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基于山东省274位消费者的调查问卷,运用二元Logit模型确定影响消费者无抗猪肉消费意愿的因素,然后运用ISM分析各影响因素之间的关联关系和层次结构。结果显示:消费者无抗猪肉消费意愿并非由某一个或者某些因素决定,而是由消费者对无抗猪肉人体健康作用的认知、对无抗猪肉环境效应的认知、家庭月收入水平、亲朋好友影响、社会宣传影响、消费者的年龄和受教育程度7个因素组成的具有3级层次结构决定的。  相似文献   

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, many evacuees from the Gulf region began the difficult process of deciding whether to rebuild or restart elsewhere. We examine pre-Katrina Gulf residents' decision to return to the postdisaster Gulf region—which we call the “return migration” decision. We estimate two separate return migration models, first using data from a mail survey of individuals in the affected region and then focusing on self-administered questionnaires of evacuees in Houston. Our results indicate that return migration can be affected by household income; age; education level; and employment, marital, and home ownership status, but the results depend on the population under consideration. We find no effect of “connection to place” on the return migration decision. Although the effect of income is relatively small within subsamples, we find a much higher proportion of middle income households planning to return than lower income households when comparing across the subsamples. In addition, the real wage differential between home and host region influences the likelihood of return. Larger implicit costs, in terms of foregone wages for returning, induce a lower likelihood of return. Exploiting this difference at the individual level, we are able to produce estimates of willingness to pay (WTP) to return home. Average WTP to return home for a sample of relatively poor households is estimated at $1.94 per hour or $3954 per year.  相似文献   

张佩佩  李雅静 《科技和产业》2023,23(15):143-148
研究资源型城市居民对空气质量改善的支付意愿及影响因素,有利于进一步推动各地区实行减污降碳。基于山西太原443份调研问卷,利用条件价值评估法测算居民的支付意愿及支付额度,构建二元Logistic回归模型和Tobit模型对支付意愿及支付额度的影响因素进行分析。发现79.2%的受访者具有正的支付意愿,平均支付意愿为28.16元/(月·人),其中受教育程度、家庭总收入、是否患有呼吸系统疾病、本地居住时长、是否关注空气质量以及空气质量对健康危害程度具有显著的正向影响,而性别、年龄、职业、居住位置、对空气质量的现状满意度以及对政府采取措施的满意度影响不显著。为此,应加强环保宣传教育,合理制定支付标准,制定相应的实施政策,以引导居民支付空气质量改善的费用。  相似文献   

This article uses multivariate regression and decomposition analyses to assess household income mobility determinants and their contributions to income mobility in rural China from 1989 to 2006. The findings indicate that households with lower initial income level, higher share of wage income, higher educational level of household members, larger number of non-agricultural employed household members and younger heads are more mobile. Moreover, besides initial income, change in the share of wage income, change in the share of non-agricultural employed household members, and change in average year of education of household members are the most important factors that account for income mobility. These findings necessitate more emphasis on policies that promote non-agricultural employment and education to enhance household income mobility in rural China.  相似文献   

In this analysis of household survey data, households' main income sources are used as indicators of integration into the South African core economy. The allocation of main income sources is studied as the outcome of households' demographic composition, geographic location and earners' characteristics. The emerging picture of household income generation is one that disputes the common perception of African households as raising their incomes from a multitude of sources. The majority of surveyed households rely to a large extent on a single source of income and a single income earner. Separate multinomial logit models are estimated for urban and non‐urban households where, in addition to the considerable association with non‐urban residence, prominent earner covariates of low‐integration income sources are female gender, old or young working age, and low levels of education. Both provincial location and within‐provincial, subregional locations display strong impacts. The study also finds associations between main income sources and households' demographic compositions that are compatible with findings both in studies on private transfer behaviour and in the growing literature on endogenous household formation in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper elicits consumers' preferences associated with attributes of a very popular food product in Asia: red ginseng concentrate. The results of a choice experiment suggest that an asymmetric information problem can cause consumers' preferences and valuation for red ginseng concentrate to be significantly influenced by objective information about the product's attributes. The results imply that while objective information can result in differential changes in valuation for different product attributes, it can increase consumers' willingness to pay for red ginseng concentrate. The paper also discuss important policy and marketing implications from the results of the study.  相似文献   

This study conducts a survey among households in three cities in Ghana on how water delivery should be managed. The contingent valuation method was used to estimate the willingness to pay for improved water delivery under private sector participation. Results indicate that most households will remain connected to their current water supplies if private sector is engaged to improve water delivery at higher monthly water bills. Given that the mean household monthly water bill of GH¢10.82, the results indicate that there is demand for water quality improvement, and private sector engagement is likely to provide these services. However, this policy measure marginalises the poor in terms of access to water. Therefore, private sector participation in water delivery may require a complementary programme to promote access to water.  相似文献   

