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竞争优势理论的追随者往往将比较优势与竞争优势两个范畴对立起来,或者干脆使用竞争优势理论来否定比较优势理论.林毅夫先生在指出对这两种理论相互关系的上述理解是错误的、主张竞争优势的建立离不开比较优势发挥的基础上,提出了经济发展的比较优势战略理论,引起了广泛的讨论.本文尝试通过新兴古典的超边际分析,论证了促进国际贸易的良性发展离不开比较优势的充分发挥,同时也为林毅夫先生的观点提供了佐证.  相似文献   

比较优势、国际分工与发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较优势理论是国际分工与贸易理论的重要组成部分,但是对于一国发展是否适宜以比较优势理论为指导却存在极大争议。以比较优势、国际分工与发展战略三者之间的关系为逻辑起点,从辨析比较优势的概念内涵、梳理比较优势的发展脉络、分析比较优势作为发展战略的适宜性和阐述动态比较优势的形成机制等方面对比较优势理论的发展进行梳理,指出培育动态比较优势应该是发展中国家经济发展的主要战略之一。  相似文献   

论中国对外贸易发展战略的选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
伴随着以知识经济和技术创新为主导的经济全球化的推进,国际贸易对每个国家经济的引擎作用不可同日而语,国际市场竞争变得愈加激烈,其形式、内容也发生了深刻的变化。长期指导我国外贸战略的比较优势贸易理论已不再适应国际、国内经济形势的变化,制约着经济的快速发展。因此,我国应逐步淡出比较优势战略,而选择以竞争优势为主导的贸易发展战略。  相似文献   

Probably one of the most controversial contributions to the literature of international trade theory was offered by the late social economist John Culbertson. In his view, low wage competition among corporations in a world characterized by capital mobility and massive trade deficits undermines the foundation trade theory based on David Ricardo’s celebrated notion of comparative advantage. Instead, there are several good reasons to believe that international trade with China, India, Vietnam, etc. will be governed by absolute advantage. The current essay is dedicated to the virtually ignored work of Culbertson, and it is meant as an invitation for social economists to critically evaluate the argument and in the process make an attempt to point out where it goes wrong.  相似文献   

David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage is now two centuries old, but it remains at the heart of economists’ theories of international trade. It also continues to provide the underlying economic ethic for liberal International Political Economy (IPE). Ricardo’s numerical illustration of the mutually shared gains from specialisation and trade involved complementary structures of comparative advantage being exhibited by a productively superior hypothetical ‘Portugal’ and a productively inferior hypothetical ‘England’. Yet, the historical back-story of actual eighteenth-century trading relations between the two countries reveals Portugal’s repeated struggles to meet its treaty obligations to the English in the context of the European quest for empire. Those difficulties persisted even when it harnessed its (less profitable) commercial trade to (much more profitable) slave trading practices. Ricardo’s account of the purely mathematical logic of comparative advantage writes out of economic history the centrality of both imperial wars and African slavery to the early English and Portuguese experience of ‘free’ trade. Given this historical back-story, liberal IPE thus appears to be in urgent need of new normative foundations to decouple it from these highly illiberal economic processes.  相似文献   

朱彬 《当代经济科学》2005,27(6):7-13,108
本文根据经典的国际贸易理论发现,对于发展中国家,实行自由贸易的结果是两大产业的技术水平都上升,但劳动密集产业的规模扩张,而资本密集产业的规模收缩.因此,主要从产业规模角度、同时结合技术角度的分析,在理论上更为全面,政策上也更具可行性.据此,文章着重在比较优势的框架内探讨了产业规模、就业与技术三者间的相互影响机制,提出了在战略选择上的两个"两难选择",并认为比较优势发展战略能够较好地解决这两个"两难选择".  相似文献   

