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中层管理人员是企业的核心人才,本文运用模糊评价法对企业中层管理者进行了比较系统的分析,从而完善企业中层管理队伍,更好地适应企业的发展。  相似文献   

中层管理人员绩效考核在企业中占据核心位置,而且中层管理人员的绩效考核直接与企业的生产质量和经济效益挂钩,所以做好企业中层管理人员绩效考核的管理工作,是值得企业深思和探索的事。对于企业目前的发展现状来说,建立完善的中层管理人员绩效考核制度可以有效的为企业的稳定发展奠定基础。本文主要通过对企业中层管理人员绩效考核进行简要的分析,探讨其存在的问题和有效的解决措施。  相似文献   

方芳 《中外企业家》2014,(5):193-194
中层管理者作为企业的中坚力量在企业中发挥着越来越重要的作用。中层管理者在企业管理中承担着多种角色,也面临着越来越多的压力。本文首先研究了中层管理者在企业中的角色定位,然后从组织层面、任务层面和人员层面对企业中层管理者的培训需求进行解析,最后构建了中层管理者的培训需求分析模型。  相似文献   

中层管理人员是一个企业的中坚力量,如何加强中层管理人员工作评价和调动其工作积极性,是每个企业都面临的突出问题。本文基于绩效考核与周边评议等四大体系重点阐述如何在供电企业建立中层管理人员立体评价体系,激发中层管理人员工作潜力,提升企业核心竞争力,丰富企业文化内涵。  相似文献   

中国企业普遍缺乏合格的中层,中层危机成为中国企业成长之困.调查发现,面对中层危机,高层与中层各有各的理,各有各的冤屈.  相似文献   

企业中层管理人员,对企业起承上启下作用的关键人才,直接影响着整个企业的力量和文化的变化,中层管理人员的离职对企业的竞争力存在极大的危害。本文通过研究中层管理人员的重要性以及离职后对企业造成的危害,分析造成中层管理人员离职的原因,并提出相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

"中层不好做"是业界的一句口头禅。要做一名合格的企业中层,可以从以下几方面着手:一、不要让自己那么忙,二、做个受高层喜爱的中层经理,三、做个让下属信服的中层,四、提高自己的修为。本文从上述四个方面阐述了如何做一名企业中层,作为企业中层应具备的素养,及如何进行学习。希通过本文对所有的企业中层管理者有所启示。  相似文献   

中层团队,集体出走!   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美世人力咨询2006年中国大陆地区企业员工调研报告显示,中层管理人员的离职率(31%)远远高于市场平均水平。在中层的培养上,最糟糕的情况莫过于中层的出走甚至反叛,而中层反叛的情形中,最糟糕的莫过于中层管理者集体哗变,或者中层带领团队集体哗变。个别人员的出走带来的影响企业或许尚能平息,但中层团队的出走,任何企业都避免不了承受一股震荡,有些时候,  相似文献   

企业中层管理者是一个覆盖面广、人数众多且地位和作用十分重要的管理群,企业每一项重大决策都将通过中层管理者传达落实到基层及其员工身上,可以说企业执行力的强弱折射着中层管理者执行力的强弱。为此,加强企业中层管理者建设,是企业管理中十分重要的课题和内容。为了促进企业中层管理者队伍建设,进一步加强企业科学管理,《企业文明》杂志、《企业文明网》与晋西机器集团公司联合举办了"晋西机器杯:怎样当好企业中层管理者"有奖征文。  相似文献   

卢玉 《管理学家》2021,(4):47-50
中层管理者在企业中的地位不可小觑,是企业发展的中坚人才,特别是在电网企业中,中层管理人员的作用更是不可忽视。了解中层管理人员的心理健康状态有利于强化企业的竞争力和促进企业的管理发展。文章简要介绍了开展电网企业中层管理者心理健康的重要意义,对工作压力、情绪劳动、心理资本等心理健康领域的三个核心概念进行界定,并就三个心理变量对电网中层管理者进行了实证调查,分析影响其心理健康的原因。从企业、个人两个维度,探讨加强电网中层管理者心理健康管理的相关方法。  相似文献   

国有钢铁企业中层管理人员绩效考核研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董秀娟 《价值工程》2010,29(31):68-69
中层管理人员是企业的核心力量,由于其自身工作的特点,不但要完成命令、战略等信息的上传下达,对于具体的工作还要有好的业绩,取得好的结果。这些都决定了对中层管理人员的考核与其他员工有着截然不同的方法。本文主要研究了国有钢铁企业中对于中层管理人员的绩效考核。  相似文献   

