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金融自由化、危机和救助:拉美和东亚对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拉美和东亚国家多数存在金融压制问题,在发展过程中,这些国家普遍开始进行金融自由化,拉美和东亚各国的金融自由化指数显示了各地自由化的不同特点。自由化可能造成新型的双重危机,即银行危机和货币危机同时或相继发生,危机发生后,政府有多种援助手段可用,但与之相关的各种成本很高,危机的影响也将持续数年,中国应吸取拉美和东亚邻国在金融自由化和危机处置方面的经验教训,从而在金融自由化过程中保持稳定。  相似文献   

This article examines the historical records of poor economic performance of Latin America compared to East Asia's relative success in the 1970s and 1980s. Although both regions adopted similar postwar protective inward-oriented development strategies, their experiences and economic outcomes diverged significantly in subsequent years. Some have argued that East Asian countries outperformed Latin American ones because they implemented appropriate policies that were adaptive to changes in the global market scene. This study shows that the respective sociopolitical and institutional environment of the two regions was also an important factor contributing to their economic outcomes. A growth model augmented with policy-driven and sociopolitical variables is developed. Using data for selected countries in both regions, the results confirm the hypothesis of a negative direct (efficiency) effect of sociopolitical instability on growth, with an additional indirect (accumulation) effect through investment, irrespective of a country's location. Policies adopted by governments, particularly to control inflation and foreign indebtedness and to enhance economic freedom and human capital accumulation, appear crucial for stability. Such policies influenced economic performance through both the direct and the indirect channels. (JEL B25 , E13 , F43 , H19 , O57 )  相似文献   

This paper examines wage inequality in the manufacturing sector for a panel of Latin American and East Asian economies during the last three decades. A labor supply and demand model is presented where three main determinants of wage inequality are investigated: trade openness, technology transfer, and labor supply. Findings indicate that wage inequality in the two regions has responded differently to the various determinants enumerated above. Some lessons from the comparative experience of the two regions are drawn.  相似文献   

通过对东亚和拉美的外汇储备累积问题进行研究.得出全球产业转移所导致的贸易规模扩大和经常帐户盈余积累等实际因素是新兴市场外汇储备增长的主要决定因素的结论.东亚比拉美有更多外汇储备的原因是两个地区发展模式的差异所致.东亚依附于重商主义的出口导向战略不仅能够增加出口,且获得经常帐户盈余的稳定性也要强于拉美.但东亚的新兴工业化经济体在外汇储备积累上却表现出了一定的预防性动机.  相似文献   

We address the question whether sub-Saharan African countries have lower average growth rates in real GDP per capita than countries in Asia, Latin and Middle America and the Middle East. In contrast to previous studies, countries are no a priori assigned to clusters based on geographical location. Instead, we propose a latent-class panel time series model, which allows a data-based classification of countries into clusters such that within a cluster countries have the same average growth rate. Our empirical results suggest that three clusters are sufficient to describe the different growth paths. Twenty-six African countries belong to the low growth cluster, but 8 African countries show growth rates comparable with many countries in Asia, Latin and Middle America and the Middle East.  相似文献   

从技术进步视角看,"东亚奇迹"是东亚各国通过"雁阵"技术转移,将外生性后发优势转化为内生能力优势的结果.工业化的东亚模式,不仅强调技术引进消化,同时强调自身能力构建和国际市场导向,从而有利于缩小与国际先进技术水平的差距.而拉美国家通过出让国内市场、换取国际投资,节省了技术研发投资和市场风险,却断送了自主技术研发和自创品牌的机会,忽略技术的内生化发展,因而难以形成"自我维持性增长"循环.  相似文献   

This article provides a formal assessment of the interplay between structural and institutional change. We highlight the sharp contrast between societies whose past experiences condition them to regard innovative change with antipathy and those with favourable attitudes. Using Thirlwall's law as the connecting bridge, we present empirical evidence relating attitudes and the productive structure for a sample of 20 Latin American and 14 Asian countries between 1980 and 2014. Our findings are formalised in terms of two agent-based models. The first admits multiple equilibria and is used to discuss the experiences of modern Latin America and Asia. Allowing for feedback effects from growth to attitudes towards change, the second model shows how a complex economy might be associated with a better distribution of power. It is demonstrated that endogenous cyclical trajectories may arise, providing further insights on the nature of structural and institutional change.  相似文献   