We propose a Neo-Heckscher–Ohlin (HO) model of trade that combines comparative endowment advantage, comparative technological advantage, international capital mobility and trade costs. Using an inframarginal approach, we produce a partition of the exogenous parameter space in a host of parameter value subsets that demarcate the various equilibrium patterns of production and trade. The results are startling! They suggest that production within the diversification cone – a key assumption of the Heckscher–Ohlin theory that is required for its core propositions (such as factor price equalisation) to hold – may only prevail on the razor's edge, or under exceptional circumstances. In addition, our findings nominate a mechanism by which improvements in transaction efficiency facilitate international trade thereby stimulating cross-country division of labour. Contrary to other generalisations of the Heckscher–Ohlin (such as the various derivatives of the Kemp–Jones model of trade), our model does not assume a purely Ricardian character: comparative endowment advantage may determine the pattern of trade even in the presence of opposing technological differences, as long as total factor productivity coefficients adjusted for transaction efficiency and factor intensity do not confer unambiguous comparative (technological) advantage. Still, ‘intensity-efficiency’-adjusted comparative technological advantage supersedes factor endowments in determining the flow of trade.  相似文献   

在比较优势基础上形成我国纺织业竞争优势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
纺织业是我国竞争性和国际依存度较高的产业 ,也是劳动密集型和具有比较优势的传统支柱产业。经过几十年的发展 ,中国已圆了纺织大国之梦。但是 ,我国纺织业大而不强 ,国际竞争力弱。笔者根据比较优势与竞争优势理论 ,通过分析我国纺织业的竞争力现状 ,提出了在比较优势的基础上构建竞争优势实施强纺织发展战略。  相似文献   

论比较优势理论的有效性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为经济学中最重要的理论之一,比较优势理论揭示了贸易模式的产生原因以及贸易利益的来源.然而,自比较优势理论诞生之日起,就受到了来自各方的批评,英有效性一直受到怀疑.本文描述了比较优势理论模型的扩展,并指出在哪些条件下比较优势理论能够成立.通过这样的研究,可以使我们更加充分地认识比较优势理论的有效性问题.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2001,36(2):281-297
The relationship between free trade and the environment is one of the main issues of contention between environmental and ecological economics. Environmental economics assumes a positive relationship between free trade, economic growth and environmental policies. Environmental externalities may cause important damage. However, trade is not to be blamed for this. Instead, the fault lies with policy inadequacies at the national level. On the other hand, some ecological economists criticise the assumptions of environmental economics, especially the immobility of production factors and the positive correlation between income and environmental quality. They plead for measures to prevent deterioration of ‘Northern’ environmental standards in a ‘race to the bottom’ due to ‘ecological dumping” from the South. In this paper, we argue that neither environmental economics nor ‘Northern’ ecological economics take into account the structural conditions determining the international trade system. Based on some new empirical evidence on material flows, we stress the notion of environmental cost-shifting. If physical and political ecology perspectives are adopted, a ‘Southern’ approach to the trade-and-environment issue may arise.  相似文献   

我国渔业国际竞争力分析及提升策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界渔业大国,水产品一直在我国农产品出口贸易中占有重要的地位。文章分析了我国水产品出口贸易的现状,并用国际市场占有率、显性比较优势指数和贸易竞争优势指数评价了我国水产品出口的竞争力,研究表明我国水产品出口贸易总体上具有一定比较优势,但我国的水产品贸易的国际化程度很低,且表现出比较优势不断下降的趋势。最后,针对影响我国水产品出口贸易的因素提出相应对策。  相似文献   

动态比较优势理论在实践中的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵晓晨 《经济经纬》2007,29(3):10-13
第二次世界大战以后,日本及东亚新兴工业化国家经济的迅速崛起以及当代国际贸易格局的变化,向传统的比较优势理论提出了挑战.越来越多的经济学家开始将技术进步和技术扩散的因素纳入研究范畴,他们从动态角度或采用动态分析方法解释国际贸易的发展变化,使动态比较优势理论不断发展和完善.虽然这一理论不像传统的比较优势理论那样具有公认的统一权威性,而是体现在不同经济学家的若干论述中,但其理论观点、分析方法以及对现实的解释,已经引起人们的关注.  相似文献   

区域产业发展的战略调整,应实现从比较优势向竞争优势的转变,前者是客观基础,后者是发展方向。竞争优势的建立离不开比较优势的发挥,区域经济的发展只有充分依靠和发挥自身的比较优势才能建立其竞争优势。对河北省的资源禀赋及区位比较优势进行比较分析有利于找出差距,培育集群产业,形成竞争优势,促进产业结构优化升级,提升产业核心竞争力,促进区域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

