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城市生活垃圾无害化处理对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
翟青 《环境经济》2005,(10):13-16
城市生活垃圾处理已成为我国经济社会协调发展中的一个薄弱环节。亟需以科学发展观为指导。以保障人民健康和环境安全为目的。统筹规划。加大投入。完善政策.技术示范。深化改革。加强监管。加快处理设施建设,不断提高城市生活垃圾减量化.资源化和无害化水平。[编者按]  相似文献   

垃圾与人类的依食住行相伴而生,据不完全统计,全世界每年的固体废弃物达30多亿吨,我国每年城市生活垃圾排放量近1.5亿吨,且以每年10%的增长速度快速聚积。全国668座城市,2900多座城镇近2/3处于垃圾带包围之中,丑陋不堪,肮脏污秽的垃圾既是破坏环境的头号杀手,同时也是一座蕴藏丰富资源的宝藏。垃圾国接收到简单的末端处理被丢掉的可再生资源价值每年高达250亿元,在这个资源有限的世界,回收垃圾再生利用不仅局限于取得较好的收益,更是对生存环境的责任,实现生活垃圾无害化,资源化处理,变废为宝已成为环保部门及有关科研机构不断探讨的新课题。  相似文献   

一、垃圾无害化处理的必然性 为控制600多种危险废物、医疗废物和放射性废物污染环境,保障人体健康,未来3年中国将投资149.2亿人民币,基本实现危险废物、医疗废物和放射性废物安全贮存和处置。国家环保总局规划与财务司有关负责人说,危险废物的污染其有潜在性和滞后性,是全球环境保护的重点和难点问题之一。但是,我国对危险废物的处置长期重视不够,集中处置设施建设滞后,大部分危险废物处于低水平综合利用、简单贮存或直接排放状态。  相似文献   

在新农村建设中,按照"生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主"的要求,北京市郊区环境治理和保护问题日趋重要,而生活垃圾的防治问题更是重中之重.文章分析了北京市郊区生活垃圾污染的严峻形势及生活垃圾管理中存在的主要问题,并从减物质化的角度提出了北京市郊区生活垃圾减物质化的几点建议.  相似文献   

非典时期,许多中国人不约而同地想到了15年前在上海爆发的流行性甲型肝炎。1988年,甲肝病毒肆虐上海,不仅令31万人深受其害,也使味道鲜美的毛蚶从此背上了骂名。那么,毛蚶携带的甲肝病毒又是从哪里来的呢?医学专家们经过层层推理,深入分析,终于发现真正的元凶竟是医疗垃圾。报告显示,国内某医院的医疗垃圾流失扩散,首先污染了水体,进而引起甲肝病毒在毛蚶体内滋生繁衍,而后带菌毛蚶被销往上海,最终导致了甲肝的流行。医疗垃圾 健康“杀手”医疗垃圾指的是医院临床废弃物,包括手术中被摘除的人体病变组织,外科包扎过程中产生的废物,废弃的一…  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾,是伴随居民生活而产生,成分和产量也伴随居民的消费水平、消费方式的变化而改变.因此,世界各城市生活垃圾的产量和成分也存在较大差异,但相同趋势是产量持续增长、成分变得日益复杂,严重威胁人们的身心健康.本文分析目前我国城市生活垃圾管理现状,时城市社会、经济、环境的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

综合处理有利于生活垃圾污染防治和资源化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张悦 《环境经济》2005,(10):17-19
综合处理可以有效提高生活垃圾无害化处理及资源化效率,并在源头上减少气态和液态污染物的排放量;生物预处理可以广泛应用于生活垃圾填埋场和焚烧厂的新建及改造,有利于这些设施的二次污染防治;废物的直接回收利用具有更高的资源化效率,而且可以形成一个新的再生利用产业。[编者按]  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾环境管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
加强生活垃圾的环境管理是一个系统工程,需要多方面的工作。尤其是县级以上各级人民政府,依法负有统筹安排、促进生活垃圾“减量化”“资源化”“无害化”的职责,应当将这项工作提上重要日程,从多方面,多角度推动建立和完善生活垃圾污染环境防治的社会服务体系。  相似文献   

梁菲 《现代经济信息》2012,(11):296+304
我国城市生活垃圾的产生速度不断加快,产量也相应增加,如果在城市垃圾处理过程中没有采取妥善的措施就会造成环境污染。本文主要介绍了几种城市生活垃圾处理技术,对城市生活垃圾处理工作提出了相关的管理对策。  相似文献   

