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反垄断规制是促进市场公平竞争和提升经济运行效率的重要手段,可以有效改善市场的收入分配状况。本文构建垄断理论模型,引入权力垄断假定和政府规制,通过理论推导和数值模拟发现:高市场势力企业的平均员工工资高于低市场势力企业,反垄断规制能降低行业的垄断程度,提升低市场势力企业的生产率、利润率和工资水平,缩小高低市场势力企业间生产率、盈利及工资的差距,并且反垄断规制对垄断行业企业间工资差距的缩小作用更大。基于2008年中国实施《反垄断法》这一准自然实验,我们进一步使用双重差分因果识别方法研究发现:反垄断规制显著缩小了行业内企业间的工资差距,且对非自然垄断行业、东部地区、民营企业及重点受规制行业样本组的影响更显著。此外,反垄断规制通过降低行业内企业间生产率和盈利差距,进而减小行业内企业间的工资差距。本研究为市场化改革背景下的反垄断规制如何促进收入合理分配提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

本文首次从企业间工资差距的微观视角评估了西部大开发区域政策的前期实施效果。基于1998-2007年工业企业数据,采用边界匹配的双重差分法,对西部大开发区域政策如何影响企业工资差距进行分析。研究发现:西部大开发区域政策明显缩小了区域间企业工资差距,且2002年之后促进作用愈加明显;西部大开发区域政策缩小企业间工资差距的主要作用机制可总结为:基础设施建设效应、财政补贴效应和税收优惠效应;企业异质性检验表明,西部大开发政策显著促进了国有企业和民营企业员工工资的提升,但对外资企业影响不显著;未来的政策导向应更加注重西部地区的微观企业,并对不同所有制企业进行差异化的政策激励。本文在一定程度上为西部大开发区域政策的实施效果提供了微观经验证据,对当前及未来完善和修正西部大开发区域政策、缩小东中西地区发展差距具有重要的政策启示。  相似文献   

以佛山市的雇主—雇员匹配调查数据为基础,本文讨论了农民工在职培训对企业绩效和员工发展的影响。得出以下结论:在职培训与企业绩效显著正相关,企业培训次数和企业培训支出与企业总产值显著正相关,企业培训次数与主营业务收入也是显著正相关,但在职培训次数与主营业务收入的关系不显著;在职培训可以明显提高员工工资水平,能明显减低员工工作流动性,即接受过在职培训的农民工比未接受的工资更高,而其流动意愿则低一些。  相似文献   

文章构建了国际贸易影响分技能劳动力性别工资差距的理论模型,并运用2011年中国家庭金融调查数据(CHFS)进行均值回归和分位数回归。实证研究结果显示:就总体性别工资差距而言,国际贸易虽扩大了性别工资差距,但对分技能性别工资差距的影响存在差异,贸易对低技能劳动力的性别工资差距有缩小作用,对高技能劳动力的性别工资差距有扩大作用;就不同地区性别工资差距而言,国际贸易提高了沿海地区的工资水平,并有助于缓解该地区的性别工资差距,但对内陆地区工资水平的提高有不利影响;就分技能的分位数性别工资差距而言,在工资分布的不同位置上,国际贸易总是在扩大高技能劳动力的性别工资差距,同时国际贸易有缩小工资分布中的中低端低技能劳动力性别工资差距的作用,这大致印证了上述均值回归的结果。基于以上结论,在贸易促使竞争加剧的背景下,即便高技能女性有时也难以从贸易中获得和男性均等的利益,虽然改善女性的个体特征(如受教育程度)有助于缓解性别工资差距的问题,但只有政府加强对劳动力市场的监管、完善社保制度,才能为解决性别工资差距建立更有效的制度保障。  相似文献   

中国城镇劳动力市场中劳动参与弹性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用微观经济计量方法研究了中国城镇劳动力市场中女性和男性的劳动参与弹性,结果表明:女性劳动供给工资弹性明显大于男性劳动供给工资弹性;随着家庭平均收入水平的提高,个体劳动参与的工资弹性和收入弹性均逐渐减小.因此,设计并实施积极的劳动力市场政策能够有效地促进低收入群体的劳动参与,有助于城镇贫困的削减和收入差距的缩小.  相似文献   

陆万军  邹伟  张彬斌 《南方经济》2019,38(9):97-112
近年来,中国性别教育差距快速缩小并呈现出女性高等教育在校生比重超越男性的现象,文章从生育政策视角对这一现象进行了解释,认为计划生育政策通过改善女性教育获得显著促进了性别教育平等。队列分析显示,生育政策之后的出生队列中女性相对教育水平明显提高,性别教育差距明显缩小。基于生育政策地区差异和出生队列差异构建的双差分模型分析发现,以农村二孩政策地区为参照组,严格的独生子女政策在提高女性相对受教育机会方面更为明显。但相对于二孩政策,一孩半政策在促进性别教育平等方面不存在显著差异,这可能由于在一孩半政策下独女户和双女户数量较少,家庭受性别偏好影响会将资源向男性倾斜,导致政策没有通过控制家庭规模提高女性相对教育获得机会。研究认为,随着中国放松生育政策,农村地区由一孩半政策过渡到二孩政策并不会对女性教育获得产生明显影响,应该关注生育政策调整对严格独生子女政策地区女性教育获得的影响。同时,随着性别教育差距逐步缩小,可以利用劳动力市场政策降低市场性别歧视,进一步提高女性地位并促进性别平等。  相似文献   