Conventional methods of measuring historical household living standards are often criticized because of the omission of women's and children's wages and non-wage income; the focus on urban centres; and the exclusion of life-cycle changes in household composition, income, and consumption. This article presents a method that accounts for these issues and applies it to agricultural and textile households in the early-twentieth century Netherlands. It uses total household income, as opposed to the husband's wage, as the enumerator for calculating alternative welfare ratios. The results show that welfare ratios were not only structurally higher than those based on the male-breadwinner model, but also followed a different life-cycle trajectory. Furthermore, household portfolios were diversified and depended on local labour market structures. Thus, the study concludes that analyses based on men's wages only reflect the rough outlines of how households functioned.  相似文献   

There are ongoing debates about whether remittances suppress or increase household income in the migrant-sending areas. The literature has not explained the heterogeneous results in a unified framework. This paper proposes a new concept, remittance capitalization potential (RCP), to conceptualise the possible switch between suppression effect and incentivization effect of remittances in the migrant-sending areas. The theoretical model reveals that remittances suppress household income in the migrant-sending areas when the RCP level is below a certain threshold, while remittances help increase household income in the migrant-sending areas when the RCP level is above a certain threshold. Moreover, the factors that affect the RCP level, such as the level of household human capital, ultimately determine whether remittances exert suppression or incentivization effect in the migrant-sending areas. Using China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) data, this paper adopts the method of instrumental variables to estimate how the level of household human capital alters the effect of remittances on household income from agricultural production in rural China. The models show that in the households with the head agricultural producers who are illiterate or semi-literate, the remittances suppress the agricultural income significantly. In the households with the head agricultural producers who are literate, however, the impact of remittances on the agricultural income switch to be positive significantly. The robustness tests not only support the results from the base models, but also confirm that the level of household human capital works as an influencing factor of RCP and determines whether remittances suppress or increase household income in the migrant-sending areas.  相似文献   

文章以Probit、Tobit回归模型为主要工具,利用来自黄河流域下游山东省464份调查问卷的数据,研究了影响居民生态补偿的支付意愿与支付水平的主要因素。研究表明:影响居民生态补偿支付意愿与支付水平的因素并不完全相同。对生态环境问题的关注程度和性别因素显著影响居民的生态补偿支付意愿,但显著影响居民的生态补偿支付水平的因素是对黄河上游生态环境重要性的认识;另外,显著影响居民生态补偿支付意愿与支付水平的共同因素是对保护黄河上游生态环境需要大量投入的知晓程度和居民年收入。  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(11):1977-1991
Data collected from a 1997 household survey carried out in Accra, Ghana are used to look at the crucial role that women play as income earners and securing access to food in urban areas. One-third of the households surveyed are headed by women. For all households, women's labor force participation is high with 75% of all households having at least one working woman. The high number of female-headed households and the large percentage of working women in the sample provide a good backdrop for looking at how women earn and spend income differently than men in an urban area. Livelihood strategies for both men and women are predominantly labor based and dependent on social networks. For all households in the sample, food is still the single most important item in the total budget. Yet, important and striking differences between men's and women's livelihoods and expenditure patterns exist. Compared to men, women are less likely to be employed as wage earners, and more likely to work as street food vendors or petty traders. Women earn lower incomes, but tend to allocate more of their budget to basic goods for themselves and their children, while men spend more on entertainment for themselves only. Despite lower incomes and additional demands on their time as housewives and mothers, female-headed households, petty traders and street food vendors have the largest percentage of food-secure households. Women may be achieving household food security, but at what cost? This paper explores differences in income, expenditure and consumption patterns in an effort to answer this question, and suggests ways that urban planners and policy makers can address special concerns to working women in urban areas.  相似文献   


Urban communities are heterogeneous and averages mask inequities and deprivations among poor and rich urban communities. This article examines the situation of households residing in two low-income, high-density suburbs of Harare, Zimbabwe. The aim of the research was to contextualise urban poverty by looking at selected urban communities and vertically analysing the patterns and determinants of poverty. A household survey was administered to 1000 households and qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The study found high levels of income poverty and also found differences in poverty experiences between the two suburbs. The major proximate determinants of poverty were large family size; low education level of the household head; lack of income from permanent employment; low cash transfers; and short length of residence in the suburb. Increasing household income consumption can be addressed through scaling-up industries, which would result in more quality employment.  相似文献   

