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西欧历史城市景观的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了历史城市景观的内涵,分析介绍了英国城市内战略性眺望景观的保护、法国眺望景观的纺锤形控制、奥地利保护历史城市景观的地区详细规划等欧洲国家在保护管理历史城市景观方面的实践与经验,并对比我国历史城市景观的现状,提出具有启示意义的建议措施。  相似文献   

Drawing on the figurational sociology of Norbert Elias and the Foucauldian governmentality approach, this article outlines the political rationalities and governmental technologies pertaining to the territorial governance of urban marginality in Western Europe. Whereas many authors have suggested that segregation is key to the governing of urban marginality in the USA and perhaps the post‐industrial city generally, I suggest that, at least in Western Europe, marginality is governed through integration. The argument is illustrated with examples from the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium.  相似文献   

The shadow economies of Western Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The latest empirical research indicates a strong increase in the size of the shadow economy in Western Europe, over the period 1970 to 1990. For 11 of the 17 investigated OECD-countries the size of the shadow economy in 1990 was more than 10% of GNP. Analysis shows that the major causes of the shadow economy are the direct and indirect tax burden, and government regulation.  相似文献   

This article deals with changing relations between retailing and the town. It focuses on the implications of changes that have arisen over the last thirty years and on the processes that have generated such transformations – or, to be more precise, on the role that policies may have played in the way change is conducted. The analysis examines the trend towards homogenization, on the world scale, of the way towns are being reconfigured: the development that locates large stores in distended, mono‐functional, off‐centre zones; the reshaping of neighbourhoods, which now tend to be defined solely by the notion of accessibility; town‐centre crisis and the selective rehabilitation of some town centres; and the decay of public spaces. It goes on to express reservations about the use of the term ‘Americanization’ to describe this movement, and then attempts to evaluate how far national laws and local administrations are likely to produce significant spatial, social and cultural differences. To achieve these aims, it adopts an approach that compares situations and practices from one country to another (in Europe and in North America), as well as from one town to another.  相似文献   

This article reviews the changes that have taken place in local government leadership in France and Spain. It has been argued that political leadership in local government in Southern Europe is characterized by major political leaders who are able to obtain resources from central government through their political connections. However, both French and Spanish local governments have evolved while developing new forms of leadership that are more connected to territory, its people and local issues than to the respective administrative capitals. The article argues that the development of new policies at the local level, the opening of new avenues of citizen participation and the introduction of new methods of public management have changed the relationship between elected representatives and the people. Institutional innovations at the supra‐municipal level have also created a space between regions and municipalities for local leaders to develop their capacity as project leaders and network creators. Cet article examine les changements survenus au niveau de l'autorité gouvernementale locale en France et en Espagne. L'autorité politique dans un gouvernement local du sud de l'Europe se caractérise, assure‐t‐on, par de grands leaders politiques capables d'obtenir des ressources du gouvernement central grâce à leurs relations. Pourtant, les gouvernements locaux français et espagnols ont évolué tout en élaborant des formes originales de leadership, plus proches du territoire, de sa population et des affaires locales que les capitales administratives concernées. La conception de politiques publiques novatrices au plan local, l'ouverture d'autres accès à la participation des citadins et l'introduction de nouvelles méthodes de gestion publique ont modifié le rapport entre représentants élus et population. De plus, des innovations institutionnelles au niveau supra‐municipal ont généré un espace entre régions et municipalités permettant aux leaders locaux de développer leurs aptitudes en tant que chefs de projet et créateurs de réseaux.  相似文献   

