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Research underscores the important role a firm's absorptive capacity plays in developing knowledge, promoting open innovation, managing alliances, facilitating organisational learning, creating strategic variety, and enhancing financial performance. However, prior research often overlooks how absorptive capacity could increase a firm's costs associated with building this capacity, perpetuate and even increase inertia because of reduced variety and limited organisational search, handicap internal knowledge development, and complicate knowledge sharing. Research also ignores the growing complexity of absorptive capacity, a factor that could reduce a firm's gains from exploiting external knowledge. Our discussion builds on the knowledge-based view to provide an integrative framework for the performance effects of absorptive capacity. Based on different benefits and downsides of absorptive capacity at multiple levels of analysis, it points to an inverted U-shaped relationship between absorptive capacity and a firm's financial performance, highlighting several promising avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies have documented the emergence of information-based economies in developed countries within Europe, the U.S.A., Japan, and Australia. Casual observations suggest that the newly industrializing country of Singapore is proceeding towards a similar trend. The primary purpose of this paper is to account for the share of Singapore's national product which originates from informational activities. In particular, we define and estimate the size of Singapore's information sector within an input-output framework. Our results indicated that a sizable portion of Singapore's economy is information-based. In view of the significant penetration of informational activities in economic production, advances in communication technology and concomitant improvements in information-handling capabilities are bound to affect factor productivities and incomes with consequences for a country's pattern of employment and production structure. It is anticipated that an economics of communication becomes necessary for an awareness of communication technology as a choice variable in economic planning. We conclude our discussion with an assessment of the admissability of an information sector concept in economic analysis and the usefulness of empirical studies based on such a concept.  相似文献   

This article poses questions about the significance of increased internationalization of science which has developed since the cold war. It deals with three different aspects of present-day science: particle ptpsics, nanotechnology and space exploration. In a simple way, research can be divided into three different froms: information (which, by definition, I call public), knowledge (that is, covered by intellectual property rights (IPR)) and training. Further, I assume that innovation is commercial and thus has a profit motive, in contrast with the scientific goal of enlarging our view of the universe. There is, however, a more fundamental issue which is the realization that the type of accounting economy we have is too naive to develop our society further. Consider figures form the US Department of Commerce-if research is one cost unit, engineering to protogpe is three and full production 20, or even 50 for pharmaceuticals. These figures indicate the present importance placed on rates of return on capital in assessing the effectiveness of research.  相似文献   

引 言在过去的二十年里 ,中国的私有部门已成为推动全国经济发展的重要力量。到 2 0 0 0年底 ,正式注册并雇有 8人以上的私有企业有 1 771 80 0家 ,以家庭为基础的少于 8人的私营实体有 3 2 0 0万家。在 2 0 0 0年 ,较大规模的私营企业雇佣人数超过了 2 40 0万人 ,资本达 1 3 3 3 1亿元。到 2 0 0 0年底 ,以个人家庭为单位的经营实体雇佣人数超过 550 0万。目前还没有关于家庭经营实体的资本和销售额数据 ,但从整个私有部门占GDP的比例来看 ,它们占总产值的 1 /3到 1 /2。私营企业集中分布于沿海地区和中部省份。据现有数据显示 ,到 1 9…  相似文献   

There have been comments recently about the efficacy of Futures Studies (and scenario planning) projects, relating to confusion on knowledge aggregation and methodology, which can be summarised in the question: “how to determine the purpose of such projects”. The lack of a purpose framework makes it difficult for ‘clients’ initiating such projects to determine if outcomes meet their original expectations. This paper proposes a framework to help understand the nature, objective and purpose of Futures Studies (and scenario planning) projects, which we will argue helps to overcome these concerns. The proposed framework is based on Vickers' definition of an Appreciative System, highlighting how decision making involves three areas of judgment — reality judgment, value judgment, and instrumental judgment. It will be argued that decision-makers and policymakers call for Futures Studies projects when they become aware of an organizational deficiency in one or more of these areas.Each element, alone or in combination, could form the basis of a purpose definition for a Futures Studies project, and, therefore, needs to be considered to ensure that the project meets client expectations and is experienced as purposeful and rewarding. The paper elaborates on each of the three elements, and then discusses their integrated nature. This is followed by a discussion of the implications of Appreciative System theory for three key players in the decision making process, the organizational leadership, the professionals and the organization at large involved in the practice of Futures Studies (and scenario planning) projects.  相似文献   

现代公共财政的定位:一种分析框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕炜 《经济学家》2006,4(5):91-98
公共财政是与市场经济相适应的一种财政制度,伴随市场经济体制的演进而成熟,这反映了公共财政的特殊性。与其它经济制度下的财政一样,公共财政的主体始终是国家(政府),伴随政府职能的转变而调整,这反映了公共财政的一般性。仅从市场失灵的角度解释公共财政的职能与定位是不全面的。将现代公共财政定义为市场与政府妥协的产物,在“市场-财政-政府”三位一体的框架中考察现代公共财政的内涵,并将这种分析框架应用于转轨经济国家。  相似文献   