中层管理者作为组织管理的重要环节,担负着承上启下的重任,是组织高层、联系基层的工作纽带。不管是处于经济的繁荣期还是衰退期,他们都负责执行组织战略,推动组织变革,并且推动基层员工积极参与组织建设,因此,组织内中层管理者必须准确定位。本文就新形势下中层管理者面临的角色困惑与定位,提出中层管理者应该成为组织决策坚定的执行者、有效引领下属的管理者、组织文化建设积极的参与者、卓有成效的自我治理者。最后提出了中层管理者管理能力提高的三大要点。  相似文献   

为适应公司数字化转型,某通信服务分公司在2019年调整了中干组织结构。调整1年后,高层发现很多中干急缺管理、专业知识等相关知识和技能,这就需要公司构建培训体系来提高中干的整体能力和素质来适应快速的转型。论文通过问卷调研、统计分析、专家咨询法等方法构建了适应通信服务公司转型的中干培训体系,试图为构建完整的通信服务公司中层管理者胜任能力模型评价体系奠定基础。  相似文献   


This paper aims to investigate the staffing practices of managerial positions among manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The results are based on responses from 68 hiring managers. A person needs to have at least three years of orking experience before the person can be selected for a middle-level managerial position. Sources for recruiting 60% of the managerial positions are determined by the human resource managers. The top management had the final say in hiring 69% of the managers. Media advertisement is the most highly utilized source to recruit managers. Testing is seldom used to choose managers.  相似文献   

A whistleblowing survey was completed by a sample of upper-level, middle-level, and first-level managers. A variety of individual, organizational, communication climate, and moral perception variables related to whistleblowing were examined across managerial levels using an ANOVA analysis. Results indicate significant differences with respect to most variables examined. Recommendations are made for practitioners and future research.  相似文献   

我国的股权激励制度尚不完善,实施该制度的上市公司均不同程度地出现了一些问题和风险。上海家化联合股份有限公司(以下简称“上海家化”)近年中层管理人员和核心骨干离职率较高,公司内部矛盾日渐突出,因而需要将现有股权激励制度完善成为一个科学有效、实用性强的股权激励方案来凝聚公司管理者和核心骨干的力量,更好地进行科学决策,提升企业的盈利能力。  相似文献   

In this field-based study, we interview top- and middle-level managers at Insteel Industries and conduct statistical analysis of firm-level data in order to shed light on whether activity-based costing (ABC) provides new information to managers and whether activity-based management (ABM) significantly influences product and customer-related decisions. We find that after the ABC analysis, Insteel undertook a number of process improvements that resulted in significant cost savings. Additionally, Insteel displayed a higher propensity to discontinue or increase prices of products and discontinue customers that were found comparatively unprofitable in the ABC study. Thus we provide empirical evidence that ABC influences both strategic and operational managerial decisions.  相似文献   

The upward influence of middle-level managers (MLMs) on strategic planning and decision-making is examined. It was found that: (1) upward influence activity was more prevalent in low risk/return types of strategic decisions than in high risk/return decisions; (2) upward influence activity was more prevalent during the implementation of strategic decisions than during the formulation of such decisions; (3) managers most often used rational arguments in their influence attempts; (4) managers were more likely to be successful than unsuccessful in influencing their superiors in strategic decisions; (5) managers most often attributed their success in influencing their superiors to internal causes and their failures to external causes; (6) managers from private sector organizations exerted influence in both high risk and low risk strategic decisions more frequently than did managers from public sector organizations; and (7) the number of years working with the superior was the best predictor of successful interactions and of risky decisions. Some insight into the development of widespread strategic thinking in an organization is provided.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of task structure and leader power on participative leadership across Australian, African, Papua-New Guinea and Pacific Island managers. Managers in all national groups are more participative in situations of low structure and low power than for high structure and high power, respectively. Participation in situations of low structure and low power declines in the order: Australia, Africa, Papua-New Guinea, Pacific Islands. It is argued that this effect is an instrumental effect of managerial education, rather than being culturally determined. the Vroom-Yetton leadership methodology is used to measure participation levels. Subjects are a total of 150 middle-level managers attending management education courses.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the construction and enactment of the employee psychological contract by a sample of middle-level line and personnel managers responsible for introducing job change in the air traffic control sector. We show how middle managers' concerns with fulfilling their own contractual commitments to senior management are perceived to conflict with meeting obligations to subordinates under the employment agreement. Thus, we illustrate our main argument that middle managers who are exposed to more exacting performance demands and controls do not simply subordinate employee concerns to their own interests. They seek to disguise the presence and outcomes of employee disaffection and to manipulate the impressions of senior management. We conclude that far from increasing individual accountability at middle levels such stringent controls may yield interpersonal rivalry, lower standards of employee treatment and the subversion of corporate aims.  相似文献   

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