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In the San Francisco Bay Area, where residential rent is among the highest in the United States, an analysis of data from several sources demonstrates that high rent cannot be accounted for by higher quality, higher operating costs, or higher construction costs. At least one-third of the total rent paid is land rent. Despite increases in real incomes, very-low-income tenants in the Bay Area today have less income remaining after payment of rent than tenants did in 1960. High land rent is a long-term feature of the Bay Area rental market that results mostly from its geography, the density of its urban centers, and a strong economy, rather than from regulatory barriers to new multifamily construction. Deregulation is not a sufficient response to the effects of land rent on low-income tenants. Government should subsidize non-profit housing organizations, particularly land trusts that remove residential land from the market. Taxes on land rent would be a particularly appropriate funding source.  相似文献   

Urban developers face frictions in the process of redeveloping land, the timing of which depends on many economic factors. This timing can be disrupted by a large shock that destroys thousands of buildings, which could then have substantial short-run and long-run effects. Studying the impact of an urban disaster, therefore, can provide unique insight into urban dynamics. Exploiting the 1906 San Francisco Fire as an exogenous reduction in the city’s building stock, this paper examines residential density across razed and unburned areas between 1900 and 2011. In prominent residential neighborhoods, density increased at least 60 percent in razed areas relative to unburned areas by 1914, and a large density differential still exists today. These outcomes suggest that thriving cities face substantial redevelopment frictions in the form of durable buildings and that large shocks can greatly alter the evolution of urban land-use outcomes over time.  相似文献   

Grimes GT 《Fund raising management》1993,24(10):22-4, 26-8, 64
Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center and Children's Hospital of San Francisco not only pulled off a major merger but they raised total annual giving by nearly 20 percent to $9.4 million.  相似文献   

旧金山滨水区公共空间设计为我们提供了如何在城市用地功能置换中创造城市公共空间的经验,其成功的方面有:空间的形成模式,创造公共空间活力发动元素,公共交通,场所特性与空间情趣等.同时,其设计也存在不足之处,如绿地空间缺乏活力,空间铺装过于繁琐,连续空间过于单调等.借鉴旧金山滨水区公共空间设计的成功与失败,提出了7条公共空间设计的建议作为研究的结论.  相似文献   

后工业化城市与制造业——以旧金山市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取旧金山这一典型的后工业化城市,从历史的角度,解析了在城市从工业化阶段向后工业化阶段转变的过程中,制造业所经历的结构调整和空间布局变化,归纳了后工业化阶段制造业的五个主要特征。指出在经历结构现代化和外迁之后,制造业虽在后工业化阶段仍具有较重要地位,但已不再能够体现城市的主要功能,面临的挑战非常严峻,其未来走势有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

徐坚 《城市问题》2006,(6):21-25
滇西地区具有独特的山地城市形态结构.这种独特的结构要求在山地城市景观体系建构上,体现出整体景观、边缘景观、重点景观的优化组合.通过对滇西地区的景观环境体系、绿化网络等建设实践的分析,为该地区及相似地区的可持续发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

This is a brief report on a study of world cities in the under‐researched poor countries. Whereas previous work has focused rather haphazardly on one or a few cities beyond the West, this is the first study to systematically cover such ‘second‐tier’ world cities. Fourteen leading authorities from diverse backgrounds bring their expertise to bear on twelve world cities across four continents. Alongside the economic, they consider the political and cultural role these cities play within their regions and at the global level. The study leads to three principal conclusions: (1) these cities are extraordinarily diverse; (2) the city centers have become elite enclaves; and (3) along with the forces of globalization, the state and popular movements are important actors. These findings indicate the need for research that moves beyond the focus on globalization to take into account the multiple forces shaping world cities. And they demonstrate the benefits of overcoming an ethnocentrism in urban studies that privileges Western cities as locales of study and sources of generalization. Ce compte rendu résume une étude sur les grandes villes mondiales situées dans les pays pauvres délaissés par les recherches. Tandis que les travaux précédents s'étaient consacrés, plutôt au hasard, à quelques grandes villes hors d'Occident, cette étude est la première à couvrir systématiquement les villes mondiales ‘de second ordre’. Quatorze auteurs éminents d'appartenances diverses apportent leur expertise à l'égard de douze grandes villes mondiales réparties sur quatre continents. Ces chercheurs s'intéressent non seulement à la fonction économique, mais aussi aux rôles politique et culturel de ces villes au niveau régional et international. Trois conclusions majeures se dégagent: ces villes sont extraordinairement diverses, les centres‐villes sont devenus des enclaves pour élites et, parallèlement aux poussées de la mondialisation, l'État et les mouvements populaires sont des acteurs importants. Ces résultats montrent la nécessité de réaliser des recherches qui dépassent le seul plan de la mondialisation pour tenir compte des forces multiples qui façonnent les villes mondiales. De plus, ils prouvent qu'il vaut mieux s'émanciper de l'ethnocentrisme des études urbaines, lequel privilégie les villes occidentales comme sites d'étude et sources de généralisation.  相似文献   

