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王金明 《技术经济》2015,34(5):29-35
使用1998—2010年中国A股上市公司的年度数据,研究了企业规模对专利产出和专利密度的影响。结果表明:发明专利和实用新型专利与企业规模之间存在U型关系,外观设计专利与公司规模呈倒U型关系;三类专利的专利密度都与企业规模之间存在U型关系;企业的知识存量、成立时间、财务杠杆、所有制类型等企业内部因素以及市场集中度、企业所处区域等外部环境因素都对企业的专利产出有显著影响。据此提出企业创新发展路径假说。  相似文献   

The relationship between stock prices and exchange rates has continued to generate interest from both the academia and financial industry players for many years. This study conducts an empirical investigation into the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates for the two largest economies in Sub-Saharan Africa – South Africa and Nigeria. Our methodology accounts for structural breaks in the data and the long-run relationship between stock and foreign exchange markets. The results of multivariate causality tests with structural breaks showed that causality runs from exchange rates to domestic stock prices in Nigeria (flow channel) while in South Africa, no causality exists between domestic stock prices and exchange rates. The results also reveal that there is causality from the London stock market to both countries’ stock markets, thus showing that international stock markets are driving both the Nigerian and South African stock markets.  相似文献   


This study adds to the growing literature on the distributional effects of indirect or consumption taxes in developing countries by exploring whether these taxes have differential gender outcomes. Using data from Statistics South Africa's 2000 Income and Expenditure Survey, the study investigates differences in tax incidence between “female-type” and “male-type” households, classified according to their demographic and economic attributes. The results suggest that zero-rating a well-targeted selection of basic foodstuffs and fuel for household use is important in protecting female-type households, especially those in the lowest quintiles and with children, from bearing an otherwise disproportionate share of the tax burden. In contrast, high taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and fuel for private transport result in a larger incidence on male-type households. The study also suggests ways in which the indirect tax structure could be refined to further reduce the large gender (and income) inequities that exist in South Africa.  相似文献   

Does coethnicity with the President affect public infrastructure provision in South Africa? Using municipal-level data for 52 district municipalities from 1996 to 2016, we find that municipalities coethnic with the President are associated with higher water infrastructure provision relative to non-coethnic municipalities. Taking into account various political considerations, results show that ethnic favouritism occurs due to ethnic altruism. Our findings remain robust to different specifications of coethnicity thresholds and are applicable to electricity infrastructure provision. Results suggest that in order to minimise ethnic favouritism, politically independent institutions should oversee the allocation of funding and provision of infrastructure.  相似文献   

A century ago, Thorstein Veblen introduced socially contingent consumption into the economic literature. This paper complements the scarce empirical literature by testing his conjecture on South African household data and finds that Black and Coloured households spend relatively more on visible consumption than comparable White households. Following the approach of Charles et al. (2009), this paper explores whether the differences in visible expenditures can be explained with a signaling model of status seeking. Moreover, it is assessed to which extent positional concerns motivate conspicuous consumption. Although the socially contingent share in visible consumption increases with income, different incentives to consume conspicuously seem to explain that, at every level of income, Black households spend relatively more on visible consumption than comparable White households. In contrast to the findings of Charles et al. (2009) where differential spending on conspicuous consumption can be found also within each group separately, the model's core hypothesis fails to hold within the group of White South Africans.  相似文献   

Do remittances represent a significant positive determinant of democratic institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa? In this paper, we estimate the effect that remittances have on democratic institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa over the period 1975–2014. Using a 5-year non-overlapping panel sample and controlling for country and time fixed effects, we find that remittances are positively associated with democratic institutions. Our baseline system-GMM estimates indicate that a one standard deviation increase in remittance flows improves democratic institutions by around 0.32 standard deviations. Furthermore, we find that remittances improve democratic institutions by increasing schooling and reducing poverty.  相似文献   

Regional foreign banks expanded quickly over the past decade in developing and emerging countries and have a growing influence in banking systems. We question whether the development of African regional foreign banks, also called Pan-African banks, influences financial inclusion of firms and households. To this end, we combine the World Bank Global Findex database and the World Bank Enterprise Surveys with a hand-collected database on the presence of regional foreign banks. We find that Pan-African banks presence increases firms’ access to credit and limited evidence that they favor financial access of the middle class by restoring confidence in banks. We suggest that this impact is related to the adoption of an aggressive strategy aiming at gaining market shares rather than through the exploitation of informational and technological advantages.  相似文献   

本文采用对外贸易依存度来代表国际化程度,建立了企业创新产出的柯布-道格拉斯知识生产函数,并利用全国30个省(市)2006—2008年的面板数据对国际化如何影响企业创新产出进行了计量分析。实证分析结果表明,国际化是影响企业创新产出的重要因素,但并非所有企业都能从国际化中获益;国际化对中西部地区和东部地区的企业的影响存在很大的差异性,其中对东部地区企业的创新产出有显著影响,而对中西部地区企业的创新产出的影响不大。  相似文献   

原长弘  刘朝  方坤 《技术经济》2009,28(3):27-31,49
以2000—2004年期间获得我国自然科学基金工程与材料科学学部资助的250名高校教师为样本,运用负二项回归分析了其在受资助期间的论文发表数与专利申请数之间的关系。结果表明:高校教师的论文发表数量、发表论文质量、团队人数以及自然基金资助金额与专利申请数间存在正向关系。  相似文献   