Since Crepon, Duguet, and Mairesse published their ground-breaking article (‘Research, Innovation and Productivity: An Econometric Analysis at the Firm Level’, 1998), the CDM framework has known a large diffusion, despite being published in a non-indexed journal. The present study is an exploration of the spread and recombination of ‘knowledge’ in the ‘CDM universe’, comprising all papers in Scopus indexed journals citing CDM or/and CDM cited papers. We assess first the speed and range of diffusion of CDM and investigate next the ‘origins’ and further ‘genealogical’ make up of the knowledge recombinations within the CDM universe. We find that CDM is cited by a growing number of papers, which spread over a variety of fields, and that it compares very well with the most cited comparable articles in indexed journals in its domain of research. We further find that the CDM universe is mainly constituted of three large clusters and for each of them we are able to identify knowledge paths going from the CDM and earlier cited papers to the subsequent main citing papers. We intend to provide a detailed interpretation of these findings in future work.  相似文献   

Shullanberger G 《Nursing economic$》2000,18(3):124-32, 146-8
The author exhaustively explores the current literature and attempts to summarize the current thinking on how to best decide on the most cost-effective nurse staffing requirements. Between 1984 and 1994 FTE nursing employees decreased by 7.3%, causing some researchers to seek ways to explore the relationship between staffing levels, staff and patient satisfaction and outcomes of care. Satisfaction among staff nurses working in a self-scheduling environment was determined largely by the individual's ability to negotiate for the desired days and shifts and by the nurse manager's ability to stand back from the process and let the staff collaboratively work it out. Work structure related studies seemed to find that 12-hour shifts were reported to be "less fatiguing" than traditional 8-hour shifts. Staffing studies found that rural hospitals still used 0.27 more RNs per occupied bed than urban hospitals and that the presence of a unit secretary was associated with a decreased use of RNs.  相似文献   

This article argues for an extension of the Austrian paradigm of the ignorance of actors. The idea that will be defended here is that actors are not only confronted with their lack of knowledge of the other person but also with their lack of self-knowledge. From this perspective, the article seeks to understand the implications of this phenomenon in terms of infra-individual coordination and to account for the mental processes mobilized by the individual mind so as to deal with that self-ignorance.
Thierry AimarEmail:

This paper applies exogenous shocks to investigate the impact of digital financial inclusion (DFI) on farmers' poverty vulnerability in China. We find that farmers in highly developed DFI areas are less vulnerable to the poverty trap. The result is robust to various checks, including propensity score matching and difference-in-differences method and the instrumental variable approach. Moreover, we find that income diversification is the possible economic channel through which DFI affects farmers' poverty vulnerability. Further analyses show that DFI has a “targeting” effect on those who are poor and vulnerable, and a synergistic effect by working with medical insurance and informal finance in terms of reducing farmers' poverty vulnerability. Our research findings provide new theoretical insights and useful guidance in enhancing financial inclusiveness and sustainable development in the post-COVID-19 era.  相似文献   

Alänge, Jacobsson, and Jarnehammar (1998) presented an analytical framework for studying the diffusion of organisational innovations, based on the developments in literature on technical innovations and their diffusion. The aim of this paper is to examine the validity of the framework. Two exploratory case studies were carried out on the diffusion of the organisational innovation TQM. The case studies showed that the framework is a useful tool for studying the diffusion of organisational innovations. However, factors such as learning processes on a national and international level and the role of fads need further consideration. In addition, factors needed for a long-term commitment such as boards and owners and internal political and cultural systems need to be further investigated. The paper also presents a model for analysing the different phases in a diffusion process.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the methodological and empirical limitations of analysing the potential relationship between complex social phenomena such as democracy and inequality. It shows that the means to assess how they may be related is much more limited than recognised in the existing literature that is laden with contradictory hypotheses and findings. Better understanding our scientific limitations in studying this potential relationship is important for research and policy because many leading economists and other social scientists such as Acemoglu and Robinson mistakenly claim to identify causal linkages between inequality and democracy but at times still inform policy. In contrast to the existing literature, the paper argues that ‘structural’ or ‘causal’ mechanisms that may potentially link the distribution of economic wealth and different political regimes will remain unknown given reasons such as their highly complex and idiosyncratic characteristics, fundamental econometric constraints and analysis at the macro-level. Neither new data sources, different analysed time periods nor new data analysis techniques can resolve this question and provide robust, general conclusions about this potential relationship across countries. Researchers are thus restricted to exploring rough correlations over specific time periods and geographic contexts with imperfect data that are very limited for cross-country comparisons.  相似文献   