通过对杭州市城西若干城中村移民聚居空间的考察,从租居空间、商业空间和休闲活动空间三个层面分析了城市移民生活空间的自组织特征及其具有的积极性与弱势性,审视了移民聚居空间的现存价值。通过分析其内在矛盾与发展动力,认为应积极促进该类空间的转型,逐渐消除移民聚居空间的弱势性,以改善其城市融入的多元困境。但这一转型过程应在尽量不增加移民居住和管理成本的前提下进行。否则,过高的生存和生活成本将会迟滞移民的城市化进程。  相似文献   

以西安地区为例,利用能耗模拟程序对不同风向投射角对建筑组团热环境的影响进行了研究。采用依次改变建筑组团朝向与风向之间夹角的方法,建立了适合不同季节要求的算例模型。以全年建筑物能耗最低为判据,定量地阐述了风向投射角对建筑物能耗的影响。研究得到了西安地区建筑组团布局朝向的推荐方案:当建筑物的风向投射角在30度时,建筑物能耗最低;风向投射角在45度或逆时针旋转在15度范围内,建筑物能耗比较稳定。  相似文献   

Flight catering is a complex food service industry that caters to a wide range of airlines. Meals provided to passengers are a measure of in-flight service on an airplane. In the case of the airline industry, flight catering companies are responsible for preparing the meal that flight crews serve it at a voyaging altitude. This case study examines Emirates Kitchen Flight Catering (EKFC), a jointly owned entity of Dubai Civil Aviation (10%) and the Emirates Group (90%). Based on existing literature, international archival reports, company publications and participant observations of EKFC, the paper examines how EKFC reached the top of the catering supply chain by offering the best-in-class quality services and food to its passengers. The paper addresses the persistent growth of EKFC’s operations and investigates relevant strategies that reinforce EKFC’s fundamental competencies through the application of Supply Chain Operations Reference framework. Offering a combination of on-board excellence, quality, and fresh and delicious food while controlling costs across the supply chain is an important differentiator of EKFC’s flight catering business, thereby setting a benchmark for other businesses.  相似文献   

通过构建城市投资效益的评价指标体系,运用模糊评价法对吉林省8个城市的投资效益进行分析,认为,吉林省城市投资效益有待提高,应当加强对城市投资的监管,以促进城市科学发展,防止城市投资引发城市空间极化现象.  相似文献   

轻轨对中小城镇商业发展的影响——以中山市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种大运量、快捷、准点的交通方式,轻轨的建成运营将对相关城镇的客流量在数量、空间分布等方面产生深刻影响,并对城镇发展产生积极的作用.在商业发展方面,轻轨交通的影响主要体现在市场因素、空间因素、竞争因素等方面.在深入剖析轻轨交通对商业发展的影响因素、借鉴地铁商业经验、分析相关预测数据的基础上,就广珠轻轨对中山市城镇商业发展的商业格局、商业规模、商业网点空间分布和商业业态结构等多方面的影响进行了探析.  相似文献   

This study explores the process of global sourcing through a case of the Swedish furnishing retailer IKEA from an interaction perspective. With a point of departure in the streams of existing research on global sourcing and the internationalization process of firms through networks, a research question is proposed concerning supply network interactions as an influence in the global sourcing process. The study uses an in-depth qualitative case study methodology, focusing on IKEA and its development of a supply network for the PAX wardrobe system during the years 2003–2009. The findings draw on 29 interviews in Sweden and China, ranging from interviews with the supply management function of IKEA to interviews with Swedish and Chinese suppliers and sub-suppliers. The findings show that the global sourcing process is influenced by interactions and network effects between supply network actors. In particular, we find that relationships between suppliers were identified and set up by IKEA, but cascaded into deeper interactions amongst suppliers at different supply network tiers. Our study contributes to global sourcing research in indicating the importance of interaction amongst supply network actors, showing how the global sourcing strategy of one actor may significantly influence the sourcing strategies of other actors. Global sourcing decisions therefore need to be understood and coordinated across global supply networks.  相似文献   

