specifying and estimating a dynamic Tobit model under time-varying volatility, where the market price is censored by a government-set support price. The model is applied to the U.S. butter market over the last three decades. The econometric results show how the price support program affects both expected prices and the volatility of prices. It is found that the censoring effects of a price support program can be significant and large even if the price support is set relatively low.
Jean-Paul ChavasEmail:

有关汇率与股价关系的最新研究,归纳起来主要有四个发展方向:一是传统宏观经济一般均衡分析方法的拓展,在以往的开放宏观经济均衡模型中将汇率与股价作为宏观经济中重要的解释变量,强化对客观经济运行的考察;二是具有微观基础的均衡分析,包括资产组合平衡与新开放宏观经济两个分析框架下的汇率与股价关系研究;三是从市场的微观结构理论对汇率与股价这两种资产价格进行模型化;四是影响汇率与股价关系的相关因素的分析。本文按照这四个方面进行文献梳理,并进行简要评述。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how price regulation under moral hazard can affect a regulated firm's cost of capital. We consider stylized versions of the two most typical regulatory frameworks that have been applied in the most recent decades by regulators: Price Cap and Cost of Service. We show that there is a trade‐off between lower operational costs and a higher cost of capital under Price Cap regulation and higher operational costs and a lower cost of capital under Cost of Service regulation. As a result, when the extent of moral hazard is not significant, Price Cap regulation generates lower welfare than does Cost of Service regulation.  相似文献   

中储粮河南分公司自2009年5月开始试点、2010年春全面铺开三农服务社建设以来,三农服务社的发展状况一直受到社会各方的关注。通过对三农服务社发展状况的深入调研,总结其成效及问题,为三农服务社更好的发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

一般认为产品差异化战略能给企业带来额外的竞争优势,但产品差异化并非差异化战略的唯一选择。文章结合霍特林模型,阐释了产品差异化战略潜在缺陷,并进一步指出在宣传成本相对较高的情况下,产品差异化战略更重要的方面可能不在于产品本身,而在于产品的定价策略,这也将有助于理解我国部分行业中小厂商的山寨行为。总之,企业无需将产品的差异化视作差异化战略的必要条件,除了定价差异化之外,市场环境的微观区分因素如消费者感知情绪、宏观区分因素如企业社会责任导向,都可以是企业采取差异化战略获取竞争优势的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper examines how price setting plays a key role in explaining the steady-state effects of inflation in a monopolistic competition economy with transactions-facilitating money. Three pricing variants (optimal prices, indexed prices, and unchanged prices) are introduced through a generalization of the Calvo-type setting that allows price indexation. We found that in an economy with less indexed prices, the steady-state negative impact of inflation on output is higher. Regarding welfare analysis, our results support a long-run monetary policy aimed at price stability with a close-to-zero inflation target. This finding is robust to any price setting scenario.JEL Classification: E13, E31, E50The writing of this paper commenced during the time I spent on the Research Visitors Programme 2001 of the European Central Bank and an earlier version of the paper became ECB Working Paper No. 140. I would like to thank Bennett T. McCallum, Frank Smets, and Oscar Bajo-Rubio for their valuable comments and suggestions, and the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain for its financial support (Research Project 2002/00954).  相似文献   

We argue that the minimum differentiation firm location equilibrium and the pure strategy pricing equilibrium in Di Cintio’s [Di Cintio, M., 2007. A note on the Hotelling principle of minimum differentiation: Imitation and crowd. Research in Economics 61 (3), 122–129] “Note” need not exist under the conditions claimed.  相似文献   


We explore in this note different structural models of the impact of process and product innovation on firms' demand and production cost functions. We find that the introduction of process and product innovations affects them differently as could be expected. Both product and process innovation shift forward the demand for the products of the firm. Process innovation reduces production marginal cost, but not always. A possibility, that we cannot prove or reject with the current specification of our models and available data, is that process innovation associated with product innovation raise marginal cost. Interestingly, we also find that advertising significantly augments demand but does not affect production marginal cost. To obtain broader conclusions, richer data will be needed allowing an enlargement of the model, in which process and product innovations could be specified distinctively and well identified.  相似文献   

本文通过直接的问卷调查形式对我国的建筑工程业中价格是否作为承包商选择的唯一标准问题进行研究,研究对象包括各种类型的项目开发商和普通消费者。研究结果表明,在缺乏直接衡量标准时,企业仍然以价格作为最重要的衡量标准。而消费者在人均收入较低的情况下,对价格因素也很敏感。但随着社会经济条件的变化,收入的增加,这种敏感度在下降,对承包商的选择标准有从单一的价格指标向多指标转变的趋势。  相似文献   

This Note questions the statistical validity of the analysesof the relationship between the rate of profit and the organiccomposition across industries.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the findings of an economic experiment that examines the effects of an automated mitigation procedure (AMP) on prices and capacity investment choices of suppliers in a wholesale electricity market. Specifically, we examine the effects of different market power incentives on markets with and without an AMP. While we find that the AMP does not affect overall investment in capacity, the most significant determinant of long-run prices is investment in new capacity. The AMP also does not reduce long-run prices relative to markets without an AMP. Furthermore, our participants successfully manipulated the AMP’s trigger price. The data and a sample copy of the instructions are available upon request. This article reflects the opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any individual Commissioner.  相似文献   