This paper conducts country‐panel econometric analysis with a focus on the different roles of scientific and technological knowledge on economic growth and on the knowledge production functions. It finds that it is not scientific knowledge (academic articles) but technological knowledge (patents) that matters for economic growth, and that generating scientific knowledge does not automatically lead to the generation of technological knowledge. We find that technological knowledge is primarily determined by corporate research and development efforts, which used to be more lacking in Latin American countries, compared with East Asia. This finding sheds new light on the question of why Latin American and East Asian countries have shown such divergent economic performances.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of financial liberalization on bank efficiency, using data for a sample of over 4000 bank-year observations from ten emerging economies for the period 1991–2000. We use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to calculate bank efficiency at the individual bank level. Bank efficiency measures are then aggregated at the country level to investigate the relationship between financial liberalization and bank efficiency, using a panel least square fixed-effects model. Overall, we find strong support for the positive impact of financial liberalization programmes on bank efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of technological opportunity and cumulativeness in the evolution of technological specialization patterns (TSP) in catching-up processes. Concretely, I assume that opportunity induces mobility while cumulativeness leads to diversification and stability. The empirical analysis uses patent data indicators for nine Asian and Latin American countries between 1978 and 2012. The paper shows that, during economic liberalization (although with different timings), emerging countries caught up and redefined the path of technological accumulation for Asian and Latin American countries. With the exception of Hong Kong, all the countries increased their technology share, but they ran in different directions. Asian countries made greater relative efforts in dynamic technologies, while Latin American countries focused on stagnant technologies. In this sense, Asian countries achieved a more successful performance, building new technological bases and taking a technological leap in some of the more dynamic technologies. Meanwhile, Latin American countries left their technological bases unchanged. The paper also shows that, at the beginning of the catching-up cycle, the TSPs were turbulent. Afterwards, cumulativeness in the technological choice induced the diversification and stabilization of the TSPs.  相似文献   

王怀民 《经济经纬》2007,(2):50-53,77
台湾地区、韩国加工装配活动成功和智利、阿根廷成效差异的原因,在于发展战略、政策环境、劳动力市场发育程度与外部环境差异等等;东亚由加工装配活动成功向加工贸易活动转变,而东南亚成效不佳的原因,在于后向联系和技术溢出方面的差异;中国大陆的加工装配活动是成功的,已在增加就业、增加国民收入与缩小收入差距、平衡国际收支和技术转移方面发挥了积极作用,沿海地区加工装配产业在比较优势将消失的趋势下,向中部地区转移这些产业并同时实现产业升级将是最优选择.  相似文献   

Latin American regional governance today represents a conglomerate of commercial, political and trans-societal welfarist integration projects. In this overlapping and sometimes conflicting scenario what Latin Americanness should mean, and how integration projects should respond to current challenges of global political economy are being redefined. The focus of the paper is twofold: to better understand current regional transformations and to discuss what new developments mean for how we theorise non-European regionalism. Looking at the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas and the Union of South American Nations we ask: How are we to understand regional agreements that are grounded in different systems of rules, alternative ideas and motivations that contest ‘open regionalism’? We argue that Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) represent different pathways to regional building, creating foundations for post-hegemonic and post-trade regional governance. We thus challenge New Regionalist approaches that assume regionalism as taking place within and modelled by neoliberal economics, establishing the debate around ‘old’ vs. ‘new’ regionalism. As these categories are limited in grasping the full meaning and implications of post-hegemonic regional orders, we discuss UNASUR and ALBA as ‘arenas for action’ to understand divergent practices, outcomes and types of regionness emerging in alternative regional spaces in South America.  相似文献   

