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This paper investigates the moderating role of industry regulation on the effectiveness of audit committees in restricting earnings management. Using comprehensive panel data of S&P 1500 firms between 2003 and 2007, we find that the proportion of CEO directors on an audit committee is positively associated with earnings management in unregulated industries, while this association is significantly weaker in regulated industries. Further, the proportion of financial experts on an audit committee is negatively associated with earnings management. Our results also indicate that the average board tenure of audit committee members is negatively related to earnings management in regulated industries, but positively affects earnings management in unregulated industries. Finally, audit committee members’ average directorship increases earnings management in regulated industries, but reduces earnings management in unregulated industries. Overall, our results suggest that the effectiveness of audit committees in reducing earnings management and improving financial reporting quality is influenced by industry regulation.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether independent directors who have social ties to management (inside directors) can effectively perform their fiduciary duty to monitor management on behalf of shareholders. Ex ante, it is not clear whether social ties will enhance or obstruct the quality of board performance. Theory suggests that directors who are socially tied to management are ineffective and would make decisions favoring management. However, social ties can increase trust and information sharing between management and independent directors, improving directors’ ability and effectiveness in governing the company (Westphal, J.D.: 1999, The Academy of Management Journal 42(1), 7–24). To examine these contradicting predictions I use social network analysis and construct proxies for social ties between management and independent board members. Using these proxies, I first demonstrate that social ties are associated with higher managerial compensation. Further analyses reveal that these results are driven by social ties that include members of the compensation committee. Conversely, I demonstrate that financial reporting quality is improved when social ties exist. Specifically, I find that the likelihood of material weaknesses in internal controls and the likelihood of financial restatements are lower in companies with social ties. I further observe that this improved quality of financial reporting holds only when social ties include members of the audit committee. I conclude that ethically, socially tied independent directors should disqualify themselves from serving on compensation committees where social independence is essential. However, in tasks where collaboration with management is essential, directors with social links to each other can be of added value to shareholders.  相似文献   

If overstatements were a symptom of the agency conflict, pay-for-performance sensitivities should have increased in response to the additional penalties for misreporting imposed by SOX. Our finding of their decrease is inconsistent with the view that overstatements were an unintended consequence of incentive pay prior to 2002. To corroborate our interpretation, we show that (i) CEO pay-for-performance sensitivities are higher among firms whose shareholders stand to benefit from overstatements; (ii) this cross-sectional relationship weakens significantly after SOX; and (iii) the within-firm decrease in pay-for-performance sensitivity is most pronounced among firms with high pre-SOX shareholder benefits from overstatements.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of independent bank directors’ financial industry expertise on board effectiveness by investigating bank CEO turnovers and post‐turnover bank performance. Empirical results find such expertise increases the probability of forced CEO turnover and the probability of outsider succession. It improves bank performance and reduces bank risk‐taking following a forced CEO turnover. This is likely because industry‐specific expertise enhances boards’ ability to locate a superior successor CEO and to monitor and advise the new management. Market reaction to bank CEO turnover announcements tends to agree with this view.  相似文献   

Promotional upgrades to auction listings are now a ubiquitous feature of auction Web sites. We examine 705 auctions of a single consumer-electronic product on eBay and test whether use of various promotions results in a greater probability of sale or a higher realized price. We find that promotions that focus on display enhancements, such as border, bold, or highlight, are not worth the cost. However, the subtitle promotional tool is effective and worth the cost. We also find interesting results regarding seller reputation: although seller reputation does not increase the probability of a sale overall, it can result in higher realized price if a reputable seller is selected. Implications for promoting on eBay are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine deceptive impression management’s effect on a supervisor’s ratings of promotability and relationship quality (i.e., leader–member exchange) via the mediating role of the supervisor’s recognition of deception. Extending ego depletion theory using social information processing theory, we argue that deceptive impression management in a supervisor-subordinate relationship is difficult to accomplish and the degree that deception is detected will negatively impact desired outcomes. Data collected from a matched sample of 171 public sector employees and their supervisors supported this model and indicated that recognition fully mediated the negative relationships between deceptive impression management with supervisor’s rating of promotability and relationship quality.  相似文献   

Leadership and Business Ethics: Does It Matter? Implications for Management   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper reviews the relationship between organisational leadership, corporate governance and business ethics, and considers the implications for management. Business ethics is defined, and the causes and consequences of unethical behavior are discussed. Issues pertaining to leadership, subordinate and organisation responsibility for business ethics are considered. The changing role of business leaders and the new concept of 'corporate governance' are examined, with an increasing importance being placed on ethical and socially responsible attitudes towards business. Organisational effectiveness and organisational efficiency, formerly central issues for practising managers, with directors thinking in terms of goal achievement for their respective organisations, have now been augmented by an awareness of issues in business ethics, and a requirement for members of the corporate governance to behave in more socially responsible ways. A secondary aim of the paper is to introduce an approach which illustrates how corporate governance and management could deal with some of the moral dilemmas that they may have to face.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - This study examines the impact of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)’s interlocking, created through serving on other companies’ audit committees and/or...  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - This paper examines whether firms strategically legitimize large labor dismissals (LLDs) by performing ex-ante downward earnings management. We further assess whether...  相似文献   