环境规制是一个已经讨论了很长时间的问题,其主要规制手段——行政手段和市场手段早已为人们所熟知。近年来,相对于坚持两种规制手段均为主的美、日、德等环境规制效果较好的国家,我国越来越倾重于以市场手段为主来进行环境规制,但规制效果相对以上国家却仍然存在较大差距。找到环境规制效果差别巨大的原因对于构建和谐社会,促进人与自然协调发展具有极为重要的关键性作用。以法经济学作为切入点来考察坚持两种环境规制手段均为主的原因以及这样做的意义和影响,从而指出我国环境规制政策中的不足和效果不佳的原因,并为我国进一步完善环境规制政策和改善环境规制效果提出意见建议。  相似文献   

Based on the first results, the French government estimates that the tax on cancelled orders, considered as tax on High Frequency Trading (HFT), generated no revenue in 2012. Our paper question the effectiveness of a modified cancelled order tax with no exemptions, all orders cancelled or modified within half-second time span are taxed. Our study has important implications for the regulation of HFT; we provide recommendations for regulators in relation to market rules which have yet to be introduced, using an artificial market framework. This paper addresses the question of whether this tax leads to a reduction in HFT activities and, as a result, to deterioration or amelioration of market quality. The evidence we provide should help market regulators to better understand the role played by HFT firms as liquidity suppliers. We show that HFT liquidity is short-lived. With the implementation of tax, decreased HFT activities do not have a statistically significant impact on market volatility and market liquidity measured by bid/ask spreads, but decrease dollar volumes as a liquidity measure. In addition, reduced HFT activities lead to less efficient markets as the deviation from fundamentals increases.  相似文献   

房价水平、交通成本与产业区位分布关系再考量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中心城市房价水平或地租水平的提高具有客观性。房价水平和交通成本变动对制造业区位分布影响较大,而对于生产性服务业的影响并不显著。占用土地面积较大的制造业向外转移不仅有可能抵消房价上涨的压力,而且为具有更高附加值的生产性服务业的发展创造条件。房价水平上涨和交通成本提高加快中心城市制造业的扩散以及生产性服务业的集聚,客观上促使城市间由专业化分工向功能分工结构转变,推动中心城市实现产业升级,有利于形成合理的区域分工格局。  相似文献   

外贸依存度是用以反映一国(地区)贸易国际化程度的指标,传统的外贸依存度由于剔除GDP的进口,造成测算公式中分母的编小,从而高估了我国实际的外贸依存度。经济总量重新定义的外贸依存度公式对新疆历年的外贸依存度重新计算表明:新疆出口结构和层次均较低,外贸依存度低于全国平均水平,且第一产业外贸依存度明显偏高。  相似文献   

This article adopts a nonparametric quantile causality approach to examine the causal effects of the U.S. and Japan stock markets on the stock markets of the Pacific-Rim region. This approach allows us to detect not only nonlinear causalities in conditional return (mean) and conditional volatility (variance) but also the asymmetries of causalities under extreme market conditions (bullish vs. bearish states). Our results provide significant evidence of causality in return and volatility at different points of the conditional distributions of returns, with the greater effects from the U.S. than from Japan. Asymmetric quantile causality patterns are particularly pronounced in the case of Japan.  相似文献   

包容性制造业服务化协作网络建设有助于提高网络运作效率、增强网络竞争力,其具有异质性、公平性、合作性等特征。核心制造企业能力及网络成员关系是包容性协作网络实现路径的两个重要维度。在基于价值链的协作网络中,核心制造企业产品生产制造能力在包容性协作网络构建中发挥着极其重要的作用。同时,也离不开网络成员间的信任、沟通与学习;在基于解决方案的协作网络中,核心制造企业网络管理能力在提高协作网络包容性中发挥着极其重要的作用,网络成员间的信任、沟通、学习尤为重要。  相似文献   

基于随机森林方法的基金收益率方向预测与交易策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笔者引入一种新的非参数随机森林方法预测我国基金超额收益率方向,并和自回归移动平均、随机游走、支持向量机等方法进行比较,发现随机森林方法在收益率方向预测上有很好的效果,一定程度上证明了我国金融市场的可预测性。并在收益率方向预测结果的基础上构建各种交易策略,利用2006年12月至2008年10月我国股市大涨大跌期来检验交易策略,结果表明,在其他条件相同情况下,基于随机森林的交易策略表现明显要好于其他策略。  相似文献   

Using a novel high-frequency data set, we examine the contribution of Greek trading to the price discovery process of a pair of Cypriot blue-chip, cross-listed stocks during overlapping trading hours. Additionally, we investigate the effects of market fragmentation on the home market’s quality, as measured by microstructure-based liquidity measures. Contrary to earlier studies from other markets, our findings show that foreign stock exchanges can act as the leading contributors to price discovery and can concentrate the majority of trading activity and produce the lowest transaction costs. Our results also show that market fragmentation can lead to negative effects on market liquidity.  相似文献   

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