In a context where changes brought about by globalization and Europeanization, and where local governments increasingly operate in a governance mode, different countries place increasing stress on the importance of strong local leadership. This article reviews local political leadership in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Outside of a few major (mainly capital) cities, local government in the Nordic area remains small scale and frequently rural, is strongly partisan, yet relies on a strong tradition of consensual, corporatist style of decision‐making. Furthermore, this social democratic consensus places a stress on the continued production and delivery of high quality welfare state services. This domestic environment produces a style of local leadership which is essentially collective in nature and in which the strong mayor concept is alien. The article reviews the experience of local political leadership in the four Nordic countries and concludes that, though there is some small country variation and without many examples of strong mayors, local political leaders play an important role, especially in managing and maintaining the consensual style of politics. Mondialisation et européanisation créent des changements qui, à l'instar des gouvernements locaux, opèrent de plus en plus selon un mode de gouvernance, poussant plusieurs pays à faire une place plus importante à une forte autorité locale. L'article étudie l'autorité politique locale au Danemark, en Finlande, en Norvège et en Suède. A l'exception de quelques rares grandes villes (essentiellement les capitales), un gouvernement local dans les pays nordiques garde une échelle réduite et souvent un caractère rural, tout en étant fortement partisan même s'il s'appuie sur une solide tradition décisionnelle consensuelle de type syndical. Par ailleurs, ce consensus social démocratique agit sur la poursuite et la qualité de la fourniture de prestations dans le cadre de l'État‐providence. Cet environnement national génère un style d'autorité locale de nature principalement collective, qui exclut toute notion de pouvoir propre au maire. L'article étudie les formes d'autorité politique locale dans les quatre pays scandinaves concluant que, malgré quelques légères variations nationales et la quasi‐absence de maires puissants, les leaders politiques locaux jouent un rôle important, en particulier dans la gestion et la préservation d'un style politique consensuel.  相似文献   

Historically, the urban was the condition of possibility for the political, but the symbiosis of the two has been concealed by the rise of the state and the concomitant development of the social sciences. The effort to recover the connection by denoting a separate domain of ‘urban politics’ is self‐defeating, because it re‐instantiates an ontology of the political that consigns the urban to the domain of ‘low’ politics. The dominant ontology suggests that ‘high’ politics — the most serious politics or politics proper — is always in the domain of states and empires, and that everything else is subject to it. This view is constantly reaffirmed by the political theory that underpins the state system and the modern social sciences. Nevertheless, a different ontology of the political is always already implicit in the concept of the city, understood as a local phenomenon and a global way of life. To see the political through the city is to notice how proximate diversity stimulates self‐organization and self‐government, generates politics in and between authorities in different registers, and defers the sovereignty claims it produces. On this view, the urban is neither high nor low, but is instead the very form of the political, encompassing states and empires as much as anything else.  相似文献   

Tang, Wenfang and William Parish Chinese urban life under reform: the changing social contract. Dutton, Michael Streetlife China Yang, Mayfair M‐H. (ed.) Spaces of their own: women’s public sphere in transnational China Davis, Deborah S. (ed.) The consumer revolution in urban China  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the political economy of the urban ruins captured in Greg Girard's photo album Phantom Shanghai. Rather than being marginal, irrelevant or merely objects for nostalgia, the ruins of buildings produced by real estate speculation offer crucial insights into the workings of the urban political economy and reflect wider trends of urban governance. Examining how building ruins come about in the first place and how they are represented in visual media can help us better understand the processes of urbanization and place making, and the central role of destruction in contemporary Chinese urbanism. This essay illustrates this point by analyzing the economic function, political legitimation and cultural significance of demolitions and ruins in urban China.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the rationale for land law reforms as well as their implications for different societal groups in Cameroon. It is revealed that the rationale — that is, to place as much land as possible in state hands — has remained unchanged since the colonial era. The study further shows that the land law reforms have always been skewed in favour of political and bureaucratic elites, entrepreneurs and the salariat at the expense of women in the informal sector, ethnic minorities and the poor. Thus, a potent consequence of land law reforms in Cameroon is that they have effectively accentuated socio-economic inequities characteristic of the country. To remedy these problems, it is recommended that authorities seek to create some fit between the ‘modern’ land tenure system and the traditions, culture and beliefs of the Cameroonian society. Additionally, it is recommended that serious efforts be made to institute programmes designed to redistribute income and improve the performance of the bureaucratic machinery, particularly the institutional framework for land policy administration. Cet article explore la raison d’être des réformes de la loi agraire ainsi que leurs implications pour différents groupes sociaux au Cameroun. Je révèle que la raison d’être —à savoir, mettre le maximum de terres dans les mains de l’état — n’a pas changé depuis l’époque coloniale. Cete étude montre aussi que les réformes de la loi agraire ont toujours été biaisées en favour des élites politiques et bureaucratiques, des entrepreneurs et des cadres au détriment des femmes du secteur officieux, des minorités ethniques et des pauvres. Une conséquence importante des réformes de la loi agraire au Cameroun est donc que les inégalités socio-économiques caractéristiques du pays ont effectivement été accentuées. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, cet article recommande que les autorités essaient d’ajuster le système ‘moderne’ d’occupation des terres et la culture et croyances traditionnelles de la société camerounaise. De sérieux efforts pour introduire des programmes de redistribution des revenus et pour améliorer la performance de l’appareil bureaucratique, en particulier le modèle institutionnel pour l’administration de la politique agraire, sont aussi recommandés.  相似文献   