Using Malawian data, this paper answers two interrelated questions: are there rural–urban differences in the factors that influence the probability that a household spends or does not spend on own children's education; and are there rural–urban differences in the factors that affect educational expenditure if a household decides to spend? Computed elasticities indicate that spending on education by rural households is more sensitive to changes in income compared with urban households, suggesting that spending on education in rural areas is a luxury good. In both areas, a mother's employment and education has a larger impact on spending compared with those of a father. Urban households compared with their rural counterparts are more sensitive to the quality of access to primary schools. We find no evidence of gender bias in school spending in urban areas, but rural households exhibit bias in favour of boys.  相似文献   

The recent Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China has started the process of devolving forest management rights from village collectives to households since 2003. In this paper, we study the impact of the reform on rural energy consumption. Devolving forest tenure improves farmers' access to forest products on their newly acquired forestland, and is therefore expected to increase farmers' fuelwood consumption. The reform also allows farmers to adopt some revenue-enhancing forest technologies which may lead to energy switching in farmer households. Our empirical study finds that the devolution significantly increases household fuelwood consumption for both lower and higher income households; the lower income households benefit more. This is welfare-improving in places where alternative fuels are still too costly. We find limited evidence that higher income households in Yunnan begin to substitute alternative commercial fuels for fuelwood when those are available. Our findings suggest further devolution of forest rights, especially in the poor, forest-rich regions.  相似文献   

农村环境治理关乎乡村振兴的成效,农户的参与与否及其参与程度直接影响着农村环境治理的成效。基于农村人口流动的现状,对福建、安徽、陕西三省的529位农户进行了调查,采用双栏模型检验家庭人口流动对农户环境治理支付意愿及其支付额度的影响程度。结果表明,人口流动对农户环境治理支付意愿有显著的负向作用,而对农户环境治理支付额度有显著的正向作用。此外,不同省份区域人口流动对环境治理支付意愿的影响机制不同。  相似文献   

Many household choices in developing economies are correlated with choices of nearby households, because nearby locations have unobserved factors in common and households and their neighbors interact. However, models recognizing these spatial correlations are rarely used because few surveys give exact household locations. In the present paper, we use unusual data from rural Indonesia, where distances between households can be measured, to examine spatial effects in equations for non‐farm enterprises' share of household incomes and food's share of total household budgets. Our results indicate that ignoring spatial correlations in household choices might cause bias and inferential errors and could distort recommended policy interventions aiming to raise living standards in rural Asia.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to analyse the possibilities of Finnish households saving and their consumption patterns in the beginning of the 1950s. As a tool for this analysis, the article estimates unbalanced sector accounts and private consumption for 1950s Finnish households. These accounts allow analysing the structure of the Finnish households' income and the structure of household consumption. As these accounts are estimated for the whole country and in addition for three different categories of municipalities, they allow an analysis of welfare differences between different regions. This article is not limited to the macro analysis. Based on the individual replies of the cost living studies, some households are analysed in more depth to get a broader view on their way of living. The analysis of individual household replies is also based on the sector accounts, i.e. accounts similar to those on the aggregated level are estimated for individual households.  相似文献   

The loss of targeting efficiency due to information asymmetry is a longstanding problem in aid programs. China's Targeted Poverty Alleviation (TPA) program addresses this problem by assigning local government officials to individual impoverished households. These officials, referred to as poverty alleviation coordinators (PACs), are required to pay frequent home visits to the assigned households and to deploy policy resources for poverty reduction. The program is costly in terms of human resources because the officials also have regular duties in a variety of departments. We investigate the effects of the PAC system on poverty alleviation and explore the mechanisms of the effects. Based on the Chinese Poor Population Tracking Dataset and econometric analysis, we find that the households with a larger income increase are those whose PACs work in a department that has the type of resources needed by the household. This indicates that a good match between the resource and the need could enhance the effect of the TPA program. In addition, PACs at a higher position in the governance structure show a larger income increase in their assigned households, which is expected, because a higher position could have more resources to deploy. These findings shed light on role of institutional arrangements in alleviating information asymmetry in poverty reduction programs.  相似文献   

Economic reforms in rural China have brought opportunities to diversify both within-farm activities and off-farm activities. Participation in these activities plays an important role in increasing rural households' income. This paper analyzes the factors that drive rural households and individuals in their income-source diversification choices in a Northern China township. At the household level, we distinguish three types of diversification as opposed to grain production only: within-farm (non-grain production) activities, local off-farm activities, and migration. We find that land availability stimulates on-farm diversification. Local off-farm activities are mostly driven by households' asset positions and working resources, while migration decisions strongly depend on the household size and composition. At the individual level, we analyze the determinants of participation in three different types of jobs as compared to agricultural work: local off-farm employment, local self-employment and migration. We find a clear gender and age bias in access to off-farm activities that are mostly undertaken by male and by young people. The households' asset positions as well as village networks are found to strongly affect participation in off-farm activities.  相似文献   

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