内容文章利用非条件分位数回归的分解方法对2011年城市外来劳动力群体的性别工资差距进行了分析.研究发现:(1)城市外来劳动力群体中,性别间受教育程度的差异已经变得不太显著,但在职业方面针对女性外来劳动力的“粘性地板”现象仍然十分突出.(2)人力资本禀赋和就业职业特征对男性与女性外来劳动力工资的影响程度有所不同,不同收入分位数上的影响系数也有明显的差异.(3)性别歧视是造成外来劳动力性别间收入差距的主要原因,而男性与女性劳动者工作经验的差距以及工作经验收益率的差异已经取代教育因素成为了性别收入差距中的突出问题  相似文献   

重工业优先发展战略、城市化和城乡工资差距   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从理论上分析了政府重工业优先发展战略对城市化和城乡工资差距的影响。文章证明,落后国家推行重工业优先发展战略将导致更低的城市化水平和更高的城乡工资差距。在静态框架下,重工业优先发展战略将导致单位资本吸纳的劳动力减少,城市就业水平降低;由于城市吸纳劳动力减少,农业从业人员增加,农村工资水平下降,城乡工资差距拉大;赶超程度越大,城市就业越少,城市化水平越低,城乡工资差距越大。在动态框架下,落后国家推行重工业优先发展战略将降低资本积累率,导致更慢的城市化进程和更持久的城乡工资差距;赶超程度越大,城市化进程越慢,城乡工资差距缩小越慢。  相似文献   

经济的快速发展使得受过教育的女性逐年增加,女性开始追求自身价值。传统要求女性依旧以家庭为中心,而竞争又让知识型女性员工更多的投身于工作当中。女性员工的"双重角色"迫使她们不得不面对比男性更重的工作家庭冲突。本文将利用SPSS对影响企业知识型女性员工工作家庭冲突的因素进行实证分析,提出工作家庭平衡策略供企业参考。  相似文献   

本文采用2012年的行业收入及其相关因素的截面数据并对其进行统计分析,在控制行业特征的情况下研究人力资本特征对行业收入差距的影响。研究发现:①垄断依然是影响行业收入差距的重要因素;②受教育程度对行业工资回报有着很强的正向影响;③从业人员的平均年龄对工资收入差距的影响为负;④我国就业市场中的"性别歧视"现象仍然存在,在高收入行业中男性的比例要大于女性,而女性要进入高收入行业必须要有着更高的学历条件。  相似文献   

本文利用在湖北企业职工收入分配调查中所得到的数据,运用对应分析方法研究企业开展工资集体协商对职工工资决定的影响。实证结果显示,尽管在政府推动下我国一些企业工资集体协商工作已开展起来了,并产生了一定的积极效应,但由于多数企业员工参与不够,真正平等意义上的工资集体协商制度还没有形成,因此,目前企业工资并非是由企业与员工双方平等协商共同决定的。本文最后对这一结果产生的原因做了进一步的分析,并提出应大力加强企业民主制度的建设,加大工资集体协商等相关制度的建设,并通过发挥各级劳动关系的协调作用,营造良好的氛围和社会环境,以促进企业职工工资决定机制的形成。  相似文献   

Using two surveys from 2017, we analyze the gender wage gap for urban workers in Myanmar. We start from a standard wage equation and condition on education, experience, health and a small set of household demographic attributes. Subsequently we control for differences in occupational choice and sector of employment. We estimate the models with sample selection correction and this leads to estimated average wage offers that are lower than the observed average wages for women. Selection into wage work results in a workforce where female wage-workers have higher levels of education compared to their male counterparts. However, average wages for female workers continue to be 29% lower than male average wages. Differences in observable attributes do not account for this gap. Instead, it is associated with a lower base wage and lower remuneration of women’s experience. Going beyond the traditional decomposition methods, we utilize our matched employer–employee survey to generate exact comparisons of female and male production workers with equal levels of education and experience, employed in the same enterprises. Even in this setting, we find a gender wage gap of 13%. Our analysis thus indicates discrimination against women in Myanmar’s labor markets.  相似文献   

