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For long, the fashion industry has adopted the linear economy's “take-make-use-throwaway” system, an approach that has adverse side effects, such as economic loss, environmental destruction, and threats to human society. To address these adverse consequences from fashion's linear system, governments and business leaders are advocating the societal need for a shift from the linear economy to the circular economy, which endorses the “take-make-use-reuse” system. Despite the growing demand for changing to a circular economy in the fashion business (circular fashion [CF]), two critical issues remain understudied in the current literature. First, although academic research on CF has increased in the past 5 years, the lack of scalable CF research has hindered the industry's ability to increase its adoption of a truly circular economy. Second, although the fashion industry faces complex challenges in instituting CF in that just one supply chain member's (a fashion retailer's) commitment is not sufficient to create a truly CF without the involvement of others (consumers), there is yet no empirical research that investigates whether consumers morally support the idea of a CF and feel obliged to take part in fashion businesses' CF offerings. Thus, we investigate whether and how morally grounded traits—corporate moral responsibility (H1+), consumer moral responsibility (H2+), their interaction effect (H3), and corporate hypocrisy (H4−)—influence consumers' attitudes and engagement (H5+) toward fashion corporations' CF offerings. Our empirical evidence, using a U.S. consumer survey dataset of 351 responses, shows that all of these hypotheses are supported. The results provide important theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of institutional pressures in corporate environmental responsibility (CER) by testing the interacting effects among cognitive, regulative, and normative pressures at cross levels. Specifically, this research decomposes the cognitive dimension of CER into perceived environmental benefit and perceived ethical obligation to differentiate their mechanisms. The sample is obtained from 212 firms within 34 industrial clusters. Results of two‐level regression modeling confirm that regulative and normative pressures play different roles in the positive effects of perceived environmental benefit and perceived ethical obligation on CER. Regulative pressure attenuates the effect of perceived environmental benefit and amplifies the effect of perceived ethical obligation. Meanwhile, normative pressure attenuates the effect of perceived ethical obligation. These findings suggest that heterogeneous interaction effects may reduce the efficiency of institutional pressures during the initial stage of CER diffusion. Implications for future research and policies are discussed.  相似文献   

An intensive debate has been occurring among academics, consultants and corporate executives, resulting in many definitions of a more humane, more ethical and more transparent manner of conducting business. They have created, supported or criticized related concepts such as sustainable development, corporate citizenship, sustainable entrepreneurship, the triple bottom line, business ethics and corporate social responsibility (Van Marrewijk, 2003 ). In the midst of LPG (liberalization, privatization and globalization), with market expansion occurring and the customer base needing to be widened for long‐term profitability, can enterprise opt for sustainability through the stakeholder approach? Interestingly, the ITC (Imperial Tobacco Company) is a firm committed to the core values of sustainable development in agrobusiness and in other activities, which has made the corporation well known for its stand on sustainability. Hence, this study begins with a brief literature review on sustainable enterprise and an introduction to familiarize the reader with the case organization, to examine what has made the ITC remain a stalwart in sustainable development and to identify the factors that drive the ITC's vision of sustainability. Based on the identified factors, total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) has been used to evolve a framework of sustainable enterprises on the star model (Sushil, 2010 ), which explains the customer and the government as driving factors for sustainability along with the triple bottom line. To validate our study, data on surrogate measures of some of the variables have been taken from the annual reports of the ITC and the validation is performed using linear regression analysis. Finally, the future research scope and limitations of the study are discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the environmental policies taken by financial institutions and the choice of depositors on where to save their money. Prior research has shown that increases in the number of customers making deposits are driven by bank pricing policy and switching costs for depositors. By employing a dynamic panel data model, this study empirically tests how environmental performance influences the depositors' choice on where to put their money in a sample of worldwide financial institutions from 2011 to 2018. The main results suggest that there is a negative relationship between banks' environmental performance and customers' deposits. Furthermore, the banks that are the best at managing carbon emissions and at pursuing sustainable development pay lower interest rates on customer deposits.  相似文献   

