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由国务院发展研究中心企业研究所、清华大学房地产研究所和中国指数研究院3家单位共同主办的“2011中国房地产百强企业研究”,从新的研究方法体系确立、数据采集整理到指标计算分析,历时半年,对中国房地产市场上数百家开发企业和策划代理企业分别进行了科学严谨的研究,完成了“2011中国房地产百强企业研究”与“2011中国房地产策划代理百强企业研究”,并于3月2513在钓鱼台国宾馆发布房地产百强企业研究报告与房地产策划代理百强企业研究报告。  相似文献   

当前,随着经济全球化进程的加快和市场竞争的日趋激烈,加强企业战略研究和战略管理正在成为现代企业求生存谋发展的必然选择和国际趋势。因此,企业战略研究和战略管理正引起众多的企业特别是大企业的高度重视。 企业战略研究和战略管理 关系现代企业的兴衰成败 企业战略决定着企业在市场环境中的位置和生存状态,特别是按照现代企业制度组织起来的大  相似文献   

为了研究影响企业盈余、企业价值取向的相关因素,选取中国制造业创业板上市公司2010-2014年的数据为样本,采用主成分分析和多元线性回归方法,对企业资产质量与盈余质量以及盈余质量与企业价值之间的关系进行了研究。研究表明:企业的资产质量越高,盈余管理程度越低,其盈余质量越高,即企业的资产质量与企业的盈余质量正相关;企业的盈余质量越高,价值越高,即企业的盈余质量与企业价值正相关。研究结果对于企业提升盈余质量、提高自身价值具有参考作用。  相似文献   

研究企业竞争力有利于发现企业自身的优势和劣势;研究结果可以引导企业充分、合理地利用资源,明确企业发展方向.文章运用粗糙集理论评价模型,通过建立竞争力影响因素指标体系,选择了27家建筑企业上市公司2008年的相关数据进行评价研究.研究结果表明,目前我国建筑企业上市公司竞争力主要来源于工程管理能力和规模竞争能力两个方面.  相似文献   

随着企业不断的发展,企业内外部环境发生着巨大的变化。企业要想继续发展,促进企业员工的不断发展,防止安全事故的发生,同时保证企业与环境的和谐发展。企业的健康、安全、环境管理是保证企业发展的前提。随着我国企业不断的发展壮大,企业的安全管理已经成为企业稳定发展的前提。因此需要开展企业的HSE安全管理研究,提升企业的安全管理水平。文章通过广泛的调研分析,研究了HSE管理的基本理论,分析了企业HSE管理体系的构建方法。通过研究提高了我国企业HSE管理的水平。  相似文献   

文章采用规范研究的方法,对企业社会责任的概念界定问题和企业声誉的概念界定问题进行了文献梳理,并结合已有文献探讨了企业社会责任与企业声誉二者之间的关系。通过梳理文献发现,企业社会责任的研究视角主要是基于利益相关者理论;企业声誉与企业社会责任并不完全等同;企业社会责任与企业声誉之间的关系不唯一,研究结果大多呈正向相关关系。  相似文献   

研究企业行为与创造是现代企业管理中的一个新课题。研究企业现代化管理可以从多方面着手,归纳起来有:定性化研究;定量化研究;管理模式研究;企业行为研究。前向三点现在比较盛行,后面一点注意不够。行为最富有创造性,如果不创造企业就没有生命力。在一个企业里,创造能力如何,直接关系到这个企业的发展和实力。因此,我认为现代企业加强行为与创造的研究,是一项迫切的、责无旁待的任务。一、研究企业行为与创造的意义行为是指某一事物围绕一定的内容在一定的空间活动的具有规律性的表现。行为科学的知识用于研究组织和管理,称之为“组织行为学”;用于研究企业问题,称之为“企业行为”。企业是社会的一个经济活动  相似文献   

企业自主创新动力系统协同度测度模型及实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对多家工业企业的走访,搜集了企业自主创新活动的第一手资料,选取企业自主创新动力系统为研究对象,构建了企业自主创新动力系统协同度测度模型,并以黑龙江省企业为例进行实证研究,分析了黑龙江省企业自主创新动力方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

现代企业网络研究呈现出多学科交叉、多角度切入的特点。文章对企业网络研究进行了脉络梳理,划分出企业网络研究的四个视角,即基于交易成本理论的资源配置方式,基于资源基础理论的企业战略选择,基于社会网络理论的企业生存方式以及基于多理论整合的价值创造和实现机制。在整理和综述的基础上分析了现有研究存在的问题,并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