The effects of firm and job characteristics on the wages of blacks and whites are analyzed using data from the 1988 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1997]. This study focuses on 2,370 full-time private sector employees. The results show that, first, blacks are disproportionately employed in large establishments despite their lower cognitive achievements. Second, blacks do not enjoy significant wage premiums associated with supervisory positions. Third, although the wage gap between blacks and whites is reduced considerably, controlling for education and cognitive skills, the gap increases significantly when structural attributes are included in the wage regressions despite the large wage premiums associated with employment in large establishments.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have found that the skill wage gap (difference between wages earned by skilled and unskilled workers) narrowed in the case of the ‘Four Asian Dragons’ as they underwent trade liberalization during the 1960s and 1970s, whereas the gap widened in most of the Latin American countries after they liberalized their economies in the 1980s. China's integration into the world economy since 1978 has been used to explain this phenomenon, but few formal studies have been carried out in China regarding the effects of trade liberalization on the skill wage gap because of the limited availability of data. The present study uses unique household surveys conducted in ten provinces of China in 1988 and 1995 to study this issue. Results show that trade liberalization that occurred in China between 1988 and 1995 was responsible for an average increase of 28.73 yuan (approximately 20 percent of the total increase) in average monthly wages. However, trade liberalization significantly widened the urban skill wage gap in China by introducing an increase in income only for those who had 13 years or more of education (at least junior high school graduates). Interestingly, import liberalization also only benefited those who had more than 9 years of schooling; whereas export liberalization brought wage increases for people with 7–12 years of education. Finally, those with specific production skills from technical schools, rather than those with several years of general education, were mostly favored in the labor market in China between 1988 and 1995.  相似文献   

This study compares the wages in the public and private sectors in Japan. In addition to comparing overall wage levels, we examine the differences in the wage structures, specifically, the relative wages by gender, age, education, and region. The size of the public sector wage premium depends crucially on the size of the private companies chosen as the comparison group. Wage gaps by gender and educational attainment are smaller in the public sector than they are in private companies. The public sector's age–wage profile is steeper than that of the private sector. Public sector wages are more compressed. In other words, the wages are relatively higher at the lower end of the wage distribution and relatively lower at the higher end. The regional wage differentials are smaller in the public sector. Here, the wage levels of public sector workers are relatively higher in rural regions and relatively lower in large metropolitan regions. To ensure the efficient provision of public services, it is inappropriate to compare only mean wages.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the “stretching” (increased variance of wages) of the skill distribution during the 1980s explains the growth in within-group white-black wage gaps. The paper also develops a skill-specific decomposition that measures the stretching's contribution to the wage gap's growth at various skill levels of the distribution. The “local” nature of the skill-specific decomposition breaks the correlation between changes in the position of blacks in the white residual distribution and changes in the variance of wages, thus yielding unbiased estimates of the degree to which the stretching explains changes in the wage gap. The paper shows that if the wage distribution's stretching is an important contributor to the overall wage gap's growth, its greatest impact is at the middle and upper portions of the skill distribution. For wage gaps within education and experience categories, the stretching's contribution is greatest at the tails of the skill distributions.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper investigates the extent and nature of distortions in the labor market in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire by using quantile regression analysis on employer‐employee data from the manufacturing sector. We found that the labor markets in Côte d'Ivoire do not seem to be much distorted. Unions may influence employment through tenure but do not seem to influence wages directly except for vulnerable minorities that seem protected by unions. Establishment‐size wage effects are pronounced and highest for white‐collar workers. This may be explained by the efficiency wage theory, so that, even in the absence of unions, segmentation and inefficiencies will still be present as long as firms seek to retain their employees by paying wages above the market clearing level. The inefficiency arising from establishment‐size wage effects can be mitigated by education. Furthermore, the premium to education is found highly significantly positive only for higher education, and not for basic education, indicating that educational policies should also focus on higher education.  相似文献   

Despite a more rapid increase in female work behavior in the 1970s than in the 1980s, the male-female wage gap in the 1970s narrowed one-eighth as quickly as in the 1980s. This paper uses 1972 through 1988 Panel Study of Income Dynamics data to explain why women's wages rose less quickly in the 1970s. It illustrates how new female labor market entrants in the 1970s brought down mean female wages, thereby driving down female wage growth. This decline played itself out in the 1980s as the relative growth in female labor market entrants diminished and as the proportion of women's potential work years actually worked increased.  相似文献   

This study investigates public–private sector wage differentials for male and female waged employees in Pakistan. This is done using latest nationally representative data from the Pakistan Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) 2005. We adopt three methodologies to obtain robust estimates of the wage differential and the results reveal that public sector workers enjoy large wage premia. The gross pro-public wage differential is much larger for women than for men. Our findings also show that while private and public sector workers’ differing characteristics ‘explain’ a larger proportion of the private–public wage gap for men, this is not the case for women.  相似文献   

Employees do play a role in corporate governance as important stakeholders of modern enterprises. In the absence of financial and managerial labor markets in centrally planned economies (CPE), the owner of state enterprises (SOEs) has no effective mechanisms to discipline management. Therefore, the role of employees in corporate governance becomes much more important in SOEs than in the typical capitalist private firm. We posit that low wages and generous benefits in SOEs provide incentives for employees to monitor management. Other employment arrangements, especially lifetime job security and centralized wage scale, are also conducive to the monitoring of management by employees. A formal model shows that benefits tied to firm performance, designed properly, induce employees to monitor management. It also suggests that the existence of a market for managers tends to undermine this mechanism.  相似文献   

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