欧洲生态城市规划设计的案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经历了20世纪发达国家工业社会的畸形发展之后,生态城市规划设计成为21世纪城市规划领域发展的核心。欧洲在生态城市规划设计理论和实践方面走在了世界前沿。分别根据不同的方法手段以及规划所涉及的地域范围大小,可以对生态城市规划的各种方法进行种类划分,形成生态城市规划设计方法类型矩阵。列举各类型中欧洲城市的优秀规划实例。通过这些具体的实例来阐述前沿的、经实践证明切实可行的生态城市规划设计理念和原则。  相似文献   

Here the authors attempt to assess the extent to which job creation programmes in Western Europe and North America have met their main objectives. It is argued that moves are being made to adapt programmes to expected changes in employment markets in the future.  相似文献   


The study seeks to develop a leadership portrait of MBA graduates from developing countries. It examines the congruence between the effective leadership values as perceived by MBA graduates from developing countries and expected, accepted and effective leadership styles in their cultures. One-Way ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Comparison analysis revealed that MBA graduates from developing countries have the tendency to embrace western leadership values without forsaking traditional indigenous values. The research provides evidence to suggest that western MBA education is contributing to the conformity to the latest leadership paradigms across cultures and thus the formation of a shared knowledge structure which reduce the variability of future managers' perceptions towards leadership styles.

The study seeks to develop a leadership portrait of MBA graduates from developing countries. It examines the congruence between the effective leadership values as perceived by MBA graduates from developing countries and expected, accepted and effective leadership styles in their cultures. One-Way ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Comparison analysis revealed that MBA graduates from developing countries have the tendency to embrace western leadership values without forsaking traditional indigenous values. The research provides evidence to suggest that western MBA education is contributing to the conformity to the latest leadership paradigms across cultures and thus the formation of a shared knowledge structure which reduce the variability of future managers' perceptions towards leadership styles.  相似文献   

郑英欣 《价值工程》2010,29(35):325-326
直接渊源可追溯到古罗马时代的人文主义深受基督教神学的影响,经过人文主义在历史长河中的沉淀以及人们对价值观、文化、艺术等方面理解层次的变化,人文主义最终实现了由敬神到重人的飞跃。  相似文献   

随着深圳进入存量管理时代,城市发展面临诸多问题,包括存量空间功能提升、效益提升再开发受阻、多元主体的改造复杂性提升,以及城市规划体系的局限性显现等.为此,深圳不断寻求城市发展和城市规划的创新发展.基于近年来深圳规划行业对城市发展单元的研究和实践,阐述深圳城市转型背景下,城市发展单元规划作为面向实施、面向过程和面向协调的综合规划,在协商模式、制度政策、开发模式、管理机制等方面的创新与探索.  相似文献   

“新常态”下城市更新治理模式比较与转型路径   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
"新常态"下,城市更新成为我国城市发展的主要方式。城市更新治理转型则是协调多元利益主体和多维政策目标,实现可持续城市更新的基础。但是,当前我国城乡规划领域对于城市更新的治理模式仍未给予足够关注。鉴于此,首先梳理了城市更新治理模式框架,然后分别以2008年以来深圳城市更新、广州"三旧"改造和北京"重点村"改造的治理模式为例,比较各类治理模式的特点和实施效果,最后结合新制度主义理论,提出推动城市更新治理模式转型的适宜途径:一方面,完善法规、政策工具等制度结构,另一方面,提升参与者的参与能力,增强各利益主体之间的互信和沟通。  相似文献   

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