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Ornamental mineral-wool acoustic board, produced by the Beijing Building Materials General Factory, is a superior material for ceilings and mainly used for interior decoration in hotels, restaurants, theaters, department stores, conference rooms, studios, computer rooms and industrial buildings. The board can help control and adjust reverberation time, improve the  相似文献   

TheYudabrandboardmaterialprintersareproducedbytheYudaLightindustrialMachineryFactory,Province.ThesingleboardmaterialprintelglazingvarIouswoodgrains,grainsandwoodboard.Theprinting,cleaning,glazin:UVdiringandtransferringprocedurescanbepertormedcontinuously.Printingspeedsareadjustablearbitrarilyandtheoperationissimple.ThedoublecolourboardlmaterialprintercanprinttWocoloursandtwodesignsatthesametime.OtherperformancesarethesameasthesinglecolourprinteLThefilm-coveringmachineisusedinthesurfacede…  相似文献   

Mr.Lim Sit Chen,the Chairman of Board of Investment (BOI)in Mauritius,as a distinguished guest came to China ac- companying the Prime Minister of Mauritius,H.E. Dr.Navin- chandra Ramgoolam's visiting in this July.On the China- Mauritius Investment Promotion Seminar,excellent speech he delivered,charm of manner he was and great efforts to pro- mote the economic,trade and finance relations between China and Mauritius he had made,swept the audience off their feet. Besides Chairman of BOI,Mr.Lim owns many other titles under his name,such as Managing Director of Stewardship Consulting Pte Ltd in Singapore and President of Spirit of En- terprise in Mauritius. What's more, he has an international working experience and education background in Mauritius, Singapore and America. Recently,China's Foreign Trade had a written interview with Mr.Lim Sit Chen when he was on a business trip in Singa- pore.The following are the views he shared with us. By Editor  相似文献   

High quality, domes-tic - made woodenfloor boards are selling well on the inter-i national market.Customs statistics show that China exported 193,000 tons of wooden floor board in the first nine months this year, a year-on-year rise of 77%. The export value totaled US$240 million, up 51% over last year's same period.  相似文献   

Founding of China-Africa Cooperation Forum and Beijing Ministerial Conference in 2000. Beginning from the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Egypt in 1956, friendly China- African cooperation has seen steady development in the past 44 years, China and African countries have been expanding and deepening cooperation in the areas such as politics, economy, trade, culture and education and health, resulting in remarkable achievements.  相似文献   

For years, Shaanxi Automobile Group has been engaged in the mission of manufacturing famous brand heavy duty trucks, and has formed resources supplying chains and strategic benefits alliances with vehicle and vehicle parts enterprises, raw materials suppliers, special car enterprises, car sales agents, and terminal customers. By doing so, Shaanxi Automobile Group has realized rapid development.  相似文献   

Two new Professors,Prof.Xu Xiaonian and Prof,Xu Dingbo have joined CEIBS since 2004,prof,Xu Xiaonian is Professor of Finance and Economy and Prof,Xu Dingbo is Associate Professor of Accounting.  相似文献   

The current literature shows great interest in the issue of gender diversity on boards of directors. Some studies have hypothesized a direct relationship between diversity and the value of the firm, but not many examine the intermediate mechanisms that may exert an influence on such relationships. We employ two stages of GMM estimation methodology to exhibit evidences of the relationship between gender diversity and compensation of top managers in the Spanish context. Results show that gender diversity positively affects the effectiveness of boards—in terms of composition, structure, size and functioning—influencing a proper design of top managers compensation linked to company performance. Evidences suggest that legislative actions aimed at increasing the presence of women on boards of directors are justified not only for ethical reasons, but also for reasons of economic efficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the board of directors and strategic change of a firm in the Chinese context. In this study, strategic change is defined as strategic deviation relative to industry norms and strategic variation relative to historical experiences. The size, independence and leadership structure of the board of directors are defined as the board characteristics. We then propose hypotheses on the effects of board characteristics on a firm's strategic change. This study takes strategic resource allocation profile as measure to calculate strategic deviation and strategic variation, and then empirically tests and verifies the hypotheses using data from Chinese publicly listed companies in the information technology industry from the year 2006 to 2010. We find that the size, independence and leadership structure of the board of directors significantly affect both strategic deviation and strategic variation. Therefore, we conclude that board characteristic affects a firm's strategic change. The conclusion of the study indicates that moderate reductions in the size of the board, increasing the proportion of independent directors and separating the roles of chairman and chief executive officer can facilitate promoting the process of strategic change for a firm in a dynamic environment. Through this study we re-examine the role and significance of the board of directors in strategic decision-making for a firm, and provide useful suggestions on how to form a board that can meet the needs for strategic change for a firm in a dynamic business environment.  相似文献   