In this study, we adopt Wang’s (2002) heteroscedastic stochastic frontier model, which allows us to investigate bank cost efficiency and to measure the marginal effects of some variables on both the level and the variability of inefficiency. In recent years, the financial crisis has significantly affected the banking systems of the transition countries. Hence, the efficiency is of major importance for the stability of the banks. Regarding the determinants of efficiency, we find evidence that banks that follow a more cautious strategy, characterized by lower risk appetite and average expectations on profitability, have higher cost efficiency. We also find that traditional deposit-taking and loan-making still remain the most efficient activity of the banks. Additionally, the results showed that a higher Gross Domestic Product growth rate implies an increase in the inefficiency level, indicating an unsustainable bank management behaviour, which in periods of economic growth adopts policies that can generate inefficiency in order to gain market share and to obtain higher bonuses. Country cost efficiency results show significant differences. The banking systems in transition countries in South Eastern Asia appear to have a higher cost efficiency level. Also, the effects of the financial crisis were less significant in this region.  相似文献   

In this paper I analyse the role of openness and globalisation in Latin America's economic development. The paper is divided into two distinct parts: I first ( Sections 2 to 4 ) provide an analysis of 60 years of the region's economic history, that go from the launching of the Alliance for Progress by the Kennedy administration in 1961, to the formulation and implementation of the market oriented reforms of the Washington Consensus in the 1990s and 2000s. I conclude that Latin America's history has been characterised by low growth, high inflation and recurrent external crises. In Section 5 I deal formally with the costs of crises and I estimate a number of variance component models of the dynamics of growth. I find that external crises have been more costly in Latin America than in the rest of the world. I also find that the cost of external crises has been inversely related to the degree of openness.  相似文献   

Recent papers by Behrman and Vogel, using a simple monetary model, have provided evidence that the price adjustment mechanism in Latin America is characterized by a lagged response to money supply changes which may seriously impede stabilization efforts. In both studies the response to income changes is also drawn out in time. This note re-examines and expands on this evidence, finding that the model only performs well for the high inflation countries and that in these countries price adjustment for both the money supply and real income appears to be virtually complete within the current year.  相似文献   

Drawing on recently-available microdata from financial surveys, this paper presents harmonized indicators for household wealth, its components, and its determinants in four Latin American countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay), using Spain as a comparison benchmark. The paper analyzes the relationship between wealth indicators and sociodemographic characteristics of household heads (age, education, gender, marital status). For Uruguay, we are also able to analyze wealth patterns and intergenerational mobility (inheritance, family businesses and parental education).  相似文献   

This article analyses the overall profitability efficiency (PE) of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Latin America. The PE of each MFI in the study is broken down into two components: pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. One data envelopment model is used to analyse each component. Each MFI was labelled as either a bank, cooperative and credit union, nonbanking financial institution or non-governmental organization, and then the analysis was performed on each separate group. The results suggest that, on average, banks are the most efficient MFIs; while NGOs are, on average, the least efficient MFIs. On average, all 4 groups are more pure technically efficient than scale efficient. Banks, nongovernmental organizations, nonbanking financial institutions, cooperatives and credit unions all seem to have problems with scale efficiency. Many MFIs seem to be operating on the increasing returns to scale frontier and are in a more favourable position for expansion.  相似文献   

Much has been written in recent years about the undue (and potentially adverse) emphasis of orthodox economics on GDP growth. Far less attention has been paid to the growing quantity bias in orthodox economics, and to the ever increasing fascination in broader society with numbers and quantitative data. We contend that the GDP growth bias is inextricably linked to the quantity bias and, moreover, that orthodox economics has catalyzed and reinforced this relationship of cumulative causation. In this context, we find instrumental valuation to be important both in helping identify the quantity bias and in critically analyzing and evaluating it.  相似文献   


The objectives of this study are to examine the relationship between the terms of trade and trade balance to GDP ratios for a large number of developing economies using data on barter terms of trade, real exchange rate and trade balances. The literature on the subject postulates J-curve or S-curve between terms of trade and trade balance and we examine whether there is any evidence of a J-curve or S-curve relationship in time series data over the period 1970–1999. We find that for a few economies in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the existence of a S-curve is supported. However, for a large number of countries, neither a strict J-curve nor S-curve relationship holds.


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