刘钺  李夙 《城市问题》2004,(4):15-18
以实证研究的方法,对历史文化名城特色的有关问题进行了探讨.第一部分研究了如何分析和把握名城特色的问题,提出了分层面分析的思想和方法,并在此基础上对长沙市历史文化名城特色进行了具体分析;第二部分研究了名城特色的继承和发扬问题,并结合长沙市的具体情况,对如何继承和发扬其名城特色提出了自己的设想.  相似文献   

In order to offer new services and gain competitive advantages, e-commerce has been widely adopted, particularly in the banking industry. Unfortunately, despite the growing adoption of e-commerce in the banking industry, the issue that web-based B2C e-commerce functionality adoption varies between banks or a bank's branches across nations has not received sufficient attention. Many factors affect e-commerce functionality adoption. However, two national environmental factors (information infrastructure and demographics) are particularly important because they relate to the availability of technologies in use and the characteristics of customers, respectively. This research conducts a cross-country case study of a global bank's Beijing (China), Chicago (USA), and Dubai (UAE) branches to investigate how the two national environmental factors affect e-commerce functionality adoption. The specific objectives are to discover how information infrastructure (measured by number of PCs per 1000 people and Internet access cost) and demographics (measured by population composition and income) affect e-commerce functionality adoption of the global bank's three branches. Secondary data were collected for information infrastructure and demographics; additionally, focused interviews with these three branches' IT and business managers provided sources for answering ‘how’. The key finding demonstrates that the differences in e-mail ordering and online shopping adoptions between these branches are mainly attributed to proposed factors of population composition and Internet access cost, and the new factor of individual credit reference system. This research contributes to theory development in this emerging important research subject.  相似文献   

Introducing new technologies often crush unions; indeed, sometimes that is the purpose. However, the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU), on the US Pacific Coast, demonstrates that need not occur. In 1960, the ILWU and Pacific Maritime Association signed the Mechanization & Modernization agreement (M&M). M&M represented among the first efforts by a union to shape this process—to “get a share of the machine.” Although workers understood that new technologies cannot simply be resisted, tremendous controversy still existed, culminating in the US shipping industry’s longest strike ever. In 1971, members of the San Francisco Bay area’s Local 10 led this strike, having experienced containerization most extensively. Although their numbers plummeted, those remaining maintained power at a strategic point of the global economy. Looking at how these workers managed to survive and partially shape the introduction of a valuable new technology suggests that it, and globalization, need not always destroy unions.  相似文献   

Recent urban scholarship shows how zoning and real estate dynamics shape ongoing processes of gentrification and deindustrialization. While studies demonstrate the impact of planning and property market pressures on the arts, less research has examined their effect on urban manufacturers in gentrifying industrial districts. Given the differential impact of zoning and real estate pressures, our research focuses specifically on how ‘cultural manufacturers’ negotiate changing land use patterns in gentrifying urban industrial areas in San Francisco and Melbourne. Our findings show how cultural manufacturers develop flexible workspace arrangements, business models and professional networks to negotiate urban restructuring and avoid displacement. Though innovative, these survival strategies provide limited ability to navigate structural barriers. Here, the presence of intermediary organizations can help coordinate a strategic response to industrial gentrification and indifferent planning policy. In our research we highlight the everyday practices of adaptation and collective action in an under-researched cultural sector to provide a counterweight to macro-scale transitional narratives. While cities have deindustrialized owing to technological and competitive pressures, to focus exclusively on this misses a range of resilience practices that have sustained manufacturers in restructuring cities.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - Although the smart city literature is continuously increasing these last decades, there is still a need to better understand what make their...  相似文献   

The general similarity of the results of comparative statics in a semiclosed and in a fully closed city have been demonstrated by Pines and Sadka (Journal of Urban Economics 20, 1–20, 1986). The objective of this paper is to determine if the consequences of different forms of public regulation of the urban land market are also invariant with respect to the type of city. The conclusion is that while there are well-defined consequences of such controls on metropolitan area and land values in a semiclosed city, the impacts in a fully closed city are generally ambiguous. Therefore, proposals for the introduction of zoning and density regulation have to be city-specific and take into consideration the pattern of land ownership and the extent of leakage of urban land rent income.  相似文献   

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