The implementation of circular economy (CE) practices is considered a key driver towards sustainable development of firms. Earlier studies point to the general strategic approach of market orientation as an antecedent to CE practice implementation. Still, insights are limited as the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain unclear. Based on a sample of 121 German small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), we empirically examine how the strategic approach of closed-loop orientation mediates the relationship between market orientation and the implementation of three types of CE practices. Using structural equation modelling, we find that while market orientation is positively related to all three types of CE practices, closed-loop orientation mediates these relationships for only two. Our study extends CE literature by suggesting that market orientation is translated into closed-loop orientation to spur CE practice implementation. We also offer a differentiated understanding of CE practice implementation in the context of German SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the implementation of circular economy (CE) practices in small‐ and medium‐sized firms in all 28 European Union (EU) countries. The analyses take into account the hierarchical nature of the collected data as firms are nested within EU countries, that is, the heterogeneity between different types of firms and countries according to practices and attitudes towards CE. The multilevel latent class model identifies groups of firms and groups of EU countries that are homogeneous in terms of CE, that is, how the homogeneous groups of small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) are distributed across the groups of EU countries. These results, together with the fact that firms with similar CE attitudes and practices have different demographic and business profiles across groups of countries, shed further light on the topic of green behavior in the EU with implications for businesses' environmental policies. Moreover, indications emerge that European policies favoring the implementation of CE practices should be targeted at least for subgroups of European countries, considering the different composition by typology of SMEs operating in their territories and that, at the same time, policies should be defined within each group of countries to account for the specific features of each of the four classes of SMEs.  相似文献   

This article investigates in which way sustainable entrepreneurship can generate institutional change that transforms markets towards sustainability. A transformation of models of economic organization and market structures through sustainable entrepreneurship fosters the path towards sustainability. Institutional change involves sustainable market entrepreneurs as institutional entrepreneurs that operate in an effectual manner in different market transformation phases. Sustainable market entrepreneurs while seeking entrepreneurial opportunities simultaneously shape existing market structures and market conditions in different sustainable market transformation phases thereby creating new opportunities. Accordingly, a framework that explains institutional change prompted by sustainable market entrepreneurs in market transformation phases is developed. In this framework, various interventions which encourage sustainable market entrepreneurs to co-create with the stakeholders of their choice are strategized. The provided framework enhances the understanding of the versatile role of sustainable market entrepreneurs and potentially the leverage of their actions towards institutional impact over time.  相似文献   

Sustainability development has gained significant importance in the modern business environment. The primary objective is to conduct an explanatory and quantitative study of the impacts of the social, economic, and environmental dimensions on organizational performance, considering the moderating role of organizational competitiveness. Data were collected from Chinese, Italian, and Romanian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The questionnaires were distributed by applying simple random sampling techniques. The study sample size consists of 320 SME employees. Hierarchical regression was used to investigate the moderating impacts of organizational competitiveness on the relationships of the social, economic, and environmental dimensions and organizational performance. The regression analysis shows a positive relationship between the study variables. Small and medium-sized enterprises are focusing more on sustainable business practices.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, the concepts and objectives of circular economy have been increasingly detailed and become strategic issues of international, European, and national policies. However, the transition towards circular production models continues to be affected by several barriers and critical factors that make the transition difficult to achieve. The paper tries to design a relationship between sustainable production and lean production, highlighting the opportunity to invest in reverse-logistics and how Industry 4.0 system represents a breeding ground for circular economy targets application. The aim of the current study is to examine the relationships among sustainable production, lean production, and Industry 4.0 in order to evidence the need to adopt a lean methodology and Industry 4.0 technologies in a sustainable development perspective for companies. Following a holistic vision, the authors summarize the production principles and formulas, which, although in parallel, lead to similar results and therefore represent the pillars of a competitive and sustainable business. In conclusion, exploring the circular economy principles and production chain model, challenges, opportunities, and future outlooks are formulated.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a key issue for society. Beside corporate's efforts, consumers should have responsibilities for environmental protection and consider sustainable coexistences between future generations and natural ecosystems. In this study, a 4 × 2 factorial between‐subject experiment is adopted to develop eight environmental policy disclosure scenarios based on different environmental advertising claims (product orientation, process orientation, image orientation, and environmental fact) and eco‐labels (available/unavailable) to explore the effect of consumer attitudes and behaviors. This study's results show that environmental advertising claims have significant effects on consumers' attitudes. The product, process, and image orientation advertising, along with advertising with eco‐labels, can induce more positive attitudes and stronger purchase intentions. Individuals with greater environmental concerns have a significant positive attitude toward environmental advertising. Consumer attitudes toward environmental advertising also have positive effects on purchase intentions and sustainable consumption behaviors. Finally, this study offers useful findings, practical implications, and insights.  相似文献   