According to our data, 38.5 % of S&P 1500 firms have at least one professor on their boards. Given the lack of research examining the roles and effects of academic faculty as members of boards of directors (professor–directors) on corporate outcomes, this study investigates whether firms with professor–directors are more likely to exhibit higher corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance ratings. Results indicate that firms with professor–directors do exhibit higher CSR performance ratings than those without. However, the influence of professor–directors on firm CSR performance ratings depends on their academic background—the positive association between the presence of professor–directors and firm CSR performance ratings is significant only when their academic background is specialized (e.g., science, engineering, and medicine). Finally, this positive association weakens when professor–directors hold an administrative position at their universities.  相似文献   

The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) is a monopoly seller of wheat, durum and malting barley from western Canada. This paper examines the question whether the CWB monopoly can extract a premium in the international market place. Using actual transaction data (i.e. actual transaction prices) we estimate that the CWB charged importers an average price premium of $13.35/tonne for wheat over the period 1980-94. In periods when high quality wheat was in short supply the CWB was able to charge higher premiums.We also show that during the period of export subsidies the CWB earned farmers a premium by avoiding subsidized markets.  相似文献   

Drawing from agency theory and the attention‐based view of the firm, this study extends the understanding of the conditions under which CEO duality is negatively associated with board monitoring in a privately held firm context. Measuring monitoring in terms of board members’ involvement in behavioral control, output control, and strategy control tasks (Huse 2005 ), results show that CEO duality is significantly and negatively related only to the behavioral control task. In addition, we show that this negative effect is contingent on whether ownership is concentrated in the hands of a controlling shareholder as well as the type of controlling shareholder.  相似文献   

"China-African friendly relations are deep-rooted, as they share similar historical experiences and are free from any historical conflicts. " Founding of China-Africa Cooperation Forum and Beijing Ministerial Conference in 2000. Beginning from the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Egypt in 1956, friendly China-African cooperation has seen steady development in the past 44 years. China and African countries have been ex  相似文献   

As the leading company in the global food industry, H.J. Heinz Company has made great contributions in promoting the development of the Chinese food industry.  相似文献   

Among the gold digging army, there is a special group who started their business out of nothing. by focusing on the import & export of iron ore. They expanded their business at a high speed and .their companies are becoming stronger.  相似文献   

Jiangsu Baihua Industrial Group Co., Ltd., well known for its small handker chiefs in the international market, has efficiently exerted its advantages in branding, technology, talent resources, etc., and managed to expand into a combination of textile products, road and bridge projects, real estate development, chemical industry, gold and jewelry, Pharmaceuticals and medical instruments, hotels, import and export, etc., and provincial enterprises group successful in multi-industries, multi-areas, multi-ownership systems. Its success cannot be separated from Chairwoman Wang Puping's smart job and great efforts. Wang Puping began to take the post of president of Haimen Handkerchief Factory in 1985. It was the former body of Jiangsu Baihua Industrial Group. Haimen Hand-  相似文献   

YuanYaling,borninBejing,wenttoworkinDongzhuangVillage,HoumaCity,ShanxiProvinceinAugust1965inresponsetothecallforeducatedyouthtogotothecountryside.Shemarriedapeasantintheruralareas,gavebirthtochildrenandhasadeepfeelingwiththepeasants.ShegaveupseveralchancestoreturntoBeIjingwhenmanyothereducatedyouthwentbacktocities,andjuststayedinthecountrysideworkingtheredayafterday.YuanYaling,fromanordinaryworker'sfamilyinBejing,wasadiligentstudentinschoolandagoodgirlathome.Aftershegraduatedfromthemiddl…  相似文献   

The annual International Fishery Exposition and International Aquaculture Exhibition will held in Shanghai onThe biggest of its kind in Asia and an importantmercial event for global fishery trade, the expo this year is expected to attract over 3,000 participants from 45 countries and regions including Russia, Germany,  相似文献   

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