This article explores the notion that the workplace is a learning environment, and that the line manager is a key player determining its effectiveness. The work discusses how performance management systems may be used to clarify expectations made of line managers with regard to employee development. The work, in addition, suggests that line manager people management expertise may be a factor inhibiting workplace development for subordinates, and makes a number of suggestions about how to prepare the line manager for effective employee development. Key issues are illustrated by reference to a case study example. The case demonstrates that a high profile management development programme within a major international organisation failed to meet all objectives because of the unwillingness of the line management team to participate in the development of subordinates back in the workplace.  相似文献   

Rand’s philosophy of objectivism has enjoyed a recent resurgence of interest in the United States, but little is known about how it is conceptualized in non-Western cultures and how it influences business practice. This paper investigates and supports the existence of a form of objectivism within the Chinese culture, drawing into question the notion that Chinese society is inherently collective. Results concerning an anticipated metaphysical dimension were inconclusive, suggesting that Chinese who embody epistemological, ethical, and political aspects of objectivism lack a corresponding and clear notion of causality, time, and identity.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Prior research suggests that the presence of high-quality auditors (i.e. proxied by audit firm characteristics) constrains accrual-based earnings management, but it...  相似文献   

The recent accounting scandals have raised concerns regarding the closeness of auditor–client relationships. Critics argue that as the relationship lengthens a bond develops and auditors’ professional skepticism may be replaced with trust. However, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 99 states that auditors “should conduct the engagement with a mindset that recognizes the possibility that a material misstatement due to fraud could be present, regardless of any past experience with the entity and regardless of the auditor’s belief about management’s honesty and integrity” (AICPA 2002, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 99, paragraph 13, p. 10). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether auditors develop trust in a client’s management and whether this trust affects auditors’ decisions. Specifically, this study examines whether auditors’ satisfaction with a client’s management during a prior audit engagement affects auditors’ self-reported trust in that client’s management and whether that trust affects their fraud risk assessment. The decision to trust a client’s management should be an ethical decision because excessive trust may impair auditors’ skepticism, which auditors are required to maintain by their professional responsibilities. We therefore also investigate whether auditors’ trust is affected by their moral reasoning. An experimental case was completed by 89 professional auditors, all with experience assessing the risk of fraud. The results suggest auditors’ satisfaction with the client affects their trust in the client (higher satisfaction associated with higher trust and lower satisfaction associated with lower trust). Further, after an overall unsatisfying experience, auditors’ trust affects their fraud risk assessments. However, after an overall satisfying experience, their trust does not affect their fraud risk assessments. The results indicate auditors are able to maintain their professional skepticism after satisfying past experiences with the client regardless of their beliefs about the honesty and trustworthiness of the client’s management. Lastly, auditors’ moral reasoning was not related to their trust in the client’s management.  相似文献   

Prior research has documented earnings management in for‐profit settings. Non‐profit organizations are thought to pay less attention to the bottom line and earnings management research has therefore focused on the manipulation of expenses in order to improve efficiency ratios or taxable income, not reported earnings per se. Considering an institutional setting characterized by the absence of such ratios and the presence of important subsidies, management of the actual bottom line is analyzed in light of these subsidies. The results suggest that organizations drive their results toward zero profit, which is intensified by increased governmental funding when unmanaged results are positive. The relation between downward earnings management and the presence of subsidies is particularly evident for organizations whose accumulated reserves are high. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although food platforms are witnessing greater competition and shrinking margins in emerging markets, consumer multihoming remains an underexplored phenomenon. Previous studies highlight the inverse relationship between consumers' commitment to service providers and their multihoming behaviour. Also, behavioural studies confirm the relationship between consumers' commitment and gender. In this vein, we ask a fundamental question: whether gender is associated with user multihoming predisposition? Based on the questionnaire survey of 493 food platform users and the Kruskal–Wallis H (K–W–H) analysis used, we establish a direct association between gender and multihoming. The probit analysis suggests higher multihoming promiscuousness among male consumers than among female consumers. Moreover, we conclude that the frequency of platform usage positively affects multihoming behaviour among female consumers, while education affects multihoming in males. The study thus builds upon existing food platform literature and provides an epistemological connection between gender and multihoming. Further, it outlines strategies that platform firms can use to restrain their clientele from multihoming.  相似文献   

The author investigates the relationship between corruption and the newer proxies of democracy for African countries. The regression results suggest that countries that are relatively more democratic are also less corrupt. Of the different aspects of democracy examined, the functioning of government and political participation are found to be significantly correlated with corruption. The estimates suggest that countries with functioning and efficient governments and healthy political competition are less corrupt. Unlike the early empirical studies, the evidence of a nonlinear relationship between corruption and the new proxies of democracy is weak, especially after controlling for other factors and correcting for the endogeneity problem. Our results suggest that ethnolinguistic fractionalization and the level of development are also important determinants of the level of corruption in Africa.  相似文献   

Using two studies, this article explores how a tendency to buy excessively for self relates to spending on one's pet. Existing research on excessive buying reports that these buyers spend money primarily on themselves. Excessive buying is the tendency to be preoccupied with buying and, consequently, to buy relatively more and more often than others. The first study, using a qualitative research approach, provides insights into the relationship of excessive buying for self and for pets. This study reveals that excessive buyers consider their pets as full family members and extensions of themselves. The second study, a national survey conducted via the Internet, provides a quantitative test of the relationship between excessive buying for self and spending on pets. Respondents who score high on an excessive buying index also tend to spend more on their pets for toys, food treats, clothing, accessories, and grooming products.  相似文献   

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