The circular economy (CE) is a more holistic approach that advocates towards extracting the value from the waste and reaching sustainability goals. The objective of the present study is to highlight the prospects, impediments, and prerequisites while transiting from the linear economy (LE) to CE of SMEs. The study gathers information on prospects, impediments, and prerequisites for the transition of LE to a CE from recent studies . A semi-structured interview questionnaire was prepared, and a survey was conducted on representatives of six SMEs . Further, six caselets were developed to understand the prospects, impediments, and prerequisites based on the findings of the interview and previous information gained from existing literature . The major prospects favoring transition from LE to CE found in the study are significance of 3R (reduce and reuse and recycling) approach, CE leads to competitive advantage, recycling attracts consumers in few cases, CE helps in achieving sustainability goals and reuse of materials are significant in resource conservation. There are certain impediments found such as issues associated with awareness, recyclability issues, financial challenges, and weak management vision of SMEs towards CE implementation. Other resource-based impediments were found related to trained employees, lack of experience. Whereas, consumer acceptability is also a major concern towards implementing CE. The findings of the study suggest major prerequisites towards CE implementations such as strong “management will,” innovation, technology up-gradation, training to employees, motivation, and appropriate guidelines. Government pressure to implement CE cannot be an effective step towards the transition of LE to CE.  相似文献   

The idea of sustainable development highlights the need to address economic, social, and environmental aspects to preserve the rights and needs of future generations. This paper proposes an association between stakeholder theory (ST) and Actor-Network Theory (ANT) that can better explain the dynamics of actors in the energy sector, in the context of sociotechnical transitions to sustainability. By selectively examining the way in which different researchers perceive this subject, we intend to address how the engagement of the stakeholders can promote sociotechnical transitions in the energy sector trough the connection between ST and ANT. We aim to characterize the dynamics of stakeholder's engagement in sociotechnical transitions in the context of sustainability in the energy sector, trough the connection of the two theories. A narrative literature review was performed on scientific databases. The results showed that sociotechnical transitions in the energy sector require the involvement of multiple actors with different interests and that ST associated with ANT provides a good basis for research on this theme. The association of both theories highlights the importance of ST to enhance cooperation in the areas of clean energy research and technology, providing a theoretical tool for understanding the dynamics of transitions and its different pathways. For future studies, it is recommended to deepen the relationship between human and non-human actors and their role as stakeholders.  相似文献   

Fashion is widely considered as one of the most polluting and destructive industries to the environment and is a resource-intensive industry in which opportunities to reduce environmental impacts abound. By relying on an exploratory approach, this paper features an investigation into the circular economy (CE) practices of four purposefully selected Italian fashion companies. The study endorses the overlooked perspective of the product lifecycle (vis-à-vis the business model perspective), consistent with the key principles of the CE, to provide a comprehensive picture of CE practices implemented. This study engages with the current debate on the relationship between the concepts of sustainability and CE, supporting the idea that there is a beneficial relation between the two. The analysis shows the emergence of categories of CE-related practices as well as CE implementation challenges. The study also provides granular insights into the nature of these challenges that hinder the implementation of CE and demonstrates how they can be turned into sources of competitive advantage. Drawing on this emblematic evidence, we develop a set of theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Addressing environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues has become a critical part of business strategy. This article explores the extent of ESG reporting of metal and mining sector companies listed in the Australian Securities Exchange to determine the nature of ESG indicators in use in the sector. The current study argues that stakeholder engagement is the key to enhance company environmental policy and sustainable development. According to the results of this study, ESG reporting motives are highly influenced by reporting regulations. Given the diversity in reporting of ESG, comparability of ESG strategic performance is problematic. This study contributes towards developing an ESG disclosure index, which companies could use as a legitimacy tool that external stakeholders could use to reliably measure and compare the ESG performance of companies. It also reveals there is an increased demand for more empirical research on integration of sustainability into strategic planning process. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of environmental policy (Climate Change Act – CCA), sustainable development frameworks (Global Reporting Initiative – GRI; UN Global Compact – UNGC) and corporate governance (CG) mechanisms on environmental performance (carbon reduction initiatives – CRIs; actual carbon performance – GHG emissions) of UK listed firms. We use the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation technique to analyse data consisting of 2245 UK firm‐year observations over the 2002–2014 period. First, we find that the CCA has a positive effect on CRIs, and this effect is stronger in better‐governed firms. Second, we find that the GRI‐based framework is positively associated with CRIs. Third, we find that firms with poor CG structures have lower actual carbon performance compared with their better‐governed counterparts. Overall, our evidence suggests that firms can symbolically conform to environmental policy (CCA) and sustainable development frameworks (GRI, UNGC) by engaging in CRIs without necessarily improving actual environmental performance (GHG emissions) substantively. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