王爽 《大陆桥视野》2016,(14):334-334
目前,城市生活垃圾的处理过程中,还存在有各种各样的问题亟待去解决。在低碳经济的发展要求下,寻找合适的城市生活垃圾无害化的处理模式,就必须要采取相对的措施,解决垃圾处理方面的问题,实现城市经济和社会的协调发展。因此,应该根据垃圾处理的“三化”原则,采取有效的措施来解决现有的问题,使得城市垃圾处理真正走上低碳经济的发展道路上。  相似文献   

最近,ENR公布了2005年全球最大的200家国际工程咨询设计企业,中国企业有14家列入名单,从中可以概括出中国国际工程咨询业"走出去"的特点及今后的发展路向.  相似文献   

广州市兴丰生活垃圾卫生填埋场是国内第一座引进相关国际标准和规范进行设计、建设和营运的现代化生活垃圾卫生填埋场,其成功经验为国内同行提供了借鉴。在未来的10~15年内,广州市将建成“源头削减、分类收集、分类运输、综合处理”的垃圾处理系统,继续保持生活垃圾处理设施的高标准建设和高水准管理。  相似文献   

在中国乃至世界建筑工程界,中国建筑工程总公司是一面醒目的旗帜.目前,中建总公司的经营地域遍及全国除台湾以外的各省、市、自治区;在境外涉及亚洲、非洲、美洲约二十多个国家和地区.  相似文献   

南京市探索新型、科学的城市生活垃圾处理方式的尝试证明:将生活垃圾视为资源从源头进行分类、收集、运输、就近资源化,采用垃圾焚烧减容、热能利用、废渣利用相结合的技术,并配以切实有效的环保措施,能实现环境、经济和技术的最佳结合。[编者按]  相似文献   

Although the US economy is traditionally cited as the model, there are other technology frontier examples, such as Canada, arising from strong linkages among firms, research communities, the financial community and government. This paper compares the most important American districts—Route 128 and Silicon Valley—with the Waterloo Region of Ontario. Second, it focuses on the linkage between venture capital and Canadian universities and shows some successful cases of knowledge and technology transfer at the University of Waterloo. Taken together, these sections provide a snapshot of the nature and status of technology transfer at Canadian universities and how it compares with that in the US.  相似文献   


Aims: The current study examined the association between insufficient major depressive disorder (MDD) care and healthcare resource use (HCRU) and costs among patients with prior myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke.

Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted using the MarketScan Claims Database (2010–2015). The date of the first MI/stroke diagnosis was defined as the cardiovascular disease (CVD) index date and the first date of a subsequent MDD diagnosis was the index MDD date. Adequacy of MDD care was assessed during the 90 days following the index MDD date (profiling period) using 2 measures: dosage adequacy (average fluoxetine equivalent dose of ≥20?mg/day for nonelderly and ≥10?mg/day for elderly patients) and duration adequacy (measured as the proportion of days covered of 80% or higher for all MDD drugs). Study outcomes included all-cause and CVD-related HCRU and costs which were determined from the end of the profiling period until the end of study follow-up. Propensity-score adjusted generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to compare patients receiving adequate versus inadequate MDD care in terms of study outcomes.

Results: Of 1,568 CVD patients who were treated for MDD, 937 (59.8%) were categorized as receiving inadequate MDD care. Results from the GLMs suggested that patients receiving inadequate MDD care had 14% more all-cause hospitalizations, 4% more all-cause outpatient visits, 17% more CVD-related outpatient visits, 13% more CVD-related emergency room (ER) visits, higher per patient per year CVD-related hospitalization costs ($21,485 vs. $17,756), higher all-cause outpatient costs ($2,820 vs. $2,055), and higher CVD-related outpatient costs ($520 vs. $434) compared to patients receiving adequate MDD care.

Limitations: Clinical information such as depression severity and frailty, which are potential predictors of adverse CVD outcomes, could not be ascertained using administrative claims data.

Conclusions: Among post-MI and post-stroke patients, inadequate MDD care was associated with a significantly higher economic burden.  相似文献   

The respective literatures on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and sustainable supplier management have grown in recent years, but little scholarly attention has been paid to the link between the two. Within a framework that incorporates legitimacy and neo-institutional theories, this study investigates how CSR disclosure in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) influences CSR requirements and capacity building with suppliers. Based on an empirical data set of 146 000 SMEs, we test our hypotheses using multiple mediation analysis. Our results indicate that SME CSR disclosure has a positive direct effect on capacity building. When the mediating role of CSR requirements is taken into account, the study reveals that the more SMEs disclose their CSR activities, the more they require CSR from their suppliers, which in turn leads to an increase in capacity building with them. The study also suggests that the SMEs that limit their CSR requirements to the application step are more likely to build capacity with their suppliers than the SMEs that impose CSR verification. Overall, this article provides unique insights for practitioners seeking to determine the circumstances in which the SME practices of sustainable supplier management unfold in practice.  相似文献   

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