高水平的企业韧性对宏观经济增长以及微观企业发展意义重大。本研究通过对国内外企业韧性内涵和测量方式的梳理,结合中国企业发展的现状,重新定义企业韧性的内涵,并在此基础上构建企业韧性的评价指标体系。综合4种视角选取防御能力、抵抗能力、恢复能力、成长能力全过程展现企业能力,运用熵权法构建企业韧性的评价指标体系,运用相关数据进行量化分析。结果表明,中国上市公司的企业韧性发展不平衡,行业之间的韧性差异较大,企业韧性与所在地区经济发展水平和营商环境息息相关;进一步对企业韧性的异质性进行分析,研究发现规模较小、非国有企业以及非污染企业的企业韧性较强。研究结论为提高企业韧性、促进长期稳定发展提供了指引,也为后期研究企业韧性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews some history of the concept of dominant logic, and then elaborates some of the ways in which the authors have further developed this concept in recent years. Discussion focuses on the dominant logic as a filter, on the dominant logic as a level of strategic analysis, on the unlearning (forgetting) curve, on the dominant logic as an emergent property of organizations as complex adaptive systems, and on the relationship between organizational stability and the dominant logic. Throughout emphasis is given to the inherent nonlinear nature of organizations and the mental models that they create.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the role of interfunctional collaboration between marketing and purchasing functions in industrial companies. Interfunctional collaboration is considered as a measure of the internal alignment and partnership between departments in the firm, which in turn contributes to the creation of sustainable advantages via improved external partnerships and facilitating demand chain integration. We test the impact of customer orientation as well as the interactions between departments (specifically marketing and purchasing) as collaboration antecedents, and analyze the direct impact of marketing-purchasing collaboration on business performance. The model is tested on a sample of 148 industrial companies in Russia with two key respondents in each firm, incorporating the purchasing as well as the marketing perspective. The results show that marketing-purchasing collaboration mediates the effects of interfunctional interaction as well as customer orientation on business performance. Alternative model testing shows that the direct effects of these antecedent constructs on performance are non-significant in the context of Russian industrial companies.  相似文献   

This paper is intended as an introduction to the debate on net neutrality and as a progress report on the growing body of academic literature on this issue. Different non-net neutrality scenarios are discussed and structured along the two dimensions of network and pricing regime. With this approach, the consensus on the benefits of a deviation from the status quo as well as the concerns that are unique to certain non-net neutrality scenarios can be identified. Moreover, a framework for policy decisions is derived and it is discussed how the concept of neutrality extends to other parts of the Internet ecosystem.  相似文献   

Research and development in fields as diverse as microelectronics and space vehicles have profoundly affected the technologies of information transmission, as well as the way in which government regulates the communications and information service industries. This article focuses on R&D policy in the USA, drawing from 1984 OTA reports. The article focuses briefly on industry and universities and at greater length on government actions and policies, indicating possible implications for communication satellites.  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉516万kW风电机组建成投产在即,风电送出和调峰需求对电网产生了很大影响,风电一期750kV外送工程使电网投资大幅提高,同时存在购电成本和运行维护费用增加、调峰电厂经济补偿以及跨省电力交易等经营管理方面的问题。针对这些问题,深入分析了甘肃省风电建设对电网投资和经营管理造成的影响,并对电网企业如何在大规模风电建设前提下合理经营提出了建议。  相似文献   

An important question for manufacturers relates to how to conduct exchanges with suppliers when the interaction is done in an uncertain environment. Existing literature suggests the use of unilateral control (i.e., vertical control over the supplier) to reduce the negative effects of environmental uncertainty, whereas recent research on relational norms suggests bilateral control mechanisms (i.e., the norm of information sharing) as an alternative. We propose that in order to secure satisfactory performance from suppliers, manufacturers rely on different control mechanisms depending upon the level of environmental uncertainty on one hand, and the nature of interdependence in the manufacturer-supplier relationship on the other. Our empirical results based on 162 manufacturers indicate the following: 1) manufacturers' reliance on vertical control increases as environmental uncertainty and power asymmetry increase; 2) by contrast, reliance on the bilateral information sharing increases as interdependence magnitude increases and as environmental uncertainty decreases; 3) suppliers' performance, as perceived by manufacturers, increases with the use of bilateral information sharing.  相似文献   

Drawing on psychological contract theory, we develop predictions regarding the moderating influence of the meaning employees assign to their marginal quit costs, as well as on the role of stayer perceptions and saver effects, on various work outcomes under a defined-benefit pension. Results show pension incentives can have favorable or unfavorable effects depending on whether employees perceive them as supportive relational contracts or as low-trust transactional contracts. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Much research on top management compensation has focused on the relationship between pay and firm performance. Firms, however, may compensate executives for inputs such as skills, as well as for outputs such as firm performance. This study refocuses attention on the links between managerial abilities and compensation by examining pay differences between types of CEO successors who have differential skills—namely, internal and external successors. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper analyses farm worker welfare on three different types of farms in Kenya producing vegetables for export. The three types of farms differ by certification to international production standards as well as by size. A multidimensional approach measures welfare using human capital, income, physical and mental health, and life satisfaction. The findings suggest that GlobalGAP certification has a positive impact on worker welfare as farm workers are given more training. Workers on large certified farms earn more than those on small farms but also show more health problems. Certification on small farms is associated with higher satisfaction of workers with their life compared to workers on non-certified small farms. From a development policy perspective this paper does not support a clear cut policy on which types of farm to support as overall benefits of a support strategy will depend of the number of beneficiaries reached through the different farm types.  相似文献   

排污权交易市场机制设计的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
排污权交易制度在很大程度上从理论研究和实践操作两个层面推动了环境规制理论与政策的不断发展与完善。本文采用规范的实验经济学研究方法,建立排污权交易市场机制设计实验研究的理论模型,并通过实验研究发现双向拍卖与分散交易两种不同交易制度对排污权交易市场效率高低存在影响,同时交易费用对市场运行效果也有影响。在此基础上,本文指出今后排污权交易实验研究的方向。  相似文献   

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