The concept of circular economy is increasingly receiving attention in different domains, including strategic management, operations management, and technology management. It requires companies to design their business model (i.e., the value network, the relationships with the supply chain partners, and the value propositions towards customers) around a new concept of sustainable development that reduces consumption of natural resources and preserves the environment. However, extant research falls short in terms of explaining how companies design their business model according to the circular economy principles. Starting from this premise, the present paper provides a systematic review of the literature on the design of business models in the context of circular economy, aiming to offer an overview of the state of research and outline a promising research agenda.  相似文献   

In recent years, a new trend has emerged in which shareholder activists have formed networks to empower shareholders and magnify shareholder voices. This study explores the structural patterns and effectiveness of shareholder activism networks and shows how those networks affect corporate sustainability policies. We draw upon stakeholder influence theory, stakeholder network management theory and recent studies on activism networks to examine a shareholder activism network formed around environmental issues. The study found that (1) the structure of shareholder activist networks is largely driven by organizational attributes such as organization type, organizations’ human resources, media visibility and history; and (2) activist organizations with high centralities and eigenvector centralities enjoy more efficient results. This study contributes to our understanding of the business responses to shareholder demands on improving environmental performance and paves the way for future research on sustainable development through partnerships with shareholder networks. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Along with the concept of circular economy growing worldwide, circular business models (CBMs) have been receiving ever greater attention in both the business sector and academia. However, the existing literature on the CBM is scattered and fragmented; this study offers an integrated firm‐level framework to link CBM typologies, the circular economy transition process, and relevant tools for CBM development and clarifies the positioning and roles of those tools in the process. In response to the fragmentation issue, results of this study are presented in three subtopics: (a) CBM typologies and archetypes, (b) transition guidelines, and (c) major analytical tools for CBM research. The roles and functions of CBM typologies and tools were integrated in different stages of the transition process, and the challenges and shortfalls for CBM research in the various stages were identified. This work lays the foundation for future operational studies.  相似文献   

This cross‐country study investigates the antecedents and outcomes of corporate environmental responsibility (CER) practices in developed and emerging countries. Based on stakeholder and institutional theory, we conducted an empirical study among firms in Germany, USA, India and China. We found support for a significant positive relationship between regulatory, market and social stakeholder influences, CER practices and business outcomes in the total and individual country samples. Regarding country differences, our data reveal significant similarities and differences between developed and emerging countries. Market stakeholder influences are stronger in developed countries, whereas regulatory and social stakeholder influences do not differ significantly between the two country groups. The relationship between CER practices and positive business outcomes is stronger in emerging than in developed countries. Implications for institutional theory and organizations are outlined. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the financial implication of sustainable environmental practices on UK small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs)–traded firms. Existing literature indicates that there is a direct relationship between sustainable environmental practices and financial performance. However, studies looking at this relationship have focused mainly on large firms with little attention paid to SMEs. Further, those looking at environmental and financial performance relationships have often used a single measure of performance in their studies. This study bridges these research gaps by focusing on listed SMEs in the United Kingdom using multiple measures of sustainable environmental policy indices on a panel of 201 SMEs on the Alternative Investment Market from 2011 to 2016. Evidence from our panel data analysis suggests significant and a nonlinear (concave) relationship between sustainable environmental practices and firms' financial performance. Specifically, energy efficiency practices, greenhouse gases, material, and resource efficiency revealed an inverted U‐shaped relationship with financial performance. The results will offer guidance to management in terms of allocating resources to sustainable environmental practices investment.  相似文献   

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