I assess the empirical evidence on comparative advantage. I argue that the Heckscher–Ohlin–Vanek (HOV) relationship is not a refutable general‐equilibrium proposition. Consequently, the empirical Heckscher–Ohlin literature has been suffering from the tyranny of nonrefutability. The trade‐governing principle of comparative advantage, the Ricardo–Haberler–Deardorff (RHD) theorem, yields a refutable general‐equilibrium prediction about the pattern of international trade and allows for a theory‐based assessment of the magnitude of the gains from trade. The recent experimental evidence on Japan's nineteenth‐century opening‐up to world trade provides a strong case for the hypothesis that comparative advantage governed Japan's international trade in its early trading years. The aggregate gains from that trade are estimated to be no larger than 9% of Japan's GDP.  相似文献   

通过东兴市县域边境贸易的比较优势和回归线性分析,得出县域边境贸易极易陷入比较优势陷阱,不利于县域边境贸易的可持续发展。鉴于此,提出了内生外拓式县域边境贸易的优化战略,促进县域边境贸易由比较优势向竞争优势转化,实现县域边境贸易的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute to the long-standing debate on the ‘anomaly’ of Italy’s specialization in manufacturing by providing fresh analysis based on new data. It offers: 1) a comprehensive survey of Italian comparative advantages measured in value-added terms and their evolution over time; 2) an international comparison of these advantages with Italy’s main competitors. Results show that the country’s traditional comparative advantages are substantially confirmed, a genuine capacity of the Italian domestic production factors to maintain added value in production with comparative advantage can be observed and new trends in terms of specialization and competitors are also highlighted, showing the influence of the international fragmentation of production on trade and specialization.  相似文献   


This paper deals with some difficulties presented by Ricardo's texts on international trade, taking seriously Ricardo's account of the systematic interaction of real and monetary phenomena. After a brief reassessment of the main features of Ricardo's views on foreign trade, some basic questions are examined, concerning the method of analysis and the alleged invalidity of the labour theory of value at the international level. The enquiry goes on to state that, for Ricardo, there are no significant differences between domestic and international exchanges, and on this basis, proposes a simple and general rule explaining the flows of trade. The “principle of comparative advantage” and the “gains from trade” thus appear as simple unintended consequences of the decisions of agents in free markets. Finally, the characteristics of an international equilibrium and the nature and impact of destabilising shocks are analysed.  相似文献   

企业竞争优势决定于构成企业的生产要素和环境影响。企业所处的环境由区域空间即地理空间、经济空间、人文空间单元,以及经济时段单元构成。在不同的区域空间,不同的经济时段单元中,同质生产要素有不同的使用价值量,在时和空单元组合变化时,生产要素的使用价值量也是动态变化的。本文通过建立数理模型对其进行逻辑论证,并经过实证验证,提出了企业竞争优势的本源是企业生产要素构成优势和时空环境引致的企业优势的动态变化。使对企业竞争优势的研究从资源论、环境论和能力论的单一视角,扩展到了多维,从静态拓展到了动态,从总体的优势研究,逐步向比较优势、竞争力等研究方向细化,进入理论研究的国际前沿。  相似文献   

吴志婷 《时代经贸》2007,5(4X):108-109,137
本文通过对我国纺织品贸易的优、劣势的系统分析,提出我国纺织品贸易要走可持续发展道路就必须将比较优势上升为竞争优势,并就国际市场竞争激烈和我国纺织品贸易可持续发展提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文对入世以后浙江省农产品贸易、出口农产品结构和市场结构做了分析。同时采用RCA指数和TC指数对入世几年来浙江省各类出口农产品的比较优势和竞争优势进行了实证测度,分析了出口竞争力动态变化趋势。研究表明,入世后浙江省农产品整体国际竞争力趋于下降,但部分劳动密集型农产品和资源密集型农产品的竞争优势较强,而土地密集型农产品在国际市场上处于竞争劣势。在此基础上,提出了进一步提升浙江农产品出口竞争力的现实路径。  相似文献   

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