Although many studies have recognised the importance of defining specific public policies to encourage technology diffusion, many authors fail to provide a clear view about either the policies that affect the diffusion of technologies or the effect of the different political instruments. Adopting a content analysis of papers that directly or indirectly refer to the diffusion of a new technology, this study applies the integrative propositional analysis (IPA) methodology to: (a) identify the repertoire of the different diffusion policies identified by previous studies; (b) classify these policies according to the type of instruments that they use; (c) analyse the impact of each policy on the different adoption factors that may inhibit or foster the diffusion of a new technology; and (d) evaluate the scope of each type of policy in terms of the number of affected adoption factors.  相似文献   

机制设计理论:基于社会互动的一种理解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于理性选择范式、博弈论和社会选择理论等范式预设和分析工具,通过深入比较分析市场及各类非市场机制和制度对个人理性选择和社会互动的影响,机制设计理论探讨知识分散、选择权利和激励相容约束条件下有助于促进个人、集体和社会利益和谐共振的最优机制.作为一个理解制度的一般性理论框架,机制设计理论在拍卖、税收、政府管制、公共物品供给、投票过程等研究领域得到广泛应用,为人们思考改革开放过程中的机制设计和制度安排提供了一个有益的理论工具.  相似文献   

The article argues for a Marxist geopolitics that moves beyond both critical geopolitics and the discredited classical geopolitics. It underlines the valorisation of territory by capital across three levels of abstraction: that of social infrastructure, class conflict and ground-rent proper. The recent Russian-Ukrainian gas wars are briefly analysed by way of illustrating the application of this distinctive approach to geopolitics.  相似文献   

Most treatments of equilibrium public goods provision assume zero conjectural variations in the sense that each individual regards the behaviour of the rest of the community as independent of his own. This paper introduces nonzero conjectural variations into the model. A diagram is introduced which can depict both the individual's and the community's equilibrium in the presence of nonzero conjectural variations. Equilibrium and optimal outcomes are compared, and a specific functional form is used to investigate the effect of community size on the nature of equilibrium. Finally, we discuss the requirement that conjectures should be consistent.  相似文献   

Stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to reduce the risks of climate change requires a major transition in society's energy infrastructure; yet despite a growing sense of urgency, deployment of alternative emerging energy technologies has been slow and uncertain. This paper proposes a systematic, interdisciplinary framework for the integrated analysis of regulatory, legal, political, economic, and social factors that influence energy technology deployment decisions at the state level to enhance awareness of the interconnections and enable improved energy policy and planning and accelerated change in society's energy infrastructure. This framework, Socio-Political Evaluation of Energy Deployment, (SPEED), integrates analysis of laws, regulations, institutions and policy actors as well as varying regional perceptions and levels of awareness about the risks and benefits of emerging energy technologies to facilitate improved understanding of the complex interconnected components of state energy systems. While this framework has been developed with U.S. states as a model, the SPEED framework is generalizable to other countries with different sub-national structures. We present three research methods that could be applied within the SPEED framework that could be particularly helpful in understanding the integrated socio-political influences on energy technology deployment: (1) policy review and analysis, (2) media analysis, and (3) focus groups and structured interviews with key stakeholders. By integrating the fields of technology diffusion, environmental policy, comparative analysis of states, and risk perception, future empirical research conducted within this SPEED framework will improve understanding of the interconnected socio-political influences on energy technology deployment to enable energy modelers, policy-makers, energy professionals, state planners and other stakeholders to develop and implement more effective strategies to accelerate the deployment of emerging energy technologies.  相似文献   

WEB-IS, Web-based Integrated System, allows remote, interactive visualization of large-scale 3-D data over the Internet, along with data analysis and data mining. In this paper, we discuss the overall structure of WEB-IS. Up until now we have developed three sub-modules geared towards geophysical problems. WEB-IS1 allows geoscientists to navigate through their 3-D geophysical data, such as seismic structures or numerical simulations, and interactively analyze the statistics or apply data-mining techniques, such as cluster analysis. WEB-IS2 lets a user control Amira (a powerful 3-D visualization package) remotely and analyze, render and view large datasets across the Internet. WEB-IS3 is an imaging service that enables the user to control the scale of features to view through interactive zooming. In the near future, we propose to integrate the three components together through a middleware framework called NaradaBrokering (iNtegrated Asynchronous Real-time Adaptive Distributed Architecture, a distributed messaging infrastructure that can be used to intelligently route data between the originators and registered consumers) without regard for time or location. As a result, WEB-IS will improve its scalability and acquire properties of fault-tolerance. WEB-IS uses a combination of Java, C++, and through the use of NaradaBrokering will seamlessly integrate the server-side processing and user interaction utilities on the client. The server takes care of the processor intensive tasks, such as visualization and data mining, and sends either the resulting bitmap image or statistical results to the middleware across the Internet for viewing. WEB-IS is an easy-to-use service, which will eventually help geoscientists collaborate from different sites in a natural manner. It will be very useful in the next 10 years because of the increasing number of space missions and geophysical campaigns.  相似文献   

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