This study examines dynamic linkages between exchange rates and stock prices for seven East Asian countries, including Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand, for the period January 1988 to October 1998. Our empirical results show a significant causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices for Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand before the 1997 Asian financial crisis. We also find a causal relation from the equity market to the foreign exchange market for Hong Kong, Korea, and Singapore. Further, while no country shows a significant causality from stock prices to exchange rates during the Asian crisis, a causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices is found for all countries except Malaysia. Our findings are robust with respect to various testing methods used, including Granger causality tests, a variance decomposition analysis, and an impulse response analysis. Our findings also indicate that the linkages vary across economies with respect to exchange rate regimes, the trade size, the degree of capital control, and the size of equity market.  相似文献   

首先回顾了企业规模和企业产出间关系的相关理论研究成果,指出中小企业的创新能力正得到越来越多的认同,继而从衡量企业创新产出的标准出发,分析了中小企业的创新能力不断受到人们重视的原因。此后,以抽样调查数据为基础,深入揭示了我国企业规模同其创新产出总量间的正向关系,并用科学的测度方法证实了中小企业在创新效率及部分行业创新产出方面具有优势。  相似文献   

The debt crisis of the Euro Area in 2010 raised plenty of doubts concerning the sustainability of the monetary union. Eurozone includes economies which have different structural characteristics. This event does not allow the establishment of an optimal currency area. The present research attempts to explore if the join of Cyprus, Malta, Latvia, Slovenia and Slovakia in the Eurozone was in favor of their economies. We used the nominal exchange rates as a financial instrument by combing the Error Correction Model with the Threshold GARCH, ECM-TGARCH. The empirical findings highly support that the EU membership influenced positively the relationship between the euro and the Cypriot Pound, the Latvian Lats and the Slovenian Tolar. On the contrary, we discovered that the join of Malta in the EU had a slightly negative and a long-term impact in the relationship between the euro and the Maltese currency. Finally, the entrance of Slovakia in the EU influenced positively the Slovakian currency. However, the relationship between the euro and the Slovakian Koruna remained negative.  相似文献   

学科声誉对高校教师科技论文产出影响的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
原长弘  王鲜菊 《技术经济》2008,27(10):123-128
本文以2002年获得国家自然科学基金委管理科学部项目的232位高校教师为样本,研究了高校学科声誉对教师科技论文产出的影响。结果发现,高校学件声誉对高校教师基金项目论文的产出数量没有显著影响,而与论文被引证次数呈显著的正相关关系。最后,给出了本研究结果的管理涵义。  相似文献   

基于构建开放经济条件下包含内外部生产要素的多变量生产函数模型,并利用1994-2008年的省际面板数据,实证检验人民币实际有效汇率变动对我国实际产出的作用效应以及区域间的影响差异,结果表明:实际产出对人民币实际有效汇率的弹性系数为-0.179,人民币升值不利于我国的产出增长;与此同时,东、中、西和东北部四经济区域实际产出对人民币实际有效汇率的弹性系数分别为-0.280、-0.080、-0.339和-0.115,人民币升值对四经济区域的实际产出均产生不利影响,但存在着显著差异,且人民币升值会进一步拉大中国东、西部之间的经济差距。  相似文献   

交通基础设施与城市空气污染——来自中国的经验证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探寻现阶段加强交通基础设施能否提升城市空气质量,本文构建理论模型分析了居民效用、交通基础设施与空气污染的相互作用机理,并运用2000—2012年83个城市的面板数据进行实证研究。为控制内生性问题,本文采取反映样本城市地形特征的城市坡度指数作为城市交通基础设施的工具变量,估计了交通基础设施对城市空气质量的影响。研究发现:增加交通基础设施投资能够改善城市空气质量;通过工具变量缓解内生性偏误后,改善作用更加明显,且大于城市机动车保有量增加对空气污染的边际影响;与道路投资相比,道路面积的增长对空气质量的改善效应更好。本文的政策启示是:现阶段城市建设应该注重基础设施建设与生态环境保护并举,通过交通基础设施的供给侧角度,寻找城市空气污染难题的解决思路,实现城市生态文明建设的平衡与充分发展。  相似文献   

谢赤  张媛媛  丁晖 《财经研究》2008,34(3):28-37
文章主要通过研究外汇市场干预操作与货币政策改变之间是否存在相关性,来考察中央银行在外汇市场上进行冲销干预的效果。在央行拥有内部信息,投机者拥有基本面私有信息的条件下,文章使用GARCH时间序列模型,以期货市场上能够反映市场参与者对公开及私有信息理解的投机净头寸(变化)数据作为预期的代理变量展开分析。文章的结论不支持信号渠道,外汇市场上的可预期干预结果更可能与央行期望的干预方向相反,并且过去的投机者净头寸持有量可以促使干预发生。  相似文献   

文章运用多种参数稳定性检验方法研究我国总产出的动态变化路径,发现我国总产出序列具有明显的结构变化特征,获得了我国总产出的结构变化点估计.在此基础上,文章采用具有内生结构变化点的单位根检验方法,结合我国宏观经济运行事实,对我国1952-2005年总产出的动态特征进行了研究,结果发现总产出是围绕多个结构变化点的分段趋势平稳序列,并且准确地给出了自1952年以来的总产出结构变化时间.总产出服从分段趋势平稳过程的结论,对宏观经济运行预测、政策主导下的长期经济发展战略和短期经济稳定措施是否有效,提高宏观管理政策水平以及总产出与其他总量间因果关系的研究具有重要启示.  相似文献   

Traditional macroeconomic models suggest that monetary policy changes are largely ineffective in fixed exchange rate economies. However, Edwards and Végh (1997) present a model that shows this might not be the case, as a tightening in monetary policy raises financial costs faced by firms and therefore lowers real wages and, by extension, consumption. This paper empirically tests this hypothesis using data on a country with one of the longest running fixed exchange rate regimes (1975–present). The results of the study confirm the theoretical predictions of Edwards and Végh, but they also show that the propagation of nominal shocks in fixed exchange rate systems is comparatively slower than in countries with a more flexible exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

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